Islam: A Guide for Jews and Christians - Electric Scotland

Islam: A Guide for Jews and Christians - Electric Scotland

Islam: A Guide for Jews and Christians - Electric Scotland


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196 t CHAPTER EIGHT<br />

ples who have received a genuine revelation; dhimmi is a peculiarly<br />

Muslim politico-theological category <strong>and</strong> refers to those People of<br />

the Book who have been offered <strong>and</strong> accepted the dhimma <strong>and</strong> live<br />

with its protection under Muslim sovereignty in Muslim-ruled territory,<br />

the so-called Abode of <strong>Islam</strong> (Dar al-<strong>Islam</strong>). People of the<br />

Book may be found inside <strong>and</strong> outside the Abode of <strong>Islam</strong> dhimmis<br />

only within it.<br />

Note: The <strong>Christians</strong> recognized no such affinity with <strong>Islam</strong>. They<br />

permitted the Muslims to live at peace among them (however briefly)<br />

<strong>for</strong> social <strong>and</strong> economic, not theological reasons, <strong>and</strong> one group of<br />

them, the Muslims living under Christian sovereignty in Spain, underlines<br />

the religious <strong>and</strong> theological significance of the dhimma. The<br />

dhimma concluded by the Muslims with their Christian <strong>and</strong> Jewish<br />

subjects was a religious pact, guaranteed by God <strong>and</strong> sanctioned by<br />

the practice of the Prophet himself; as such it <strong>for</strong>med part of the body<br />

of the sharia, the canon law of <strong>Islam</strong>. The <strong>Christians</strong>’ arrangement<br />

with their Muslim subjects in Spain, in contrast, was a political agreement<br />

concluded by secular authorities as an affair of state. It could be<br />

abrogated by the dictating party, as it shortly was in fact by Ferdin<strong>and</strong><br />

<strong>and</strong> Isabella in 1502 with respect to the Muslims living in Castile,<br />

who were then, absent any statute, given the inevitable choice between<br />

exile, death, or conversion. The same choice was extended in<br />

1526 to cover the far more assimilated Muslim dhimmis living in the<br />

Christian Crown of Aragon. We do not know how many Muslims<br />

chose death in the aftermath of the abolition of their tolerated (Sp.<br />

mudéjar) status, but many did in fact leave <strong>for</strong> Muslim-ruled North<br />

Africa <strong>and</strong> others converted to Christianity.<br />

The Millet System<br />

The dhimma defines <strong>and</strong> regulates the status of the People of the<br />

Book living under Muslim sovereignty. It makes no distinctions,<br />

however, among them: <strong>Jews</strong>, <strong>Christians</strong>, <strong>and</strong> later, Zoroastrians,

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