News Letter 1941 Jul-Dec - Air Force Historical Studies Office

News Letter 1941 Jul-Dec - Air Force Historical Studies Office

News Letter 1941 Jul-Dec - Air Force Historical Studies Office


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Th-re8 men wh~ rece,i,ved th,~ h"ghe,;, scholast ic<br />

~atir.gs i.:Q.the class wh\c.h ""eC'e:ll.tly gl'adnahd from<br />

+1J,~,A\J;' C"l'1l" RadiI" C:)IlUIl1Jn1.cati,t:"l11 'S("Aool, 0 at SC''''lt+<br />

]':'i.ald, Ill., we:!:'!!'l:'etai,ned there as inst:MJ,C+J'"ll'~.<br />

Th\s cla"ls, th~ la.'"{'ga?'" (;0,'" ;n :radio c"olllll1UUics.',<br />

';:ion,s i,1c, +he b;i.st"J!'Y cf "'b8 A\'" CG'P'. C'QJllIl'J.sl"ld.61,<br />

;,],v:ia+i,co, C'adeh atl.d 289 e:a.1:i,sted m~.<br />

The th"'d9 outst~w~ s"','dfal. t " we:t'fl Atexamle'l' U.<br />

Walke,,:,. JOf'leph N. ~ and He:o.!'YD" Robb, w)1""'9 :resp~,~tive<br />

"atings were 95.4, 92.3 and 91.7.<br />

Although 30 w"Jr--an'<br />

Mcnhrill '" wa."- SwimID:).~ at "F:i~'9 MiJ,e Pond." located<br />

in th," subu"'\:! \ of Springfield. The pUgh+ ",f' the<br />

imperiled C'ldld was bnught. t.o the :,e,rgean+'~ atten-<br />

...ian by a notlt-sw:i.mmi:og ci vi litm, Tn", clli.l,d disappeared.<br />

howeve:''9 Sergeant M:'m. t ''V1.1 J.e<br />

star':.eo +.0 flwi.m +,he 1.n+ o e:!"'ren.1:ng25 ya"'d:~ + 0 reach<br />

hex. wi.th t,he resu1.1 that. a"', lear.+. a ml,nu i e elapsfl(i<br />

befoTe she was recovered. tl. Sp1'i.ngfi,eld Girl. Scout.<br />

ass:i.s+,ed the ~(';l di.e1" in adn!1,nJs' ering ar+1ficial<br />

respil'ati.on. and S:aftette t.c<br />

denn'.e membersh\p m 1l):~ Canal Zac.e's "Mos+- Pat.l'iot-<br />

LC'Organ;l,zati,em. t8 a:a.d as a tcke:ll. of gratitude en the<br />

par' of th3 C')lDIIlBIldiD.g Offle-,e:r: of J'rance neld,<br />

Colon,,' Edwil1. J. H')l),"", £0"; tb.e splez:ui:'i,d corperatian<br />

if +b.e ItAl,. Corps D~tet.te Squad.-ran."<br />

"S,pi:r:,"', of the A3,1"Ci"~P"." a mili.ta:ry JDa.l.'Ch composed<br />

by M:l,jC:"" Wi.lli.am Cl:\.nc'.h• .Adjut.ant of the Gulf<br />

Coas+ Ai.,r COlp" Tr.ai:Q.i:oe Ce:ll.tel'. Randolph Field,<br />

Texas. was

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