News Letter 1941 Jul-Dec - Air Force Historical Studies Office

News Letter 1941 Jul-Dec - Air Force Historical Studies Office

News Letter 1941 Jul-Dec - Air Force Historical Studies Office


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questions--How would she land? How would<br />

she handle? As large as March Field is,<br />

would it be big enough? How was the wind?<br />

Reassuring messages from the control tower<br />

reported that ever-considerate nature<br />

had swung the wind obligingly down the main<br />

ranway. The way was cleared-all airplanes<br />

vere down.<br />

Completing a long, circling approach, we<br />

turned straight back for the field, diminishing<br />

our speed. We landed surprisingly<br />

Short, even though we knew we were at least<br />

30 tons light. No actual Jar of contact<br />

with the ground could be noticed; it was<br />

d1fficul t to know when we had actually land.-<br />

ed.<br />

Slowly the huge plane settled down onto<br />

its nose wheel. Gently the pilot applied<br />

the brakes, wondering if they were all right<br />

after all these weeks. They were.<br />

Q;uickly we turned about, taxied back up<br />

the runway to the hangars, reached our parking<br />

position and cut the switches. There we<br />

were--success at last. A quick look at the<br />

clock--12.55 p.m.<br />

Detailed tests of the myriad mechanisms<br />

wi th which this plane is equipped will continue<br />

for some time. These are items which<br />

must be completed by the manufacturer, as<br />

they form a part of the Douglas Company's<br />

contract. As soon as these hours of test.-<br />

ing are completed, final acceptance will be<br />

made by the Materiel Division and the ai~<br />

plane will proceed to Wright Field for further<br />

checking, testing and development. It<br />

will then become in fact the flying laboratory<br />

which it was designed to be. As the<br />

progenitor of its plan, a long life and a<br />

happy one]<br />

---000---<br />


(Continued from page 8)<br />

the Chief of the <strong>Air</strong> Corps need be given,<br />

since his duties remain very much the same<br />

as they have been. The duties of the Chief<br />

of the <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong> Combat Command il.'. general<br />

outline are about the same, but have been<br />

broadened to a considerable extent.<br />

For instance, the new regulations give<br />

him "control of all aerial operations of<br />

the <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong> Combat Command ••••• " Under<br />

the old order, this control was in the hands<br />

of General Headquarters. Similarly, he now<br />

has court-martial jurisdiction over all<br />

el,ments of the <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong> Combat Command,<br />

wh1ch he did not have before reorganization.<br />

Reorganization will have little personal<br />

effect on any individual officer or enlisted<br />

man, however~ except for those few who are<br />

assigned to .i1eadquartersArmy <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong>s or<br />

to fill any of the other new Jobs. The<br />

great majority will continue to do the jobs<br />

to which they already have been assigned,<br />

either in the Combat Command, the <strong>Air</strong> Corps<br />

or wherever they m~y be serving.<br />

The War Department's purpoee in<br />

... -- __..._.• --v"-". _'\#6""V_, AW\oi\l"~<br />

to announcement. made at the time vas to<br />

promote air power while facilitating and<br />

ensuring "the Joint action of air, ground<br />

and naval forces which the progress of the<br />

present war is so clearly demonstrating."<br />

As an e~le of the waf it is supposed<br />

to work, Gen. :EGmOn8 is charged with the<br />

tactical training of oombat units of the<br />

<strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong>s. These units may be assigned '0<br />

a task force, in which case they would op-.<br />

erate under the orders of the commander of<br />

the task force. On the foreign stations,<br />

they would operate under the department colilmander,<br />

while their training still would be<br />

the responsibility of the Chief of the C~<br />

bat Command.<br />

Under the procedure outlined in Washington!<br />

it might be possible, however, for the<br />

ent1re Combat Command to be assigned to a<br />

task force commanded by a ground officer--<br />

possibly even by a high-ranking Navy officer.<br />

In such an even tuali ty , of couree,<br />

the situation temporarily would be soDiewhat<br />

like conditions before reorganization, when<br />

what is now the Combat Command waS under the<br />

jurisdiction of General Headquarters.<br />

Explaining reorganization at a press conference<br />

in Washington, Gen. George C. Marshall,<br />

the Chief of Staff, said, however,<br />

that air uni ts assigned to a task force will<br />

not necessarily be commanded by a ground officer.<br />

The command function in any such<br />

force will be exercised, he said, by a senior<br />

officer of whichever arm--land, sea or air--<br />

has the major responsibili ty in the particular<br />

task to which the force is assigned.<br />

Thus :Brig. General Henry"W. Harms, an air<br />

officer, has command of all elements of the<br />

Army in Newfoundland, air and ground alike,<br />

since the defenses of that area primarily<br />

are considered an air operation. Gen. Marshall<br />

used this situation as an example, and<br />

added that he anticipated the time when an<br />

<strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong>s officer might have command of defense<br />

forces in Alaska, although they are<br />

under ground control at present.<br />

---000---<br />


An <strong>Air</strong> Corps enlisted man stationed at Albrook<br />

Field waS the winner of a competitive<br />

examination in which enlisted men from all<br />

mill tary posts in the Panama Canal Zone<br />

competed for an appointment to the United<br />

States Military Academy, and has received<br />

orders to report to West Point.<br />

The soldier was Pvt. Abraham M. Glase, 20,<br />

son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Glass! of Bal~<br />

winsville N. Y. He enlisted n the <strong>Air</strong><br />

Corps at Syracuse, N.Y., June 27 1940. Ca.-<br />

det Glass is a graduate of the BJ.dwinsville<br />

Academy and of the West Point Preparatory<br />

School at Corozal, Canal Zone.<br />

---000---<br />


The photOgl'a.phof the yaung gentleman on<br />

the cover, standing at the business end of<br />

a P-40 t<br />

was made available to The <strong>Air</strong> Corps<br />

Newa etter thro1J.8hthe courtesy of RUdy<br />

Arnold, well.-known photograoher of things<br />

creating aerial. 4<br />


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