Islam: A Guide for Jews and Christians - Electric Scotland

Islam: A Guide for Jews and Christians - Electric Scotland

Islam: A Guide for Jews and Christians - Electric Scotland


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from all their pre-<strong>Islam</strong>ic associations, pagan or Jewish, since<br />

those earlier holy days were seasonal. The <strong>Christians</strong> broke their<br />

religious ties to the past, <strong>and</strong> redefined themselves, by going solar;<br />

the Muslims, by dropping intercalation.<br />

The Enshrinement of Jerusalem<br />

Holy cities like Mecca have always invited the politically minded<br />

to gain some political advantage by making public <strong>and</strong> visible investment<br />

in the place, particularly its holy locales. David, Solomon,<br />

<strong>and</strong> Herod all engaged in such enterprises in Jerusalem,<br />

with varying results, as did various Muslim rulers in Mecca <strong>and</strong><br />

Medina as well as Jerusalem. But the two who achieved the most<br />

lasting effects in Jerusalem, if not to their reputation, then to the<br />

city, were David <strong>and</strong> Constantine. Each took a settlement that was<br />

not particularly regarded by their subjects <strong>and</strong> converted it into<br />

something very different. David’s achievement is quite complex in<br />

that it had both political <strong>and</strong> religious results that last to this day.<br />

By moving himself <strong>and</strong> his court there <strong>and</strong> by bringing the Ark of<br />

the Covenant into the town <strong>and</strong> making arrangements <strong>for</strong> its permanent<br />

housing there—though his son Solomon actually built the<br />

dazzlingly sumptuous House of the Lord—the king of Israel made<br />

the Jebusite settlement of Jerusalem into the political <strong>and</strong> religious<br />

capital of the Israelites. It has always remained such <strong>for</strong> the <strong>Jews</strong>,<br />

even absent both sovereignty <strong>and</strong> shrine from that place.<br />

David was only the second king of Israel, but Constantine rested<br />

on even less certain terrain: he was the first Christian emperor of a<br />

political enterprise, the Imperium Romanum, that stretched, in<br />

one <strong>for</strong>m or another, a millennium into the past, a thous<strong>and</strong> pagan<br />

years by Christian reckoning. In the 330s, at Constantine’s express<br />

comm<strong>and</strong>, the site of Jesus’ execution <strong>and</strong> burial, which had been<br />

outside Herod’s wall on that side of the city but now lay well<br />

within the Roman city, was excavated <strong>and</strong> cleared. Not only was<br />

the site found, but in the excavation were discovered three crosses,<br />

one of which was miraculously demonstrated to be Jesus’ own.

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