st. john of damascus (676-749 - Cristo Raul

st. john of damascus (676-749 - Cristo Raul

st. john of damascus (676-749 - Cristo Raul


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&quot;<br />

a mountain being the chosen spot.<br />

SERMONS. 109<br />

A mountain, as<br />

rising high above the level <strong>of</strong> the earth, is a symbol<br />

<strong>of</strong> that charity, or love, which is the crowning Chris<br />

tian grace. To readers <strong>of</strong> the works bearing the<br />

name <strong>of</strong> Dionysius the Areopagite, this thought will<br />

be a familiar one. Through the successive <strong>st</strong>ages <strong>of</strong><br />

purification and illumination the soul mu<strong>st</strong> rise to its<br />

perfection ; as through faith and hope we reach the<br />

&quot;<br />

empyrean summit <strong>of</strong> love. Wherefore,&quot; St. John<br />

<strong>of</strong> Damascus continues,<br />

&quot;we should leave to the<br />

earth what is earthy, and surmount this body <strong>of</strong> our<br />

humiliation, and borne on high to the l<strong>of</strong>ty and divine<br />

watch-tower <strong>of</strong> love, there gaze on what had baffled<br />

our gaze. For he who has attained to the eminence<br />

<strong>of</strong> love, being in a measure out <strong>of</strong> himself, discerns<br />

the unseen, and by soaring<br />

above the gloom<br />

<strong>of</strong> this<br />

corporeal cloud that hovers over him, and reaching<br />

the clear upper air <strong>of</strong> the soul, fixes a more piercing<br />

gaze upon the Sun <strong>of</strong> Righteousness, even though<br />

unable as yet to be fully sated with the spectacle.&quot;<br />

And on the words apart and to pray, brought to<br />

gether by joining the accounts <strong>of</strong> the fir<strong>st</strong> and third<br />

evangeli<strong>st</strong>, he adds the pithy comment, For quietude<br />

is the mother <strong>of</strong> prayer as ; prayer is the manife<strong>st</strong>a<br />

tion <strong>of</strong> divine glory&quot; (c. x.).<br />

The Transfiguration<br />

itself was not an assuming <strong>of</strong> what Chri<strong>st</strong> had not<br />

before, but a manife<strong>st</strong>ing to the disciples <strong>of</strong> that<br />

which he had ; their eyes being opened, so that,<br />

while hitherto but blind, they were now enabled to<br />

see (c. xii.).<br />

From the words,<br />

&quot;his face did shine as<br />

the sun,&quot;<br />

he draws another illu<strong>st</strong>ration <strong>of</strong> the topic<br />

ever present to his thoughts, the tw<strong>of</strong>old nature <strong>of</strong>

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