st. john of damascus (676-749 - Cristo Raul

st. john of damascus (676-749 - Cristo Raul

st. john of damascus (676-749 - Cristo Raul


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&quot;<br />


167<br />

<strong>of</strong> originality ;<br />

<strong>of</strong> being discoverers as well as pre<br />

servers. The ever-present reminder <strong>of</strong> our debt in<br />

the Arabic numerals, and the occurrence <strong>of</strong> Arabic<br />

terms in chemi<strong>st</strong>ry and a<strong>st</strong>ronomy, may blind us to<br />

the fact that the Saracens gave us little but what<br />

they had themselves received. Even the science <strong>of</strong><br />

algebra, referred to by Hallam, whose Arabic name<br />

seems to bespeak for it a purely Arabic origin, was<br />

not invented by them ; they simply extended and im<br />

proved the sy<strong>st</strong>em <strong>of</strong> 1<br />

Diophantus. It is the more<br />

necessary to be clear on this point, since the way <strong>of</strong><br />

speaking found in some authors might cause it to be<br />

imagined that not only the physical science, but the<br />

philosophy, <strong>of</strong> modern Europe had its source in the<br />

Arabian peninsula. Warton, for in<strong>st</strong>ance, in com<br />

menting on the works read by Chaucer s Doctour <strong>of</strong><br />

Phisicke :<br />

speaks <strong>of</strong><br />

as<br />

Well knew he the old Esculapius,<br />

And Dioscorides, and eke Rufus,<br />

Old Hippocrates, Haly, and Galen,<br />

Serapion, Rasis, and Avicen,<br />

Averrois, Damascene, Con<strong>st</strong>antine,<br />

Bernard, and Gattisden, and Gilbertin,<br />

&quot;<br />

the Ari<strong>st</strong>otelian<br />

or Arabian philosophy<br />

Spain and<br />

&quot;<br />

continuing to be communicated from<br />

1<br />

The writer whom the Arabians regard as the inventor <strong>of</strong><br />

their sy<strong>st</strong>em <strong>of</strong> Algebra, Mahommed Ben Musa, or Moses,<br />

lived about the middle <strong>of</strong> the ninth century, some five hundred<br />

years after the work <strong>of</strong> Diophantus appeared. The improve<br />

ments they made in the science do not appear to have been<br />

&quot;<br />

great. See the article on<br />

Algebra&quot; in the Encyckp.<br />

Britannica (1865),<br />

i. p. 512.

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