Time measurement: Solar Time

Time measurement: Solar Time

Time measurement: Solar Time


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Sistemi di riferimento e misura del tempo<br />

V.M.Blanco “Basic physic of the solar system”, Addison Wesley Ed.<br />

Dispense del Corso<br />

.Progetto e dinamica dei lanciatori<br />

K.J.Ball, G.F.Osborne, “Space Vehicle Dynamics”, Oxford Press<br />

Dispense del Corso<br />

Problemi di Meccanica Celeste<br />

M.H.Kaplan, Modern Spacecraft Dynamics and Control”, J.Wiley & Sons<br />

R.Bate,D.Mueller,J.White,”Fundamentals of astrodynamics”, Dover Pubbs, NY<br />

G.Mengali,”Meccanica del volo spaziale”, Ed.PLUS<br />

Orbite kepleriane<br />

H.D.Curtis, Orbital Mechanics for Engineering Students<br />

V.A.Chobotov, “Orbital Mechanics”, AIA education series<br />

G.Mengali,”Meccanica del volo spaziale”, Ed.PLUS<br />

M.H.Kaplan, Modern Spacecraft Dynamics and Control”, J.Wiley & Sons<br />

Manovre orbitali<br />

H.D.Curtis, Orbital Mechanics for Engineering Students<br />

G.Mengali,”Meccanica del volo spaziale”, Ed.PLUS<br />

C.Brown,”Space Mission Design”,AIAA Education series<br />

Perturbazioni orbitali<br />

M.H.Kaplan, Modern Spacecraft Dynamics and Control”, J.Wiley & Sons<br />

C.Brown,”Space Mission Design”,AIAA Education series<br />

Moto di assetto di un satellite<br />

M.H.Kaplan, Modern Spacecraft Dynamics and Control”, J.Wiley & Sons<br />

W.Viesel, “Spaceflight Dynamics”, Mc Graw-Hill<br />


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