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Rush Limbaugh Mocks Chinese President Hu Jintao<br />

ABC News’ Huma Khan reports: Conservative radio personality Rush Limbaugh is at the center of controversy<br />

once again, and this new one goes beyond U.S. borders.<br />

The talk show host is taking heat for mocking a speech made by Chinese President Hu Jintao at the White<br />

House Wednesday.<br />

"Hu Jintao -- He was speaking and they weren’t translating. They normally translate every couple of words. Hu<br />

Jintao was just going ching chong, ching chong cha," Limbaugh said, before launching into a 17-<br />

second imitation of the Chinese leader's dialect.<br />

Rep. Judy Chu, D-Calif., the first Chinese-American woman elected to the U.S. House of Representatives, said<br />

she was "shocked and appalled" by Limbaugh's comments.<br />

"Calling the Chinese names and imitating the Chinese language was a childish and offensive tactic," she said in<br />

a statement to ABC News. "It is one thing to disagree with a nation and criticize its policies, but it is another<br />

thing to demonize an entire people.<br />

"Over the last 150 years, Chinese in America have faced severe racial discrimination. It wasn’t that long ago<br />

that the Chinese in America were legally excluded from the basic rights given to every other newcomer. They<br />

were called racial slurs, were spat upon in the streets, derided in the halls of Congress and even brutally<br />

murdered," she added. "So when I hear popular leaders in the media, like Mr. Limbaugh, unearth the same type<br />

of derogatory rhetoric I can only think about how far we have come and worry about whether we want to head<br />

back in that direction."<br />

Rep. David Wu, D-Ore., the first Chinese-American to serve in the House, called Limbaugh's recent rhetoric<br />

another example of his "fundamental lack of character."<br />

"What begins as an ugly display quickly becomes as striking for its pathetic childishness," Wu said in a<br />

statement to ABC News. "Mr. Limbaugh proves once again his disinterest in civil and thoughtful discourse, and<br />

in doing so he ridicules one of the world’s oldest languages, insults the Chinese American and Asian American<br />

communities, and disrespects the 1.3 billion people of China."<br />

The mockery is being criticized my many across the country. California State Sen. Leland Yee asked Limbaugh<br />

to apologize for his “classless act” and touted Wednesday’s show as an example of the “bigotry that has often<br />

plagued his commentary.”<br />

"His classless act is an insult to over 3,000 years of cultural history, and is a slap in the face to the millions of<br />

Chinese Americans who have struggled in this country and to a people who constitute one-quarter of the world's<br />

population," Yee said in a statement.<br />

Salon.com editor and blogger Andrew Leonard called Limbaugh’s “bravura performance” an embarrassment to<br />

the country.<br />

“This is just embarrassing,” Leonard wrote. “I'm sure the clip is already surging through the Chinese Internet,<br />

and hundreds of millions of Chinese citizens are contemplating the fact that one of the heroes of the newly<br />

ascendant Republican party is a nativist ignoramus intent on purposely humiliating the current leader of the<br />

world's next great superpower.”

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