Translation 2816

Translation 2816

Translation 2816


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<strong>Translation</strong> Series No. <strong>2816</strong><br />

Freshwater phytoplankton, taxonomy and biology. Part III:<br />

Cryptophyceae, chloromonadophyceae, dinophyceae. Second edition,<br />

with revised treatment of the Chloromonadophyceàe by B. Fott, and<br />

the latest bibliography<br />

by G. Huber-Pestalozzi<br />

Original title: Das Phytoplankton des Suesswassers, Systematik<br />

und Biologie. 3. Tell: Cryptophyceae, Chloromonadophyceae,<br />

Dinophyceae. 2. Auflage mit Neubearbeitung der<br />

Chloromonadophyceae von Professor Dr. B. Fott, Prag, und<br />

neuestem Literaturverzeichnis<br />

From: Die Binnengewaesser. Einzeldarstellungen aus der Limnologie<br />

und ihren Nachbargebieten. Band XVI. 3. Tell. 2. Auflage.<br />

(Inland Water. Separate Treatments from Limnology and<br />

Related Areas. Vol. 16, Part III. Second Editon<br />

pp. 15-290 passim, 1968<br />

Translated by the <strong>Translation</strong> Bureau( JJJ)<br />

Multilingual Services Division<br />

Department of the Secretary of State of Canada<br />

Department of the Environment<br />

Fisheries Research Board of Canada<br />

Great Lakes Biolimnology Laboratory<br />

Burlington, Ont.<br />

1973<br />

60 pages typescript

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G, Htaber--Pestal.ozzi<br />


s:resh,•rater PhJtap7_anlctonp Taxonomy and Lio7.og.,f. Part III:<br />

Gryptoph;rceae. Chloromonadophyceae, 1a1-nonhycz ae. Second edi ti on9<br />

with revised ^-rec`ittnent, of the Chl.oromonadophycean ''ay B. Fott, and<br />

the 1.ate,str bi.b1og<br />

TITLE IN FOnE1GN LANGU,aGr (T:?ANSLITER..TE FOREI•^H Ci;iRA^lchS) .1,-I c)<br />


NIljy+op7lnnVta`Z (i e S ',<br />

IeUSjY a^.3 b-J^;2 vr<br />

u^JS1t^Iila^)^^^ und Bial.o€;J.e• 3. ^.^ell. l;rÿpUOphyce'c,el, (?h}.Oror)anaclol,r.yeF.,a^',<br />

noph,yrca.e. 2., Auflage Mit Neubearbeitung der ;;hloro-moziaclcphyceae<br />

von â•roi'essor Dr. B. Fott, ïrrag, und neuesteri TJit.F)ratiz_r_V^r.,eic::ni.s^<br />



Die Binnengewaesser. Linzel.darsteliungen aus der Ilimnol.offil: tu-id<br />

ihren I1T^^ch^>ar^;,:bà etc:z^^ Band XVIa 3. 'a:ei1.. 2 o Auf>.rage^.<br />


Tnl ^^ti`^ ;iC4 V Vi^ cik iii:par ^k. tc ^ï s câ t+ii^L_1 t^iÉ^ il tJlll L.LL1IlU1.C)^^^f<br />

and l^ela^i.od Areas. Vol.. 164 Part :^;^s.. Second edition.<br />

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141338 German ,3Jj 0 CT 2 9 ^^î U^<br />

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Title: -Das i'hutopl.ankton des Sue-s:swa:s,sers, SJste>.;iatik<br />

und Biologie. 3. Teil: Cryptophyceae, Ç;hl.oromonad.ophyceae, Dinophyceae.<br />

2,. Auflage mit Ne,ubearbeitun^ d^r t;nloroLnonadophyceae von<br />

Profe.ssor D.s. B. Fott, Prag, und neuestem :Lxte.ratsirverzeichnis.<br />

Reference:<br />

Die Binnengewaesser.. Finzei darstei -lungen aus der<br />

Limnologie und ihren Nachhargeb^jeten. -Band XVI. 3. `r.eil. 2. Auflage.<br />

^1&1.ish Ti.tle: Freshwai;er YhytoPle:nk-ton, Taxonomy and Biology.<br />

Part III: Çryntophyçeae, Chloromonadophyçeae, 7)znoph;rçPae.<br />

Second edition, with -rozTised -treatment of 'the Ch-loromonadophyceae<br />

by B. Pott, and the latest bibliography.<br />

by<br />

C. Huber--Pestalozzi<br />

At this timep<br />

the Cryptononads can be divided into<br />

the. follQwing five famil-^es:<br />

Family I. Cryptochx'y:;i daceae.<br />

A. groove is present, but, there is no g-^il1et. The anterior<br />

end is Qbliquel.y* t.runcated. There are two sw:immin_;<br />

f1ut^;c;1:I.a.<br />

UNIEI?iTLD TrA;a k rl"i-<br />

1'C?i iilÎ{`t6i11e1î1C:;1 t1f1^'3<br />

505-.200-10-31<br />

7 "3Q-? 1-Q2 P-•u,132<br />

TPl ^tl,tt.z;.<br />

•' •8.<br />


\<br />

a<br />

2<br />

The trichocysts are arranged in the groove. (peripheral<br />

trichocysts have not yet been identified.)<br />

Cryptochrysis.<br />

Family II. Cryptomonadaceae.<br />

Groove and gullet present. Trichocysts lining the<br />

gullet. Peripheral trichocysts have been identified in some<br />

species. Anterior end is obliquely truhcated. There are two<br />

swimming'flagella.<br />

•<br />

• (a) - Colored isrouy): Chromatophores present.<br />

Sàbfamily: Crmntomonadoideae.<br />

Rhodomonas<br />

•<br />

Chroomonas<br />

Cyanomonas<br />

Cryptomonas.<br />

. (b) Colorless oun: Chromatophores absent. Nutrition<br />

• is saprophytic. Subfamily: Chilomonadoideae.<br />

Chilomonas.<br />

. Family III. Cyathomonadaceae.<br />

Chromatophores are absent, nutrition iS holozoic.<br />

Body is flattened, anterior end obliquely truncated, with<br />

.a horizontal gullet ring (trichocysts)..Two swimming flagella<br />

• and one contractile vacuole are present in the-anterior end.<br />


1 IL *<br />

3<br />

Family IV. Katablepharidaceae.<br />

Chromatôphores are absent, nutrition is holozoic.<br />

ventral groove is present which Often'runs around the body<br />

spirally. There are two different flagella (a swimming -flagellum<br />

and a trailing flagellum). Contractile vacuoles in or (16)<br />

below the middle of the cell.<br />

Katablepharis<br />

.Cryptaulax<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

Family V. Senniaceae.<br />

Body is phaseoliform, with chromatophores and two<br />

'ifieèr. nt .. ventral flagella.<br />

Protochrysis.<br />

Sennia.<br />

•<br />

1111••■••■•••■■■■■■••■<br />

I. A single chromatophore. Cells small. . . Cr. minor 4.<br />

II. Two large, parietal chromatophores, cells larger.<br />

(a) Cells elongatedly phaseoliform. . Cr. commutata 1.<br />

(b) Cells' cuneiform, with rounded posterior-ends.<br />

• -<br />

Cr. Pochmanni 3.<br />

III. Several small orbicular chromatophores. .Cr. polychrysis 2.

Kev for the identification of the species,<br />

(W )<br />

I. Cells are obovoid in profile, broadened in front,<br />

narrowed and rounded in back; an terior .end is obliquely<br />

truncated with slight indentation. Rear view is elongatedly<br />

obovoid, regularly rounded in front and in back. Measure-<br />

-ments: 10-13x 5-8J4 . . . . . . . . . . Rh. lacustris 1.<br />

2. Cells are slightly ovoid in profile, wider in<br />

back than in front, with the anterior end trun+ca#;cd and<br />

slightly emarginated. In the rear view, they are slightly<br />

ovoid or elongatedly elliptical. Chromatophore is frequently<br />

lobate. Measurements: 15-20 x 8-10 JrC ,... t?h. rubra 3.<br />

Cells are fusifor;n in profile, about equally<br />

narrowed and cuspidâte on both ends; dorsal side is highly<br />

arched, while the ventral side is more slightly arched.<br />

Anterior end with no, or only very slight,emargination.<br />

Rear view is similarly fusiform, with the anterior half of<br />

the cell somewhat broader than the posterior. Measurements:<br />

.<br />

12--17 x 9-18 P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Rh. lens 2.<br />

"4.. Cells are obconical in profile, broadened<br />

and rounded in front, with posterior end narrowed, more<br />

or less acuminate, and more or less curved inwards. Measurements:<br />

9-14 x 4-7^4<br />

measures 8-9 x 5-6,M ,<br />

( In the variety nannople_.nc,ticA, which<br />

the posterior end is quite sharply<br />

curved inwards.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rh. minuta 4.

5%<br />

5. Cells are cylindrical to cylindrically obovoid.<br />

Measurements: 15-23 x 6-9.5 jA Rh. tenais 5.<br />

6. Cells are oval, or oblong and cylindrically. -<br />

obovoid„ measuring 14-15.5 x . . Rh. ovalis 6.<br />

. •<br />

• Key for the identification of the species<br />

CZTY<br />

A. Free-living forms.<br />

I. Stigma present; with pyrenoid.<br />

• •<br />

1. Cells are ellipsoidal to cylindrical, with one -<br />

chromatophore. Measurements: 8-12 x 4-6 )w.<br />

Chr.'coer'ulea 1.<br />

2. Cells are broadly ovoid, wider in back than in front, .<br />

measuring 7-10 x 5-714 . . . .Chr. .Rosenbergae 3.-<br />

• 3. Cells are,lproadly oval, with two chromatophores.<br />

Measurements: 13 x 10 ; 3-4 ,t-t thick. Chr. Pochmanni 4.<br />

II. Stigma absent; pyrenoid may be present or absent. .<br />

1. Cells are oblong obovoid, rounded in back, with . one<br />

chromatophore, occasionally two, measurements,<br />

8-20 x 5-10p, Chr. Nordstedtii 2.<br />

2. Ceilb are elongatedly elliptical to cylindrical,.<br />

with two chromatophores and pyrenoid; length, 15,4 ; • -<br />

width, 6 d41 Chr. oblonga 5.

3. Cells are almost spherical, small, measuring 4-7 M<br />

- in diameter . Chr. pulex 6.<br />

4. Cells,are Conical with caudiform posterior end<br />

curved towards the ventral side; chromatophores<br />

leaving the anterior and posterior ends free.<br />

'lleasurements:" 9-12 x 3-4.5 p . . . Chr. caudata 8.<br />

5. Cells are fusiform, rounded in front, cuspidate in<br />

back measuring 7-710 x 4.5-5.5 p . . . Chr. acuta 7.<br />

6. Cells-are obovoid, with cuspidate, reflexed posterior<br />

end and two chromatophores. Large form meaSures<br />

231.x 15-16 J.4 . (Uncertain species.) . .Chr. reflexa 9.<br />

7. Cells are obovoid to . oval, posterior end rounded.<br />

.Relatively large form measures 17-20 x 9-12 p,<br />

8-9 m thick Chr. spec. SKUJA 10.<br />

Endoplanktic form Chr breviciliata 11.<br />

Key to the identification of the species<br />

•<br />

A. Cells without pyrenoids.<br />

I. Cell.color is usually, olive green or yellowish green,<br />

rarely brownish violet.<br />

(a) Cells generally straight,occasiOnally slightly curved,<br />

but not sigmoid.<br />

1. Cells are ellipsoidal. (oval) to slightly ovoid.

7<br />

(Possiblyalso the forms under B, q.v.)<br />

•<br />

ei..)<br />

Anterior end is obliquely truncated in a<br />

distinct.fashion. Upper front corner protrudes<br />

moderately and is broadly rounded l<br />

distinct anterior emargination.<br />

Çells are only slightly flattened. Gullet<br />

ectends a little beyond the middle of the<br />

oell, and, oeçasionally, ventral deflection<br />

is quite distinct..<br />

m‘nts; 14,68 x 8-26M<br />

,<br />

Measure-<br />

7-20 » thick (SKWA),<br />

. or 20,80 x 6-20)4 , 5-18 ft./ thick (accoi-ding<br />

PASÇffl) . C. ovi:tta 1.<br />

p) Anterior end is not obliquely truncated.<br />

r )<br />

Upper front corner does not protrude, and<br />

gnterior emargination is very slight. Post-<br />

@rior end broadly rounded. Gullet extends<br />

g little beyond the middle of the cell,<br />

•<br />

Slightly._ curved . . . Cells measure<br />

9'-14 X 6,-5 ,q . . . . . . Cr. obovoidea 2.<br />

Upper front corner protrudes quite distinctly<br />

.and is broadly rounded, anterior edge is<br />

distinctly bevelled, with very shallow depression,<br />

Gullet extends to the middle of<br />

the cell pr 0. little beyond that point.<br />

V Cells only slightlycompressed. Chromatophores

8<br />

usually brownish violet. Thiophilic<br />

species. Cells measure 12-15 x 7-8 ^1 •<br />

,haseolus 3.<br />

(See also under IV.) .. Cr. n<br />

2. Cells are obovoid (to approximately ellipsoidal).<br />

qCj<br />

Posterior end is only slightly narrowed,<br />

And it either is rounded or has a very<br />

slightly pronounced corner. Cells are mèdiumsized.<br />

-^Ventral and dorsal edges are strongly,<br />

and nearly uniformly, arched, rendering the<br />

cells broadly ovoid. Anterior end is bevelled<br />

moderately and only slightly<br />

emarginated. Cells measure 25-30 x 18-20 M<br />

C. brevis 7.<br />

t^ Ventral edge frequently straight or very<br />

slightly concave. Anterior edge is distinctly<br />

bevelled. Upper front corner protrudes<br />

a little, and is bulky and broadly rounded,<br />

almost semi.circulàr. Emargination is usually<br />

quite shallow. Cells are very slightly<br />

compressed. Gullet appears relatively<br />

.angustate and extends beyond-the middle:<br />

of the cell, lying near the ventral side.<br />

In the anterior part of the ce11 there

1 ,`<br />

• ••<br />

a.-<br />

9<br />

are usually one or two oval bodies.<br />

Cells measure 24-46 x 13-24M 13-20 f?<br />

thick .. Cr. obovata 4.<br />

Ventral edge is freqUently straight or<br />

only slightly convex. Cells are generally<br />

somewhat thinner; dorsal portion usually<br />

more distinctly convex. (In some types of<br />

form, the dorsal and ventral lines are<br />

almost equally distinctly convex, but<br />

the shape of the cell is never broadly<br />

ovoid.) Anterior margin is usually quite<br />

ti<br />

ally very slight. Upper front corner is<br />

. slightly conical, often slightly rounded,<br />

often weaklY . cuspidate. Cells are slightly<br />

compressed. Gullet approaches the middle<br />

of the cell, and more rarely extends a<br />

little beyond that point; frequently it<br />

is directed somewhat towards the dorsal<br />

side, and . it is relatively larger than<br />

in the preceding form. Oval bodies appear<br />

to be absent frequently 9 Measurementà;<br />

1345 x 6-26)4 , thi'ck , (according<br />

to SKUJA); 15-32 x 8-16A (according to<br />

PASCHER) Cr erosa 5.<br />


10<br />

p) Posterior end is more narrowed, cuspïdate or<br />

hebetate. Cells are :in general considerably<br />

t Posterior end straight and abruptly tapering •<br />

• into a short, flat, acute appendage. Anter- •<br />

. •<br />

'ior 'end is eqUally.high oh both sides; in<br />

-<br />

cross section, it appears almost circular.<br />

Cells measure 14-17 x 8/4 .<br />

. Cr.<br />

ti-Posterior end is curved ventrally,<br />

caudata 6.<br />

.<br />

,hebetate, slightly rounded, frequent-<br />

ly with à granule of leucoSin. Cells meas-<br />

. . ure 7 x 5 / Cr. pusillaa.<br />

3. Cells are 9ylindrical l formsI oblong with parallel<br />

or slightly convex sides; often only one side<br />

(usually the dorsal one) is somewhat more distinetly<br />

convex, and the ventral side is straight or<br />

slightly concave. If the ventral side, as well as<br />

the dorsal side, is pronouncedly convex, then<br />

oblong-elliptical forms result.<br />

Ge..)<br />

Large forms.<br />

tAnterior end cuspidate, protruding in a<br />

rostrate fashion, with sharp t . deep emargination<br />

laterally on the gullet aperture.<br />

Posterior end may often be regularly broadly

11<br />

rounded, or it may be rounded and folded .<br />

dorsally . ! with a very short, bulky<br />

serra, giving rise to a slight sigmoid<br />

shape. (See also b2y). The body is moderately<br />

flattened. Gullet often may be quite wide<br />

and saccate, with very many trichocysts,<br />

or it may be narrow, with relatively<br />

few trichocysts. Many starch granules<br />

are deposited along the interior sides of<br />

the chromatophores. Leucosin globules<br />

occur apically and basally ., and are of different<br />

respective sizes. Thiophilic species.<br />

Measurements; 48-60 x 16-26)(4 ; 14-19)q<br />

- thick.<br />

. . . . - . rostratiformis 9.<br />

ltteell body is often slightly curved, with back .<br />

occasionally strongly arched along the<br />

-<br />

anterior half. Body is quite flattened,<br />

particularly in the posterior portion of<br />

the cell, which consequently often appears<br />

like a broad rudder. Posterior end is<br />

occasionally vere lightly bent dorsally.<br />

Uullet extends to the<br />

middle of the cell, being bent somewhat<br />

angularl -y "at the center and then<br />

12<br />

pointing dorsally.<br />

Measurements:<br />

• 31-50 X 15-24w; 9-14 m thick.<br />

Cr. platyuris 10.<br />

e) ) Medium-sized forms. Cell body is approximately<br />

cylindrical, often slightly curved, tightly<br />

compressed laterally. Gullet extends to the<br />

middle of the cell, with slight flexion . .<br />

Upper front corner . protrudes very little and<br />

Is broadly rounded. Measurements: 17-30 x<br />

8-15M ; 4-6 »thick« . . *Cr. ponpressa 11.<br />

Ty) Small forms.<br />

+Cells relatively narrowly cylindrical and<br />

elongated / also nearly ovatocylindraceous<br />

and straight; laterally tightly compressed.<br />

Measurements: 8-14 x 5-7M ; 2-4 414 thick.<br />

• Cr. tenuis 12.<br />

ttCells cylindrical to oblong-oval, with<br />

• sides almost parallel, rather strongly compressed<br />

laterally, with a "lustrous"<br />

• appearance.caused by three or four highly<br />

refractory leucosin globules. Measuring<br />

10-18 x 5-9 ).1 ; 3-<br />

6 . Cr. lucens 13.<br />

MCells thinly cylindrical, somewhat curved,<br />

upper front corner drawn out . into a marked

13<br />

nose-like nrotrusion.<br />

Cells are only very<br />

slightly laterally compressed. Measuring<br />

8-17 x 5-8 P . . * . Cr. nasuta 14.<br />

(b) Cells si^noid. Anterior end is bent more or less<br />

ventrally, posterior end is curved towards the<br />

dorsally.<br />

The<br />

sigmoid character i.5 occasionally<br />

expressed only<br />

frequently it is<br />

1. Posterior end<br />

ly rounded on<br />

very weakly, but very<br />

quite distinct.<br />

sharply çuspidate, often very slightthe<br />

extreme tip. Cells are not, or<br />

are only slightly, compressed. The shape is<br />

cuneiform.<br />

Cz )<br />

Cells broa,d7-V cuneiform, upper front corner<br />

conically cuspidate and only•slightly rounded.•<br />

Cells become tapered and acuminate towards the<br />

posterior. Gullet extends to the middle of the<br />

cell or somewhat deeper, running along the<br />

,axis or obliquely towards the dorsal side.<br />

Two or three large oval bodies are in the<br />

anterior portion. In cross section, the cells<br />

are circular. Measurements: 16-32 x 8-14P.<br />

0)<br />

Cr. IY1arss?onii 15.<br />

Cells broadly cuneiform. Anteri-or end curves sligh-tly<br />

or not at all towards the ventral side;

14<br />

posterior end is deeply curved towards the<br />

dorsal side, and acuminate. Gullet lies near<br />

the ventral side and extends beyond the middle<br />

of the cell. In the anterior third of the cell,<br />

there are one or two large oval bodies. Cells<br />

are but barely compressed. Measuring 27-38 x<br />

11-16 p Cr. reflexa 16.<br />

à') Cells narrowly cuneiforM, elongated. Dorsal<br />

anterior end forms a short, cuspidate wedge<br />

or cone. Posterior end is sharply cuspidate.<br />

Cells are slightly sigmoid. Body is hardly<br />

compressed. Gullet extends to the middle of<br />

the cell. There are one or two ellipsoids in<br />

the anterior portion. Measurements: 15-19 x -<br />

4.5-6 y Cr. gracilis 17.<br />

e) Cells narrowly cuneiform (not as thin as the<br />

fre-Evious species). Dorsal anterior end protrudes<br />

only a little, and is broadly rounded.<br />

Posterior end is tapered and more or less<br />

dorsally curved, cuspidate, but with the<br />

extremity usually slightly rounded. Gullet<br />

extends approximately to the middle of the cell.<br />

ThInner than in the species.<br />

Measurements: 16-20 , x 8-1414. Cr. erosa var. reflexa 5.

2. Posterior end truncated, usualIyâdly hhifiàêà;<br />

occasionally cuspidate, in ra bul'él'y<br />

fashion.<br />

The central portion bt thé éèiié<br />

cylindrical or elliptical.<br />

0L) Upper front corner of oell£0 -1111b à<br />

protrusion, rounded at -the ela. Pôâtef.ibi; é -nd<br />

is broadly rounded. Cells are et -en "aiiiiOât<br />

straight. Dorsal line is . gibbôüè ih thé àhter-lof.<br />

portion<br />

EO„§t.taià ià.<br />

p) Upper front corner forms an aetiblhàté éoniêài<br />

protrusion. Posterior end is êuï.éd à IIt1ê tàz.<br />

wards the dorsal side and broààle ôhIéd<br />

Gullet extends approximately tô he ie oÈ<br />

the cell. Cells are ( stroney ebbp -tèâbéd.<br />

Chromatophores reportedly IaCk là:yei- of dé,;- -<br />

posited starch granules. Ca. 4) k 20,k é<br />

Cr. étiiiâta i5.<br />

y) Upper front corner protrudes Tin â i;ohti'ate<br />

fashion, middle portion of'cell is hniptiOà1. (45)<br />

Posterior end is broad and trùhêâtéd, etêh<br />

slightly dorsally curved àhd<br />

then terminating in a short, Wide, éüâbiàâte<br />

protuberance. Cells are very nietlY- êofilibêàéd,<br />

Measurements: 48- 60, x 16-26/4 é febeLtàtïtà.tmi_s 9.

16<br />

TI. Cell color is usually oéhraoeous. The shape is ovoid,.<br />

and som.ewhat stout, with the cells measuring 25-30<br />

x 18--20 P .-Gullet extends to the middle of the cell.<br />

Cr. brevi s 7. -<br />

III. Cell color is yellow. Reportedly therè is one<br />

.chromatophore present. Cells are ovoid, small,<br />

measuring 7'x 5 14 . Posterior end is curved<br />

ventrally, anterior end is rounded. Cr. pusilla S.<br />

IV. Cell color is usually b rownish violet. Cell shape<br />

is ellip,sàidal. Cells measure 12-15 x 7-8 14 . Thiophilic<br />

species. . . . . . . . . . .gr. ^haseolus 3.<br />

^l.<br />

A., l<br />

^v<br />

B. ^.^-A ^-s ^Y1 lii L. l one J-^t^ four Ÿyi eravi^^.^<br />

ti^ .<br />

Z. Cells olive green to brownish olive.<br />

(a) Arrangement of the two chromatophores is "normal ",<br />

1.e., one chromatophore is on the dorsal side,<br />

the other on the ventral side.<br />

I<br />

1. Cells elliptical (oval) , posterior end broadly<br />

rounded. Cells are .rathFr tightly compressed.<br />

Gullet often extends beyond the middle of the<br />

cell, often does not (two types). Two chromatophores,<br />

usually each with two superimposed<br />

pyrenoids, although a ventral pyrenoid may<br />

occasionally be absent. The pyrenoids on one<br />

side can occasionally fuse to form an oblong

17<br />

• structure. There are one.or two ellipsoids<br />

in front. Measurements: 20-49 x 20-27<br />

5-17;G( thick. .. . .. Cr,,, , tetrans renoi.dosa 21.<br />

2. Cells are approximately obovoid, narrowing<br />

noticeably towards the posterior, where they<br />

are rounded and laterally compressed. In<br />

cross section, cells are narrowly ellilitical.<br />

Gullet extends to a little beyond the middle<br />

of the cell. Two chromatophores, with one<br />

pyrenoid each. Measurements: 17-22 x 9-13A<br />

6-9 p thick. . . . . . . . Cr. U7oli ni 20.<br />

,-._-,, , ,__.^ ^_^<br />

3. -Le:is are c7^:o'r`ii c^,^., ^oL1e1"(l1^, V d.`ï^^i^ü^ Uz -<br />

ical; anterior end is rounded, posterior<br />

end narrowed and r ounded, In cross section,<br />

cells are almost circular. Each chromatophore<br />

has two superimposed pyrenoids. (Very young<br />

cells have only one chromatophore with two<br />

dorsal, superimposed pyrenoids.) Measurements:<br />

18-22 x 8-11 J4 .. .. ^r. pai'an,yrpnoidifera 22.<br />

(b) Arrangement of the two chromatophores i s "abnormal",<br />

i.e., covering the two broad sides ("flanks")<br />

of the cell.<br />

1. Cells are elliptical. Gullet extends approximately<br />

to middle of cell. Both chromatophores

18<br />

. are minutely lobulate on the ventral edge,<br />

with one pyrenoid each. Flagella.are almost<br />

aslong as the body. Cells are very slightly<br />

compressed. Measurements: 15-27 x 12-14<br />

10-12 M thick Cr mrenoidifera 23.<br />

2..Cells are elliptical. Gullet extends<br />

almost to the posterior end of the cell.<br />

flagella are one half to two thirds the •<br />

length of the'body. Pyrenoid central. Cells<br />

are lightly compressed. Measurements: 21-24<br />

x 10-12 p Cr. anomala 24.<br />

(4g):<br />

IL Cell color rufous. Body is ovato-cylindraceous and<br />

barely, or slightly, laterally coMpressed. Two<br />

chromatophores; the pyrenoid is rather large, oval,<br />

located on the dorsal side of the cell. Measurements:<br />

21-25 x 9-11 M ; 7-10 M thick. . . Cr. rufescens 25.<br />

III. Cell color almost blackish brown.<br />

Body is broadly ovoid, chromatophore with large,<br />

irregular lobes, and the pyrenoid approximately<br />

central. Measurements: 14.2-9.8 1.4 . Cr. lobata 26.

19<br />

A. Cells laterally compressed v with anterior emargination<br />

(70)<br />

(in profile).<br />

1. Cells are oblone,cylindricar, basally narrowed and<br />

rounded, occasionally recurved. . Ch. Paramaecium 1.<br />

11. Cells are obovoid, not basally narrowed. Posterior<br />

'margin is broadly rounded. . . •- . Ch. oblong 2.<br />

B. Cells are almost circular in cross section; in profile,<br />

uniformly rounded in front. .Cells are obovoid, the base<br />

tapering to form<br />

a.corniform aduncate apex.<br />

Ch. acuta 3.<br />

Two genera:<br />

(75)<br />

1. Groove is distinct, gullet absent; stigma is present; cells<br />

are slightly compressed laterally, and appear - broadly<br />

'ovoid in optic cross sections • Protochrysis<br />

II. Groove is faintly indicated, sinking to form a giallet .<br />

alone the median line. Lateral compression iS usually<br />

quite pronounced. In optic cross sections,. the cell<br />

, apPears narrowly ovoià * Sennia

20<br />

la. In fresh water.<br />

(83)<br />

2a. With spherical formations resembling trichocysts<br />

(alveoli) under the dermal layer; bacilliform<br />

trichocysts are absent<br />

Vacuolaria<br />

2b. Bacilliform trichocysts present.<br />

3a. With capitate . swelling of cell body.<br />

Merotricha<br />

3b. Without capitate swelling of oeil body.<br />

•<br />

lb. In sea water.<br />

Gonybstomiim<br />

Chattonella<br />

•la. Chromatophores accumbent to dermal layer.<br />

2a. Cells ovoid to ellipsoidal or elongatedly cylindrical.<br />

1. Vacuolaria virescens<br />

3a. Cells oblong-ovoid or cylindrical, measuring<br />

up to 85 (Ain length, alveoli distinct.<br />

• . var. virescens<br />

3b. Cells broadly ovoid, relatiVely small, measuring<br />

• up to 45 J. in lemth; the alveoli distend the<br />

dermal layer<br />

var nraegn2ns<br />

3 0 . Cells phaseoliform in profile, still smaller,<br />

measuring up to 30m in length; alveoli poorly<br />

developed<br />

var. minuta

21<br />

2b. Cells obovoid to pyriform, broader in front,than in<br />

back. . . . . ... . . . . . . . o 2. Vacuolaria viridis<br />

-lb. Chromatophores remote from the dermal layer, more<br />

deeply imbedded in the interior of the.cell.<br />

3. Vacuolaria penardii<br />

la. From the broad side, the cells appear stretched in oblong<br />

or ellipsoidal fashion; from the ventral side, flattened.<br />

2a. Large cells, measuring 60-90 M in length, narrowing<br />

quite rapidly at the base. Concentration of tricho-<br />

, , ^___.or ^:<br />

CÿStS in Lile a1li^^riol' ctiiCt 4CL'!VS' pVl ^svï1S of vL Vua the<br />

body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. Gon^^ostomum semen<br />

2b. Cells smaller, maximum length 40 µ, broadly rounded<br />

at the base.<br />

3a. Apical concentration of trichocysts.<br />

2. GonY2stomu3n ovatum<br />

3b. Basal concentration of trichocysts.<br />

3. Gongostomum intermedium<br />

lb. From the broad side, cells appear circular to broadly<br />

elliptical. Cells are distinctly flattened, giving the<br />

body a lenticular appearance.<br />

4. 1,~onlost0mum latum.

22<br />

Division' of Peridineae ipinoflagellatae), into subdlasses<br />

•<br />

(accordind to Lindemann 8<br />

(98)<br />

Subclass 1. .Flagella on one end of the cell;<br />

no grooves present. Covering is<br />

either a solid, firm membrane, or<br />

develobed as armor. In the latter<br />

case, it consists of two portions,<br />

separated by a suture. These portions<br />

are not composed of plates.<br />

I. Adiniferae (P.98 )<br />

Subclass II. Flagella are not concentrated on one<br />

A. Flagellate<br />

organization<br />

end of the cell; grooves (and flagella)<br />

are visible during at least<br />

one stage of the life cycle. The<br />

transverse groove usually divides<br />

the entire cell into an anterior<br />

and a posterior section (called<br />

"valves" in armored forms).<br />

• II. Diniferae (P:100)<br />

8 Lindemann (loc. cit.) designated the group,of the Peridineae<br />

as a "division" and'accordingly designated<br />

(Dinoflagellatae)<br />

the three sub-groups as - "subdivisions". He subdivided the latter<br />

1-nto "classes", which, in turn, are again subdivided into vfamilies".-<br />

According to his classification, therefore, the i'eridinae are<br />

represented by.3 classes,<br />

w.nce tne feriainpae are regarded as a class throughout<br />

the present volume, we shall follow a different method of .<br />

designating the groups; this class is here divided into subclasses,<br />

which are divided-into orders'and, further, into<br />


24<br />

consists of dissimilar polygonal plees (panels).<br />

Order II..Peridiniales 8a (P.155)<br />

Division of the family . (101)<br />

A. Transverse groove•lies near the anterior end of the cell,<br />

so that the anterior portion of the cell is very small in<br />

comparison with the posterior portion. 1.Amphidinium (P.101)<br />

B. Transverse groove lies more within the middle portion of<br />

the cell, and is circular or helical.<br />

1. Transverse groove is circular or helical. In the latter .<br />

case, the helical interval is less than one fifth of<br />

the length of the body..<br />

2. Gymnodinium (P.107)<br />

2. Transverse groove is always helical; helical interval<br />

is more than one fifth of the body length; the helix<br />

turns from one to less than 34 times. 3. Gyrodinium (P.146)<br />

C. Transverse groove lies near the posterior end of the cell, •<br />

and is hardly helical, usually circular. Longitudinal'<br />

groove is deVeloped only on the short posterior part of<br />

the body<br />

4. Massartia (P.152)<br />

Lindemann „(in ENGLER'S Nat. Pflanzenf., 1928) assigned to<br />

this group his "class" "KolkwitziellaIes", a concept which is<br />

based upon the genus "Kolkwitziella". However, since this<br />

genus cannot be maintained (it represents the encysted phase<br />

of Diplopsalis acuta), the higher units based upon it<br />

Kolkwitziellaceae" and "class: Kolkwitziellales"<br />

sensu Lindemann) must also be discarded.

25<br />

Key to the identification of.-the-s-pecies<br />

(102)<br />

A. Cells are small; length, 8-16 width, 8-13 The<br />

longitudinal groove does not extend onto the anterior part<br />

of the body.<br />

I. Chromatophores are absent.<br />

(a) Cells measure 8p in length, 8 Fl in width; stigma<br />

is present. . . . . . . . . . .. . A.. hyalinum 1.<br />

(b) Cells measure 10 ^( in length, 10 p in width; stigma<br />

- is absent. ...... A. Tatrae fa. açhromaticiuq 2.<br />

II: Chromatophores present (sonetimes absent).<br />

(a) Chromatophores are brown. Cells measure 10-12 P in<br />

length, with width and length being equal. Anterior<br />

part of the body is flattened and cap-shaped.<br />

A. a^enkini 3.<br />

(b) Chromatophores range from dark yellow to light<br />

yellow. Cells measuring 10 x 10<br />

Anterior part<br />

of the body is more angustate, thinner, and more<br />

arched. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. Tatrap 2.<br />

(c) Chromatophores are aureous. Cell length 11-13P<br />

,<br />

with width equal. Anterior part of body.is wider<br />

and regularly arched. ....... . A4. luteun 4.<br />

(d) Chromatophores are camelinous.-t:ells. measure 15,6.x<br />

13 P. Anterior part of body is in the _shape of<br />

a shallow cone. ... .*... ... A. turicense 5.

26<br />

B. Cells are larger: length, 18-25 ; width, 12-20 M<br />

1. Longitudinal groove extends more or less far onto the<br />

anterior part of the body. Chromatophores are blue-green<br />

(also zoophagous).<br />

(a)Transverse groove does not extend all the way to<br />

the apex and the antapical end. Cells measure 25M<br />

in length, 14 Min width. Body is elongate- ellipt-<br />

. ieal . • A. Geitle'ri 6.<br />

CO Longitudinal groove extends from the apex to the<br />

antapical end. Cells measure 18-15 1,4 [Sic] in length,<br />

l2-l4 j-<br />

in width. Body is . more . ovoid.. A. wigrense 7.<br />

II. Longitudinal groove does not extend onto the anterior<br />

part of the body. Chromatophores are brown. Cells<br />

measure 23)A in length, 18 m in width. A. lacustre 8.<br />

Km for the identification of the species (112)<br />

A. Chromatophores present.<br />

I. Medium-sized to large forms: lengths 25-50 14 and 55-100M,<br />

respectively.<br />

(a) Chromatophores blue to blue-green.<br />

• 1. The epivalve is campanulate, and somewhat larger<br />

• than the hypovalve, which is more truncated.<br />

• Ca. 34 x 22 G. aeruginotum 13.

2. The -epivalve has the shape of a truncated<br />

cone;<br />

the hypovalve is bulbous; the two valves<br />

are of equal size, measuri.nz, 33-37 x 24-3U. tU •<br />

G. acidotum 13.r1.<br />

(b) Chromatophores light green. . . . . q. vxricie 10.<br />

(c) Chromatophores are brown, but are coated by_the<br />

red pigment of the cell, so 'that the cells n,ppos,r<br />

sanguineous or carmine.<br />

(d). Chromatophores yeJ.low, yellotiTish-brcit*a or dsr3c brown..<br />

1. 'Phe hypovalve is sharply. conic^,. or bul.bous.<br />

The epivalve is rounded in an.ovoid fashion,<br />

without apical serrae. Mles,.surements: 80-100 x<br />

55-60 M . . . . . . . . . .<br />

(si3Y<br />

2. The hypovalve is rounded convexly, or sinuous<br />

at the antapical end.<br />

ol.)<br />

Cells are distinctly flattened dorsiventrally,<br />

and o rbi cula.r.<br />

x Cell outline (lateral position) 18 almost<br />

ci.rcular, as fmme tri cal (right side, i s arched<br />

more strongly thanleft).The epivalve<br />

is smaller than the hypovalve. Length,<br />

66-80 M . . . . . . . . t,. :tenui. ssimum 2.<br />

_2^^ Lells are more ovo.l and have one polar<br />

apiculus each. The epivalve j.* son.iewhat

28<br />

larger than the hypovalve. Stigma present.<br />

A ridge arising at the apical pole runs<br />

along the meridi,an. Length, 40<br />

G. leopoliense 3.<br />

p) Cells are still distinctly flattened, though<br />

12 -<br />

they are lesa so and never orbicular.<br />

* .Theepivalve and the hypovalve are nearly<br />

of equal size.<br />

05)2 Cells are roundish, ovoid. The epivalve<br />

is semi-circular,•very slightly<br />

cuspidate at ihe apex, almost truncated.<br />

The hypovalve is trapezoidal,<br />

rounded, slightly emarginated. Long- •<br />

itudinal groove is shallow. No stigma.<br />

Cell measures 29 x 25.5i4. G. Skvortzowii 4.<br />

pi Cells are approximately ovoid. The<br />

epivalve is approximately convexoconical,<br />

asymmetrical, with apex rounded.<br />

The hypovalve is often somewhat<br />

broader and half-oval, with irregular<br />

undulations on the right side (pathological<br />

condition?). Longitudinal groove<br />

12 Some forms under (3 , e.g.. no. 14. and no. 15, would perhaps<br />

be better classified under y .

29<br />

is only -on the hypovalve, and -<br />

bears<br />

ridges along its lateral. margins.<br />

Cell measures 35 x 22 M. G. undulatum 5.<br />

2 › The epivalve is smaller than the hypovalve.<br />

oe The epivalve is coniCal, frequently<br />

rounded or truncated at the apex. •<br />

1 Cells are long and thin, almost<br />

twice as long as they are wide,<br />

measuring 35-740 x 22 M (and -even<br />

less). Cross section appearance<br />

is as yet unknown, The hypovalve<br />

is rounded, broader than the spivalve<br />

. (winter form). G. wigrense 6.<br />

2** The epivalve is conical, little<br />

smaller than the hypovalve, with<br />

lateral line convexo-concave .on<br />

the right, undulating on the leet,<br />

The hypoValve is trapezoidal,<br />

usually distinctly retracted below<br />

the longitudinal groove, with<br />

antapical end almost plane, (Cells<br />

•Ialentangular". Winter form.)<br />

G. hiemale 7.

30<br />

The epivalve and the hypovalve are<br />

regularly rounded. Cells are oval,<br />

slightly flattened dorsiventrally.<br />

In the majority of the cells, the<br />

hypovalve is distinctly larger than<br />

the epivalve.'. . . G. inversum 8.<br />

3"The epivalve is usually distinctly larger<br />

than the hypovalve.<br />

Longitudinal groove present and distinctly<br />

developed.<br />

1^ * Cells are more or less emarginated<br />

at the -' 1Joâtiri%r cil^^Aj<br />

Vvûa#.) :l.viaÇLÂ.iji<br />

they are plane.<br />

ot" The epivalve is carnpanulate,<br />

broadly rounded. The hypovalve<br />

is no broader, or only a little<br />

broader, than the ep2valve. Chromatophores<br />

are elongated, arranged<br />

radially. Stigma present. Length<br />

80-90-165 M. G. mirabile 9.<br />

e" The epivalve and the hypovalve<br />

often are of almost equal size,<br />

but frequently the epivalve is<br />

distinctly larger. Both are

31 •<br />

more .or less conical or<br />

spherical, often asymmetrical.<br />

(114)<br />

The epivalve and the hypovalve<br />

• are usua113i more or less rotuid-<br />

ed at the poles. Antapical end<br />

'<br />

is sometimes notched..Length<br />

y<br />

45-75 P. G. uberrimum 11.<br />

The epivalve is considerably<br />

longer than the hypovalve. The<br />

epivalve is elongatedly convexoconical,<br />

rounded at the apex.<br />

The hypovalve is trapezoi.dally<br />

rounded and somewhat retracted<br />

beneath the transverse groove.<br />

Cell is plane or Slightly sinuous<br />

at the antapical end. Cells<br />

measure 40- 60 x 27- 30 M<br />

G. palustre 12,<br />

2 Cells are deeply sinuous at the<br />

posterior end. Longitudinal groove<br />

only on the posterior part of the<br />

body, no stigma (occasionally there<br />

is a red particle in the longitudinal<br />

groove.) Cells are just slightly

32<br />

flattened dorsiventrally.<br />

Nieasurements:<br />

26-42 x 21-34 9<br />

G. excavatum 14.<br />

3*^ Cells rounded at the posterior end:<br />

Cells broadly ovoid to almost<br />

sphe'rically ôvoid, slightly<br />

flattened dorsiventra? 1y, The<br />

epivalve is half-ovoid to almost<br />

hemispherical, more rarely<br />

narrowing a little towards the<br />

apex. The hypovalve is uniformly<br />

rounded. Chromatophores light<br />

yellow. Stigma elongatedly punetiform.<br />

Occasionally there is a<br />

small spinule at the antapicalend.<br />

Cells measure 32-35 x 28-30P.<br />

G. nP.glect-,in 15.<br />

Cell body oval, rarely more round-<br />

Ish. The epivalve is ovoid, the<br />

hJppvalve hemi spheri ca1. Covering<br />

is composed of numerous<br />

hexagonal platelets, with central<br />

thickening. Cell is not dorsiventrally<br />


33<br />

Measurements: 30-40 x 30-<br />

35 m. G. polonicum 16.<br />

. et<br />

Longitudinal groove is absent or only<br />

faintly indicated. Cells are broadly<br />

oval., with rounded apices. The epiValve<br />

.<br />

. is half-ovalp . the hypovalve not entire-<br />

ly hemispherical, laterally somewhat<br />

swelling towardS the middle. Transverse<br />

groove is quite shallow. Stigma<br />

is large and cylindrical.<br />

Cells measuring 40 x 34.5m •<br />

G. Daradoxum 17.<br />

Cells measuring 667-75 x 61-67m. .<br />

Q. paradoxum var. major 17.<br />

y) Cells are hardly flattened, usually almost<br />

circular in cross section.<br />

*<br />

1 Epivalve ana hypovalve approximately the<br />

same size.<br />

te Longitudinal groove absent, or very<br />

faintly expressed. The epivalve is<br />

acuminately conical, the hypovalve<br />

broadly rounded. G. nnlvisculus 18.<br />

pt Longitudinal groove is distinctly ex-<br />


34.<br />

1"Longitudina1 groove carinate.<br />

C( n C anima • is on the left edge of the.groove..<br />

The epivalve is cupuliform,, the hypo-,<br />

valve broadly rounded and sinuous at<br />

the antapical end.<br />

G. carinatum 19.<br />

Car ia is on the right edge of the<br />

groove. The epivalve is conical, with<br />

sides somewhat convex, the hypovalve<br />

narrowly rounded. G. veris. 20.<br />

2"Longitudinal groove not carinate. (115)<br />

00Cel1s roundish, spherical, also often<br />

broadly oval.<br />

i"Both halves of the body are uniformly<br />

rounded, epivalve and hypovalve hemispherical,<br />

up to 30 x 25A , with an<br />

oblique ridge on the epivalve. Stigma<br />

present G. coronatum 21.<br />

it The epivalve is half-oval, often somewhat<br />

asymmetrical. The hypovalve is<br />

broadly rounded, often obliquely conical,<br />

likewise occasionally asynnetrical, and<br />

emarginated at the antapical end. No<br />

stigma. Form variable. Measurements:<br />

32-35 x 22-25A. G. rotundatum 23.

•<br />

35<br />

111jCells are broadly oval. Epivalve and<br />

hypovalve hemispherical. Longitudinal<br />

groove does not extend to the antapical<br />

end. Chromatophores yellow. Neasurements:<br />

27-30 DC 22-25A. G. obesum 24.<br />

(In Cells °veld.<br />

*The epivalve and the hypovalve are of<br />

equal size, or the former is somewhat<br />

larger. The epivalve is half-ovoid and<br />

symmetrical. The hypovalve hemispherical<br />

and'sinuous. Stigma present. Chromatophores<br />

are light yellow, brown in old specimens.<br />

Cell measures 50 X 40M.<br />

G. pseudopalustre 25.<br />

11 Cells obovoid to oval; the epivalve is<br />

broadly rounded, half-oval. The hypovalve<br />

is thinner, half-oval or even truncatedly<br />

conical, often asymmetrical. Longitudinal<br />

groove extends to the antapical<br />

end. No stigma. 45 x 28-33)1.<br />

G. mirum 26.<br />

2*Epivalve smaller than hypovalve. Cells are more or<br />

less ovoid, slightly asymmetrical. Apex and antapical<br />

end are occasionally broadly rounded; but frequently<br />

the epivalve is convexo-conical and the hypovalve is

36<br />

broadly oval with slight indentation. Longitudinal<br />

groove extends from the apex to the antapical end.<br />

Very frequently the cells are non-motile.<br />

Length 30-50A . . . . . . G. limneticum 27.<br />

IT. Small to very small forms (small forms, 20-259 in lenüthtvery small<br />

f orms , 7-12-15)4).<br />

^a) Posterior part of body extends into three short, corniform<br />

or conical processes. Anter.ior part of body is uniform, and<br />

cupuliform. Measurements: 10-14 x 9-11A .. G. trS_ceratum 28.<br />

(b) Posterior part of body does not extend into corniform processes.<br />

1. The epivalve is often smaller than the hypovalve (often<br />

nearly the same length).<br />

o^)<br />

The epivaïve â.s. hemisphericaï., Lhe hypova3.ve somewûat<br />

thinner (truncatedly conical). Measurements: 8-17 x 6-12A.<br />

(Tropical form?) . . . . . . . . . . . . G.yarians.,29.'<br />

^3) The epivalve is cap--shaped, broadly rounded, as wide as<br />

the hypovalve, but lower. The hypovalve is semicircular.<br />

Measurements 13-14 x 11R. .. .. G. profundum 30-<br />

2. Epivalve and hypovalve approximately the same size. (116)<br />

oC) Cells are ovoid. The epivalve-is half-oval to hemispherical.<br />

The hypovalve is half-oval, projecting a little more<br />

widely. Measurements 20-24 x 16kk. (Tropical form?)<br />

bogoTiense 32.<br />

/3) The epivalve is elongate half-oval, the hypovalve hemispherical.<br />

Measurements 17-18 x 10K .- G. lacustre 32.

37<br />

3. EpivAlve larger than hypoyalve,<br />

-4Cells are flattened dorsiventrally-and broadly oval.<br />

Epivalve with a semicircularly rounded apex. The hypovalve<br />

is rounded in a faintly acute cupuliform fashion<br />

towards the posterior. Measurements: 12-15 x 11-13X.<br />

G. ordinatum 33.<br />

p) Cells are approximately ovoid s.very slightly flattened.<br />

The epivalve is ellipsoidal to almost spherical, while<br />

the hypovalve is hemispherical. The epivalve occupies<br />

about two thirds of the entire cell. Longitudinal groove<br />

is indistinct. This is a transitional form to Massartia.<br />

G. bohemicum 34.<br />

B. Chromatophores absent. (Colorless forms).<br />

I. Large forms (length ca. 32-501.1).<br />

(a) Epivalve is smaller than hypovalve.<br />

The epivalve is conical, exhibiting three apical apiculi (which<br />

may also be absent in<br />

one variety). The hypovalve is acuminately<br />

conical. Pellicle with longitudinal stripes. Cytoplasm is<br />

reddish (peach-blossom colored). Measurements: 50 x 30k.<br />

G. helveticum 35.<br />

(b) 4ivalve and hypovalve are .of approximately the same size.<br />

1. The epivalve is conical with convex sides, the hypovalve<br />

acutely ovoid or nearly conical..The epivalve<br />

Idth three.apical apiculi. Cells measure 35-40 x 26-30M.<br />

• •<br />

G. triden'tatum 36.

38<br />

2. Cells have the shape of a truncated double cone. Apex<br />

without apiculi. Cells are circular in cross section,<br />

transverse groove is circular. Measurements: 40 -41 x 25-26A.<br />

G. austriacum 37.<br />

3. The epivalve is arcuately conical with 2 apiculi, while<br />

the hypovalve is rounded in the manner of a wide trapezoid<br />

and slightly sinuous at the antapical end. Cells measure<br />

40-45 x 34-38/.4. , and are very slightly flattened.<br />

G. latum 38.<br />

) Epivalve larger than hypovalve.<br />

Cells are oblong oval, circular in cross section. Epivalve is<br />

half-ovoid, hypovalve hemispherical. Transverse groove is exactly<br />

circular. Cells are 32-35 x )5-36 /4,<br />

G. mitratum<br />

II. Small forms (length 9-25/1).<br />

(a) Epivalve and hypovalve hemispherical, dircular in cross section.<br />

• . Cells measure 18-22 x 16-18 /q. G. eurytopum 40.<br />

(b) The epivalve is truncatedly conical, with convex sides, the<br />

hypovalve spherical. Longitudinal groove is indistinct. Cell<br />

color is glossy silver-grey. Cell measures 14 x<br />

• G. Lantzischil, 41 •<br />

(c) The epivalve is hemispherical, pileiform , higher and broader<br />

than the hypovalve, which is likewise hemispherical. Cell<br />

measures 11 x 8.8m. Halophilous G. fungiforme 42.<br />

(d) The epivalve is hemispherical to half-ovoid, and as wide as<br />

hypovalve, which is hemispherical, symmetri-<br />

or wider than, the

39<br />

cal or as.y.mmetrxçal. Length 9-25AJ. (Halophilous and perhaps<br />

occurring also in freshwater)...... G. albulum 43.<br />

Key, for the identification of the<br />

species<br />

(1tF6).<br />

A. Posterior end r.ounded,.<br />

i.<br />

.l.<br />

Transverse gpoove slightly inclined , and longitudinal<br />

gr.ooye does not extend onto the anterior part<br />

Q^ the bodÿ. Apex is regularly rounded. Chromatophores<br />

are present; there are no stigmata. See also under B.<br />

G. Pascheri 5.<br />

Transverse groove is<br />

steeply incline d(distinctly helical)<br />

(a) Body is br.oad3.y ova1l anterior part cap-shaped, somewhat<br />

angul.ar along the transverse groove. Chromatophores absent;<br />

é h mmM ^.^ rreëend. T.aY^cr}n li{ G. j,yalinum 1.<br />

-` Zb -..I l<br />

(b) Body is more e].o_ngated].y oval, anterior part more rounded,<br />

. . -----^ --- -.<br />

pri.ncipal-ly along the transverse groove, with chromatophores.. •<br />

Stigma is present, Length 23Y . G. pusiYlum 2.<br />

(c) Bpdy is o-void. _Longitudinal groove is distinctly displaced<br />

to the right, running across the entire ventral side, crossing<br />

._._<br />

the -lett zte.ntrai edg.e, and extending somewhat onto the dorsal<br />

side of the epiva:l•ve. Leng-i:h 23-40R . Questionable species.<br />

G. Traunsteineri 3-<br />

(d) -In addition to those with x.ound.ed antapical ends, individuals<br />

,ui..th Q..panded poste:r?.or end always are also present. Trans-<br />

.verse g^D.o-ve Is peç:asionàll:y -very slightly inclined<br />

See.<br />

.under B2a. ,. ,e .s ,• n a a .. .& a , G. Paschcri 5.

B. Posterior end not rounded (or rounded only in exceptional cases). (147)<br />

1. Anterior part of body is approximately triangular (in<br />

the shape of a flat cone), antapical end somewhat irregularly<br />

lobate. Cell ) in toto, is pentangular, and 40-50),(<br />

long, with no stigma 0 ...... G. silvaticum 4.<br />

2. Anterior. part of body with rounded apex.<br />

(a) Antapical end is slightly sinuous, and the hypovalve protrudes<br />

in a more or less pronounced manner either to the right or to<br />

the left of the transverse groove. Occasionally there is an<br />

accumulation of red pigment in the interior. Length 18-35A •<br />

Longitudinal groove along the left edge with crest or ridge.<br />

G. Pascheri 5.<br />

ne<br />

enly,<br />

\ u / iot,erler paLv is d4- .LJ<br />

irregularly arranged processes. Two papilliform ridges are<br />

located on the right and left side beneath the transverse<br />

groove. The third process is acuminate and located on the<br />

dorsal side. The fourth and longest one 9<br />

also acuminate, is<br />

located nearly on the antapical end. G. asymmet.ricum 6.<br />

Kex to the identification of the species<br />

( 152)<br />

A. Chromatophores absent.<br />

I. Transverse groove along the upper edge cuts deeply into upper<br />

part of body and is nearly concealed by the labellum which is<br />

formed in this manner., 14. iviusei 1.

41<br />

II. Transverse groove lies open.<br />

(a)*Transverse groove is not distinctly helical.. The longitudinal<br />

groove does not extend, or extends only -very little, onto the<br />

apical portion.<br />

1. Anterior part of body is semicircular s?r.hemispherical.<br />

M. stigmatica 2.<br />

2. Anterior part of body is cassideous, _sonewhat tapered.<br />

M. yorticella 3.<br />

3. The anterior part : is conical; the apex is cuspidate..<br />

M. Schilleri 4.<br />

(b) Transverse groove is distinctly helical; longitudinal groove<br />

extends îar onto the apical portion. M. Woloss,ynsr.ae 5-<br />

t^i.<br />

l+ _ l J l _ ^ 7 X- 1 • 1 l .. .L .1• ... ... ._ 1 C J. .`. .,,<br />

^rirt^ma'^vpriores ^xéSéil'^ . ^.bls .i. are uoâu.i. LY° y o'va âriu .1.1d til G11Cü • uva^Tila<br />

not observed. . . . . . . + . . . . . . . M. plana 6<br />

Division of thé order Reridiniales into familiesb (157)<br />

In order'to avoid repetitions in the text, no detailed treatment of<br />

1)A.tte_r71s<br />

in which the plates are arranized is included here. The reader is<br />

advised to peruse at this point the introduction to the Renus Peridinium, where<br />

the structure of the armor is discussed, since acquaintance with the<br />

panelling,patterns is assumed in connection with the folloti•ring classification.<br />

A. Coverings consisting of a solid membrane, rarely delicate, often<br />

panelled uniformly or with large, dissimilar polygons (hardly visible<br />

without prior processing); some species exhibit markedly varying panelling<br />

patterns. . . . . . . . . . . k'amily:.3lenodiniaceac<br />

(partially)<br />

(p. l651)•

42<br />

B. Coverings (shells) represent a more or less strong armor, which<br />

consists of dissimilar polygonal plates (panels). The armor is<br />

membraneous during the juvenile phase, but the panels are already<br />

visible at that time.<br />

•<br />

1. Colis are more or less roundish, without large corniform<br />

formations on the anterior and posterior parts of the body.<br />

(a) Shape is spherical, without apical aperture, only 1 antapical<br />

plate present. Plate formula: 3'1a6"5"1".<br />

Family: Dinosphaeraceae (P.251)<br />

(b) Shape is spherical, ellipsoidal, ovoid or pyriform. Apical<br />

aperture present or absent. One or two antapical plates are (158)<br />

present.<br />

ie Shape is usually ovato-rotundate. Shell is thin,<br />

character of the panelling primitive: 2-4 1 4a8-7"7-6" 1 2".<br />

Family:Glenodiniopsidaceae (P.158)<br />

e Shape is more or less flattened in the direction<br />

. .<br />

of the longitudinal axis. Epivalve conical, apical<br />

aperture present, usually one antapical plate<br />

(rarely two). There is a crest beside the longitudinal<br />

groove which often projects over the antapical<br />

end. /01-2a7"5"1".<br />

Genus: Diplopsalis, Family: Peridiniaceae (P.179)<br />

3*Cel1s are spherical, ellipsoidal, ovoid or pyriform;<br />

armor is thick.

.43<br />

:43esisles an'-pntap.ical<br />

_acopessory -terminal<br />

7.-taenes -Eess) a small<br />

ant.....Teth apical<br />

:910Pr:bure.. :4 1 :0a (gr 734:.Ia) -6"6.lp<br />

:G._ony_sa•Ulacaceae (p.249)<br />

Two -antapal -p1at:ps .(rare.ly pnly one<br />

m,<br />

peapical -plate -yesulting -f-rom -.the .ei:f_sertoe of a separating<br />

Yi.4e).e<br />

A.TdPel gpertilee JegY be :pres:ee pr absent.<br />

Teri.dlliaceae (P. 179)<br />

çe-1)-s<br />

lgeSe ço.e.ni.form eormat_ions en -:01P alerior<br />

gpd posterior parts of -tbe Lby (onpeo-ce1ed "an .terior<br />

estm9 or eleee PPstePIoe horns l rg,rely orgy one<br />

ppsterior horm),<br />

y:: ergtaceae (P.252)<br />

' (159)<br />

I. The •YP-PsVere ge9ove "1.1oemalle eleve:loPed 4 it encircles<br />

the en-tire oeil.<br />

(g) The P-PPPsPYY PleeP (gt the gffl) •ere elmoet lsodiametric.<br />

•<br />

eelaerodinium 2.<br />

• (ID) The •ceespory plates are longer end. irre6ler, with straight<br />

prig.eglayi curved contours. Glenpd.iniopsis 1.<br />

p• •<br />

II. Th? teansveePe gePove enei.ecleg only helftiheoell,<br />

Hemidinium 3.

44<br />

I. Epivalve with 16 plates (8 pre-equatorial plates, 4 accessory<br />

plates, and 4 apical plates).<br />

Occurs in peat-bog waters.<br />

G1. uli ;inosa 1.<br />

I1. PSpi.valve with ].4 plates (8 pre-equatorial plates, 4 accessory<br />

plates, and 2 apical.plates). G1.._ 2retiosa 2.<br />

Three freshwater species are known: (162)<br />

A. Chromatophores present:<br />

1. Transverse groove crosses the left margin of the cell at the<br />

level of the equator or at two thirds of the total height of<br />

the ce11, Longitudinal groove extends to the posterior margin.<br />

1. H. nasutum<br />

?I. Transverse groove crosses the left margin of the cell at three<br />

quarters of the total height. Longitudinal groove extends only<br />

slightly beyond half of the posterior part of the body.<br />

3. H. ochraceum<br />

B. Chromatophores. absent. Transverse groove crosses the left margin<br />

of the cell beneath the equator. Longitudinal groove? Cells are (163)<br />

of the Hen. nasutum type.<br />

2. H. berriardinense<br />

Ka for the identification of the species<br />

A. Structure of covering unknown.<br />

1. Chromatophores present.<br />

(a) With stigma.

F5<br />

1. Both valves are 6f appreximately equal size.<br />

0ACe1ls are n et, or are only slightly, flattened<br />

(168)<br />

dorsiventrally. The eoivalVe iSY#eakly ovoid-<br />

- cuspidate and rcunded, the hypovalve<br />

hemispherical* There is red coloration of the cells<br />

on exposure to light. .al. ganguineum 1.<br />

PCells are distinctly flattened dorsiventrally;<br />

ventral s ide is flat Or Concave. The epivalve is in<br />

the shape of a pointed arch, the hypovalve is more<br />

rounded. 01, umnodinium 2.<br />

2. Valves of unequal size, epivalve larger than hypovalve.<br />

0Epivalve half-oval, nucleus ad hippocrepiform stigma _ _<br />

(?) in the epivalife; Ihe hjpovalve is hemipherical.<br />

• (Independence doubtful). - Gl. Stéinii 3.<br />

p)The epivalve iA truncatedly convexo-conical, the hypovalve<br />

smoothly rOunded and with a short spine to the<br />

left of the antapical end . GI, prmatum 4.<br />

W)The epivalve iâ CuSpidaté in the shape of a short cone,<br />

the hypovalve shallowly rounded. Stigma uncertain.<br />

• Brackish water forme Gli ILP.11. 11MU 5.<br />

(b) Without stigma,<br />

1. Both valves the same size.<br />

oc) Both valves hemiSpheriCal Gl. Lemmermanni 6.<br />

M<br />

Both valves csmpanulate. GI. mllisculus 7.

46<br />

2. Valves not both the same size.<br />

OC) The epivalve is larger than the hypovalve. Both halves<br />

are broadly and regularly rounded. Gl. Berp;hii 8.<br />

p) Cells are oblong ovoid. The epivalve is smaller than<br />

H. Chromatophores absent.<br />

the hypovalve, more angustate, hemispherical to trunea<br />

tedly conical. The hypovalve is convexo-conical, broader<br />

than the epivalve. Gl. Dangeardii 9.<br />

(a) Cells are roundish; the epivalve is larger than the hypovalve,<br />

and truncatedly conical; the hypovalve is rounded*<br />

Gl. edax 10.<br />

(b) Cells are elongated; the epivalve is cuspidate in the shape<br />

of a long cone, and on the end it is .reunded or drawn out<br />

in a bulbous fashion. The hypovalve is hemispherical.<br />

B. StruCtura of covering known.<br />

Gl. apiculatum 11.<br />

I. Panelling formula: 5'1a7"5"2". Cells are conical, epivalve as<br />

large as or smaller than hypovalve. With apical pore. Epivalve<br />

panelling pattern (apex) is always asymmetrical; panels are<br />

smooth, panelling pattern varying 'greatly. Daughter cells are<br />

freeswimming for a long time, theWattach themselves to Dinobryon<br />

colonies. Cell measures 251t(. No stigma. Gl. dinobryonis 12.<br />

H. Panelling formula: 4 1 2a6n5"2".<br />

Cells are oval, somewhat flattened. Valves both the saine size.<br />

Coverings are occupied by rows of small papillae. Measuring 30-40/t,<br />

No stigma. Gl. Dybowskii 13.

47<br />

Panelling formula: 3 1 1a7"5"2".<br />

Cells are oval, somewhat flattened, valves both the same size,<br />

hemispherical. Apical aperture is on the line of separation<br />

between 2 1 and 3 1 . Panelling pattern varies greatly. Covering<br />

is smooth. Length 23 9.<br />

Stigma small, bacilliform. Often surrounded by a considerable<br />

gelatinous corona.<br />

Gl. oculatum<br />

Two genera: Peridinium, Ditlousalis<br />

A. Cell body is not compressed between the poles; its shape is<br />

spherical, ellipsoidal, ovoid, or elongatedly oonical. Number of<br />

plates 21-20, of which 14 or 13 are borne on<br />

the epivalve<br />

and 7 on the hypovalve. Plate formula: 4 1 3-0a7"5" 1 2".<br />

Peridinium (P. 180)<br />

B. Cell body is compressed between the poles, so that it is lenticular<br />

to turbinate. Number of plates 19(18); epivalve 13(12), hypovalve<br />

6(7). Plate formula: 4 1 1(-2)a6(7)"5" 1 1(2)". Diploosalis (P.248)<br />

1. Cells are oval to spherical; rhomboid plate is very large,<br />

and longitudinal groove is distinctly displaced towards the right,<br />

fitting obliquely; hyaline crests of variable<br />

size occur<br />

on the apical and antapical plates. P. Willei 1.

,a • 48'<br />

2. Cells are oval to spherical; rhomboid plate is small,<br />

and longitudinal groove is nearly straight; hyaline crests are<br />

usually absent. . . . . • •' • o • • o • • • • • • • P. Volzi]. 2r<br />

J.. Cells have a regular outline and appear more or less<br />

(199)<br />

elliptical in cross section,. The epivalve is larger than the hypovalve.'The<br />

longitudinal groove extends far onto the epivalve.<br />

P. cinctum 1.<br />

2. Cells are more or less gibbous, circular or very slightly<br />

elliptical in cross section; the epivalve and the hypovalve are<br />

approximately the same size; the longitudinal groove extends very<br />

little onto the epivalve. . . . . . . . .. . . • • P.- Zatur.ense 2.<br />

3. Cells are very dis.tinctl,y flatteneçi dorsiventrally;<br />

ventral plates are frequently concave, left dorsal apical plate<br />

(M 2a) frequently quâdrangularo . . . . . . . . . P. palustre 3.<br />

1. Cells ovoid, 30-55/t{ in length; apical panelling is<br />

(205).<br />

irregularly symmetrical, plates frequently concave, diffusely punctâte;<br />

the intercalary striation is ti•ride, concave, vrithout cross<br />

striation; the antapical plates bear<br />

numerous spines.<br />

P. palatinum 1.<br />

2. Cells ovoid, 35-45 ^{ in length; apical panelling is<br />

regularly synunetrical; plates are convex; intercalary striation is<br />

cross-striated. Antapical plates are not spinose.<br />

P. pseudolaeve'2.

49<br />

A. Cells are ovoid to conical; path of transverse groove runs<br />

below the middle of the body, so that the epivalve is larger than<br />

the hypovalve.<br />

1. •Pedicles present, crests on the epivalve. P. bipes 1.<br />

2. Pedicles are sharply reduced, crests present.<br />

P. bipes var. occultatum<br />

3. Pedicles are completely absent, as are the crests.<br />

P. bipes var. tabulatum<br />

B. Cells are spherical; transverse groove runs equatorially, so that<br />

the epivalve and the hypovalve are of approximately equal size.<br />

Pedicles are absent, epivalve crests present.<br />

P. Plavfairii 2.<br />

C. Cells are pentagular, bulky. Apex is bent over towards the left;<br />

posterior part of body is bilobate, crests on the epivalve and<br />

the hypovalve P limbatum 3.<br />

D. Cells are rhomboid. Edges of the longitudinal groove are elevated,<br />

with rounded ends prominent on the posterior part of the body,<br />

which often have the appearance of spines. Chromatophores are<br />

absent. Fresh and brackish water form. P. achromaticum 4.<br />

Another species, which certainly shows the same panelling<br />

pattern, but otherwise is of _a différent type (P. wisconsinense<br />

EDD;Wiwas assigned to this group as an appendage and subsequently<br />

transferred to the Allorr-ei group.

50<br />

1. Cells are ovoid to almost spherical, 45-55/Li in length,<br />

with three sturdy spines connected by a crest on the antapical<br />

Plates P baliense 1.<br />

2. Cells are ovoid or pyriform, 35-50U in length, with<br />

a few isolated, sturdyspineson the antapical plates, the spines are occasionally<br />

absent P. aciculiferum 2.<br />

3. Cells are ovoid or oval, 25-40M in length, plates are<br />

. convex, minutely punctate; numerous papillae or very short spines<br />

occur on the antapical plates. The epivalve is larger<br />

than the hypovalve P Lomnickii 3.<br />

• 4. Cells are ovoid, measuring 30 x 25-30i4,. Plates are<br />

partly concave, and, on the epivalve, minutely areolated. The hypovalve<br />

is densely occupied by minute spines The epivalve and the<br />

hypovalve are of equal size or the hypovalve is occasionally larger.<br />

P. Godlewskii 4.<br />

5. Cells are spherica1,30-35M1n diameter; plates are<br />

convex, minutely punctate or covered with small papillae.<br />

P. jprzeiskii 5•<br />

6. Cells are nearly spherical, 45-67m in length, plates<br />

concave, without spines on the hypovalve. . . P. .41y9.21m . 6,<br />

1. Cells are oval and elongated, 25-35-40,4 in length; (220)<br />

apical plates are usually convex, antapical plates plane or concave;<br />

longitudinal groove widens distinctly on the hypovalve.<br />

P. umbonatum 1.

51<br />

2. Cells are oval, elongatëd or pentangular,. 15-30^{ in<br />

length;' apical plates are convex, plane or concave; longitudinal<br />

groove widens distinctly on the hypovaltire. ... P. inconspicuum 2.<br />

3. Cells are ovoid, 18-251.^ in length; the epivalve is<br />

conical, the hypovalve almost hemisFhexiçal P. pusillum'3.<br />

4. Cells are almost spherical, 28-43k in diameter, occasionally<br />

somewhat elongated; apiçal pole is eccentric, apical plates<br />

arranged irregularly. . . . . . . . -. .. . . . . P. centenniale 4,<br />

5, Cells are pentangular, 28-35 M in length, with concave<br />

apical plates; the hypovalve isweakly_ bilobate, with a long, fine<br />

spine on each lobe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P. Deflandrei 5.<br />

6. Cells are oval, 3545)Lj in length; antapical plates<br />

are plane or weakly concave; longitudinal groove is very narrow on<br />

the hypovalve; shell is very fragilè and bears little brnamentation.<br />

lubieniense 60<br />

7. Cells are oval, 30--41A in length; plates have arcuate<br />

boundaries; intercalary striation with prominent thickenings, which<br />

are not striated. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P. morzinense 7.<br />

8. Cells are pyrifo.rm, 20-28M in length, apical and antrapxcal<br />

plates convex. Ori the border between the antapical plates,<br />

there is a strong, curved spine. .,..... P.► goslaviense B.<br />

9. Cells are pentangular, 25-4W j in length, plates plane<br />

or concave; longitudinal groove isvexy distinctly Videne.d; antapi.c.al<br />

plates always ;,Par<br />

a single, large tooth-like structures or<br />

several somewhat smaller thorns .... P. âfricanum 9.

52<br />

1. Cell outline is pentangular, cells are slightly<br />

(236)<br />

flattened. Epivalve with 11 plates. There are long thorn-like<br />

structures on the antapical plates; plates are not areolated. There is<br />

no median apical plate P. Lindemanni 1.<br />

2. Cells are pentangular, hardly flattened, measuring<br />

18-25 x 15-28/A. Thorn-like structures are short, and arranged<br />

differently on the hypovalve. Plates with longitudinal rows of<br />

points. A median apical plate is present. The epivalve usually has<br />

12 plates P. Viguieri 2.<br />

1. Cells 30-40,4 in length, with pentangular outline.<br />

(237)<br />

Longitudinal groove widens very distinctly towards the posterioro<br />

.Plates are concave, frequently with thorn-like structures on the<br />

antapical plates P ElDatiewskyi 1.<br />

2. Cells 22-25M in length, with pentangular outline.<br />

Longitudinal groove widens very distinctly towards the posterior.<br />

Plates are concave, frequently with thorn-like structures on the<br />

apical plates P. pygmaeum 2.<br />

In the Elnatiewskyi group and subsequent groups, the<br />

panelling pattern reaches its greatest simplicity within the genus<br />

Peridinium. The number of plates on the epivalve has been reduced _<br />

to the minimum of 11 to 10 plates, and even the arrangement<br />

of the plates is of the most simple type. Four plates are grouped<br />

around the apical pore: 1 1 -4 1 (or the rhomboid plate and three apical<br />

plates). They are surrounded by the 7' (6) pre-equatorial plates (7" to 6").

53<br />

1. Cells are ovoid to pyriform, 24-40f-{ in length with<br />

(240) .<br />

only six pre-equatorial plates, and no median apical plates; with<br />

several spines`on the antapicàl plates .... . P. Cunnin:-tonii 1.<br />

2. Cells are distinctly elongated, thinner, 30--40/q in<br />

length with 7 pre-equatorial plates,.2 median apical plates, and<br />

1 dorsal apical plate . . . . . . . . . . .. . . P. quadridens 2.<br />

A. The dorsal apical.plate touches the apex and becomes plate 3'-<br />

(244) .<br />

1. Cells are ovoid, measuring 30 x 28Jq. Plates are smooth or<br />

lightly punctate. The panelling pattern of the epivalve is<br />

symmetrical , ^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.Penardii 1.<br />

2. Cells are ellipsoidal or rhomboid, measuring 26-30 x 26-33;<br />

the panelling pattern is asymmetrical .. P. berolinense 2,<br />

B. The dorsal apical plate is remote fromthe apex:<br />

3. Cells are ovoid or pyriform, often almost spherical, measuring<br />

41--54 x 35-41^{ . Plates are frequently concave, faintly<br />

areolated. vorsal apical plate is sexangular or pentangular.<br />

P.Borgei3.<br />

4. Cells are pentangular, 30-40A in length. Plates are plane<br />

or slightly convex (rarely, one plate or another is concave).<br />

Dorsal apical plate is pentangular. . . . P. penardifor.me 4.<br />

5. Cells are ovoid, measuring 35 x 30R Plates are convex. Dorsal<br />

apical plate is quadrangular. .... .. P. Kulczinskii 5.<br />

While the panelling pattern is symmetrical in the species<br />

P. Pene.rdii., tienardiî orme, Kulczinskii and BorLe:i 3 it is asymmetrial<br />

in P. berolinense.

54<br />

Key to the identification of the species.<br />

(260)<br />

1. Anterior horn is straight.<br />

A. Flattening of cell is slight; always just two posterior horns<br />

present. Horns are massive and bulky.<br />

C. 13rachyceros 2 (P.281)<br />

B. Flattening of cell is distinct; two to three posterior horns<br />

are present. Horns are generally thin. C. hirundinella 1 (P.260)<br />

II. Anterior horn runs obliquely to the transverse groove, curved towards<br />

the right.<br />

A. Anterior horn is short, bulky. Width of cells up to 85).i •<br />

C cornutum 3 (P.282)<br />

B. Anterior horn is relatively longer, somewhat thinner. Width of<br />

cells up to 1044. Range of distribution .Atlantic.<br />

c. carolinianum 4 (P.282)<br />

Su l<br />

(262)<br />

A. Thin, long to very long, tricornute forms, up to 45A in width<br />

(rarely up to 55,4) •<br />

Apical portion of cell is shaped like a tall<br />

cone, and thin.<br />

1. Antapical horn is directed in the same direction as the apical<br />

horn Furcoides type 1.<br />

! 2. AntaiDical horn.points outWards just a little.<br />

r -<br />

! (a) Cell width 28-34M, length 148-280X. Silosiacum type 2.<br />

-<br />

,<br />

• (b) Cell width 44-5514, length 375 VI3M, very thin forms.<br />

Yuennanonse type, 3.

55<br />

3. Antapical horn points inwards, is relatively short, and<br />

occasionally is almost parallel to the apical horn. (Cells<br />

are often up to 50.4 in width). ' Brachyceroides type 4.<br />

B. Short, wide, tricornute forms, over 45)q in width and 115-170/q<br />

in length. The two posterior horns divaricate slightly.<br />

Carinthiacum type 5.<br />

C. Short or long forms, over 45 ,4 in width; tetracerous under__<br />

conditions of optimal development; the left postequatorial<br />

horn may be either short andtruncated or developed as a distinct<br />

horn. Apical portion is conical, but less tall (than in A), and<br />

usually much flatter, often even capshaped.<br />

1. Postequatorial horns do not divaricate, or divaricate only<br />

slightly. In general, forms are still somewhat thin.<br />

(a)Antapical horn is directed in the sanie direction as the<br />

apical horn, and right postequatorial horn is parallel to<br />

the antapical horn, occasionally slightly divaricating.<br />

Cell body usually is without dorsal convexity (along the<br />

longitudinal axis). Ridges produced by thickening in the<br />

cell membrane are fragile and reticular. Gracile type 6.<br />

(263)<br />

(b) Antapical horn and postequatorial horn point more outwards.<br />

Entire cell bodyis dorsally convex (along the<br />

longitudinal axis). Ridges produced by thickening in the<br />

cell membrane are solid and usually irregular.<br />

2obustum type 7.

56<br />

2. Divarication of postequatorial horns is. medium. Somewhat<br />

smaller, w:ider, more bulky forms. Antapical horn points<br />

outerards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Austriacum type 8.<br />

3. Postequatorial horns divaricate strongly.<br />

(a) Antapical horn is short, directed'in the same direction<br />

as the apical horn. The hypovalve is nôticeab7.y short.<br />

Scotticum t•,rEe IF.<br />

(b) Antapical horn is longer, and pointing outwards. The<br />

hypovalve is somewhat longer. ... Piburgense t,ype 10.<br />

Synopsis of families and Z^jnera.<br />

(287)<br />

i_ ^<br />

, +..ai<br />

ar e<br />

> > • ^^ ,^<br />

i.,,,,+,<br />

^@11^ \JTl ^:yStlî! ïotill) 1C.fGn^âucuiy e1lliJUl.lGl, ^uia ^c., `Jr<br />

fusiforLl, more or less cuspidate on both ends and often with<br />

corneous extensions (acicular cysts), or flatly polygonal or<br />

tetrahedral, with spines on the corners. Usually free-living<br />

(only the genus Stylodinium, which is not to be treated here,<br />

and two species of Cystodini um are attached). Reproduction is<br />

zoosporous or autosporous.<br />

Family: Cystodiniaceae nom. nov.<br />

With 4 genera:<br />

(a) Acicular cysts or elongated., non-cuspidate cysts.<br />

Genus: Cystodinium<br />

(b) Flat polygonal cysts with spines on the corners.<br />

Genus: Dinastridium.<br />

(c) Tetrahedral- cysts with spines on the corners:<br />

Genus: Tetradinium

(d) Spherical, obovoid cysts, mounted on top of reletjzvelly<br />

long stalks<br />

Genus: Stylodinium (npt treated)<br />

II. Cells (cysts) are spherical or ellipsoidal, not sessile..<br />

forms (zoospore stage) are not known. Reproduction is eutPspProus<br />

in character. • -<br />

(a) Contents of cell are transformed into a body resembling<br />

qymnodinium, which undergoes cleavage and fors twP<br />

qymnodinium cells. These, however, remain non-meile and<br />

are transformed into cells resembling autozpores.<br />

Family: Hypnodiniaoee.e<br />

One genus: Hypnodinium.<br />

(b) Transformation of cell contents into cells resembling<br />

gymnodinium no longer takes place. There occurs ollly<br />

simple cell cleavage, whereupon the two daughter PellS<br />

leave the mother cell as autospores.<br />

Family: Phytodiniaceae<br />

One genus: Phytodinium<br />

.Key for Cystodinium<br />

•<br />

(2-89)<br />

A. Cysts free-floating.<br />

I. Cysts are elongated, curved in fusiform or lunate fashion,<br />

narrowed on both ends and drawn out into more or less lPng,<br />

colorless aciculae (membrane spines).<br />

•<br />

(a) Membrane spines are on both ends of the cyst.

58<br />

1. Terminal spines are relatively thin, usually curved<br />

and more or less long*<br />

d,) Terminal spines are curved in the same direction,<br />

occasionally almost parallel, usually more or<br />

less divaricating (zoosporous). G. cornifax 2.<br />

^3} One spine runs along the longitudinal axis of<br />

the cyst, the other is deflècted from the longitudinal<br />

axis at an angle (zoosporous).<br />

G. Steinii 1^.,<br />

b') Cysts are ellipsoidal, not narrowed very much<br />

at the ends.. One of the-two membrane spines is<br />

deflected in the opposite direction to the other.<br />

Cyst contents and zoospores are-unknown,,<br />

Ç, bisetosum 3-<br />

2. Terminal spines are thicker, more or less long,<br />

straight or curved.<br />

oC)Cysts fusiform. Terminal spines are thick, almost<br />

truncated, relatively long, and quite wide at the<br />

base. Either they run in the direction of the longitudinal<br />

axis, being straight or slightly curved, or<br />

one spine is only moderately curved, while the other<br />

is curved like a hockeystick. Zoospores have the<br />

shape of a mn. fuse. ....... C.. novaculosum 5<br />

Cysts lunate. Terminal spines are relatively short,<br />

stout , acuminate, curved towards the "ventral

59<br />

side". Zoospores are formed (2); their emercence<br />

has not been observed ..... . C. Pers 6.<br />

3. Ends of cysts are tapered,'thick, more or lees<br />

truncated, and relatively short.<br />

o4) Character of the protoplast is as in the case 0S<br />

the Poridineae. Stigma present. Formation and<br />

emergence of zoospores observed (zoosporous).<br />

• C. bataviense 1.<br />

A) Character of the protoplast is not as in the case<br />

of the Peridineae, and there is no stigma. Formation<br />

and emergence of autospores observed (autosporous).<br />

C. lunare 7.<br />

(b) Cysts with membrane spine on one end only. Spn i s<br />

stout straight ormore or less curved. C. unicorne 8.<br />

II. Cysts rounded at the ends, without spines. (290)<br />

(a) CystS are elongatedly phaseoliform or roniform.<br />

1. Cells elongatedly phaseoliform. Ends are narrowly<br />

rounded, "ventral side" almost straight; shape re.<br />

miniscent of Closterium Dusillum HAUTZSCH.Two Gvmno-<br />

dinium-like zoospores observed. C. closterium 9.<br />

2. Cells are stoutly reniform, with somewhat unequaily<br />

rounded ends, which render them slightly asymmetrical.<br />

Reproduction is by means of two types<br />

ot zoosPores•<br />

C. 2.122222Aus 10 1,

60<br />

(b) Cysts are ellipsoidal. Autosporous.<br />

C. Dominii 11.<br />

(c) Cysts are citriform or barnacle—shaped; the zoospore<br />

which possibly belongs to this species is shortly oval,<br />

Symnodinium—like. A somewhat uncertain species.<br />

C. dimorphs. 12.<br />

B. Cysts are attached, stalked. With very short, wide stalks.<br />

I. Cysts are reniform or thickly ellipsoidal, with a very<br />

short s Stout membrane spine arising straight from the<br />

side. Protoplasts of cysts are without grooves and stigma;<br />

z oospores, in contrast, are endowed with a groove system,<br />

stigma and pyrenoid. C. breviues 13.<br />

II. Cysts appear oval when viewed from above, lunate in profile,<br />

' circular in cross section, with a short, slightly curved,<br />

lateral seine. Zoospores without stigma. C.. bicorne 14.

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