Islam: A Guide for Jews and Christians - Electric Scotland

Islam: A Guide for Jews and Christians - Electric Scotland

Islam: A Guide for Jews and Christians - Electric Scotland


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“There Is No Coercion in Religion”<br />

This celebrated phrase is the Quran’s own (2:256), <strong>and</strong> as an apparent<br />

charter of religious tolerance, it is often cited in modern<br />

discourse on that subject. But as occasionally occurs in the Quran,<br />

other statements on the subject suggest a different view, most famously<br />

perhaps the comm<strong>and</strong> to “Fight against those who do not<br />

believe in God or in the Last Day, who do not <strong>for</strong>bid what God<br />

<strong>and</strong> His Prophet have <strong>for</strong>bidden or practice the true religion,<br />

among those who have been given the Book, until they pay the<br />

poll-tax from their h<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> are humiliated.” The last phrase is<br />

open to some interpretative doubt, but the general thrust of the<br />

verse is clear: the People of the Book must be fought until they<br />

capitulate <strong>and</strong> pay the tribute required of the conquered. The verse<br />

does not say what is to occur if they do not capitulate, but that is<br />

equally clear from the parallel case of the pagans. The Quran gives<br />

no instruction on this subject, but there was a well-known Prophetic<br />

report that addressed it rather precisely. It was passed down<br />

on the authority of Ibn Abbas, a very much younger cousin of the<br />

Prophet.<br />

I asked [the Prophet]: “If the Arab polytheists refused to adopt <strong>Islam</strong>,<br />

do you think they would be allowed to make peace with the<br />

Muslims <strong>and</strong> become dhimmis?” He replied: “They would never be<br />

allowed to do so. They would be invited to accept <strong>Islam</strong>. If they<br />

became Muslims, that would be acceptable on their part; otherwise<br />

they would be <strong>for</strong>ced to surrender because it has been related to us<br />

that such was the ruling <strong>and</strong> they should not be treated like other<br />

unbelievers.” [I then asked:] “If [they refused to capitulate <strong>and</strong>] the<br />

Muslims attacked them <strong>and</strong> took their women <strong>and</strong> children as captives<br />

<strong>and</strong> their men as prisoners of war, what would be the ruling<br />

concerning them?” He replied: “The women <strong>and</strong> children would<br />

become booty <strong>and</strong> be divided up as spoil, out of which a one-fifth<br />

share would be taken; but of the men, those who adopt <strong>Islam</strong><br />

would be free, but those who refuse to adopt <strong>Islam</strong> would have to<br />

be executed.”

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