May June 1980 - Commodore Computers

May June 1980 - Commodore Computers

May June 1980 - Commodore Computers


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MAY/JUNE. I <strong>1980</strong> 198O ISSUE .d. &. COMPUTE. 11<br />

An Introduction to Small Business<br />

Software for the PET*. ll. H.<br />

Can DR. DALEY's offer a better<br />

Mailing List Maintenance System?<br />

You' ve seen them all ! Every softw are sup·<br />

You've seen them all! Every software sup<br />

plier offers a mailing list system off some<br />

sort orr another. Each of them has some ad·<br />

vantages and some disadvantages over the<br />

others.<br />

So when DR. . DALEY's decided 10 to offer<br />

a mailing list we felt that it had to offer<br />

some other advantages over all all of the<br />

others. lhers. We have ooffered—and red-and sold<br />

some-mailing some—mailing listt systems before, but<br />

these offer feww things that makes them<br />

unique.<br />

unique.<br />


When you wish to purchase a software<br />

system forr any business purpose youu need<br />

to give it serious and thorough considera·<br />

tion. What do you wish to accomplish with<br />

the software? What arc are your needs? How<br />

can a computerr assist you in filling these<br />

needs?<br />

We have asked these questions<br />

numerous us times to 10 people people who do mailings<br />

with lists in the size range off 500 to 15,000<br />

names. The result was unanimous: every·<br />

one has different information on needs. This,<br />

off course, means that everyone who buys a<br />

mailing list system, , or any otherr business<br />

software, must find a program that comes<br />

closest to his needs. This is a time consum·<br />

ing, expensive task. We've talked with<br />

businessmen who have become frustrated<br />

with this process and are ready to throw in<br />

the towel. Another option n is to hire a pro·<br />

grammer cr to write the e software for r you u or to<br />

write writc your own. ThisT can cost more than the<br />

cost of the computer.<br />

The last opiiono ptio n is to find prepackaged<br />

software which each individual ividual user can<br />

easily y configure to his own needs. This<br />

would d allow each business to customize its<br />

s<br />

own computer maintained ned mailing g list files<br />

to, , as closely as is possible, parallel llellhe the cur·<br />

rentr e n~ mailing list operation. o Until now, this<br />

optiono ptIo n has been virtually y impossible to<br />

fulfill, ll , from any software publisher.<br />


OurO computerized mailing list system is<br />

designed to be easy for r you, the user, to be<br />

able to easily configure your files to contain<br />

information in much the same way as you<br />

currently are doing. dOing. This means less of the<br />

pain and anguish that frequently accompanies<br />

computerization.<br />

io During the programming the author was<br />

in frequent contact with potential ti end<br />

users. The main thought o during the<br />

development phase p was to make the opera·<br />

tion easy to understand, , yet powerful<br />

enough to handle the job. Give the user as<br />

many options as is feasible, with the flex.<br />

ibility y to make the greatest possible use of<br />

the file information. Finally, y. be sure that<br />

the capaci ty o f the sys tem is sufficient to<br />

the capacity of the system is sufficient to<br />

allow most aany business to make use off it.<br />

The final version will allow records of<br />

1177 USABLE E characters in length with a<br />

maximum of 15 fieldss within each record. It<br />

also allows reasonably large capacityy with<br />

multiple diskette e (maximum off 100 dis·<br />

keltes kettes onn a 32K PET or CBM) files and up<br />

to 1340 records per diskette.<br />

to 1340 records per diskette.<br />


We hear this question most frequently<br />

We hear this question most frequently<br />

fromm you. . This is because sorting is the<br />

operation o n that divides the MAl MAILING LIST<br />

system from anyy mailing list system. Why<br />

sorting? Well it is the way that the user can<br />

do such things as selective mailings 10 to<br />

groups with common characteristics. This<br />

could include regional mailings, mailings to<br />

customers of a particular product, mailings<br />

to purchasers orr to prospective cuslomers,<br />

customers,<br />

etc., etc. Or you might wish to make aany<br />

possible combination of these categories.<br />

Try to do this on most ordinary mailing<br />

list programs. p You simply can'tt do it with<br />

most of the offerings on the market today.<br />

This sorting is done by a "wild card"<br />

type of sort. This means that you can<br />

specify the contents off any portion n off a<br />

field for a match and the computer will take<br />

any match for r the rest ofo f the field. This type<br />

of sort is best illustrated with the following<br />

examples:<br />

A sort key can n be: **R**1 uR"1<br />

Matches with FORT#1<br />

RTHI<br />

and T4R321<br />

and %/R@3l% / R@31<br />

Our system allowsa this type ofo f sorting using<br />

up to three fields within in each record. Thus<br />

you should be able to retrieve rieve almost any<br />

conceivable subset of the files.<br />

.<br />

File organizationo o n is done using g two o of the<br />

fields as sort son keys. This again is user select·<br />

able. You u could, for example, specify that Iha t<br />

you wish the file to 10 be in ZIPZ CODE se·<br />

quence or in alphabetical sequence anda all<br />

records within n the file will be sequenced<br />

with h ihat that field. . There is also a second sort<br />

field which is used to sequence the file<br />

where the first field is the same.<br />

where the first field is the same.<br />


We hear r this oneo almost as often as the<br />

Charge C to<br />

your<br />

MC/VISA<br />

M C / S A<br />

DR. DALEY's Software Soflware<br />

425 Grove Gro\'e Ave., Berrien Springs, MI 49103<br />

Phone (616)471-5514<br />

471·5514<br />

Sun.-Thurs. noon n to 9 p.m., Eastern Time<br />

sorting. We ll , here this is up to you. Yo u<br />

sorting. Well, here this is up to you. You<br />

can, at the lime time you print labels, choose the<br />

la layout of the labels, you can also choose the<br />

number ooff labels per li line. If you wish to<br />

have a fo four line address and printed fo four<br />

records wide you can do it.<br />


Edi tin g is accomplished at several points<br />

Editing is accomplished at several points<br />

in the program. These are at the time of en·<br />

try, before saving the records to the file and<br />

from the disk fi file. You can easilyy modify<br />

any record at any of these points.<br />

This docs does not really cover all ooff the<br />

operations o oonn the fi files. Space simply does<br />

not allow a more completc complete description off<br />

the user oriented approach off the program.<br />

We asked the question: n: Can we offer a<br />

better mailing list system? You bet bel we can! !<br />

It's here now.<br />


At Al present this requires a <strong>Commodore</strong><br />

PET orr CCBM computer with a dual disk<br />

drive and a printer. It is sct set up to work with<br />

the <strong>Commodore</strong> printer or with most any<br />

other printer. Walch Watch for these programs to<br />

be introduced for r use with other types off<br />

popular pular microcomputers. The APPLE II<br />

version will be available about <strong>June</strong> 1,<strong>1980</strong>.<br />

<strong>1980</strong>.<br />

Watch for it!<br />


At the present time many <strong>Commodore</strong><br />

dealers do not carry our software. Thus you<br />

will most likely need to either persuade<br />

them to ordero for r you or calling us directly<br />

at (616) 471-5514 1·55 14 anytime between n noon<br />

and 9 p.m. Eastern time Sunday through<br />

Thursday. For only o y $99.95 plus'four ur per­<br />

cent tax in the state of o f Michigan, you get<br />

this powerful, , field tested, fully y docud ocu·<br />

mented Illent ed program p packaged in a convenient<br />

three-ringed<br />

three·ringed binder.<br />


We must add this note. There is too little<br />

space to 10 allow a us to describe the INVEN·<br />

TORY system adequately ualely here. It offers the<br />

same flexibility li as does the MAILING LIST<br />

described above, but we can't , tell you much<br />

more. Write or call for details. It also is<br />

priced at al $99.95.<br />

*Watch ·Walch for r it on the APPLE II.

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