Henry Bence Jones (1813-1873): The Best ... - Clinical Chemistry

Henry Bence Jones (1813-1873): The Best ... - Clinical Chemistry Henry Bence Jones (1813-1873): The Best ... - Clinical Chemistry


CLIN. CHEM. 33/9, 1687-1 692 (1987) Henry Bence Jones (1813-1873): The Best “Chemical Doctor” in London LouIs Rosenfeld A New Eponym In September 1844, a wealthy London grocer, forty-four years of age, developed chest pains after an accidental fall. His pain was relieved by a plaster cast, but returned a month later to persist until his death. He was first seen by Dr. Thomas Watson in the spring of 1845 after he had been treated for pleurisy. In June the patient developed edema of the legs. He improved during the summer while vacationing in Scotland, but his legs continued to swell. He had a ravenous appetite and claimed that he dreamed of eating cats and dogs (1). After several months of care, Dr. Watson called in William Macintyre, physician to the Metropolitan Convalescent Institution and the Western General Dispensary in St. Marylebone, to see the patient. It was Friday, October 30, 1845. By then the patient was confined to his house with excruciating pain in the chest and back. From the history and examination, Macintyre noted many important clinical features, including the severe bone pains and the peculiar reaction of the urine when it was heated. In view of the history of edema, this was one of the first tests he performed. Macintyre also noted, and later described, the ability of the heat-precipitated protein to redissolve upon continued heating of the urine, only to reprecipitate when the urine was allowed to cool. He also noted that the protein was heat-precipitated at a temperature much lower than was necessary for albumin (2). It seems that Dr. Watson had not examined his patient’s urine, but he either was present when Macintyre tested the urine or was told about the unusual results, because both physicians independently sent a specimen to the noted chemical pathologist, Henry Bence Jones. The specimen sent by Dr. Watson was accompanied by the following note (1): Saturday, Nov. 1st, 1845. Dear Dr. Jones, -The tube contains urine of very high specific gravity. When boiled it becomes slightly opaque. On the addition of nitric acid, it effervesces, assumes a reddish hue, and becomes quite clear; but as it cools,assumes the consistence and appearance which you see. Heat reliquifiesit.What is it? When Jones arrived, the patient was severely emaciated, with yellowish skin, clear conjunctivae, and dry lips. Urine was not passed in large quantities and there was no urgency or frequency. The patient complained of pains in the left shoulder and side, and had to be moved most gently in bed on account of the pain. The patient died on January 2, 1846. The autopsy revealed that the sternum and cervical, thoracic, and lumbar vertebrae were soft, fragile, and easily Department of Pathology, NYU Medical Center, 530 First Avenue, New York, NY 10016. Fig. 1. Henry Bence Jones (1813-1873) Courtesyof J. R. Clamp.Bristol,England breakable, and could be cut with a knife. The kidneys were grossly and microscopically healthy. The only marked disease present was mollities ossium (abnormal softening of the bones). A histological examination of the soft gelatinous blood-red substance from the interior of the affected bones was made by John Dalrymple, surgeon to the Royal Ophthalmic Hospital and a member of the Microscopical Society. He described the great numbers of nucleated cells, varying in size and shape, and for the most part larger than the average erythrocyte. He also noted that the larger and more irregular cells often contained two or three nuclei (3). These descriptions, though incomplete, are not inconsistent with malignant plasma cells with some multinucleated forms. Dalrymple, Bence Jones, and Macintyre believed this disorder was a malignant bone disease. In 1873, von Rustizky described the pathology of this condition of tumors of the bone marrow and named it “multiple myeloma.” This disease was first related to H. B. Jones’ proteinuria by Otto Kahler (1849-1893) in 1889. Bence Jones carried out extensive chemical analyses on CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 33, No. 9, 1987 1687

CLIN. CHEM. 33/9, 1687-1 692 (1987)<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Bence</strong> <strong>Jones</strong> (<strong>1813</strong>-<strong>1873</strong>): <strong>The</strong> <strong>Best</strong> “Chemical Doctor” in London<br />

LouIs Rosenfeld<br />

A New Eponym<br />

In September 1844, a wealthy London grocer, forty-four<br />

years of age, developed chest pains after an accidental fall.<br />

His pain was relieved by a plaster cast, but returned a<br />

month later to persist until his death. He was first seen by<br />

Dr. Thomas Watson in the spring of 1845 after he had been<br />

treated for pleurisy. In June the patient developed edema of<br />

the legs. He improved during the summer while vacationing<br />

in Scotland, but his legs continued to swell. He had a<br />

ravenous appetite and claimed that he dreamed of eating<br />

cats and dogs (1). After several months of care, Dr. Watson<br />

called in William Macintyre, physician to the Metropolitan<br />

Convalescent Institution and the Western General Dispensary<br />

in St. Marylebone, to see the patient. It was Friday,<br />

October 30, 1845. By then the patient was confined to his<br />

house with excruciating pain in the chest and back.<br />

From the history and examination, Macintyre noted<br />

many important clinical features, including the severe bone<br />

pains and the peculiar reaction of the urine when it was<br />

heated. In view of the history of edema, this was one of the<br />

first tests he performed. Macintyre also noted, and later<br />

described, the ability of the heat-precipitated protein to<br />

redissolve upon continued heating of the urine, only to<br />

reprecipitate when the urine was allowed to cool. He also<br />

noted that the protein was heat-precipitated at a temperature<br />

much lower than was necessary for albumin (2).<br />

It seems that Dr. Watson had not examined his patient’s<br />

urine, but he either was present when Macintyre tested the<br />

urine or was told about the unusual results, because both<br />

physicians independently sent a specimen to the noted<br />

chemical pathologist, <strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Bence</strong> <strong>Jones</strong>. <strong>The</strong> specimen<br />

sent by Dr. Watson was accompanied by the following note<br />

(1):<br />

Saturday, Nov. 1st, 1845.<br />

Dear Dr. <strong>Jones</strong>, -<strong>The</strong> tube contains urine of very high specific<br />

gravity. When boiled it becomes slightly opaque. On the addition of<br />

nitric acid, it effervesces, assumes a reddish hue, and becomes quite<br />

clear; but as it cools,assumes the consistence and appearance which<br />

you see. Heat reliquifiesit.What is it?<br />

When <strong>Jones</strong> arrived, the patient was severely emaciated,<br />

with yellowish skin, clear conjunctivae, and dry lips. Urine<br />

was not passed in large quantities and there was no urgency<br />

or frequency. <strong>The</strong> patient complained of pains in the left<br />

shoulder and side, and had to be moved most gently in bed<br />

on account of the pain. <strong>The</strong> patient died on January 2, 1846.<br />

<strong>The</strong> autopsy revealed that the sternum and cervical,<br />

thoracic, and lumbar vertebrae were soft, fragile, and easily<br />

Department of Pathology, NYU Medical Center, 530 First Avenue,<br />

New York, NY 10016.<br />

Fig. 1. <strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Bence</strong> <strong>Jones</strong> (<strong>1813</strong>-<strong>1873</strong>)<br />

Courtesyof J. R. Clamp.Bristol,England<br />

breakable, and could be cut with a knife. <strong>The</strong> kidneys were<br />

grossly and microscopically healthy. <strong>The</strong> only marked disease<br />

present was mollities ossium (abnormal softening of<br />

the bones). A histological examination of the soft gelatinous<br />

blood-red substance from the interior of the affected bones<br />

was made by John Dalrymple, surgeon to the Royal Ophthalmic<br />

Hospital and a member of the Microscopical Society.<br />

He described the great numbers of nucleated cells, varying<br />

in size and shape, and for the most part larger than the<br />

average erythrocyte. He also noted that the larger and more<br />

irregular cells often contained two or three nuclei (3). <strong>The</strong>se<br />

descriptions, though incomplete, are not inconsistent with<br />

malignant plasma cells with some multinucleated forms.<br />

Dalrymple, <strong>Bence</strong> <strong>Jones</strong>, and Macintyre believed this disorder<br />

was a malignant bone disease. In <strong>1873</strong>, von Rustizky<br />

described the pathology of this condition of tumors of the<br />

bone marrow and named it “multiple myeloma.” This disease<br />

was first related to H. B. <strong>Jones</strong>’ proteinuria by Otto<br />

Kahler (1849-1893) in 1889.<br />

<strong>Bence</strong> <strong>Jones</strong> carried out extensive chemical analyses on<br />

CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 33, No. 9, 1987 1687

this unusualheat-precipitable substance and concluded that<br />

it was an oxide of albunun-specifically, the hydrated<br />

deutoxide of albumin. <strong>The</strong> ultimate analysis he represented<br />

by CHssNsOis or CH31N5O15, depending on whether<br />

protein is equal to CH37N6O15, or C40H30N5012. According<br />

to his estimate, the enormous quantities of this peculiar<br />

albuminous substance voided in the urine were in the same<br />

concentration as ordinary albumin in the serum. No amount<br />

of food could compensate for such a loss (4).<br />

<strong>The</strong> identity of the patient in this first recorded case of<br />

multiple myeloma remained unknown for more than a<br />

century. Macintyre referred to him only as Mr. M., and<br />

<strong>Bence</strong> <strong>Jones</strong> never identified him by name. <strong>The</strong>n, in 1967,<br />

by careful and meticulous research of the Register of Deaths<br />

for the London area for the first quarter of 1846, and by a<br />

process of elimination based on the known information on<br />

age, date of death, occupation, and cause of death, the<br />

correct death certificate was found. <strong>The</strong> patient was identified<br />

as Thomas Alexander McBean and the cause of death<br />

was given as “atrophy from albuminuria” (5). At that time,<br />

albuminuria was the term used nonspecifically to mean<br />

proteinuria.<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Bence</strong> <strong>Jones</strong> examined the urinary protein in some<br />

detail and reported on its properties, analysis, and significance,<br />

whereas Macintyre’s paper dealt mainly with the<br />

clinical features of the disease. For this reason, <strong>Bence</strong> <strong>Jones</strong><br />

came to be credited with the discovery of the protein. This<br />

case history and the strange protein that bears his name<br />

were not mentioned in his obituaries, the Dictionary of<br />

National Biography, or his own brief autobiography. This is<br />

not unusual. Eponymic fame is often a matter of chance and<br />

good luck and is usually bestowed years after death when<br />

the discovery assumes an appropriate significance within<br />

the context of subsequent investigations and findings. Had<br />

the case report been made in more recent times, the cause of<br />

death might have been recorded as “McBean’s disease with<br />

Maclntyre’s proteinuria” (5).<br />

Education and Early Years<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Bence</strong> <strong>Jones</strong> (6, 7) was born on December 31, <strong>1813</strong>,<br />

at Thonngton Hall, Yoxford, in the county of Suffolk, the<br />

home of his maternal grandfather, Mr. <strong>Bence</strong> Sparrow<br />

(1749-1824), Rector of Beccles. His father, Lt. Col. William<br />

<strong>Jones</strong>, was of Irish descent and had only recently returned<br />

from army service with the 5th Dragoon Guards in the<br />

Peninsular War.<br />

After some preparatory private schooling, <strong>Henry</strong> entered<br />

Harrow in 1827. Of his classical education at Harrow, <strong>Bence</strong><br />

<strong>Jones</strong> recollects that he acquired nothing more than is<br />

generally learned at Harrow, and derived little pleasure<br />

from classics and verse-making. He learned to read and<br />

write French, but not too well. He picked up some knowledge<br />

of turning in wood and ivory, did some etching,<br />

mezzotint, and copper engraving, and also learned to play a<br />

little on the clarinet and bugle. If classroom activities were<br />

not especially noteworthy, it appears that he did find<br />

considerable enjoyment in school sports. He became quite<br />

skilled in football and racquet ball and made the Harrow<br />

cricket team.<br />

<strong>Bence</strong> <strong>Jones</strong> left Harrow to spend the final year in a<br />

private school studying mathematics and otherwise preparing<br />

for Cambridge. He entered Trinity College in 1832 and<br />

soon found himself on an eight-oar rowing team. <strong>Henry</strong> had<br />

given some thought to joining the Dragoons but it was his<br />

youngest brother who joined the army, while <strong>Henry</strong> was<br />

intended for the Church. He studied Hebrew, with little<br />

success, attended lectures in divinity, read German and<br />

Italian with a tutor, attended lectures on modern history<br />

and geology, and eventually took his Arts degree in January<br />

1836. At this point, although he had completed all the<br />

necessary steps for ordination, he decided against a career in<br />

the Church. At loose ends about what to do, he wrote to a<br />

relative of his father’s family in Liverpool asking for ajob as<br />

a clerk in the family business, but nothing caine of this. He<br />

considered emigrating to New Zealand and even picked up<br />

the necessary papers.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n, while discussing professions with a friend in London,<br />

he learned the differences between apothecary, surgoon,<br />

and physician, and what the educational requirements<br />

were for each. Since he showed some interest in<br />

medicine, his father suggested he spend a year of study with<br />

the local general practitioner. Usually, this was someone<br />

qualified as an apothecary and surgeon, but without the<br />

university training in medicine and the M.D. degree that<br />

denoted a physician. But this was not to <strong>Henry</strong>’s liking.<br />

A Choice of Career<br />

What happened next was an introduction to his friend’s<br />

brother, a surgeon at St. George’s Hospital in London. <strong>The</strong><br />

surgeon arranged for <strong>Bence</strong> <strong>Jones</strong> to enter St. George’s as a<br />

pupil of the apothecary, to learn how to prepare and to<br />

dispense the pills and powders, draughts and mixtures in<br />

use in the hospital. <strong>The</strong> apothecary stood on the bottom rung<br />

of the triple-tiered medical hierarchy serving the health<br />

needs of early nineteenth-century England. This does not<br />

take into account the quacks or the thousands of untrained<br />

and irregular “practitioners” who daily endangered the<br />

health and lives of the public, especially in the rural areas.<br />

Anyone, licensed or not, could practice in England and<br />

Wales on any patient who, knowing his lack of qualifications,<br />

would allow him to do so. Licensure was only a<br />

certification of training. It was, however, always an offense<br />

for anyone to claim to have had training that he had not<br />

received.<br />

<strong>Bence</strong> <strong>Jones</strong>’ 18 months of association with the apothecary<br />

were very useful and valuable because he picked up a<br />

considerable amount of practical knowledge of how drugs<br />

were used. He rarely visited the wards alone, but frequently<br />

accompanied the apothecary at night when he attended the<br />

most seriously ill of the physicians’ patients.<br />

<strong>The</strong> following year, on October 1, 1838, <strong>Jones</strong> enrolled as<br />

a perpetual pupil (full-time medical student) at St. George’s<br />

and began to attend lectures and the dissecting room, as<br />

well as the general chemistry course given at the Royal<br />

Institution. For a while he became a dresser (assistant) in<br />

the surgeons’ wards, but as soon as he had acquired some<br />

practical knowledge he returned to the physicians’ wards.<br />

He worked hard to learn all he could about the stethoscope<br />

from Dr. James Hope (1804-1841), assistant physician at St.<br />

George’s. Unfortunately, no one else at the hospital knew or<br />

cared about the use of this relatively new instrument. <strong>The</strong><br />

older men tended to ridicule something they did not understand<br />

and found difficult to learn. Besides, as many pointed<br />

out, there was no advantage to this new technique since the<br />

treatment was usually the same anyway. Humoral pathology,<br />

established by the ancient Greeks, dominated all of<br />

medicine until the middle of the nineteenth century. Most<br />

physicians believed that different illnesses were just variations<br />

of humoral disorders. <strong>The</strong>rapy was not directed<br />

against a disease as such, whatever it was called, but<br />

1688 CLINICALCHEMISTRY, Vol. 33, No. 9, 1987

against the diseased state of the patient. Treatment was<br />

selected to restore the body’s huinoral balance, by removing<br />

unsatisfactory fluids by bleeding, purging, sweating, blistering,<br />

and (or) inducing vomiting.<br />

Chemical Diseases<br />

<strong>Bence</strong> <strong>Jones</strong> was interested in chemical diseases and tried<br />

to gather some information on this in the medical wards.<br />

However, despite the correlations found by Dr. Richard<br />

Bright of Guy’s Hospital connecting edema, albuminuria,<br />

and diseased kidneys at autopsy, this kind of information<br />

was of no interest to most medical men. As long as disease<br />

was believed to resultfrom one underlying condition of the<br />

body, and presumably could be treated and cured by one<br />

system of correcting that condition, there would be little<br />

interest or advance in identifying and treating particular<br />

diseases (8). Anatomical diagnosis was of little value to the<br />

doctor who still regarded illness as an essentially general<br />

phenomenon and considered local manifestations as secondary.<br />

Such doctors did not think it necessary to look for an<br />

association between symptoms in the living and structural<br />

pathology in the dead.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re were no facilities for investigation at St. George’s<br />

except for an alcohol lamp and some nitric acid in one of the<br />

surgical wards, and although he tried to run some experiments<br />

on albumin in urine, he ended up with more questions<br />

than answers. <strong>The</strong>n, in the spring of 1839, <strong>Bence</strong> <strong>Jones</strong><br />

was sidelined with rheumatic fever and returned home to<br />

recuperate. By October, still weak, he felt well enough to go<br />

back to London, but it was not to St. George’s. Instead,<br />

determined to acquire a knowledge of chemistry and some<br />

skill in laboratory work, he entered University College<br />

London for a year as a private pupil of Professor Thomas<br />

Graham (1805-1869), and paid for it with #{163}50 of his own<br />

money from a small legacy. Graham was rarely in the<br />

laboratory, so the chemical instruction was obtained chiefly<br />

from his assistant, Mr. George Fownes (1815-1849). It<br />

proved to be a very valuable association.<br />

Fownes had studied with Justus Liebig (1803-<strong>1873</strong>) at<br />

Giessen (near Frankfort) and taught <strong>Bence</strong> <strong>Jones</strong> general<br />

laboratory work and the techniques and methods for accurate<br />

organic analysis according to Liebig’s methods. During<br />

his year with Fownes, <strong>Bence</strong> <strong>Jones</strong> acquired an appreciation<br />

for experimental chemistry and an attraction to Liebig’s<br />

work that had an important influence on his subsequent<br />

research and career.<br />

I<br />

First Publication<br />

One of his student exercises was to examine a calculus<br />

from the collection in the Museum of University College<br />

Hospital. His analysis led to his first publication. <strong>The</strong> stone<br />

turned out to be a cystine calculus, a rare type. Cystine had<br />

been firstdiscoveredin a calculus by W. H. Wollaston<br />

(1766-1828) in 1810. Indeed, it was the first amino acid to<br />

be discovered. <strong>The</strong> presence of sulfur in cystine had only<br />

recently been found by A. E. Baudrimont and F. J. Malaguti<br />

in 1837, and its content was successfully determined by<br />

M. C. J. Thaulow the following year. <strong>Bence</strong> <strong>Jones</strong>’ analysis<br />

of the sulfur content was 19% rather than the 25% obtained<br />

by Thaulow, a discrepancy no doubt ascribable to the<br />

inexperience of the analyst. <strong>Bence</strong> <strong>Jones</strong> suggested that<br />

“there may be two similar cystic oxyde calculi, which differ,<br />

in the one having more or less of its oxygen replaced by<br />

sulphur,” and proposed the names of cystic and sulphocystic<br />

oxydes to distinguish them (9).<br />

<strong>Bence</strong> <strong>Jones</strong> resumed his medical education at St.<br />

George’sin October 1840. His plan was to take the examination<br />

for Licentiate of the College of Physicians as soon as he<br />

could, and then spend six months studying in Liebig’s<br />

laboratory in Giessen, a common goal of aspiring young<br />

chemists in the mid-nineteenth century. <strong>The</strong> College of<br />

Physicians at this time, wishing to compete with the new<br />

University of London, had lowered its requirements and<br />

now admitted to examination, for its license to practice as a<br />

physician, those who had no University medical degree, and<br />

agreed to call those who passed doctors of medicine. He<br />

passed the examination in the spring of 1841 and was<br />

admitted as a Licentiate of the College. Soon afterwards he<br />

traveled to Giessen, where he was warmly received as a<br />

result of introductions from Graham and Fownes. He immediately<br />

got down to laboratory work, even taking German<br />

lessons daily before coming to the laboratory. <strong>Jones</strong> was<br />

greatly impressed with Liebig and his views on animal<br />

physiology, and became a close friend of his teacher.<br />

Justus Liebig<br />

Liebig’s school of chemistry was attracting students from<br />

all over the world. Justus Liebig was one of the forces<br />

making chemistry (in which France had led the way in the<br />

eighteenth century) almost a German monopoly in the<br />

nineteenth century. In 1824 he established the first systematic<br />

laboratory course designed expressly to train new<br />

chemists. Previously, practical laboratory exercises were<br />

almost completely neglected in the universities and students<br />

were taught only theory. Experiments were almost<br />

always limited to demonstrations by the instructor and his<br />

assistants. Liebig developed techniques and apparatus to<br />

overcome difficult operations and eliminate sources of error<br />

in order to obtain accurate knowledge of the composition<br />

and reactions of organic compounds. His ideas on animal<br />

physiology (10) had a very pronounced impact on contemporary<br />

chemists and on the course of physiological investigation.<br />

Although often wrong in his explanations and inferences,<br />

which were shaped by wishfulthinkingand speculation<br />

that went far beyond the available experimental<br />

evidence, and though he hever performed an experiment on<br />

living animals, Liebig showed how the quantitative methodsof<br />

organic chemistry could be applied to the study of the<br />

chemical composition and the reactions of physiologically<br />

important substances (11). <strong>The</strong> most important result of<br />

Liebig’s work was the large volume of further research that<br />

he helped to stimulate.<br />

First Employment<br />

In October 1841, after six months at Giessen, <strong>Jones</strong><br />

returned to the medical wards at St. George’s Hospital. <strong>The</strong><br />

following May he married his first cousin, Lady Millicent<br />

Acheson, daughter of the second Earl of Gosford. Soon<br />

afterwards, he journeyed to Cambridge, where he picked up<br />

the M.A. degree-presumably in chemistry, on the basis of<br />

his work with Graham and Liebig-for which no residence<br />

or additional course work was required. He was back in<br />

London in October for the start of the school year to begin<br />

work at St. George’s. <strong>The</strong> Governors requested that he<br />

analyze and catalog all the calculi in the hospital’s museum.<br />

He conducted this work in a small laboratory, which he<br />

outfitted at home. Meanwhile, Fownes had been appointed<br />

lecturer in medicinal chemistry to the Middlesex Hospital.<br />

Kept busy with lectures at the Charing Cross Hospital,<br />

where he was chemical professor, as well as with another<br />

CLINICALCHEMISTRY, Vol. 33, No. 9, 1987 1689

course at the Pharmaceutical Society, Fownes arranged to<br />

have <strong>Bence</strong> <strong>Jones</strong> appointed as his temporary substitute.<br />

<strong>The</strong> lectures, begun in the autumn of 1843, were prepared<br />

from Fownes’ notes with the help of the assistant to the<br />

previous lecturer. <strong>The</strong>re were only six students in the class,<br />

and, “In preparation for these lectures I acquired more<br />

practical knowledge of chemistry than I could possibly have<br />

done in any other way” (12). Fownes received the fees, but<br />

rewarded <strong>Bence</strong> <strong>Jones</strong> with 10 guineas. Some of the topics<br />

covered in the lectures were: chemical means of obtaining<br />

information; organic analysis; schools of animal chemistry;<br />

fluids of the animal body; solids of the animal body; organic<br />

processes; nutrition; respiration; secretion; death.<br />

Appointment<br />

and Promotion<br />

In December 1845 he was appointed to a vacancy as<br />

assistant physician at St. George’s. He was also assigned the<br />

post of Lecturer on Medical Jurisprudence, a position usually<br />

filled by the youngest physician on the staff. Only a few<br />

months later he advanced to a new vacancy as physician.<br />

His rapid climb was quite unusual. For most physicians on a<br />

hospital staff the wait ranged from a few to many years; for<br />

others the promotion never came. <strong>Bence</strong> <strong>Jones</strong> was overwhelmed<br />

by the new responsibilities. Fortunately, he was<br />

able to consult at any time with the hospital’s apothecary<br />

under whom he had begun his training. If not for this, he<br />

would have been in a constant state of bewilderment regarding<br />

treatment of his patients.<br />

“In this way the alliance I had formed in the shop became my<br />

greatest support in the wards of the hospital, and I rapidly acquired<br />

knowledge in the management of the patients and confidence in<br />

myself, though my private practice was very small indeed for some<br />

time. Gradually, however, my chemical knowledge brought me<br />

medical men to ask for my opinion on their own cases,and thiswas<br />

followed by their occasionally bringing me their patients for consultation”<br />

(13).<br />

In 1846, with a growing reputation as an animal chemist,<br />

and sponsored by Fownes and Graham, he was elected a<br />

Fellow of the Royal Society. In 1849, having obtained the<br />

B.A. from the University and a medical education elsewhere,<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Bence</strong> <strong>Jones</strong> received the M.D. degree from<br />

Cambridge University. <strong>The</strong>re was no residence requirement.<br />

Friends and Patients<br />

<strong>Bence</strong> <strong>Jones</strong> soon had a large and profitable practice, and<br />

was well acquainted with the leading scientists at home and<br />

on the Continent. Among his friends and patients were<br />

Thomas Huxley (1825-1895), the famed biologist and<br />

grandfather of Aldous, who mentioned in his autobiography<br />

that <strong>Bence</strong> <strong>Jones</strong> loaned him the use of his home for three<br />

months; Charles Darwin (1809-1882), who was half-starved<br />

by <strong>Bence</strong> <strong>Jones</strong>’ dietary regimen during a period of ill health<br />

in 1865; and Hermann von Helmholtz (1821-1894), physiologist,<br />

renowned for his work in thermodynamics and his<br />

invention of the ophthalmoscope, who described <strong>Jones</strong> as “a<br />

charming man, simple, harmless, cordial as a child and<br />

extraordinarily kind” (14). <strong>Bence</strong> <strong>Jones</strong> was also physician<br />

and friend to the celebrated chemist A. W. Hoffmann (1818-<br />

1892), and was quoted in the autobiography of philosopherbiologist<br />

Herbert Spencer (1820-1903) to the effect that<br />

there is scarcely a drug which may not under different<br />

conditions produce opposite effects. Benjamin Disraeli borrowed<br />

a <strong>Bence</strong> <strong>Jones</strong> prescription from a friend for loss of<br />

voice (probably laryngitis).<br />

<strong>Jones</strong> was also well acquainted with Florence Nightingale,<br />

who managed the Hospital for Invalid Gentlewomen in<br />

Harley Street before she left for the Crimean War and the<br />

work that made her famous. He had a high opinion of her<br />

ability, and she regarded him as the best “chemical doctor”<br />

in London. He wrote to her during her convalescence in the<br />

Crimea in 1855 to ask her advice about a project he had in<br />

mind for reform of nurses’ training in London’s hospitals.<br />

<strong>Bence</strong> <strong>Jones</strong> wanted to start a nurses’ training school at St.<br />

George’s and thought that such schoolsshould be part of all<br />

London hospitals. Later, when a national fund was raised in<br />

honor of Miss Nightingale, <strong>Bence</strong> <strong>Jones</strong> was one of the<br />

original members of the Council of the Nightingale Fund<br />

(15). This was not a new endeavor for him. Some years<br />

earlier, in 1850, he was very influential, through his many<br />

social contacts outside of medicine, in the establishment of<br />

the Hospital for Sick Children, on whose Board he served.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Royal Institution<br />

<strong>Bence</strong> <strong>Jones</strong> was very much interested in natural science<br />

(physics). <strong>The</strong> most important part of his nonmedical work<br />

was his association with the Royal Institution, from which<br />

he derived much enjoyment. <strong>The</strong> Royal Institution sponsored<br />

research and experimentation in natural science and<br />

served as a forum for popular-science lectures to the public.<br />

<strong>Bence</strong> <strong>Jones</strong> first began attending the Friday evening<br />

lectures while a pupil at St. George’s Hospital, when one of<br />

the Governors gave him an admission ticket. It was there<br />

that he first heard Michael Faraday (1791-1867). Faraday<br />

later became his close friend and patient. <strong>The</strong>ir friendship of<br />

many years led to a two-volume biography of the prominent<br />

scientist by <strong>Bence</strong> <strong>Jones</strong> in 1870.<br />

During the 1850s <strong>Bence</strong> <strong>Jones</strong> lectured at the Royal<br />

Institution on animal chemistry for medical students (open<br />

to the public); alcohol, sugar, and acid content in wines; and<br />

ventilation. He was Secretary from 1860 to <strong>1873</strong>. His<br />

connection with the Royal Institution led to friendships with<br />

Emil du Bois-Reymond (1818-1896), founder of modern<br />

electrophysiology, and with John Tynda.ll (1820-1893),<br />

physicist, both of whom he recruited to lecture at the<br />

Institution. <strong>Bence</strong> <strong>Jones</strong> later translated and edited an<br />

account of du Bois-Reymond’s important discoveries in<br />

animal electricity (1852). As a result of this contact <strong>Jones</strong><br />

tried to revive an earlier technique of applying electrolysis<br />

for the in situ dissolution of urinary calculi (16).<br />

Sugar<br />

and Diabetes<br />

His researches with diabetics showed that sugar is still<br />

found in the urine when sugar-forming food is withheld<br />

from the patient, and he suggested that the disease might be<br />

due to blockage of the action of oxygen on the non-nitrogenous<br />

constituents of the food and tissues. He believed<br />

diabetes was due to deficient oxidation, affecting first the<br />

non-nitrogenous and ultimately the nitrogenous constituents<br />

of the food and tissues. He explained the error of<br />

calculating the quantity of sugar in urine from specific<br />

gravity tables as follows: “But diabetic urines contain a<br />

multitude of other substances besides sugar, each of which is<br />

variable, and each of which may cause the specific gravity to<br />

vary, whilst the quantity of sugar remains constant” (17).<br />

He supported this contention with many examples of comparisons<br />

of specific gravity and sugar content measured<br />

directly with a saccharometer. His treatment for diabetes:<br />

“Whatever is beneficial for excessive acidity is still more<br />

useful in diabetes. Small meals, free from sugar and acid,<br />

1690 CLINICALCHEMISTRY, Vol.33, No. 9, 1987

and the substances which can give rise to sugar and acids,<br />

constitute the best diet” (18).<br />

<strong>The</strong> Influence of Liebig<br />

<strong>Bence</strong> <strong>Jones</strong> was impressed with the elegance of Liebig’s<br />

concept of the oxidative metamorphosis of tissues, and was<br />

convinced that it was essentially correct. He accepted it<br />

uncritically and set out to show how it might be applied to<br />

medical diagnosis and treatment, and based most of his own<br />

future work on it. Liebig’s work was attractive because his<br />

theories were based on a balanced system of oxidative<br />

reactions, all fitted neatly together to explain the animal<br />

functions.<br />

Soon after returning to England from Giessen, <strong>Jones</strong><br />

published his first book, On Gravel, Calculus, and Gout;<br />

chiefly an Application of Professor Liebig’s Physiology to the<br />

Prevention and Cure of those Diseases (1842). Liebig had<br />

suggested that oxidation of uric acid in the body yielded<br />

urea, oxalic acid, and CO2. Using Liebig’s concept to explain<br />

the causes, treatment, and prevention offormation of stones,<br />

<strong>Bence</strong> <strong>Jones</strong> saw the problem as having to increase the<br />

oxidation of uric acid to the more soluble urea, while<br />

simultaneously blocking the breakdown of muscular tissue.<br />

His plan was to increase the oxygen supply by promoting<br />

the circulation while controlling the intake of non-nitrogenous<br />

food-too much of which was believed to reverse<br />

normal oxidation. To facilitate uric acid oxidation in the<br />

blood, he administered alkaline medication to keep the uric<br />

acid in solution where it was more readily in contact with<br />

oxygen. <strong>The</strong> major fault with his book was his uncritical<br />

acceptance and strong reliance on Liebig’s theories. He was<br />

also guilty of speculative applications without prior experimental<br />

investigation. Critics noted the absence of medical<br />

case histories and experimental results, the same shorthornings<br />

as in Liebig’s Animal <strong>Chemistry</strong>.<br />

One critic noted that <strong>Jones</strong>’ book crowded together too<br />

many physiological doctrines-the reviewer called them<br />

“novelties”-into a very few pages, without explanation or<br />

discussion. A great deal more discussion of the data would<br />

be needed, he added, to change the minds of those with<br />

preconceived notions (19).<br />

In his systematic analytical studies of the urine in health<br />

and disease, <strong>Bence</strong> <strong>Jones</strong> sought data that would make the<br />

diagnosis of chemical diseases more reliable. He tried to<br />

correlate the alkaline and earthy phosphates with diet,<br />

exercise, and certain medications and found wide day-to-day<br />

variations. When he followed the normal variations in<br />

urinary acid he noted the 24-hour cycle of ebb and flow (the<br />

“alkaline tide”). He observed that the administration of<br />

ammonium salts produced an increased acidity in the urine,<br />

owing to conversion of ammonium ion to urea. But, applying<br />

Liebig’s theories of oxidation, <strong>Bence</strong> <strong>Jones</strong> explained the<br />

effect as due to the oxidation of ammonium salts to nitric<br />

acid.<br />

Because of the strong impression made by Liebig’s work,<br />

<strong>Bence</strong> <strong>Jones</strong> always preferred the findings of German chemists<br />

over those of the French. This led him to ignore or even<br />

to reject some important findings in physiological chemistry<br />

made during his time. For example, he was not satisfied<br />

with Claude Bernard’s experiments showing that pancreatic<br />

juice saponified neutral fat, and he cited the contrary<br />

opinion of a German researcher (20).<br />

<strong>The</strong> weak point of his (and Liebig’s) work was a too-direct<br />

application of the laws of chemistry to the complex phenomena<br />

of the human body. In retrospect, it is obvious that<br />

neither the chemical knowledge nor the techniques available<br />

were up to the task.<br />

A Role for <strong>Chemistry</strong> in <strong>Clinical</strong> Practice<br />

In an age when the description of disease was often a mere<br />

catalog of symptoms, <strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Bence</strong> <strong>Jones</strong> was one of only a<br />

few medical men to appreciate the value of chemistry in the<br />

explanation and treatment of disease. <strong>Chemistry</strong> was a<br />

rapidly developing science in the early part of the nineteenth<br />

century, and animal chemistry in particular, dealing<br />

with the materials and functions of living organisms, appeared<br />

to offer a foundation of firm scientific principles on<br />

which to base both diagnosis and treatment. In Paris,<br />

Antoine Fran#{231}ois Fourcroy (1755-1809) had studied biliary<br />

and urinary calculi while, in Sweden, J#{246}ns Jakob Berzelius<br />

(1779-1848) was utilizing improved analytical techniques<br />

for animal fluids and tissues. And in Germany, at the<br />

University of Giessen in 1824, Justus Liebig established the<br />

first systematic laboratory course designed to train new<br />

chemists. In England the medical applications of chemistry<br />

were investigated by Alexander Marcet (1770-1822) (21)<br />

and William Prout (1785-1850) (22) at St. George’s Hospital,<br />

and by Gelding Bird (1814-1854) (23) and George Owen<br />

Rees (<strong>1813</strong>-1889) (24, 25) at Guy’s Hospital.<br />

It was at Guy’s Hospital that two wards of 42 beds were<br />

set aside for a team of students and young physicians under<br />

the direction of Richard Bright (1789-1858) (26) in his study<br />

of albuminuria and renal disease. This special unit-the<br />

first of its kind-was the forerunner of today’s metabolic<br />

wards, and one of the earliest attempts to apply the physical<br />

sciences systematically to the study of a specific disease. <strong>The</strong><br />

application of chemistry to medicine was new in the 1830s<br />

as these investigators tried to correlate chemical tests with<br />

symptoms of a particular disease in order to reach a more<br />

reliable diagnosis. Although the utility of chemistry in<br />

medicine was just coming to be recognized, the medical<br />

profession in general was still indifferent and even hostile to<br />

the idea that investigative work in animal chemistry could<br />

lead to improved methods of diagnosis, prevention, and cure<br />

of diseases.<br />

Ideas on Medical Education<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Bence</strong> <strong>Jones</strong> was elected president of the chemistry<br />

section of the British Association for the Advancement of<br />

Science in 1866, the first practicing physician so honored. In<br />

his welcoming remarks to the section’s annual meeting he<br />

appealed for greater attention to chemistry in the training<br />

of doctors, and said: “. .. whatever sets forth the union of<br />

chemistry and medicine tends to promote not only the good<br />

of science but also the welfare of mankind.. . chemistry is<br />

absolutely requisite for the detection of a large class of<br />

diseases.. . it is daily becoming more and more certain<br />

that. . . every medical man [must] become a chemist if he<br />

wishes to have any clear idea of the action of air, food, and<br />

medicine. . .“ (27).<br />

He also urged a revision in the curriculum for all wouldbe<br />

physicians to include a first-rate instruction in English so<br />

they “could explain the nature of the disease and the course<br />

to be followed in the most idiomatic and unmistakeable [sicl<br />

English. . .“ Medical men would be much better served, he<br />

said, if they spent some time in acquiring knowledge about<br />

chemistry and physics instead of “learning some Latin and<br />

less Greek” (28). And, he contrasted “the present state of<br />

medical education with that reasonable knowledge, which<br />

ought to be possessedby those who attempt to under-<br />

CLINICALCHEMISTRY, Vol. 33, No. 9, 1987 1691

stand and to regulate an apparatus that works only whilst<br />

oxygen is going into it and carbonic acid is coming out of it”<br />

(29).<br />

In a separate report to the meeting he stated that only<br />

through the use of exact chemical and physical experiments<br />

will the actions of medicines become accurately known and<br />

“the practice of medicine lose its doubts and difficulties, its<br />

disagreements and deceptions. . . “ (30).<br />

Opposition to these ideas came from those who still<br />

believed that the chemistry of life was governed by a vital<br />

force. Most physiologists were vitalists, as were many of the<br />

leading animal chemists-including Liebig, who equated<br />

the vital force with gravity, magnetism, and electricity, and<br />

believed that, like these forces, the vital force would obey<br />

experimentally determinable simple physical laws. <strong>Bence</strong><br />

<strong>Jones</strong> postulated a quantitative relationship between physical<br />

and chemical forces with a minor contribution from the<br />

vital force, but believed, as did other nineteenth century<br />

chemists, that advances in chemical knowledge would eventually<br />

obviate the notion of a vital force (31).<br />

Personality<br />

Traits<br />

<strong>Bence</strong> <strong>Jones</strong> was not adept at clinical teaching, and for<br />

this reason and because of his notorious lack of punctuality,<br />

the students did not seek out his clerkship. Fascinating and<br />

brilliant, he pronounced his diagnosis quickly and briefly.<br />

<strong>Jones</strong> was self-reliant and strong-willed. Irritable in his<br />

manner and at time impetuous, he was sometimes too quick<br />

with criticisms for those with opposing views-a trait he<br />

may have picked up from Liebig-and as a result was<br />

himself not free from hostile criticism (32).<br />

Illness and Failing Health<br />

In 1861, after experiencing frequent palpitations of the<br />

heart, his self-examination with the flexible stethoscope<br />

revealed that chronic rheumatism had permanently injured<br />

one of the valves of his heart. He resigned the following year<br />

from St. George’s.<br />

His health began to fail late in 1866 when he detected<br />

fluid in one side of his chest. He was seriously ill in the<br />

winter and spring of 1867. He recovered slowly, but his<br />

health began a gradual decline. In 1870 Oxford awarded<br />

him the honorary degree of D.C.L. (Doctor of Civil Letters).<br />

By then his failing health was becoming progressively<br />

worse. Early in <strong>1873</strong>, too ill from enlargement of the liver,<br />

ascites, and anasarca, he completely gave up his practice.<br />

His weakened state worsened, and on April 20, <strong>1873</strong>, he died<br />

in his London home on Brook Street, Grosvenor Square,<br />

from cardiac dropsy (congestive heart failure). By a strange<br />

coincidence, his friend and mentor, Liebig, died a day<br />

earlier. <strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Bence</strong> <strong>Jones</strong> was survived by his wife and<br />

five of his seven children. A bust of him stands in St.<br />

George’s Hospital and in the Royal Institution.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Hyphen<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Bence</strong> <strong>Jones</strong> did not use the hyphen in his name<br />

and it does not appear in any of his more than 40 papers and<br />

books (33). Reference books published during his lifetime<br />

enter him under <strong>Jones</strong>, as does the Royal College of Physicians<br />

and the Dictionary of National Biography. <strong>The</strong> dictionary<br />

of eponymic diseases (34) refers readers from <strong>Bence</strong> to<br />

<strong>Jones</strong>. <strong>The</strong> hyphen was added by his descendants in the<br />

autobiography published more than a half century after his<br />

death.<br />

References<br />

1. <strong>Jones</strong> HB. Papers on chemicalpathology;prefacedby the Gutstonian<br />

lectures, read at the Royal College of Physicians,1846.<br />

Lancet 1847;ii:88-92.<br />

2. Macintyre W. Case of mollities and fragilitas ossium, accompamed<br />

with urine strongly charged with animal matter. Med-Chir<br />

Trans 1850;33:211-32.<br />

3. Dalrymple J. On the microscopic character of mollities ossium.<br />

Dublin Q J Med Sci 1846;2:85-95.<br />

4. <strong>Jones</strong> HB. On a new substanceoccurring in the urine ofa patient<br />

with mollities ossiurn. Philos Trans R SocLondon 1848;138:55-62.<br />

5. Clamp JR. Some aspects of the first recorded case of multiple<br />

myeloma. Lancet 1967;ii:1354-56.<br />

6. <strong>Bence</strong>-<strong>Jones</strong> H. An autobiography with elucidationsat later<br />

dates (privately printed). Tottenham, London:Crusha & Son, Ltd.,<br />

1929:33pages.<br />

7 Coley NG. <strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Bence</strong>-<strong>Jones</strong>, M.D., F.R.S. Notes and Records<br />

of the R SocLondon1973;28:31-56.<br />

8. Holloway SWF. p 302 in: Medical education in England, 1830-<br />

1858:a sociological analysis. History 1964;49:299-324.<br />

9. <strong>Jones</strong> HB. On the presenceof sulphur in cystic oxyde,and an<br />

account of a cystic oxyde calculus. Med-Chir Trans 1840;23:192-8.<br />

10. LiebigJ. Animal chemistry or organic chemistry in its application<br />

to physiologyand pathology.Edited from the author’smanuscriptby<br />

William Gregorywith additions,notes, and corrections by<br />

Dr. Gregory,and othersby John W. Webster. A facsimile of the<br />

Cambridge edition of 1842, published by John Owen. Johnson<br />

Reprint Corp.,New York, 1964.<br />

11. RosenfeldL. Origins of clinical chemistry. <strong>The</strong> evolution of<br />

protein analysis.New York: AcademicPress,1982:12-6.<br />

12. <strong>Jones</strong>FIB. Autobiography(ref. 6) p 18.<br />

13. Ibid., p 19.<br />

14. Ibid., p 24.<br />

15. CopeZ. Florence Nightingale andthe doctors.London: Museum<br />

Press Limited, 1958:21-3.<br />

16. <strong>Jones</strong> HB. On the dissolution of urinary calculi in dilutesaline<br />

fluids, at the temperature of the body, by the aid of electricity.<br />

Philos Trans R Soc London 1853;143:201-16.<br />

17. <strong>Jones</strong> HB. pp 403-4 in: On intermitting diabetes, and on the<br />

diabetes of old age. Med-Chir Trans 1853;36:403-32.<br />

18. Ibid., p 430.<br />

19. Lancet 1842-43;i:442-4.<br />

20. <strong>Jones</strong>FIB.On the saliva and pancreatic juice.Med Times<br />

1851;2(n.s.):579-82.<br />

21. ColeyNG. Alexander Marcet (1770-1822), physician and animal<br />

chemist. Med Hist 1968;12:394-402.<br />

22. Brock WH. <strong>The</strong> life and work of William Prout. Med Hist<br />

1965;9:101-26.<br />

23. ColeyNG. <strong>The</strong> collateral sciencesin the work of GoldingBird<br />

(1814-1854). Med Hist 1969;13:363-76.<br />

24. RosenfeldL. George Owen Rees (<strong>1813</strong>-1889): an early clinical<br />

biochemist. Clin Chem 1985;31:1068-70.<br />

25. ColeyNG. George Owen Rees,M.D., F.R.S. (<strong>1813</strong>-89): pioneer<br />

of medical chemistry. Med Hist 1986;30:173-90.<br />

26. Peitzman SJ. Bright’sdiseaseand Bright’s generation-toward<br />

exact medicine at Guy’shospital. Bull Hist Med 1981;55:307-21.<br />

27. <strong>Jones</strong>FIB. Address. p 28 in: Rep to the Br Assocfor the Adv of<br />

Sci 1866;36:28-33.<br />

28. Ibid., p 32.<br />

29. Ibid., p 31.<br />

30. <strong>Jones</strong>HB. On the chemical action of medicines.Rep to the Br<br />

Assocfor the Adv of Sci 1866;36:38-40.<br />

31. <strong>Jones</strong> HB. (ref. 1) p 92.<br />

32. Obituary. Med Times and Gazette <strong>1873</strong>;1:505-8.<br />

33. Verm JA, ed. Alumni Cantabrigienses (1752-1900). Cambridge:<br />

Cambridge University Press, 1947: vol 3, part 2, p 599. This<br />

biographical list states that <strong>Jones</strong> addedthe hyphento his name.<br />

34. Jablonski S. illustrated dictionary of eponymic syndromes and<br />

diseasesand their synonyms. Philadelphia:WB Saunders, 1969.<br />

1692 CLINICALCHEMISTRY, Vol. 33, No. 9, 1987

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