st. john of damascus (676-749 - Cristo Raul

st. john of damascus (676-749 - Cristo Raul

st. john of damascus (676-749 - Cristo Raul


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bound together by the <strong>st</strong>ronge<strong>st</strong> <strong>of</strong> all ties, the sense<br />

<strong>of</strong> a Divine calling.&quot;<br />

The same preparedness <strong>of</strong> the<br />

soil to receive the seed, which made the teaching <strong>of</strong><br />

Mahomet take root and germinate so quickly at<br />

Medina, was the cause also <strong>of</strong> the rapid spread <strong>of</strong><br />

Mahometan conque<strong>st</strong>s soon afterwards. At Yathrib,<br />

better known thenceforward as Medina, 1 &quot;<br />

the City,&quot;<br />

the feuds <strong>of</strong> the Arabs and the Jews and, when the<br />

latter were subdued, the internecine feuds <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Arab tribes <strong>of</strong> Aus and Khazraj had ended in a<br />

general feeling <strong>of</strong> insecurity and weariness <strong>of</strong> war,<br />

such as makes men ca<strong>st</strong> about for a <strong>st</strong>rong ruler to<br />

govern them. They were, in fact, on the point <strong>of</strong> so<br />

choosing Abdallah, son <strong>of</strong> Obay, when the arrival <strong>of</strong><br />

Mahomet seemed to furnish them with the very<br />

2<br />

leader whom they sought.<br />

In like manner, when the armies <strong>of</strong> Islam began<br />

to invade the adjoining countries, Egypt on the we<strong>st</strong><br />

and Syria on the north, their success might seem at<br />

fir<strong>st</strong> out <strong>of</strong> all proportion to the means employed, or<br />

to the time consumed. But the conflagration spread<br />

rapidly because the trees were dry. Ju<strong>st</strong> as the<br />

citizens <strong>of</strong> Yathrib had been weakened by their longcontinued<br />

blood feuds, so the inhabitants <strong>of</strong> Syria<br />

and Egypt were in a <strong>st</strong>ate <strong>of</strong> religious, as well as civil,<br />

disunion and weakness. The majority in both those<br />

countries were Ne<strong>st</strong>orians or Monophysites, de<br />

pressed by the imperial laws, and ready to welcome<br />

1<br />

More properly Medinct-al-Nabi, City <strong>of</strong> the Prophet.&quot;<br />

Robertson s Hi<strong>st</strong>, <strong>of</strong> the Chri<strong>st</strong>ian Church,&quot; ii., p. 39, n.<br />

2<br />

Osborn, ubi. sup.) p. 42.

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