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Pages 1-7 - Calvary Baptist Church-Mount Airy NC

Pages 1-7 - Calvary Baptist Church-Mount Airy NC


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August 4, 2013<br />

8:30 AM Worship Service<br />

Welcome to Uplift! We’re glad you’re here today! If you are our guest today,<br />

we have an Uplift guest card in the pew pocket for you to complete. For your<br />

small children, a nursery is located through the right front sanctuary door.<br />

Hearing assistance devices are also available from our Uplift sound<br />

team. We welcome you and look forward to worshipping with you today. We<br />

invite you to enter into worship just as you are. Now is the time to worship<br />

Message: ........... “Guatemala Mission Trip Report” ............ Alex Bracey<br />

During the time of commitment, you are invited to make public any decision<br />

you may have regarding acceptance of Christ as Lord and Savior,<br />

rededication of life, or church membership.<br />

You may also come to the altar to pray.<br />

Worship, Sound, and Technical Assistance provided by Uplift Worship Team.<br />

Copyright permission granted by CCLI License #1478721.<br />

Please turn off cell phones during the worship service.<br />

The beautiful flowers at the front of the sanctuary have been placed<br />

by Sherry Hiatt in honor of<br />

Lillian Hiatt and Lori Hiatt on their birthdays.

August 4, 2013<br />

10:55 AM Traditional Service<br />

“The <strong>Calvary</strong> Family...Gathering for Worship”<br />

Prelude ......................... “Heavenly Sunlight” ....................... arr. Wilkinson<br />

Welcome to Worship ..................................................................... Alex Bracey<br />

* Fellowship & Greeting Time<br />

* Opening Chorus .........................“Lord, Hear Am I” ........................... No. 537<br />

* Invocation .................................................................................... David Stone<br />

“The <strong>Calvary</strong> Family...Offering Our Praise”<br />

* Hymn of Praise ........................ “Love Lifted Me” ............................... No. 107<br />

(Stanzas 1 and 2)<br />

The <strong>Church</strong> Family at Prayer ..................................................... Mike Francis<br />

* Offertory Hymn ........... “In Christ There Is No East or West” ........... No. 394<br />

Offertory Prayer<br />

children ages 4 years through 2nd grade may exit for Children’s Worship.<br />

Offertory ....................... “There Is None Like You” ................ arr. Huggins<br />

“The <strong>Calvary</strong> Family...Hearing God’s Word”<br />

Scripture Reading .................. Luke 6:46-49...................... Jordan Francis<br />

Choral Meditation ..............“I Will Joyfully Sing” .............. Sanctuary Choir<br />

Message: ............ “Guatemala Mission Trip Report” .......... Alex Bracey<br />

“The <strong>Calvary</strong> Family...Departing to Serve”<br />

* Closing Hymn ...................... “Here Am I, Send Me” ..................... No. 523<br />

Closing Prayer ........................................................................ Alex Bracey<br />

* Postlude ............................. “Psalm XX” .................................. arr. Young<br />

*Congregation please stand.<br />

Hearing assistance devices are available; please see an usher.<br />

Please turn off cell phones during the worship service.<br />

The beautiful flowers at the front of the sanctuary<br />

have been placed by Sherry Hiatt in honor of<br />

Lillian Hiatt and Lori Hiatt on their birthdays.

Class<br />

Room<br />


2 YEAR OLD CLASS 212<br />

3 - 4 YEAR OLD CLASS 213<br />


1 ST - 2 ND GRADE CLASS 121A<br />

3 RD GRADE CLASS 121B<br />

4 TH , 5 TH & 6 TH GRADE CLASS 115<br />

7 TH & 8 TH GRADE CLASS 102<br />

9 TH - 12 TH GRADE CLASS 103<br />


Welcome to <strong>Calvary</strong> <strong>Baptist</strong> <strong>Church</strong><br />

If you are a guest today at <strong>Calvary</strong>, we are so glad that you<br />

are here. Thank you for worshipping with us. Guest cards<br />

are located in the pew racks; please complete one and drop<br />

it in the offering plate so we will have a record of your visit.<br />

Several information centers are located throughout the<br />

building filled with information about our church, its<br />

ministries and a map of our facility. We also have a website<br />

with daily Bible readings and devotionals for adults and<br />

children: www.calvarybcmtairy.org<br />

For those with babies and/or small children, we provide a nursery and<br />

children’s church during both services.<br />

Below is a listing of our Sunday School classes. Please take the<br />

opportunity to visit one or several of these over the next few weeks.<br />

If you have any questions about <strong>Calvary</strong>, please see one of the ushers<br />

today or contact the church office during the week (786-4778). Again,<br />

thank you for being with us today. We are glad that you are here.<br />

“Worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness.” (Psalm 96:9)<br />

Sermon Notes:<br />



Class Age Room<br />

YNG ADULTS 1 20S - 30S 202B<br />

CO-ED 1 20S - 40S 117<br />

CO-ED 3 30S - 40S 114<br />


CO-ED 5 50S - 70S 119<br />

PAIRS&SPARES 40S -70S 113<br />

LADIES 1 50S - 60S 118<br />

LADIES 2 50S - 60S 112<br />

LADIES 3 50S - 70S 111<br />

LADIES 4 60S - 70S 120<br />

LADIES 5 75+ 201<br />

MEN 1 40S - 50S 116<br />

MEN 2 60+ 115<br />

__________________________________________________________<br />

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<strong>Church</strong> Life Updates<br />

“A Quarter Is All It Takes!”<br />

I would like to invite you personally to sing with us in the choir! I know some of<br />

you may not feel like you can devote time for rehearsing and singing every<br />

week for a whole year, but how about a quarter of the year? Why not try<br />

things out for just three months (whenever you are able), and at the end of the<br />

quarter you can stay with us longer or return to the congregation. Either way,<br />

we will be thankful that you’ve shared your time and talents to enrich the<br />

worship of our church family!<br />

Teresa Martin, Minister of Music<br />

J.O.Y.<br />

The J.O.Y. group will be attending “The Fabulous 50’s” at the Wohlfahrt Haus<br />

Dinner Theatre on Wednesday, August 7. We will be meeting at 10:30 AM,<br />

have lunch, and attend the show at 2:00 PM. If you have signed up to go and<br />

are paying with a check, please make the check payable to <strong>Calvary</strong> <strong>Baptist</strong><br />

<strong>Church</strong> and give it to Frances McBride.<br />

National Back-to-<strong>Church</strong> Sunday Is Coming!<br />

Sunday, September 15, 2013<br />

Resources will soon be available to<br />

help you invite others.<br />

Can you think of 2 or 3 people<br />

who you’d like to help reconnect<br />

to what God is doing at <strong>Calvary</strong>?<br />

Deacon Nominations—Sunday, August 18, 2013<br />

On August 18 nominations will be taken for a three-year term of service on<br />

the Deacon Ministry Group. Each church member may nominate up to five<br />

persons for this office. Persons nominated must be: resident members of<br />

<strong>Calvary</strong>; at least 21 years of age; members of the church for at least two<br />

years; persons who have proven themselves to have spiritual qualifications.<br />

Read the spiritual qualifications for the Office of Deacon as set forth in Acts<br />

6:1-6 and 1 Timothy 3:8-13. See also <strong>Calvary</strong>’s Constitution and By-Laws.<br />

A helpful passage in consideration of spiritual gifts is I Corinthians 12. Pray<br />

earnestly for the leadership of the Holy Spirit in the choices to be made.<br />

The following people are currently cin the Office of Deacon and are NOT<br />

eligible for nomination.<br />

Term Expires 9/30/13 Term Expires 9/30/14 Term Expires 9/30/15<br />

Marvin Beasley Benny Lisk Phil Hiatt<br />

Sam Critz Bob McPherson Ken Nowlin<br />

Mike Francis Kent Moser Kenny Nowlin<br />

Sylvia Gentry David Stone Ron Stephenson<br />

Brent Hull Johnny Surratt Jan Varney<br />

Margaret Layman<br />

Lee Mills<br />

Mary Jane Shelton

“Explorers” Children’s Ministry<br />

Kids Back 2 School Kick-Off!!<br />

<strong>Calvary</strong>’s “Explorers” Children’s Ministry will hold a Back 2 School Kick-Off on<br />

Sunday, August 18 at Starlite Skating Rink from 2—5 PM. There will be no<br />

cost for skating, but children will need their own money for snacks. Parents,<br />

we do ask you to attend this event with your child/children. If you have any<br />

questions, please contact Alex Bracey.<br />

Promotion Sunday<br />

<strong>Calvary</strong> will observe Sunday School promotion on Sunday, August 25. On that<br />

day, children will move up to their new Sunday School class. Teachers will<br />

show all children their new classrooms on Sunday, August 18.<br />

Children’s Workers Needed<br />

We will resume Mid-Week Activities on August 21, and need volunteers to help<br />

with Mission Friends for the two and three year olds. Please contact Alex<br />

Bracey if you are interested in volunteering.<br />

“Experience” Student Ministry<br />

Pizza Luncheon for Incoming Students<br />

The rising 6th and 7th graders and their families are invited to a luncheon<br />

NEXT SUNDAY (August 11) at Pizza Hut from 12:30 PM until 2 PM. We will<br />

be talking about what to look forward to in the student ministry, and answering<br />

any questions you may have. Our goal is to make the transition to youth easy<br />

and comfortable. No cost.<br />

Encounter Kick-Off!!!!<br />

<strong>Calvary</strong>’s Student Ministry kicks-off a new school year of weekly Encounter<br />

meetings with our 2nd annual “Messy Games” night on Sunday, August 25th.<br />

The youth will meet in the youth room from 5—7 PM. Please wear clothes<br />

that you don’t mind getting messed up! Beginning the next Sunday (Sept. 1),<br />

Encounter will take place at 5:30 each Sunday evening.<br />

Volunteers Needed<br />

We need volunteers to help with snacks for our youth on Sunday mornings.<br />

Some suggestions for snacks are donations of Little Debbie cakes, donuts,<br />

juice, etc. Various Sunday School classes have volunteered in previous<br />

years, and if your class is interested in signing up, please see Alex Bracey.<br />

Blessing Our Community<br />

Shepherd’s House<br />

The Shepherd’s House will sponsor “Summer Thrills” on Saturday, August<br />

10 at 6:00 PM. This event will be held at Cody Creek, Hwy. 601 South,<br />

Dobson, N.C. There will be raffles, including a fishing trip, spa package,<br />

shopping spree and guns which will be $20 per chance, each item. There will<br />

also be a BBQ Dinner for $25. Music will be provided by Mezza Voce. For<br />

more information or to buy tickets, please contact The Shepherd’s House at<br />

336-786-1420.<br />

Deacon of the Week: Ken Nowlin (786-7446)<br />

Good Shepherds:<br />

Bob McPherson (786-8748)<br />

Benny Lisk (789-8852)<br />

First Care Team: Charlie & Betty Wagoner (786-6055)

<strong>Church</strong> Statistics<br />

Budget Year<br />

2012-2013<br />

As of July 28, 2013<br />

Budget<br />

to Date<br />

Receipts<br />

to Date<br />

Expenditures<br />

to Date<br />

Receipts<br />

minus<br />

Expenditures<br />

General $393,321.00 $375,094.84 $371,244.80 $3,850.04<br />

Debt Retirement $17,028.00 $21,145.00 $21,741.30 ($596.30)<br />

Transportation $2,494.00 $2,083.00 $722.23 $1,360.77<br />

Debt Reduction Funds Available: $8,118.90<br />

Total Debt Balance as of July 28: $53,679.68<br />

If you have any questions about the budget, please see Bob Peake.<br />

Date Bible Study Uplift Traditional Total Worship<br />

7/28/2013 192 68 226 294<br />

Calendar of Events<br />

Sunday, August 4 Sunday, August 11<br />

Youth Sunday<br />

8:30 AM Uplift<br />

8:30 AM Uplift 9:45 AM Sunday School<br />

9:45 AM Sunday School 10:55 AM Traditional Service<br />

10:55 AM Traditional Service 12:30—2 Rising 6th & 7th graders<br />

Wednesday, August 7<br />

lunch @ Pizza Hut<br />

10:30AM J.O.Y. Group<br />

Wohlfahrt Haus<br />

Monday, August 12<br />

6:00 PM Budget Meeting<br />

7:15 PM Sanctuary Choir Practice 6:00 PM Sound/Tech Meeting<br />

7:00 PM Praise Team Practice Tuesday, August 13<br />

Thursday, August 8 6:30 PM B.Y.W.<br />

7:00 PM Praise Team Practice Wednesday, August 14<br />

7:15 PM Sanctuary Choir Practice<br />

Thursday, August 15<br />

5:00 PM Friends Feeding Friends<br />

7:00 PM Praise Team Practice<br />

Mid-Week Ministries Resume August 21<br />

Hot Dog Supper Kick-Off!!!!<br />

Nursery, Children’s <strong>Church</strong><br />

Youth Volunteers<br />

August 4 August 11<br />

Nursery Workers<br />

Bed Babies &<br />

Toddlers<br />

Uplift<br />

Uplift<br />

Kim & Nicholas Beverly Sandra Dunbar &<br />

Belinda Goings<br />

Traditional<br />

Traditional<br />

Brent & Anita Hull<br />

Anne Forrest &<br />

Carolyn Underwood<br />

2 - 4 Year Olds Ralph & Debbie Hiatt Sandra Carico & Pat Smith<br />

Children’s <strong>Church</strong><br />

Anita Goins &<br />

Loretta Vaughn<br />

Catha Stroupe &<br />

Judy Millls

Prayer Concerns (as of 8/1/13 PM)<br />

http://www.calvarybcmtairy.org/Forms PrayerForm.htm<br />

• Anita Greene<br />

• Sharon Hardy<br />

• Caroline Kirkman<br />

• Barbara Nowlin<br />

• Evelyn Nowlin<br />

• Christine Vernon<br />

• Cricket Westmoreland<br />

• Fonda Dalton (former CBC member)<br />

• Larry Doyle (Keith Doyle’s brother)<br />

• Joy Hager (former pastor’s wife)<br />

• Judy Hiatt (friend of Beverly Beverly)<br />

• Clay Love (Sandi Nowlin’s father)<br />

• Alvah Mabe (Marlin Mabe’s uncle)<br />

• Randy McMillian (Colonial Care resident)<br />

• Wanda Pruett (friend of JoLynn Johnson)<br />

• Tony Rigney (Scott Rigney’s dad)<br />

• Ron Shelnutt (Evann Shelnutt’s father)<br />

• Barbara Stevens (Cathy Stevens’ sister-in-law)<br />

• Matthew Stone (Harlan Stone’s nephew)<br />

• Ludy Strother (friend of Billie Doyle)<br />

Remember the Bereaved<br />

The Family of Annette Butcher (mother of co-worker of Keith Doyle)<br />

The Family of Robert Lynch<br />

“Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into<br />

His Harvest.” Matthew 9:38<br />

Somalia is a disaster of a country situated on the Horn of Africa,<br />

on the northeastern tip of the African continent.<br />

Constant fighting, a breakdown of government and deep poverty<br />

have led to chaos in the country for many years. That partly explains<br />

why most of Somalia’s 3.7 million people have never heard the<br />

gospel of Jesus Christ. More recently the country has suffered<br />

famine and late in 2012 it was estimated 400,000 children could face<br />

starvation.<br />

Southern <strong>Baptist</strong> workers like Drew Carson*, not his real name,<br />

who lives outside the country, have organized relief efforts to help.<br />

Let us pray that many in Somalia will come to know the peace of<br />

Jesus Christ, which is the only hope for this troubled land.<br />

We pray for our missionaries who are risking their lives every day<br />

to make that happen.<br />

<strong>Calvary</strong> <strong>Baptist</strong> <strong>Church</strong> Ministers ........................................... Our <strong>Church</strong> Family<br />

314 South Franklin Road Pastor ...................................................Rev. Alex Martin<br />

<strong>Mount</strong> <strong>Airy</strong> <strong>NC</strong> 27030<br />

(pastoralex@calvarybcmtairy.org)<br />

Phone:336-786-4778 Minister to Youth & Children ............... Rev. Alex Bracey<br />

Fax:336-786-2808<br />

(alexbracey@calvarybcmtairy.org)<br />

Minister of Music ....................................... Teresa Martin<br />

E-mail: office@calvarybcmtairy.org (teresamartin125@hotmail.com)<br />

Website: www.calvarybcmtairy.org Administrative Assistant ............................... Billie Doyle<br />

(billie@calvarybcmtairy.org)<br />

Striving to glorify God by being a Christcentered,<br />

caring church through worship,<br />

discipleship, missions and ministry.<br />

Office Assistant .......................................Jo Ann Shelton<br />

(joann@calvarybcmtairy.org)<br />

Organist .................................................Carolyn Greene<br />

Pianist .............................................................................<br />

Sound Engineers ............. Phillip Hiatt, Danny Lineberry<br />

Custodian .................................................. Carlos Delfin

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