Islam: A Guide for Jews and Christians - Electric Scotland

Islam: A Guide for Jews and Christians - Electric Scotland

Islam: A Guide for Jews and Christians - Electric Scotland


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the promise. No, the Lord insists, Ishmael will be the father of a<br />

great nation, but it is the son of Abraham <strong>and</strong> Sarah who will<br />

inherit. Abraham has himself, Ishmael, <strong>and</strong> the other males of his<br />

household, kin <strong>and</strong> slaves, circumcised without further comment<br />

(Gen. 17).<br />

The promise will be offered once again by God be<strong>for</strong>e it is finally<br />

fulfilled in Isaac’s birth in chapter 21 of Genesis. Sarah <strong>and</strong> Hagar<br />

are still at odds, however, <strong>and</strong> it is at Sarah’s insistence that Hagar<br />

<strong>and</strong> her son Ishmael are driven out of Abraham’s camp near Beersheba<br />

to w<strong>and</strong>er in the desert, where the child would surely have<br />

died had not God heard Hagar’s prayer <strong>and</strong> caused the miraculous<br />

appearance of a well. “God was with the child,” the account concludes,<br />

“<strong>and</strong> he grew up <strong>and</strong> lived in the wilderness of Pharan”<br />

(21:20–21).<br />

This is almost the last we hear of Ishmael in the Bible. Ishmael<br />

himself marries an Egyptian wife (Gen. 21:20–21), <strong>and</strong> one of his<br />

daughters marries Esau (Gen. 25:13–15), from whom the Edomites—later<br />

the Idumeans—of the Negev are descended. In Genesis<br />

25:9 Ishmael is somewhat unaccountably present with Isaac to<br />

bury Abraham at Hebron, <strong>and</strong> there is a list of his sons in Genesis<br />

25:12–18. They dwell somewhere to the east of the Israelites.<br />

Ishmaelites <strong>and</strong> Arabs<br />

Although at his death, at age 137 (Gen. 25:17), Ishmael disappears<br />

from the Bible, he remained in the consciousness of the <strong>Jews</strong>. We<br />

cannot follow the full gestation of the story, but we can read its<br />

denouement. The source of Genesis may have thought the Edomites<br />

of the Negev, one of Israel’s inveterate enemies, were the nation<br />

descended from Ishmael, but a later generation of <strong>Jews</strong><br />

thought otherwise. The second-century b.c.e. Book of Jubilees,<br />

which is largely a retelling of Genesis from a slightly different perspective,<br />

in<strong>for</strong>ms us that Abraham be<strong>for</strong>e his death summoned all<br />

his sons <strong>and</strong> gr<strong>and</strong>children, including Ishmael <strong>and</strong> his twelve offspring,<br />

<strong>and</strong> bade them to continue to observe circumcision, to

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