Übungen zu Kommunikationssysteme




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<strong>Übungen</strong> <strong>zu</strong><br />

<strong>Kommunikationssysteme</strong><br />

Messung und Monitoring<br />

Kai-Steffen Hielscher<br />

Dr.-Ing. Falko Dreßler<br />

Lehrstuhl für Rechnernetze und <strong>Kommunikationssysteme</strong><br />

Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

Überblick<br />

• Meßaktivitäten am Lehrstuhl<br />

• Monitoring in der Leistungsbewertung<br />

• GPS-gestützes Monitoring verteilter Systeme<br />

• Netflow-Analyse, IPFIX/PSAMP (in Englisch)<br />

• Meßwerkzeuge und Benchmarks<br />

TTCP (in Englisch)<br />

NetPerf (in Englisch)<br />

NPAG<br />

HTTPerf (in Englisch)<br />


Meßaktivitäten am Lehrstuhl<br />

• GPS-gestützes Monitoring verteilter Systeme<br />

K. Hielscher<br />

• Monitoring-Infrastruktur für IP-Netze<br />

Filterung, Aggregation, Sampling<br />


F. Dreßler<br />

• Spezifikationsgesteuertes Monitoring rekonfigurierbarer<br />

Hardware<br />

R. Hofmann<br />

• Modellgestütztes statistisches Testen<br />

Funktional, Dienstgüte<br />

W. Dulz, M. Beyer<br />


Methoden der Leistungsmessung<br />

• Aktives Messen<br />

Beobachtung des Objektsystems unter definierter, synthetisch<br />

erzeugter Last<br />

Benchmarking<br />

• Passives Messen<br />

Beobachtung des Objektsystems unter realer Last, ohne <strong>zu</strong>sätzlich<br />

erzeugte synthetische Last<br />

Monitoring<br />

• Ereignisgesteuerte Messung<br />

Informationsaufzeichnung beim Auftreten eines bestimmten Ereignisses<br />

z.B. Eintreffen einer Nachricht, Absenden einer Nachricht<br />

• Sampling<br />

Periodisches Aufzeichnen von Informationen<br />

z.B. Aufzeichnung der CPU-Last<br />


Methoden der Leistungsbewertung<br />

• Summarische Leistungswertung<br />

z.B. bei Benchmarks<br />

Kompakte Leistungsaussagen: z.B. CPU-Auslastung, Durchsatz<br />

Black-Box-Modell<br />

• Ablauforientierte Leistungsbewertung<br />

Ereignisfolgen<br />

Ereignisse: besitzen keine Dauer<br />

Aktivitäten: Beginn und Ende durch Ereignisse markiert<br />

Ereignisspur: Ereigniskennung und <strong>zu</strong>gehöriger Zeitstempel<br />

Zeitstempel<br />

1034086635.013378727<br />

1034086635.013403696<br />

1034086635.015372540<br />

Ereigniskennung und Attribute<br />

Receive (, 54891 )<br />

Send (, 54891 )<br />

Receive (, 54896 )<br />


Ablauforientierte Leistungsmessung<br />

• Hardware-Monitoring<br />

Ereigniserkennung<br />

Generierung des Zeitstempels in Hardware<br />

Aufzeichnung der Ereignisspur<br />

Erkennung von Ereignissen auf höheren Schichten problematisch<br />

Interface<br />

Ereigniserkennung<br />

Ereignisrecorder<br />

Prozessor-Bus<br />

herausgeführter Bus<br />

Erkennt, ob ein<br />

Ereignis vorliegt<br />

(z.B. Adresse)<br />

Greift<br />

Ereigniskennung<br />

und Attribute ab<br />

(z.B. Adresse,<br />

Daten)<br />

Zeichnet<br />

Ereignisspur auf<br />


Hardware-Monitor ZM4<br />

Minimalkonfiguration<br />

M<br />

T<br />

G<br />

OBJ 1 OBJ 4<br />

D<br />

P<br />

U 1<br />

OBJ 5 OBJ 8<br />

D<br />

P<br />

U 1<br />

OBJ i<br />

D<br />

P<br />

U 4<br />

Takt-<br />

Kanal<br />

OBJ j<br />

D<br />

P<br />

U 1<br />

MA<br />

1<br />

: PC MA<br />

2<br />

: PC MA<br />

n<br />

:<br />

OBJ k<br />

PC<br />

D<br />

P<br />

U 4<br />

verteiltes<br />

Objektsystem<br />

verteiltes<br />

Monitorsystem<br />

ZM4<br />

Daten- und Steuernetz<br />

STAR<br />


Ablauforientierte Leistungsmessung<br />

• Software-Monitoring<br />

Ereigniserkennung<br />

Zeitstempelung<br />

Aufzeichnung der Ereignisse<br />

in Software auf dem Objektsystem<br />

Eventuell Verzögerungen bei Aufzeichnung von Ereignissen<br />

hardwarenaher Schichten<br />

Applikation<br />

Ereignisspuren<br />

IP Stack<br />

Uhr<br />

Ereignisaufzeichnung<br />

Betriebssystem<br />

Hardware<br />

Puffer<br />


Ablauforientierte Leistungsmessung<br />

• Hybrid-Monitoring<br />

Ereigniserkennung in Software<br />

Zeitstempelung in Hardware oder Software<br />

Aufzeichnung der Ereignisse in Hardware<br />

Erkennung von Ereignissen auf höheren Schichten möglich<br />

Ereignisrecorder<br />

Ereignis-<br />

Erkennung und<br />

Signalerzeugung<br />

Interface<br />

Bus<br />

herausgeführter Bus<br />


GPS-gestützes Monitoring verteilter Systeme<br />

• Leistungsvorhersage für clusterbasierte Webserver-<br />

Konfigurationen<br />

Simulationsmodell<br />

Am realen System gemessene Daten<br />

- Parametrierung des Modells<br />

- Kalibrierung des Modells<br />

- Überprüfung der Ergebnisse<br />

Ablauforientierte Leistungsbewertung<br />

Aktive Messung<br />

Software-Monitoring<br />


Webcluster: Funktion<br />

Generierung einer<br />

Anfrage<br />

Übertragung der<br />

Anfrage<br />

Auswahl eines<br />

Webserver-Knotens<br />

Modifikation der<br />

Anfrage<br />

Übertragung der<br />

Anfrage<br />

Bearbeitung der<br />

Anfrage<br />

Internet<br />

Lastgeneratoren<br />

Übertragung der<br />

Antwort<br />

Modifikation der<br />

Antwort<br />

Lastverteilungsknoten<br />

Übertragung der<br />

Antwort<br />

Webserver-Knoten<br />

Generierung der<br />

Antwort<br />


TCP-/UDP-Instumentierung<br />

Web<br />

Server<br />

Application<br />

User Space<br />

Analysis Process<br />

online / offline<br />

TCP/IP<br />

Stack<br />

Clock<br />

Netfilter<br />

Kernel<br />

Buffer<br />

Kernel Space<br />

Hardware<br />


Zeitsynchronisation<br />

• Verteiltes Objektsystem<br />

Messung der Einwegverzögerungen von TCP-Segmenten<br />

Schwankung der Meßwerte mit der Zeitdifferenz zwischen Knoten<br />

Frequenzänderung mit Temperatur führt <strong>zu</strong> veränderten<br />

Zeitdifferenzen<br />


Zeitdifferenzen<br />


NTP<br />

• Network Time Protocol<br />

• RFC 1305<br />

• Zwei-Wege-Zeitübertragung<br />

• 4 Zeitstempel <strong>zu</strong>r Berechnung der Zeitdifferenz<br />

Absendezeitpunkt Client → Server T 1<br />

(Client-Uhr)<br />

Empfangszeitpunkt Client → Server T 2<br />

(Server-Uhr)<br />

Absendezeitpunkt Server → Client T 3<br />

(Server-Uhr)<br />

Empfangszeitpunkt Server → Client T 4<br />

(Client-Uhr)<br />

• Auf Basis von periodischen Zeitdifferenzmessungen kann Frequenzdifferenz<br />

bestimmt werden<br />

• Korrektur der Uhr des Rechners mittels Anpassung der Frequenz<br />

Slew-Mode<br />

Funktion<br />

- Timer-Interrupt alle 10ms (nominal)<br />

- Erhöhung der Uhr um einen bestimmeten Betrag (≈10 ms) bei Timer-Interrupt<br />

- Anpassung des Betrages, um den die Uhr erhöht wird<br />

- Entspricht Frequenzanpassung<br />

• Zeitstempel über das Netzwerk:<br />

Genauigkeit im Millisekundenbereich<br />


NTP<br />

Symmetrischer Kanal, kein Offset der Uhren<br />

θ= 0<br />

T 2<br />

= 3 T 3<br />

= 7<br />

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12<br />

t 1<br />

T 1<br />

= 1<br />

T 4<br />

= 9<br />

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12<br />

t 2<br />

Offset:<br />

θ = ½ [(T 2<br />

- T 1<br />

) + (T 3<br />

- T 4<br />

)]<br />

= ½ [(3 - 1) + (7 - 9)]<br />

= ½ [2 - 2]<br />

= ½ · 0<br />

= 0<br />

Delay (Round-Trip):<br />

δ = (T 4<br />

- T 1<br />

) - (T 3<br />

- T 2<br />

)<br />

= (9 - 1) - (7 - 3)<br />

= 8 - 4<br />

= 4<br />


NTP<br />

Symmetrischer Kanal, Offset der Uhren (θ = 1)<br />

θ= 1<br />

T 2<br />

= 4 T 3<br />

= 8<br />

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12<br />

t 1<br />

T 1<br />

= 1<br />

T 4<br />

= 9<br />

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12<br />

t 2<br />

Offset:<br />

θ = ½ [(T 2<br />

- T 1<br />

) + (T 3<br />

- T 4<br />

)]<br />

= ½ [(4 - 1) + (8 - 9)]<br />

= ½ [3 + ( -1 )]<br />

= ½ · 2<br />

= 1<br />

Delay (Round-Trip):<br />

δ = (T 4<br />

- T 1<br />

) - (T 3<br />

- T 2<br />

)<br />

= (9 - 1) - (8 - 4)<br />

= 8 - 4<br />

= 4<br />


NTP<br />

Asymmetrischer Kanal, kein Offset der Uhren<br />

θ= 0<br />

T 2<br />

= 4 T 3<br />

= 8<br />

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12<br />

t 1<br />

T 1<br />

= 1<br />

T 4<br />

= 9<br />

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12<br />

t 2<br />

Offset:<br />

θ = ½ [(T 2<br />

- T 1<br />

) + (T 3<br />

- T 4<br />

)]<br />

= ½ [(4 - 1) + (8 - 9)]<br />

= ½ [3 + ( -1 )]<br />

= ½ · 2<br />

= 1<br />

Delay (Round-Trip):<br />

δ = (T 4<br />

- T 1<br />

) - (T 3<br />

- T 2<br />

)<br />

= (9 - 1) - (8 - 4)<br />

= 8 - 4<br />

= 4<br />


Zeitkorrektur durch Frequenzanpassung<br />

Gemessene Zeit<br />

Gang der Uhr korrigiert durch NTP<br />

Frequenzfehler<br />

Uhr <strong>zu</strong> langsam<br />

Gang der Uhr unkorrigiert<br />

Offset<br />

Niedrigere Frequenz <strong>zu</strong>m Ausgleich des Offsets<br />

Referenzzeit<br />


NTP und die PPS-API<br />

User Space<br />

NTP<br />

Clock<br />

PPS API<br />

PPS pulses<br />

Kernel Space<br />

Hardware<br />

• Zur Anbindung von (externen) Referen<strong>zu</strong>hren<br />


• RFC 2783<br />

• Genauigkeit im Mikrosekundenbereich<br />


Internet<br />

Load<br />

Balancer<br />

Real Servers<br />

Load<br />

Generator<br />

PPS serial connection<br />

GPS<br />

Subsystem<br />

NTP Network<br />

NTP<br />

Server<br />


GPS-Hardware<br />


Beispiel-Messungen<br />

• Messung der Zeit (Delay) in<br />

einzelnen Teilsystemen<br />

LG<br />

C1<br />

LB<br />

C2<br />

RS<br />

1<br />

SYN<br />

SYNACK<br />

7<br />

2<br />

6<br />

SYN<br />

3<br />

5<br />

SYNACK<br />

4<br />

8<br />

ACK<br />

9<br />

ACKPSH<br />

10<br />

ACK<br />

11<br />

Request<br />

ACK<br />

ACKPSH<br />

15<br />

14<br />

ACK<br />

13<br />

ACKPSH<br />

12<br />

Reply<br />

16<br />

ACK<br />

ACK<br />

24<br />

17<br />

FINACK<br />

FINACK<br />

23<br />

25<br />

ACK<br />

18<br />

22<br />

26<br />

FINACK<br />

19<br />

21<br />

FINACK<br />

ACK<br />

27<br />

20<br />


Detailliertes Simulationsmodel<br />


Modell - TCP<br />

• RFC 793<br />

• RFC 1122<br />

• RFC 2581<br />

Slow Start<br />

Congestion Avoidance<br />

Fast Retransmit<br />

Fast Recovery<br />

• RFC 2988<br />

Retransmission Timeout:<br />

Computation and<br />

Implementation<br />

Karn’s Algorithm<br />


Eingabemodellierung<br />

• Auf Basis der gemessenen Verzögerungen<br />

Theoretische Verteilungsfunktionen<br />

Multimodale Verzögerungen<br />

Verzögerungen mit unsterschiedlichen Phasen<br />

Bézier-Verteilungen mit Phasen<br />

Autokorrelation<br />


Weitere Nut<strong>zu</strong>ng der Meßinfrastruktur<br />

• Messungsbasierte Modellierung von Ende-<strong>zu</strong>-Ende-<br />

Verzögerungen in Funknetzwerken nach IEEE 802.11b<br />

Ziele der Arbeit:<br />

- Kalibrieren des Simulationsmodells (ns-2)<br />

- realistische Leistungsbewertung auch für Konfigurationen jenseits<br />

der Laboranlage<br />

Wichtigste Ergebnisse<br />

- Kreuzkorrelationen wichtig<br />

- Anpassung des ns-2 Modells wichtig für bestimmte Systeme<br />

A. Heindl<br />


Infrastruktur für WLAN-Messungen<br />


Simulationsergebnisse WLAN<br />

• UDP-Verbindungen mit 800 Byte Nutzlast-Paketen<br />

• Gemessene Delays mit empirischen Verteilungen<br />

modelliert<br />


Netflow Accounting<br />

• IPFIX (IP Flow Information eXport) WG (IETF)<br />

• Formerly Cisco Netflow v5…v9<br />

• Goals<br />

Collect usage information of individual data flows<br />

Accumulate packet and byte counter to reduce the size of the monitored data<br />

• Working principle<br />

Each flow is represented by the IP 5-tupel (prot, src-IP, dst-IP, src-Port, dst-<br />

Port)<br />

For each arriving packet, the statistic counters of the appropriate flow are<br />

modified<br />

If a flow is terminated (TCP-FIN, timeout), the record is exported<br />

Sampling algorithms can be activated reducing the # of flows / data to be<br />

analyzed<br />

• Benefits<br />

Allows high-speed operation (standard PC: up to 1Gbps)<br />

Flow information can simply be used for accounting purposes as well as to<br />

detect attack signatures (increasing # of flows / time)<br />


IPFIX Protocol<br />

• draft-ietf-ipfix-protocol-03.txt<br />

• Information records<br />

Template Record defines the structure and interpretation of fields in a Flow Data<br />

Record<br />

Flow Data Record is a data record that contains values of the Flow parameters<br />

corresponding to a Template Record<br />

Options Template Record defines the structure and interpretation of fields in an<br />

Options Data Record, including defining how to scope the applicability of the<br />

Options Data Record<br />

Options Data Record is a data record that contains values and scope information<br />

of the Flow measurement parameters, corresponding to an Options Template<br />

Record<br />

• Transport protocol<br />

SCTP must be implemented, TCP and UDP may be implemented<br />

SCTP should be used<br />

TCP may be used<br />

UDP may be used (with restrictions – congestion control!)<br />


IPFIX – Terminology<br />

• IP Traffic Flow<br />

A flow is defined as a set of IP packets passing an observation point in<br />

the network during a certain time interval. All packets belonging to a<br />

particular flow have a set of common properties.<br />

• Observation Point<br />

The observation point is a location in the network where IP packets can<br />

be observed. One observation point can be a superset of several other<br />

observation points.<br />

• Metering Process<br />

The metering process generated flow records. It consists of a set of<br />

functions that includes packet header capturing, timestamping,<br />

sampling, classifying, and maintaining flow records.<br />

Packet header<br />

capturing<br />

Timestamping<br />

Classifying<br />

Maintaining<br />

flow records<br />


IPFIX – Terminology II<br />

• Flow Record<br />

A flow record contains information about a specific flow that was<br />

metered at an observation point. A flow record contains measured<br />

properties of the flow (e.g. the total number of bytes of all packets of<br />

the flow) and usually also characteristic properties of the flow (e.g. the<br />

source IP address).<br />

• Exporting Process<br />

The exporting process sends flow records to one or more collecting<br />

processes. The flow records are generated by one or more metering<br />

processes.<br />

• Collecting Process<br />

The collecting process receives flow records from one or more<br />

exporting processes for further processing.<br />


IPFIX – Working Principles<br />

• Identification of single traffic flows<br />

5-tupel: Protocol, Source-IP, Destination-IP, Source-Port, Destination-<br />

Port<br />

Example: TCP,,, 2711, 22<br />

• Collection of statistics for each traffic flow<br />

# bytes<br />

# packets<br />

• Periodical statistic export for further analysis<br />

Flow<br />

TCP,,, 4711, 22<br />

TCP,,, 4712, 25<br />

Packets<br />

10<br />

7899<br />

Bytes<br />

5888<br />

520.202<br />


IPFIX – Applications<br />

• Usage based accounting<br />

For non-flat-rate services<br />

Accounting as input for billing<br />

Time or volume based tariffs<br />

For future services, accounting per class of service, per time of day, etc.<br />

• Traffic profiling<br />

Process of characterizing IP flows by using a model that represents key<br />

parameters such as flow duration, volume, time, and burstiness<br />

Prerequisite for network planning, network dimensioning, etc.<br />

Requires high flexibility of the measurement infrastructure (objectives of traffic<br />

profiling can vary)<br />

• Traffic engineering<br />

Comprises methods for measurement, modeling, characterization, and control of<br />

a network<br />

The goal is the optimization of network resource utilization<br />


IPFIX – Applications II<br />

• Attack/intrusion detection<br />

Capturing flow information plays an important role for network security<br />

Detection of security violation<br />

1) detection of unusual situations or suspicious flows<br />

2) flow analysis in order to get information about the attacking flows<br />

• QoS monitoring<br />

Useful for passive measurement of quality parameters for IP flows<br />

Validation of QoS parameters negotiated in a service level specification<br />

Often, correlation of data from multiple observation points is required<br />

This required clock synchronization of the involved monitoring probes<br />


Packet Sampling<br />

• PSAMP (Packet SAMPling) WG (IETF)<br />

• Goals<br />

Network monitoring of ultra-high-speed networks<br />

Sampling of single packets including the header and parts of the<br />

payload for post-analysis of the data packets<br />

Allowing various sampling and filtering algorithms<br />

- Algorithms can be combined in any order<br />

- Dramatically reducing the packet rate<br />

• Benefits<br />

Allows very high-speed operation depending on the sampling algorithm<br />

and the sampling rate<br />

Post-analysis for statistical accounting and intrusion detection<br />

mechanisms<br />


ReportingThread<br />

Output<br />

buffer<br />

Implementation of PSAMP / IPFIX<br />

43<br />

ObserverThread<br />

SelectionThread<br />

packet Queue packet Queue<br />

libpcap<br />

Filter / Sampler<br />

List<br />


Measurement Tools and Benchmarks<br />

• Measurement Tools<br />

TTCP<br />

Netperf<br />

NPAG<br />

• Benchmarks<br />

HTTPerf<br />


Practical Measurement Tools: TTCP<br />

• Measure TCP throughput<br />

Ttcp on two hosts, one as active transmitter, one as receiver<br />

Can send TCP or UDP<br />

Receiver computes effective throughput<br />

Simple, light-weight, no super user privilege<br />


TTCP<br />

• Available for Linux<br />

• Also available as a GUI-Java application<br />

• Transmitter<br />

ttcp −t [−u] [−s] [−p port] [−l buflen]<br />

[−b size] [−n numbufs] [−A align] [−O<br />

offset] [−f format] [−D] [−v] host [out]<br />


TTCP Options 1<br />

−t<br />

−r<br />

−u<br />

−s<br />

−l length<br />

−b size<br />

Transmit mode.<br />

Receive mode.<br />

Use UDP instead of TCP.<br />

If transmitting, source a data pattern to network; if<br />

receiving, sink (discard) the data. Without the −s option,<br />

the default is to transmit data from stdin or print the<br />

received data to stdout.<br />

Length of buffers in bytes (default 8192). For UDP, this<br />

value is the number of data bytes in each packet. The<br />

system limits the maximum UDP packet length. This limit<br />

can be changed with the −b option.<br />

Set size of socket buffer. The default varies from system to<br />

system. This parameter affects the maximum UDP packet<br />

length. It may not be possible to set this parameter on<br />

some systems (for example, 4.2BSD).<br />


TTCP Options 2<br />

−n numbufs<br />

−p port<br />

−D<br />

−B<br />

−A align<br />

−O offset<br />

Number of source buffers transmitted (default 2048).<br />

Port number to send to or listen on (default 2000). On<br />

some systems, this port may be allocated to another<br />

network daemon.<br />

If transmitting using TCP, do not buffer data when sending<br />

(sets the TCP_NODELAY socket option). It may not be<br />

possible to set this parameter on some systems (for<br />

example, 4.2BSD).<br />

When receiving data, output only full blocks, using the<br />

block size specified by −l. This option is useful for<br />

programs, such as tar(1), that require complete blocks.<br />

Align the start of buffers to this modulus (default 16384).<br />

Align the start of buffers to this offset (default 0).<br />

For example, ‘‘−A8192 −O1’’ causes buffers to start at the<br />

second byte of an 8192-byte page.<br />


TTCP Options 3<br />

−f format<br />

−T<br />

−v<br />

−d<br />

Specify, using one of the following characters, the format<br />

of the throughput rates as kilobits/sec (’k’), kilobytes/sec<br />

(’K’), megabits/sec (’m’), megabytes/sec (’M’), gigabits/sec<br />

(’g’), or gigabytes/sec (’G’). The default is ’K’.<br />

‘‘Touch’’ the data as they are read in order to measure<br />

cache effects.<br />

Verbose: print more statistics.<br />

Debug: set the SO_DEBUG socket option.<br />


TTCP Java Version<br />

• java -cp . ttcp<br />

• Command line options (like Unix version)<br />

• GUI<br />

= Num Buffers ∙ Buffersize Results<br />


Practical Measurement Tools: Netperf<br />

• Measure available bandwidth between two nodes<br />

Generate different traffic patterns<br />

- Bulk data transfer (e.g. FTP)<br />

- Interactive data exchange (e.g. rlogin)<br />

More detailed and precise measurement than ttcp:<br />

- socket buffer sizes, amount of data, elapsed time, effective<br />

throuhghput, number of frames dropped<br />

Besides TCP/UDP, also support datalink and other network protocols<br />


NetperfBulkDataTransfer<br />

• TCP Stream Performance<br />

netperf -H remotehost<br />

performs a 10 second test between the local system and<br />

the system identified by remotehost. The socket buffers<br />

on either end will be sized according to the systems'<br />

default and all TCP options (e.g. TCP_NODELAY) will be<br />

at their default settings.<br />


Netperf TCP Stream Options<br />

-s sizespec<br />

-S sizespec<br />

-m value<br />

-M value<br />

-l value<br />

-D<br />

set the local send and receive socket buffer sizes<br />

[Default: system default socket buffer sizes]<br />

behaves just like -s but for the remote system<br />

set the local send size to value bytes.<br />

[Default: local socket buffer size]<br />

behaves like -m, setting the receive size for the remote<br />

system. [Default: remote receive socket buffer size]<br />

set the test length to value seconds when value is > 0 and<br />

to |value| bytes when value is < 0<br />

set the TCP_NODELAY option on both systems<br />


Netperf TCP Stream Scripts<br />

• tcp_stream_script<br />

invokes netperf with different socket (57344, 32768,<br />

8192) and send sizes (4096, 8192, 32768).<br />

• tcp_range_script<br />

invokes netperf with a fixed socket size (32768) and<br />

increasing send size (1 to 65536).<br />

• Predefined minimum (2) and maximum (10) number of<br />

observations<br />

• Confidence level (99%) and relative CI width (5%)<br />


Netperf TCP Stream Results<br />

netperf -l 60 -H faui7s -t TCP_STREAM -i 10,2 -I 99,5 -- -m 4096 -s 32768 -S 32768<br />

TCP STREAM TEST to faui7s : +/-2.5% @ 99% conf. : histogram : interval : dirty data<br />

Recv Send Send<br />

Socket Socket Message Elapsed<br />

Size Size Size Time Throughput<br />

bytes bytes bytes secs. 10^6bits/sec<br />

131070 212992 4096 60.01 93.60<br />

!!! WARNING<br />

!!! Desired confidence was not achieved within the specified iterations.<br />

!!! This implies that there was variability in the test environment that<br />

!!! must be investigated before going further.<br />

!!! Confidence intervals: Throughput : 19.2%<br />

!!! Local CPU util : 0.0%<br />

!!! Remote CPU util : 0.0%<br />


Netperf UDP Stream Options<br />

• netperf -H remotehost -t UDP_STREAM -- -m 1024<br />

• UDP unreliable protocol<br />

• Reported send rate can be much higher than the actual<br />

receive rate<br />

• always report both send and receive rates together<br />


Netperf – Other Bulk Data Transfer<br />

Measurements<br />

• DLPI Connection Oriented Streams<br />

• DLPI Connectionless Streams<br />

• Unix Domain Stream Sockets<br />

• Unix Domain Datagram Sockets<br />

• Fore ATM API Streams<br />


Netperf Request/Response Performance<br />

Measurements<br />

• TCP<br />

netperf -H remotehost -t TCP_RR<br />

default request size 1 byte<br />

default response size of 1 byte<br />

tcp_rr_script<br />

- Different RequestSize,-ResponseSize)-Pairs<br />

(1,1 64,64 100,200 128,8192)<br />

- Confidence Level 99% and 5% relative CI width<br />

• UDP<br />

netperf -H remotehost -t UDP_RR<br />

udp_rr_script<br />

• Other request/response Measurements<br />

DLPI, Unix Domain Sockets, ATM, …<br />


Netperf TCP Request/Response Options<br />

-r sizespec<br />

-l value<br />

-s sizespec<br />

-S sizespec<br />

-D<br />

request and/or response sizes<br />

test duration<br />

For value > 0, test duration will be value seconds.<br />

Otherwise, test duration will be |value| transactions.<br />

local send and receive socket buffer sizes<br />

[Default: system default socket buffer sizes]<br />

like-s butfortheremotesystem<br />

set the TCP_NODELAY option<br />


NPAG - Übersicht<br />

Header frei<br />

programmierbar<br />

Verkehrs-modell<br />

Parallelität<br />

Pakettypen<br />

Ttcp<br />

---<br />

Max. Durchsatz<br />

---<br />

TCP, UDP<br />

NetPerf<br />

---<br />

Max. Durchsatz<br />

---<br />

TCP, UDP<br />

Npag<br />

Ja<br />

Variabel<br />

Ja<br />

TCP, UDP, IP,<br />

ICMP<br />


NPAG - Design<br />

• Client Server Modell<br />

• Parallelität durch Threads<br />

• Messung durch Integration von Zeitstempel<br />

• Zeitsynchronisation wird vorausgesetzt<br />

Server<br />

Client<br />

Client<br />

NETZ<br />

Server<br />

User Spezifikation<br />

Client<br />

Client Generator<br />

NTP<br />

Server<br />


NPAG - Benutzerschnittstelle<br />

• Spezifizierung durch Skriptsprache<br />

• Einfach und übersichtlich<br />

• Schlüsselwörter<br />

stream<br />

tcp, udp, icmp6, ip, ip6<br />

traffic<br />

burst<br />

#stream specification<br />

stream {<br />

tcp {<br />

…<br />

}<br />

ip {<br />

…<br />

}<br />

traffic {<br />

burst {<br />

.…<br />

}<br />

}<br />

}<br />


NPAG - Verkehrsbeschreibung<br />

• In der realen Welt ist Datenrate eines Verkehrsstroms meist nicht konstant<br />

• Dies wird berücksichtigt: Datenrate kann während der Messung variiert<br />

werden<br />

Beispiel:<br />

burst1 burst2 burst3 burst4<br />

traffic {<br />

}<br />

burst {<br />

packets = 100;<br />

delay = 0.1;<br />

repeat = 2;<br />

}<br />

bust {<br />

packets = 200;<br />

delay = 0.2;<br />

repeat = 2;<br />

}<br />


Beispiel: Verkehrsstrom<br />

• Spezifikation eines Verkehrsstroms mit<br />

folgenden Eigenschaften:<br />

TCP: Quellport 5000<br />

Zielport 5001<br />

IPv4: Quelladresse<br />

Zieladresse<br />

Versenden von 100 Paketen je 100 Byte.<br />

Messung des maximalen Durchsatzes<br />

#stream definition<br />

stream {<br />

}<br />

#specify tcp<br />

tcp {<br />

sport = 5000;<br />

dport = 5001;<br />

}<br />

#specify ip<br />

ip {<br />

src =;<br />

dst =;<br />

}<br />

#secify traffic parameters<br />

traffic {<br />

burst {<br />

send_packets = 100;<br />

size = 100;<br />

}<br />

}<br />


NPAG - Anwendungsmöglichkeiten<br />

• Messung des Durchsatzes bei variabler Datenrate<br />

• Messung der Verzögerung<br />

• Paketverluste (UDP)<br />

• Zum Testen des Protokollstacks, Firewalls, ISS lassen sich verschiedene<br />

Pakete <strong>zu</strong>sammenstellen<br />

IP-Spoofing<br />

Dst_addr = src_addr;<br />

IP-Version 4<br />

Ungültige Flags<br />

Ungültige Header-Werte<br />


Benchmarks<br />

• Web server benchmarks: simulation of Web clients<br />

Httperf<br />

- Single client generating HTTP requests<br />

- Several optimizations to circumvent operating system restrictions<br />

- Different workload models<br />

• Constant request rate<br />

• Sequential requests<br />

• Requests from log file<br />

• Session-oriented with bursts<br />

• Cyclic set of URIs<br />

- Command line options:<br />

httperf [--burst-length N] [--client I/N] [--close-withreset]<br />

[-d|--debug N] [--failure-status N] [-h|--help]<br />

[--hog] [--http-version S] [--num-calls N] [--num-conns<br />

N] [--port N] [--rate X] [--recv-buffer N] [--sendbuffer<br />

N] [--server S] [--think-timeout X] [--timeout X]<br />

[--uri S] [-v|--verbose] [-V|--version] [--wlog y|n,F]<br />

[--wsess N,N,X] [--wset N,X]<br />


HTTPerf Options 1<br />

--burst-length=N<br />

--client=I/N<br />

--close-with-reset<br />

-d=N<br />

--debug=N<br />

--failure-status=N<br />

-h<br />

--help<br />

Specifies the length of bursts. Each bursts consists of<br />

N calls to the server.<br />

Specifies that the machine httperf is running on is<br />

client I out of a total of N clients. I should be in the<br />

range from 0 to N-1.<br />

Requests that httperf closes TCP connections by<br />

sending a RESET instead of going through the<br />

normal TCP connection shutdown handshake.<br />

Set debug level to N. Larger values of N will result in<br />

more output.<br />

Specifies that an HTTP response status code of N<br />

should be treated as a failure (i.e., treated as if the<br />

request had timed out, for example).<br />

Prints a summary of available options and their<br />

parameters.<br />


HTTPerf Options 2<br />

--hog<br />

--http-version=S<br />

--num-calls=N<br />

--num-conns=N<br />

--port=N<br />

This option requests to use up as many TCP ports as<br />

necessary.<br />

By default, version string „1.1‚“ is used. This option<br />

can be set to „1.0“ to force the generation of<br />

HTTP/1.0 requests.<br />

This option specifies number of calls to issue on each<br />

connection. If N is greater than 1, the server must<br />

support persistent connections. The default value for<br />

this option is 1.<br />

This specifies the total number of connections to<br />

create. On each connection, calls are issued as<br />

specified by options --num-calls and --burst-length.<br />

The default value for this option is 1.<br />

This option specifies the port number N on which the<br />

web server is listening for HTTP requests. By default,<br />

httperf uses port number 80.<br />


HTTPerf Options 3<br />

--rate=X<br />

--recv-buffer=N<br />

--send-buffer=N<br />

--server=S<br />

Specifies the fixed rate at which connections or<br />

sessions are created. A rate of 0 results in connections<br />

or sessions being generated sequentially (a new<br />

session/connection is initiated as soon as the<br />

previous one completes). The default value for this<br />

option is 0.<br />

Specifies the maximum size of the socket receive<br />

buffers used to receive HTTP replies. By default, the<br />

limit is 16KB.<br />

Specifies the maximum size of the socket send<br />

buffers used to send HTTP requests. By default, the<br />

limit is 4KB.<br />

Specifies the IP hostname of the server. By default,<br />

the hostname “localhost“ is used. This option should<br />

always be specified.<br />


HTTPerf Options 4<br />

--think-timeout=X<br />

--timeout=X<br />

--uri=S<br />

-v<br />

--verbose<br />

-V<br />

--version<br />

Specifies the maximum time that the server may<br />

need to produce the reply for a given request. Note<br />

that this timeout value is added to the normal<br />

timeout value (see option --timeout).<br />

Specifies the amount of time X that httperf is willing<br />

to wait for a server reaction. The timeout is specified<br />

in seconds and can be a fractional number (e.g., --<br />

timeout 3.5). By default, the timeout value is infinity.<br />

Specifies that URI S should be accessed on the<br />

server.<br />

Puts httperf into verbose mode. In this mode,<br />

additional output such as the individual reply rate<br />

samples and connection lifetime histogram are<br />

printed.<br />

Prints the version of httperf.<br />


HTTPerf Options 5<br />

--wlog=B,F<br />

--wsess=N1,N2,X<br />

This option can be used to generate a specific<br />

sequence of URI accesses. This is useful to replay<br />

the accesses recorded in a server log file, for<br />

example. Parameter F is the name of a file containing<br />

the ASCII NUL separated list of URIs that should be<br />

accessed. If parameter B is set to „y“, httperf will<br />

wrap around to the beginning of the file when<br />

reaching the end of the list (so the list of URIs is<br />

accessed repeatedly). With B set to „n“, the test will<br />

stop no later than when reaching the end of the URI<br />

list.<br />

Requests the generation and measurement of<br />

sessions instead of individual requests. A session<br />

consists of a sequence of bursts which are spaced<br />

out by the user think-time. Each burst consists of a<br />

fixed number L of calls to the server (L is specified<br />

by option --burst-length).<br />


HTTPerf Options 6<br />

--wset=N,X<br />

This option can be used to walk through a list of<br />

URIs at a given rate. Parameter N specifies the<br />

number of distinct URIs that should be generated<br />

and X specifies the rate at which new URIs are<br />

accessed. A rate of 0.25 would mean that the same<br />

URI would be accessed four times in a row before<br />

moving on to the next URI.<br />


HTTPerf Output<br />

Total: connections 30000 requests 29997 replies 29997 test-duration 299.992 s<br />

Connection rate: 100.0 conn/s (10.0 ms/conn,

Sample HTTPerf Server Performance Graph<br />


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