Dichlorvos (DDVP) Risk Characterization Document - California ...

Dichlorvos (DDVP) Risk Characterization Document - California ... Dichlorvos (DDVP) Risk Characterization Document - California ...


Rutgers University, 1981. Petition proposing a tolerance for residues of dichlorvos (2,2-dichlorovinyl dimethyl phosphate) in or on figs. DPR Vol 235-004. S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc., 1980. Raid indoor fogger formula 5066D63-2. DPR Vol. 235-037. Schaible, S.A. (USEPA), 1994. Acute and chronic dietary exposure analyses for DDVP. Memorandum to D. Utterback and M. Beringer. December 2, 1994. Schaible, S.A. (USEPA), 1995. Addendum to DDVP chronic exposure analyses and cancer risk assessments evaluating dietary risk for the DDVP PD 2/3. Memorandum to Dennis Utterback. March 6, 1995. Schwetz, B.A., H.D. Ioset, B.K.J. Leong, and R.E. Staples, 1979a. Teratogenic potential of dichlorvos given by inhalation and gavage to mice and rabbits. Teratology 20:383-388. (in DPR Vol. 235- 072 #35433). Schwetz, B.A., H.D. Ioset, B.K.J. Leong, and R.E. Staples, 1979b. Teratogenic potential of dichlorvos given by inhalation and gavage to mice and rabbits. Teratology 20:383-388. (in DPR Vol. 235- 072 #35432). SDS Biotech Corporation, 1985. A micronucleus test in the mouse using dichlorvos. Document number: 695-5TX-83-0095-000. DPR Vol. 235-080 #37220. Segerback, D., 1981. Estimation of genetic risks of alkylating agents, V. Methylation of DNA in the mouse by DDVP (2,2-dichlorovinyl dimethyl phosphate). Hereditas 94:73-76. Selby, P.B., T.W. McKinley, and G.D. Raymer, 1982. Test of dichlorvos using the sensitive-indicator method for dominant skeletal mutations in mice. Environmental mutagenesis meeting abstract page 115 (in DPR Vol. 235-075 #35446). Shell Chemical Co., 1965. Evaluation of safety in using 20% Vapona insecticide resin strips. DPR Vol. 235-022. Shell Chemical Co., 1968. A petition proposing the establishment of a tolerance for the pesticide chemical Vapona (R) insecticide. DPR Vol. 235-033. Shell Chemical Co., 1971. Oral neurotoxic potential of technical dichlorvos (SD 1750) in the chicken. DPR Vol. 235-074 #35436. Slagowski, J.L. (Bio-Research Laboratories), 1987. Addendum to lifetime study in rats with Chevron naled technical - Dosage formulation analyses. Chevron Chemical Company. DPR Vol. 215- 097 #064701. Slomka, M.B. and C.H. Hine, 1981. Clinical pharmacology of dichlorvos. Acta Pharmacol. et Toxicol. 49, suppl. V: 105-108. Springborn Institute for Bioresearch, Inc., 1987. Acute oral toxicity study in rats LD50 study. Study no. 3168.3. AT&T Bell Laboratories. DPR Vol. 235-069 #75574 (same as 235-107 #95415). State of California, 1992. Consent judgment No. BC017081. June 9, 1992. Filed in the Superior Court of the State of California, Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, California. Stefanski, S.A., M.R. Elwell, and P.C. Stromberg, 1990. Chapter 22. Spleen, lymph nodes, and thymus. In: Pathology of the Fischer Rat (Boorman, G.A., M.R. Elwell, C.A. Montgomery, and W.F. MacKenzie, eds.), pp. 369-393. Academic Press, Inc., San Diego, CA. 89

TAS, 1992a. Exposure 4 . Detailed Distributional Dietary Exposure Analysis, Version 3.1. Technical Assessment Systems, Inc., Washington, D.C. TAS, 1992b. Exposure 1 . Chronic Dietary Exposure Analysis Version 3.1. Technical Assessment Systems, Inc., Washington D.C. The Hine Lab., 1962. 90-day chronic toxicity studies of Vapona insecticide for dogs. Shell Chemical Company. DPR Vol. 235-070 #35421. The Hine Lab., 1973a. Acute toxicity of Vapona ready-to-use. DPR Vol. 235-028 #911137. The Hine Lab., 1973b. Acute toxicity of Vapona ready-to-use. DPR Vol. 235-028 #911162. The Kettering Lab., 1964. Neurological effects (demyelination) of VAPONA insecticide on chickens. Shell Chemical Co., DPR Vol. 235-074 #35435. The Merck Index, 1989. Eleventh edition. (Budavari, S., M.J. O'Neil, A. Smith, and P.E. Heckelman, eds), Merck & Co., Inc. Rahway, NJ. 1606 pp. Thorpe, E., A.B. Wilson, K.M. Dix, and D.B. Blair (Tunstall Laboratory), 1971a. Toxicity studies with dichlorvos: teratogenic studies in rats and rabbits given dichlorvos by inhalation. DPR Vol. 235-072 #35428. Thorpe, E., A.B. Wilson, K.M. Dix, and D.B. Blair (Tunstall Laboratory), 1971b. Toxicity studies with dichlorvos: teratogenic studies in rats and rabbits given dichlorvos by inhalation. DPR Vol. 235-072 #35427. Tracy, R.L., J. G. Woodcock, and S. Chodroff, 1960. Toxicological aspects of 2,2-dichlorovinyl dimethyl phosphate (DDVP) in cows, horses, and white rats. J. Econ. Entomol. 53(4):593-601 (in DPR Vol. 235-042 #911129). Travis, C.C. and R.K. White, 1988. Interspecific scaling of toxicity data. Risk Anal. 8(1):119-125. Tyl, R.W. (Research Triangle Institute), 1990. Draft results of DDVP range-finding two-generation study. Amvac Chemical Company. DPR Vol. 235-105 #88543. Tyl, R.W., M.C. Marr, and C. B. Myers (Research Triangle Institute), 1991a. Developmental toxicity evaluation of DDVP administered by gavage to CD (Sprague-Dawley) rats. Amvac Chemical Company. DPR Vol. 235-110 #96391. Tyl, R.W., M.C. Marr, and C. B. Myers (Research Triangle Institute), 1991b. Developmental toxicity evaluation of DDVP administered by gavage to New Zealand White rabbits. Amvac Chemical Company. DPR Vol. 235-111 #96392. Tyl, R.W., C.B. Myers, and M.C. Marr (Research Triangle Institute), 1992. Two-generation reproductive toxicity study of DDVP administered in the drinking water to CD (Sprague- Dawley) rats. Amvac Chemical Company. DPR Vol. 235-118 #117629. USDA, 1987-1988. Data set: NFCS 87-I-1 Nationwide Food Consumption Survey. 1987-1988. Preliminary report unpublished. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. USEPA, 1982. Pesticide Assessment Guidelines Subdivision O- Residue Chemistry. Office of Pesticides and Toxic Substances document # EPA-540/9-82-023. USEPA, 1987. EPA Guidance for the Reregistration of Pesticide Products Containing DDVP as the Active Ingredient. Office of Pesticides and Toxic Substances, Washington, DC. 90

TAS, 1992a. Exposure 4 . Detailed Distributional Dietary Exposure Analysis, Version 3.1. Technical<br />

Assessment Systems, Inc., Washington, D.C.<br />

TAS, 1992b. Exposure 1 . Chronic Dietary Exposure Analysis Version 3.1. Technical Assessment<br />

Systems, Inc., Washington D.C.<br />

The Hine Lab., 1962. 90-day chronic toxicity studies of Vapona insecticide for dogs. Shell Chemical<br />

Company. DPR Vol. 235-070 #35421.<br />

The Hine Lab., 1973a. Acute toxicity of Vapona ready-to-use. DPR Vol. 235-028 #911137.<br />

The Hine Lab., 1973b. Acute toxicity of Vapona ready-to-use. DPR Vol. 235-028 #911162.<br />

The Kettering Lab., 1964. Neurological effects (demyelination) of VAPONA insecticide on chickens.<br />

Shell Chemical Co., DPR Vol. 235-074 #35435.<br />

The Merck Index, 1989. Eleventh edition. (Budavari, S., M.J. O'Neil, A. Smith, and P.E. Heckelman,<br />

eds), Merck & Co., Inc. Rahway, NJ. 1606 pp.<br />

Thorpe, E., A.B. Wilson, K.M. Dix, and D.B. Blair (Tunstall Laboratory), 1971a. Toxicity studies with<br />

dichlorvos: teratogenic studies in rats and rabbits given dichlorvos by inhalation. DPR Vol.<br />

235-072 #35428.<br />

Thorpe, E., A.B. Wilson, K.M. Dix, and D.B. Blair (Tunstall Laboratory), 1971b. Toxicity studies with<br />

dichlorvos: teratogenic studies in rats and rabbits given dichlorvos by inhalation. DPR Vol.<br />

235-072 #35427.<br />

Tracy, R.L., J. G. Woodcock, and S. Chodroff, 1960. Toxicological aspects of 2,2-dichlorovinyl<br />

dimethyl phosphate (<strong>DDVP</strong>) in cows, horses, and white rats. J. Econ. Entomol. 53(4):593-601<br />

(in DPR Vol. 235-042 #911129).<br />

Travis, C.C. and R.K. White, 1988. Interspecific scaling of toxicity data. <strong>Risk</strong> Anal. 8(1):119-125.<br />

Tyl, R.W. (Research Triangle Institute), 1990. Draft results of <strong>DDVP</strong> range-finding two-generation<br />

study. Amvac Chemical Company. DPR Vol. 235-105 #88543.<br />

Tyl, R.W., M.C. Marr, and C. B. Myers (Research Triangle Institute), 1991a. Developmental toxicity<br />

evaluation of <strong>DDVP</strong> administered by gavage to CD (Sprague-Dawley) rats. Amvac Chemical<br />

Company. DPR Vol. 235-110 #96391.<br />

Tyl, R.W., M.C. Marr, and C. B. Myers (Research Triangle Institute), 1991b. Developmental toxicity<br />

evaluation of <strong>DDVP</strong> administered by gavage to New Zealand White rabbits. Amvac Chemical<br />

Company. DPR Vol. 235-111 #96392.<br />

Tyl, R.W., C.B. Myers, and M.C. Marr (Research Triangle Institute), 1992. Two-generation<br />

reproductive toxicity study of <strong>DDVP</strong> administered in the drinking water to CD (Sprague-<br />

Dawley) rats. Amvac Chemical Company. DPR Vol. 235-118 #117629.<br />

USDA, 1987-1988. Data set: NFCS 87-I-1 Nationwide Food Consumption Survey. 1987-1988.<br />

Preliminary report unpublished. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C.<br />

USEPA, 1982. Pesticide Assessment Guidelines Subdivision O- Residue Chemistry. Office of<br />

Pesticides and Toxic Substances document # EPA-540/9-82-023.<br />

USEPA, 1987. EPA Guidance for the Reregistration of Pesticide Products Containing <strong>DDVP</strong> as the<br />

Active Ingredient. Office of Pesticides and Toxic Substances, Washington, DC.<br />


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