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cholestyramine or placebo: differential<br />

effects of storage at -70 0C, 380<br />

simultaneous liq.-chromatog. detn. of vit. K1,<br />

vit. E in serum, 2285<br />

Hypermagnesemia<br />

frequency of hypo- and hypermagnesemia for<br />

each chin, service in four teaching hospitals<br />

(A), 1130<br />

Hyperoxaluria<br />

simple liq.-chromatog.<br />

in plasma, 241<br />

method for vit. B6 cmps.<br />

Hyperparathyroidism<br />

assay of “intact” parathyrin in the immediate<br />

and hong-term postoperative follow-up of<br />

patients treated for hyperparathyroidism or<br />

thyroid tumor (L), 340<br />

effects of estrogen on mineral metab, in<br />

poetmenopauaal women as evald. by multiple<br />

assays measuring parathyrin bioacty.,<br />

grand round at Sahlgren’s Hospital:<br />

18<br />

hypercalcemia in a patient with mammary<br />

carcinoma; metaatases or primary<br />

hyperparathyroidism? (CC), 1019<br />

two-site immunochemiluminometric assay of<br />

intact parathyrin with use of a tracer peptide<br />

purified by reversed-phase lig. chromatog.,<br />

215<br />

Hyperphosphatssemia<br />

benign transient hyperphosphatasemia in an<br />

adult with malignant hymphoma (L), 897<br />

Hyperphosphatemic tumoral calcinosis<br />

tumoral calcinosis: seasonal biochem. studies<br />

and chem, studies of eyelid lesion (CR), 183<br />

Hypertension<br />

anal, of urinary metanephrines of patients<br />

treated with antihypertensive a-methyhdopa<br />

(Aldomet) (A), 1138<br />

Ca metab. in hypertension (A), 1054<br />

endogenous digoxin measured by receptor<br />

assay in normotensive and hypertensive<br />

subjects (A), 1135<br />

increased Ca uptake in vascular tissue by<br />

plasma of salt-induced hypertensive Dahh<br />

rats (A), 1138<br />

role of Mg in etiology of cardiovascular disease<br />

(A), 1055<br />

Hyperthyroidism<br />

elk. phosphatase isoenzymes in plasma in<br />

hyperthyroidism, 1427<br />

increased laminin concns. in serum in<br />

hyperthyroidism (TB), 1540<br />

RIA of testosterone not bound to sex-steroidbinding<br />

protein in plasma, 1609<br />

Hypertriglyceridemia<br />

strong assocn, of a single nucleotide<br />

substitution in the 3’-untranslated region of<br />

the apolipoprotain-CIlI gene with common<br />

hypertriglyceridemia in Arabs, 256<br />

Hypnotic agents<br />

simult. liq.-chromatog. detn. of some<br />

bronchodilators, anticonvulaants,<br />

chloramphenicoh, and hypnotic agents, with<br />

Chromosorb P columns used for sample<br />

prepn., 1615<br />

Hypocahcemia<br />

critical anal. and chin. aspects of ionized Cain<br />

neonates (R), 2027<br />

Hypomagnesemia<br />

frequency of hypo- and hypermagnesemia for<br />

each cm. service in four teaching hospitals<br />

(A), 1130<br />

Hypoparathyroidism<br />

effects of estrogen on mineral metab. in<br />

postmenopausal women as evald, by multiple<br />

assays measuring parathyrin bioacty., 18<br />

Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal<br />

system<br />

immunoradiometry of corticotropin with use of<br />

avidin-biotin sepn., 804<br />

Hypothermia<br />

serum creatine kinaae in primary hypothermia<br />

(L), 2254<br />

Hypothyroidism<br />

neonatal screening far congenital<br />

hypothyroidism with LKB Delfia neonatal<br />

TSH kit (A), 1152<br />

sources of imprecision in screening for<br />

congenital hypothyroidism: anal. of 9 y of<br />

performance data, 1701<br />

Hypoxanthine<br />

increase of hypoxanthine during cardiac<br />

surgery, as measured by an indirect<br />

automated enzymatic assay (L), 898<br />

Hypoxia<br />

effects of in viva and in vitro production of<br />

lactic acid on ionized, protein-bound, and<br />

complex-bound Ca in blood, 935<br />

Ichthyosis<br />

diagnosis of recessive X-hinked ichthyosis:<br />

quantitative HPLC/mass spect. anal. of<br />

plasma for cholesterol sulfate, 1906<br />

IFCC<br />

standn, of immunochem. detn. of<br />

apolipoproteins A-I and B: report on IFCC<br />

meeting on standn. of apohipoprotein A-I and<br />

B measurements (basis for future<br />

consensus), Vienna, Austria, April 18-19,<br />

1989 (SR), 2009<br />

Ig<br />

See Immunoghobulins<br />

Imipramine<br />

fluoxetine inhibition of imipramine<br />

metabolism (A), 1180<br />

Immobilized metal affinity chromatography<br />

purifn., characterization of intact lactoferrin<br />

found in the urine of human milk-fed<br />

preterm infants, 1928<br />

Immune<br />

complexes<br />

reliable mess. of circulating immune complex<br />

depends on stable, accurate ref. material (L),<br />

1555<br />

Immune response<br />

leukotriene B4 is measurable in serum of<br />

smokers and nonsmokers (SN), 459<br />

Immunoassay<br />

See also Immunoinetric assay, specific type of<br />

assay<br />

calibration problems with the I<br />

immunoasaay for cychosporin A (L), 1551<br />

cyclosporine cancns. in blood after liver<br />

transplantn.: correlation of immunoassay<br />

results with chin, events, 564<br />

diajnosis of infertility:<br />

SpermCheck’”-immunoassey for detection<br />

of anti-sperm antibodies (A), 1140<br />

digoxin anal, using Abbott’s digoxin NXT<br />

system (A), 1164<br />

estrediol-17$ detd, in plasma by gas<br />

chromatog.-mass spectrom. with selected ian<br />

monitoring of mixed silyl<br />

ether-perfluoroacyh ester derivs. and use of<br />

various stable-isotope-labeled internal sods.,<br />

532<br />

eveln. of Affinity’” automated immunoassay<br />

system (A), 1188<br />

evaln, of Becton Dickinson Affinity’”<br />

immunoasaay system (A), 1107<br />

evaln. of matrix effects of hyophilized pools on<br />

apolipopratein B immunoassays (A), 1074<br />

evaln, of the TDx and ADx methadone<br />

immunoassays (TB), 1794<br />

immunoaaaay for estrogen receptor does not<br />

detect inactivated receptor (SN), 824<br />

immunoassays for rubella antibodies (IgG and<br />

1gM) in serum using time-resolved<br />

fluorescence (A), 1153<br />

interferences of human anti-mouse antibodies<br />

in mouse monochonal antibody-based<br />

immunoassays (A), 1188<br />

mechanism of false-negative urine cannabinoid<br />

immunoassay screens by Visine’” eyedrops<br />

(SN), 636<br />

murmnemonoclonal antibody adsorbed onto<br />

vinylidene fluoride floccules used to<br />

eliminate antibody interference in<br />

“sandwich”-type immunoassays<br />

new highly sensitive dye-forming<br />

(SN), 1743<br />

system for<br />

immunostaining (A), 1187<br />

performance evain. of thyroid-function panel<br />

for DuPont Vista’” immunoassay system (A),<br />

1145<br />

rapid detn. of ferritin in serum by the<br />

“Stratus” fluoroenzymoimmunometric assay<br />

(TB), 672<br />

role of rapid immunoasaays for urgent detna. of<br />

creetine kinase isoenzyme MB (SN), 1752<br />

sensitivity of CYCLO-Trac SP (specific<br />

monoclonal immunoasssy for cychosporin A)<br />

(L),900<br />

sequential changes in cross reactivity of antidigoxin<br />

antibodies during immunization (A),<br />

1186<br />

shaking polystyrene beads during coating with<br />

antibody: effect on precision profile of<br />

enzyme immunoassay of triiodothyronine<br />

(L), 701<br />

solving the problem of antibody interference in<br />

commercial “sandwich”-type immunoasaays<br />

of carcinoembryonic antigen (SN), 146<br />

Immunoblot technique<br />

apolipoprotein E phenotype detd. by agarose<br />

gel electrofocusing, immunoblatting, 2070<br />

IgG heavy-chain subclass typing of myeloma<br />

paraproteins by isoelectric focusing<br />

immunoblot anal., 364<br />

improved immunoblotting technique far Lp(a)<br />

phenotyping (A), 1070<br />

Immunocatalytic assay<br />

immunocat.ahytic assay of pancreatic a-amyhase<br />

in serum and urine with a specific<br />

monochonal antibody (SN), 662<br />

Immunochemiluminometrlc assay<br />

appin. of Magic Lita<br />

immunochemihuminometric method for<br />

measurement of creatine<br />

spots (A), 1123<br />

kinase-MB in blood<br />

chin, and anal. evaln. of different methods for<br />

mess. of creatine kinase isoenzyme MB (SN),<br />

130<br />

development and validation of<br />

immunochemiluininometric assay for whole<br />

molecule and N-terminal parathyroid<br />

hormone (A), 1147<br />

quantn. of hCG and its a-subunit in the<br />

Amerlite system (A), 1205<br />

solid-phase immunochemiluminometric assay<br />

for human choriogonadotropin<br />

two-site immunochemiluminometric<br />

1147 (A),<br />

assay of<br />

intact parathyrin with use of a tracer peptide<br />

purified by reversed-phase hg. chromatog.,<br />

215<br />

Immunochemistry<br />

See also specific analyte of interest<br />

dissocn, of immunocomptexes by ionic shock<br />

for development of immunosenaors: appln. to<br />

mess, of ai-fetoprotein (SN), 1026<br />

Immunoelectrophoresls<br />

See also specific technique of interest<br />

148 cryoimmunoglobulins characterized by<br />

cryocrit, immunoelectrophoresis, and<br />

immunonephehometry (A), 1083<br />

Immunosnzyniometric assay<br />

See also Enzyme immunoassay<br />

APP quantn. compared using a semiautomated<br />

monoclonal<br />

pohyclonal-monochonal<br />

and a<br />

immunoenzymatic<br />

assay (A), 1200<br />

anal, of serum antibodies to HIV using a<br />

multiple synthetic antigen-coated test strip<br />

(A), 1204<br />

automated assay specific for cychoeporine in<br />

whole blood, with use of a Cr02 particle<br />

column (S), 1860<br />

CK-MM interference with an<br />

immunoenzymometric method for quantn. of<br />

CE-MB in serum (L), 901<br />

evsln. of immunoenzymatic assay for CE-MB<br />

using the Icon format (A), 1121<br />

evahn. of new ELISA procedure for detecting IgG<br />

antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii (A), 1203<br />

evaln, of rapid, automated ELISA method for<br />

prolactin (A), 1188<br />

immunoenzymometric assay for antibody<br />

against human acetylcholine receptor using<br />

precoated microtiter plate and receptor<br />

isolated from normal leg muscle (A), 1196<br />

immunometric assay for digaxin adapted to<br />

Roche Cobas Fara centrifugal analyzer (A),<br />

1166<br />

is electrophoresis a ref. method for CE-MB in<br />

comparison with an immunoenzymametric<br />

method? (L), 900<br />

measurement of creetine kinase MB by the<br />

Baxter Stratus fluoromctric analyzer (A),<br />

1123<br />

pancreatic oncofetal antigen and carbohydrate<br />

antigen 19-9 in sera of patients with<br />

pancreatic cancer, 405<br />

rapid diagnostic testing for simultaneous<br />

detection of acute and remote hepatitis A<br />

infection (A), 1198<br />

rapid, quant. immunaassay for creatine kinase-<br />

MB using Tandem Icon#{149} QSR’” technology<br />

(A), 1197<br />

rapid semiquant. test for hepatitis B surface<br />

antigen using the Icon Reader’” (A), 1198<br />

role of rapid immunoassays far urgent detns. of<br />

creatine kinase isoenzyme MB (SN), 1752<br />

simultaneous mess, of total and IgAconjugated<br />

ai-microglobuhin by combined<br />

immunoenzyme/immunoradiometric assay,<br />

766<br />

two-site immunoenzymometric assay of 52.kDa<br />

pro-cathepsin D; use in breast diseases, 234<br />

two-site immunaenzymometry of 52-kDa<br />

cathepsin D in cytosols of breast-cancer<br />

tissues, 81<br />

Immunoflxation<br />

ehectrophoretic<br />

electrophoresis<br />

examin. of proteinurie in<br />

Lowe’s syndrome and other causes of renal<br />

tubular Fanconi syndrome (SN), 2231<br />

CLINICALCHEMISTRY,Vol. 35, No. 12, 1989 2385

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