News Letter 1941 Jul-Dec - Air Force Historical Studies Office

News Letter 1941 Jul-Dec - Air Force Historical Studies Office

News Letter 1941 Jul-Dec - Air Force Historical Studies Office


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Anat ion-w ide te letype network has been 1inked<br />

wlth a new taOulating system at Wright Field<br />

to give the Materiel Division an automatic daily<br />

report on <strong>Air</strong> Corps supply stores at depots all<br />

aver the United States.<br />

Nucleus of the new tabulating system is a battery<br />

of specially-built card punching machines designed<br />

to strike daily balances on <strong>Air</strong> Corps supply<br />

stores. The machines operate automatically from<br />

teletype tape bringing in reports from depots.<br />

Designed especially for the <strong>Air</strong> Corps, they are<br />

the first of their kind in the world.<br />

The new machines do a job which would be<br />

physically impossible under the old hand filing<br />

system. They keep tab on all the <strong>Air</strong> Corps stocks<br />

of airplane engines, propeller assemblies, airplane<br />

tires, fuel pumps, landing gear struts and<br />

the thousands of other items and parts which go to<br />

IIBke up Army planes and equipment.<br />

Link Depots With Wr ight Fie ld<br />

Operated in conjunction with the new machines<br />

is a teletype network, linking supply depots and<br />

tactical bases with the Materiel Division. And<br />

through the new system the Army now gets a daily<br />

balance on all its equipment, which report 40,000<br />

changes a day in balances on individual items of<br />

equipment at individual air bases.<br />

Biggest advantage of the new system is the fact<br />

that the balances are received on teletype tape,<br />

which is fed through the neWlY devised card<br />

punching machine. This machine automatically records<br />

each new balance on a card which is then<br />

filed automatically. Thus the new plan makes it<br />

possible to correct the record of any depot's<br />

store of anyone of the 300,000 articles stocked,<br />

as soon as the balance is changed by shipment to<br />

or from the depot.<br />

Prior to establishment of the new setup, the<br />

<strong>Air</strong> Corps kept check on its stock by a system of<br />

machine pos t ing in duplicate of stock record<br />

cards at stations and depots. Once a year the<br />

duplicates were sent in to the Materiel Division<br />

headquarters at Wright Field, where they were<br />

transcribed to tabulating cards, which in turn<br />

were used for preparing reports for the supervisors<br />

for purchasing -and distributing new stock<br />

as required. The stock record cards were hand<br />

filed at Wright Field, prior to punching of the<br />

tabulating cards.<br />

But the once-a-year balance became out-of-date<br />

so quickly after it was taken, that it proved to<br />

be to a large extent useless, except in normal<br />

peace times when there was no great fluctuation in<br />

requirements. The rapid pace of present Army <strong>Air</strong><br />

Corps expansion soon proved this system completely<br />

inadequate.<br />

With the new system, the Wright Fie Id Budget <strong>Office</strong><br />

receives at the close of each day's business,<br />

the closing balances on hand of all items in which<br />

any change has been made during the day, at each<br />

of the several depots. And from the automatically<br />

recorded tabulating cards, a report is available<br />

each day to the supervisors, of the condition of<br />

the stock of the day before, thus making pass ible<br />

automatic stock replenishment at the depots as it<br />

is needed, and e liminat ing much de lay and confusion<br />

in replenishing stocks which had been largely<br />

consumed since the last balance was received at<br />

Wright Field under the former system.<br />

To illustrate the working of the new system:<br />

Suppose the Fairfield <strong>Air</strong> Depot, at Patterson<br />

Field, Ohio, is asked to send three Allison engines<br />

to Selfridge Field, Michigan. As soon as<br />

the shipment is made an operator at Fairfield<br />

punches a card in a card punch IIBchine showing t~<br />

new balance in engines, resulting from this subtraction<br />

from the Fairfield stock. The card is<br />

fed into his teletype sending IIBchine, and the receiving<br />

machine at Wright Field records the same<br />

punches on a roll of teletype tape. The tape is<br />

then fed into the new automatic card punching<br />

nBchine which duplicates the first card punched at<br />

Fairfield, and automatically files the new balance<br />

card in its proper place, throwing out the old<br />

balance card which it replaces.<br />

Special<br />

Advantage<br />

A special advantage of the new system is in the<br />

ref inement made poss ible by a "borrowing" pract ice<br />

which has already been in use in the <strong>Air</strong> Corps for<br />

years. To carry the engine example further: Suppose<br />

Fairfield has a shortage of the Allison engines<br />

desired by Selfridge Field. The Fairfield<br />

operator teletypes a message to the Budget <strong>Office</strong><br />

headquarters explaining the Selfridge requisition<br />

and the shortage. A check in the master file at<br />

Wright Field on the <strong>Air</strong> Corps stock of engines<br />

lIBy indicate that Middletown <strong>Air</strong> Depot, at Middletown,<br />

Pennsylvania has an adequate stock of these<br />

engines and can supply them to Selfridge Field.<br />

The request is relayed from Wright Field to Middletown<br />

via teletype,and soon transports are flying<br />

the engines from Middletown to Selfridge<br />

NOVEMBER f94/<br />


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