Dichlorvos (DDVP) Risk Characterization Document - California ...

Dichlorvos (DDVP) Risk Characterization Document - California ... Dichlorvos (DDVP) Risk Characterization Document - California ...


Lamb, I.C. (WIL Research Lab., Inc.), 1993a. An acute neurotoxicity study of dichlorvos in rats. Amvac Chemical Corp. DPR Vol. 235-124 #120984. Lamb, I.C. (WIL Research Lab., Inc.), 1993b. A subchronic (13 week) neurotoxicity study of dichlorvos in rats. Amvac Chemical Corp. DPR Vol. 235-133 #126465. Leafe, T.D. and W.A. Feiler, 1988. Stability of DDVP in drinking water. EPA MRID 407440-02, DPR vol 235-081 #69615. Loeffler, J.E., J.C. Potter, S.L. Scordelis, H.R. Hendrickson, C.K. Huston, and A.C. Page, 1976. Longterm exposure of swine to a 14 C-dichlorvos atmosphere. J. Agric. Food Chem. 24:367-371. March, K.L., P.A. Noland, L.L. Roesel, and D.M. Chickering (ABC Laboratories, Inc.), 1993. Magnitude of the residue of dichlorvos in milk and dairy cow tissues. DPR Vol. 235-136 #127249. Markiewicz, V.R. (Hazleton Laboratories America, Inc.), 1990. A 52-week chronic toxicity study on DDVP in dogs. Amvac Chemical Corp. Study No. 2534-102. DPR Vol. 235-106 #88784. McConnell, E.E., H.A. Solleveld, J.A. Swenberg, and G.A. Boorman, 1986. Guidelines for combing neoplasms for evaluation of rodent carcinogenesis studies. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 76(2):283- 289. McKnight, B., 1991. Chapter 22. Survival analysis. In Statistics in Toxicology (ed. D. Krewski and C. Franklin). Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, New York. pp. 471-498. Mendoza, C.E., 1976. Toxicity and effects of malathion on esterases of suckling albino rats. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 35:229-238. Mehler, L., 1993. California Pesticide Illness Surveillance Program in which health effects were attributed to exposure to DDVP. Worker Health and Safety Branch, Department of Pesticide Regulation, California Environmental Protection Agency, Sacramento, California. Mennear, J.H. (Campbell University), 1988. Mononuclear cell leukemia and pancreatic acinar-cell neoplasia in male F 344/N rats: a review of NTP study interpretations. Amvac Chemical Corp. DPR Vol. 235-081 #69617. Mennear, J.H. (Campbell University), 1989. Dichlorvos risk assessment pursuant to the birth defects prevention act. Amvac Chemical Corp. DPR Vol. 235-098 #85288. Menz, M., H. Luetkemeier, and K. Sachsse, 1974. Long-term exposure of factory workers. Arch. Environ. Health 28:72-76. Microbiological Associates, Inc., 1985. In vivo sister chromatid exchange assay in mice with T-169-1. SDS Biotech Corp. Study No. 695-5TX-85-0003-000. DPR Vol. 235-080 #37223. Murphy, S., 1986. Toxic Effects of Pesticides. In: Casarett and Doull's Toxicology, The Basic Science of Poisons, 3rd Edition (Klaassen, C. D. , M. O. Amdur and J. Doull, Eds.), pp. 519-581. MacMillan Publishing Co., Inc., New York. 974 pp. NCI (National Cancer Institute), 1977a. Bioassay of dichlorvos for possible carcinogenicity (rat). Study No. NCI-CG-TR-10. DPR Vol. 235-071 #35425. NCI (National Cancer Institute), 1977b. Bioassay of dichlorvos for possible carcinogenicity (mouse). Study No. NCI-CG-TR-10. DPR Vol. 235-071 #35426. 87

NTP (National Toxicology Program), 1985. A synopsis of a mouse lymphoma forward mutation assay with dichlorvos. SDS Biotech Corp. Report No. 695-5TX-85-0065-001. DPR Vol. 235-080 #37219. Page, A.C., J.E. Loeffler, H.R. Hendrickson, C.K. Huston, and D.M. DeVries, 1971. Metabolic fate of dichlorvos in swine. Arch. Toxikol. 30:19-27. Pena Chavarria, A., J.C. Swartzwelder, V.M. Villarejos, E. Kotcher, and J. Arguedas, 1969. Dichlorvos, an effective broad-spectrum anthelmintic. Am. J. Tropical Med. and Hygiene 18(6):907-911. Pet Chemicals, Inc., 1983. Pest control products Vapona total release aerosol. DPR Vol. 235-047. Pharmakon Research International, Inc., 1984. Primary dermal irritation study in rabbits. Study no. PH 420-BL-004-84. AT&T Bell Laboratories. DPR Vol. 235-069 #75569 (same as DPR Vol. 235-107 #95410). Pharmakon Research International, Inc., 1985. Acute dermal toxicity test in rabbits. Study no. PH 422-BL-003-84. AT&T Bell Laboratories. DPR Vol. 235-069 #75571 (same as DPR Vol. 235- 107 #95412). Pharmakon Research International, Inc., 1987. Acute exposure oral toxicity study in rats. PH 402-BL- 001-86. AT&T Bell Laboratories. DPR Vol. 235-069 #75573. Pharmakon Research International, Inc., 1989. Primary eye irritation test. Study no. PH 421-BL-005- 84. AT&T Bell Laboratories. DPR Vol. 235-069 #75570 (same as DPR Vol. 235-107 #95411). Potter, J.C., A.C. Boyer, R.E. Marxmiller, R. Young, and J.E. Loeffler, 1973a. Radioisotope residues and residues of dichlorvos and its metabolites in pregnant sows and their progeny dosed with dichlorvos- 14 C or dichlorvos- 36 Cl formulated as PVC pellets. J. Agric. Food Chem. 21:734-738. Potter, J.C., J.E. Loeffler, R.D. Collins, R. Young, and A.C. Page, 1973b. Carbon-14 balance and residues of dichlorvos and its metabolites in pigs dosed with dichlorvos- 14 C. J. Agric. Food Chem. 21:163-166. Product Safety Lab., 1982a. Data to support registration of Prentox DDVP five to add additional pests and change precautionary language. Prentiss Drug & Chemical Co. DPR Vol. 235-043 #911199. Product Safety Lab., 1982b. Data to support registration of Prentox DDVP five to add additional pests and change precautionary language. Prentiss Drug & Chemical Co. DPR Vol. 235-043 #911211. Putman, D. (Microbiological Associates, Inc.), 1985. A dominant lethal assay in mice with T-169-1. SDS Biotech Protocol 695-5TX-85-0004-000. DPR Vol. 235-080 #37225. Putman, D.L. and E.H. Shadley (Microbiological Associates, Inc.), 1992. In vivo cytogenetics assay: Analysis of chromosomal aberrations in bone marrow and spermatogonial cells following repeated dose administration. Amvac Chemical Corp. DPR Vol. 235-123 #120415. Rasmussen, W.A., J.A. Jensen, W.J. Stein, and W.J. Hayes, 1963. Toxicological studies of DDVP for disinsection of aircraft. Aerospace Medicine 34:593-600. Roy, R.R. (Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition), 1991. Domestic food and feed samples for FY 85 to FY 90 analyzed for dichlorvos. Food and Drug Administration, Department of Health & Human Services. 88

Lamb, I.C. (WIL Research Lab., Inc.), 1993a. An acute neurotoxicity study of dichlorvos in rats.<br />

Amvac Chemical Corp. DPR Vol. 235-124 #120984.<br />

Lamb, I.C. (WIL Research Lab., Inc.), 1993b. A subchronic (13 week) neurotoxicity study of<br />

dichlorvos in rats. Amvac Chemical Corp. DPR Vol. 235-133 #126465.<br />

Leafe, T.D. and W.A. Feiler, 1988. Stability of <strong>DDVP</strong> in drinking water. EPA MRID 407440-02, DPR<br />

vol 235-081 #69615.<br />

Loeffler, J.E., J.C. Potter, S.L. Scordelis, H.R. Hendrickson, C.K. Huston, and A.C. Page, 1976. Longterm<br />

exposure of swine to a 14 C-dichlorvos atmosphere. J. Agric. Food Chem. 24:367-371.<br />

March, K.L., P.A. Noland, L.L. Roesel, and D.M. Chickering (ABC Laboratories, Inc.), 1993.<br />

Magnitude of the residue of dichlorvos in milk and dairy cow tissues. DPR Vol. 235-136<br />

#127249.<br />

Markiewicz, V.R. (Hazleton Laboratories America, Inc.), 1990. A 52-week chronic toxicity study on<br />

<strong>DDVP</strong> in dogs. Amvac Chemical Corp. Study No. 2534-102. DPR Vol. 235-106 #88784.<br />

McConnell, E.E., H.A. Solleveld, J.A. Swenberg, and G.A. Boorman, 1986. Guidelines for combing<br />

neoplasms for evaluation of rodent carcinogenesis studies. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 76(2):283-<br />

289.<br />

McKnight, B., 1991. Chapter 22. Survival analysis. In Statistics in Toxicology (ed. D. Krewski and C.<br />

Franklin). Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, New York. pp. 471-498.<br />

Mendoza, C.E., 1976. Toxicity and effects of malathion on esterases of suckling albino rats. Toxicol.<br />

Appl. Pharmacol. 35:229-238.<br />

Mehler, L., 1993. <strong>California</strong> Pesticide Illness Surveillance Program in which health effects were<br />

attributed to exposure to <strong>DDVP</strong>. Worker Health and Safety Branch, Department of Pesticide<br />

Regulation, <strong>California</strong> Environmental Protection Agency, Sacramento, <strong>California</strong>.<br />

Mennear, J.H. (Campbell University), 1988. Mononuclear cell leukemia and pancreatic acinar-cell<br />

neoplasia in male F 344/N rats: a review of NTP study interpretations. Amvac Chemical Corp.<br />

DPR Vol. 235-081 #69617.<br />

Mennear, J.H. (Campbell University), 1989. <strong>Dichlorvos</strong> risk assessment pursuant to the birth defects<br />

prevention act. Amvac Chemical Corp. DPR Vol. 235-098 #85288.<br />

Menz, M., H. Luetkemeier, and K. Sachsse, 1974. Long-term exposure of factory workers. Arch.<br />

Environ. Health 28:72-76.<br />

Microbiological Associates, Inc., 1985. In vivo sister chromatid exchange assay in mice with T-169-1.<br />

SDS Biotech Corp. Study No. 695-5TX-85-0003-000. DPR Vol. 235-080 #37223.<br />

Murphy, S., 1986. Toxic Effects of Pesticides. In: Casarett and Doull's Toxicology, The Basic Science<br />

of Poisons, 3rd Edition (Klaassen, C. D. , M. O. Amdur and J. Doull, Eds.), pp. 519-581.<br />

MacMillan Publishing Co., Inc., New York. 974 pp.<br />

NCI (National Cancer Institute), 1977a. Bioassay of dichlorvos for possible carcinogenicity (rat).<br />

Study No. NCI-CG-TR-10. DPR Vol. 235-071 #35425.<br />

NCI (National Cancer Institute), 1977b. Bioassay of dichlorvos for possible carcinogenicity (mouse).<br />

Study No. NCI-CG-TR-10. DPR Vol. 235-071 #35426.<br />


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