News Letter 1941 Jul-Dec - Air Force Historical Studies Office

News Letter 1941 Jul-Dec - Air Force Historical Studies Office

News Letter 1941 Jul-Dec - Air Force Historical Studies Office


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VVl'.l\JIT 1 rlCLU<br />

LIDK.t\.K r ~r MtlULl~..t;t)<br />


The library at Wright Field was born amid<br />

the confusion and bustle of the first World<br />

War. At that time however Wright Field<br />

and the Materiel DIvision, ot which it is a<br />

part, were not in existence. We were situated<br />

at McCook Field and were known as the<br />

Engineering DiVision, On October ?, 1918,<br />

the first entry was made in the accession<br />

book, and by the time the Armistice was<br />

signed 1 350 entries had been made. At the<br />

end of 1~40, in the midst of again strengt.hening<br />

our defenses, we have over 13,000 books<br />

and almost 70,000 documents. At first the<br />

document file and the library were two separate<br />

units, but in 1926 they were combined<br />

and have so remained ever since.<br />

By 1927, MoCook Field had become too small<br />

for the engineering activities in progress<br />

there and the move was made to Wright Field.<br />

By th l s time the library was a lusty youngster,<br />

growing in importance to the officers<br />

and engineers eng8&ed in research and development<br />

work.<br />

Although essentially an aeronautical library,<br />

it is surprising how many fields of<br />

science that includes; and of course, in<br />

order to answer all questions, books and<br />

magazines on these subjects must b4 OD.hand.<br />

About one-third of the over 100 magazines<br />

on the subscription list are foreign publications.<br />

One will find on the shelves books<br />

on p~sics and mechanics, radio and electrical<br />

engineering, thermodynamics, optics,<br />

chemistry, strengtn of materials and metallurgy,<br />

engines--internal combustion as well<br />

as Diesel, photography and naVigation. The<br />

books on mathematics are pretty well worn<br />

through constant use. There are now being<br />

added medical books for the workers in the<br />

physiological research laboratory who stQdy<br />

the effects on pilots of flying eapecial~<br />

at high altitudes. These are sutjects which<br />

most people do not even associate with the<br />

subject of aeronautics. There are on hand,<br />

of course, thOle books most often thought<br />

of when aeronautics is mentioned! covering<br />

aerodynamics, aircraft construct on, propellers,<br />

etc. These are only part of the<br />

subjects covered in the library, for aeronautical<br />

engineering embodies many fields<br />

of science and Materiel Division engineers<br />

come to the library to supplement their<br />

knowledge and to ascertain what has been<br />

done in a given field.<br />

Many times we are asked for "everything<br />

you have' on a certain subject and, after<br />

hours of searchin£, we are forced to admit:<br />

'nothing at all w--for the idea is a new<br />

one. At other tImes, data is collected to<br />

enable the engineers to select such as are<br />

of importance to them. Their possession of<br />

such aata obviates the possibill ty of undertaking<br />

tests, inTolving both time and money,<br />

which had already been carried out by aomeone<br />

else. By following the trend of requests<br />

from thes~ engineers and the growth of the<br />

library, one can follow the growth and development<br />

of aeronautics. One day, requests<br />

started coming in for data on pressure ves-<br />

.els and an intensive search was in&U8Ul'ated<br />

who has not heard of sub-stratosphere flying'<br />

Aerod~mic characterls ticsllUst be tested<br />

in a wind tunnel, and when the new 2D-foot<br />

wind tunnel was proposed it was to the 11-<br />

brart that the engineers came for data. What<br />

kind ot tuDnel. did Tariau. oountries have?<br />

.And 80, anoth.r intend". seuch was started,<br />

which resulted in unearthing descriptions of<br />

wind tunnels all over the world. what they<br />

can do and how they operate. .<br />

What kind of bombs are in use abroad and<br />

how offective are they' Our reports which<br />

come from allover the world keep the men<br />

in touch with what is going on.<br />

The parachute which has saved so IIIaZl7<br />

lives, was devel~ped at Wri~t Field: and<br />

so our reports on strength of Bilk and testing<br />

of silk were consulted as were the re-<br />

~~rts of rates of descent of falling bodies.<br />

The parachute has pl~ed a dramatic role in<br />

this latest War, and our own Army <strong>Air</strong> Corps<br />

is developing equipment for the Infantry<br />

parachute troop units. And so, in its small<br />

and roundabout way the library has also<br />

played its part in this element of military<br />

activity.<br />

In practically every phase of research<br />

the Army <strong>Air</strong> Corps has conducted, the engineers<br />

have at some stage in its development<br />

had recourse to the library.<br />

A staff of five in the library circulates<br />

about 4,000 books~ magaZines, and documents<br />

each month to 1,lu3 borrowers. And so this<br />

infant of the fust World War has grown up<br />

to take its place in aiding our national<br />

defense.<br />

- Hope Thomas<br />

---000---<br />


Four men from Scott F.ield~ Ill., were accepted<br />

into the Army's ofdeer cand.idate<br />

schools to receive training entitling thea<br />

to commissions as second lieutenants in the<br />

<strong>Office</strong>rs' Reserve Corps. They were chosen<br />

from an original claes of 21 selected for<br />

officer training as a reward for excellent<br />

performance of their duties D thus typifT1ng<br />

the A1'm;yt 8 system of opportimi ty for promotion<br />

based on merit.<br />

Of the four men,Tech.Sgt. Richard Stricklin,<br />

Staff Sgts. Rich8.rd JI. Tankersley.<br />

George J•Ford and Pvt. Xenne th O. Wallender ~<br />

the first-named will attend classes in th8<br />

Infantry School at Fort Benning, Ga. L for<br />

training in modern and mechanized warrare,<br />

while the remaining three will undergo training<br />

in 8i~ communications at 70rt Monmouth,<br />

H. J.<br />

-000--<br />


(Me.\'31, <strong>1941</strong>)<br />

on t~t subject. Not long thereafter,TUmors <strong>Office</strong>rs. Regular •••••.•.••.••••..•. 2,380<br />

vere heard of a stratosphere plane with a <strong>Office</strong>rs, Reserve on active duty.... 8,300<br />

pressurized cabin, and sometime later the Aviation Cadets in training •••••.•.. 8,700<br />

Lockheed Xe-Z5 was an actual fact. And now Enlisted Men ••••..•.••.............. 126.700<br />


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