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Workshop on Atmospheric Composition and the Asian Summer<br />

Monsoon (ACAM)<br />

9-12 June 2013<br />

Kathmandu, Nepal<br />

Bhupesh Adhikar<br />

EvK2CNR<br />

bhupesh.adhikary@evk2cnr.org<br />

Nepal<br />

S. Suresh Babu<br />

Space Physics Laboratory, Vikram<br />

Sarabhai Space Centre<br />

sureshsplvssc@gmail.com<br />

India<br />

Brice Barret<br />

Laboratoire d'Aerologie, CNRS,<br />

University of Toulouse<br />

brice.barret@aero.obs-mip.fr<br />

France<br />

Bilkis Ara Begum<br />

Bangladesh Atomic Energy<br />

Commission<br />

bilkisab@dhaka.net<br />

Bangladesh<br />

Jianchun Bian<br />

LAGEO, Institute of Atmospheric<br />

Physics, Chinese Academy of<br />

Sciences<br />

bjc@mail.iap.ac.cn<br />

China<br />

Greg Carmichael<br />

The University of Iowa<br />

gcarmich@engineering.uiowa.edu<br />

USA<br />

Shaukat Ali<br />

PhD student, Institute of<br />

Atmospheric Physics, Chinese<br />

Academy of Sciences<br />

pirshauki@gmail.com<br />

China<br />

Sunil Baidar<br />

University of Colorado,<br />

Boulder<br />

sunil.baidar@colorado.edu<br />

USA<br />

Mary Barth<br />

NCAR<br />

barthm@ucar.edu<br />

USA<br />

Piyush Bhardwaj<br />

Aryabhatta Research Institute<br />

of Observational Sciences<br />

piyushbhar@gmail.com<br />

India<br />

Arup Borgohain<br />

North E<strong>as</strong>tern Space<br />

Applications Centre, Dept. of<br />

Space, Govt of India,<br />

Meghalaya<br />

arupborgohain@gmail.com<br />

India<br />

Sudip Chakraborty<br />

University of Tex<strong>as</strong> at Austin<br />

sudipm@mail.utex<strong>as</strong>.edu<br />

USA<br />

Viney Aneja<br />

North Carolina State University<br />

vpaneja@ncsu.edu<br />

USA<br />

Nabin Baral<br />

ICIMOD<br />

nabaral@icimod.org<br />

Nepal<br />

Susanne Bauer<br />

Columbia University<br />

Susanne.Bauer@Columbia.edu<br />

USA<br />

Pradip Kumar Bhuyan<br />

Dibrugarh University<br />

pkbhuyan@gmail.com<br />

India<br />

Chiara Cagnazzo<br />

ISAC-CNR<br />

c.cagnazzo@isac.cnr.it<br />

Italy<br />

Farrukh Chishtie<br />

Inst of Space Tech, Department of<br />

Space Science, Islamabad<br />

farrukh.chishtie@ist.edu.pk<br />


Cathy Clerbaux<br />


cathy.clerbaux@latmos.ipsl.fr<br />

France<br />

Pradeep Dangol<br />

ICIMOD<br />

pdangol@icimod.org<br />

Nepal<br />

Rong Fu<br />

University of Tex<strong>as</strong> at Austin<br />

rongfu@jsg.utex<strong>as</strong>.edu<br />

USA<br />

Patrick Ginot<br />


patrick.ginot@ird.fr<br />

France<br />

Hartwig Harder<br />

Max Planck Institute for<br />

Chemistry<br />

hartwig.harder@mpic.de<br />

Germany<br />

Chinmay Jena<br />

Research Fellow, Indian Institute<br />

of Tropical Meteorology<br />

chinmay@tropmet.res.in<br />

India<br />

Dimitris K<strong>as</strong>kaoutis<br />

School of Natural Sciences, Shiv<br />

Nadar University, Greater Noida<br />

dimitrisk<strong>as</strong>k@hotmail.com<br />

India<br />

Paul Konopka<br />

Forschungszentrum Juelich<br />

p.konopka@fz-juelich.de<br />

Germany<br />

J<strong>as</strong>on Cohen<br />

National University of<br />

Singapore<br />

ceecjb@nus.edu.sg<br />

Singapore<br />

Federico Fierli<br />

Institute for Atmospheric<br />

Sciences and Climate National<br />

Research Council<br />

f.fierli@isac.cnr.it<br />

Italy<br />

Ritesh Gautam<br />

USRA/NASA Goddard Space<br />

Flight Center<br />

ritesh.gautam@n<strong>as</strong>a.gov<br />

USA<br />

Sachin Gunthe<br />

Indian Institute of Technology<br />

Madr<strong>as</strong><br />

s.gunthe@iitm.ac.in<br />

India<br />

Sachiko Hay<strong>as</strong>hida<br />

Faculty of Science, Nara<br />

Women's University<br />

sachiko@ics.nara-wu.ac.jp<br />

Japan<br />

Zhenming Ji<br />

Institute for Tibetan Plateau<br />

Research, Chinese Academy<br />

of Sciences<br />

jzm@itpc<strong>as</strong>.ac.cn<br />

China<br />

Bhogendra Khatayat<br />

SUSKAT<br />

bhogendra9@hotmail.com<br />

Nepal<br />

Ralf Koppmann<br />

University of Wuppertal,<br />

Germany<br />

koppmann@uni-wuppertal.de<br />

Germany<br />

Paolo Cristofanelli<br />

ISAC-CNR<br />

p.cristofanelli@isac.cnr.it<br />

Italy<br />

Renate Fleiner<br />

ICIMOD<br />

rfleiner@icimod.org<br />

Nepal<br />

Sachin Ghude<br />

Indian Institute of tropical<br />

Meteorology<br />

sachinghude@tropmet.res.in<br />

India<br />

Parul Gupta<br />

MNIT, Jaipur<br />

parul.research@gmail.com<br />

India<br />

Matthew Hitchman<br />

University of Wisconsin - Madison<br />

matt@aos.wisc.edu<br />

USA<br />

Shichang Kang<br />

Institute of Tibetan Plateau<br />

Research, Chinese Academy of<br />

Sciences<br />

Shichang.kang@itpc<strong>as</strong>.ac.cn<br />

China<br />

Fahim Akhtar Khokhar<br />

Institute of Environmental Science<br />

and Engineering<br />

fahim.khokhar@iese.nust.edu.pk<br />

Pakistan<br />

Markus Kunze<br />

Freie Universität Berlin<br />

markus.kunze@met.fu-berlin.de<br />


Jun-ichi Kurokawa<br />

Asia Center for Air Pollution<br />

Research<br />

kurokawa@acap.<strong>as</strong>ia<br />

Japan<br />

Hongyu Liu<br />

NIA/NASA Langley Research<br />

Center<br />

Hongyu.Liu-1@n<strong>as</strong>a.gov<br />

USA<br />

Linda Maharjan<br />

ICIMOD<br />

lmaharjan@icimod.org<br />

Nepal<br />

Liza Manandhar<br />

ICIMOD<br />

lmanandhar@icimod.org<br />

Nepal<br />

Iq Mead<br />

University of Cambridge<br />

mim25@cam.ac.uk<br />

UK/Malaysia<br />

Rolf Müller<br />

Forschungszentrum Jülich, (IEK-7)<br />

ro.mueller@fz-juelich.de<br />

Germany<br />

Ryan Reynolds Neely III<br />

NCAR<br />

rrniii@me.com<br />

USA<br />

Arnico Panday<br />

ICIMOD & University of Virginia<br />

apanday@icimod.org<br />

Nepal/USA<br />

Bidya Pradhan<br />

ICIMOD<br />

bbanmali@icimod.org<br />

Nepal<br />

Mark Lawrence<br />

Inst for Advanced Sust Studies<br />

mark.lawrence@i<strong>as</strong>spotsdam.de<br />

Germany<br />

Jiali Luo<br />

Lanzhou University<br />

luojl09@lzu.edu.cn<br />

China<br />

Khadak Mahata<br />

IASS-Potsdam<br />

khadak.mahata@i<strong>as</strong>spotsdam.de<br />

Germany<br />

Isha Manandhar<br />

NETIF<br />

ishamanandhar@hotmail.com<br />

Nepal<br />

Philippe Mirabel<br />

University of Str<strong>as</strong>bourg<br />

philippe.mirabel@unistra.fr<br />

France<br />

Tatsuya Nag<strong>as</strong>hima<br />

NIES<br />

nag<strong>as</strong>hima.tatsuya@nies.go.jp<br />

Japan<br />

Eriko Nishimoto<br />

Kyoto University<br />

eriko@kugi.kyoto-u.ac.jp<br />

Japan<br />

Binita Pathak<br />

Centre for Atmospheric<br />

Studies, Dibrugarh University,<br />

Assam<br />

pathak.binita8@gmail.com<br />

India<br />

Madhavan Nair Rajeevan<br />

Ministry of Earth Sciences<br />

rajeevan61@yahoo.co.in<br />

India<br />

Bernard Legr<strong>as</strong><br />

Laboratoire de météorologie<br />

Dynamique, CNRS/ENS<br />

legr<strong>as</strong>@lmd.ens.fr<br />

France<br />

Zoe Lucia Lüthi<br />

Institute for Tibetan Plateau<br />

Research, Chinese Academy of<br />

Sciences<br />

zluethi@gmail.com<br />

China<br />

Smriti Mallapaty<br />

SciDevNet<br />

smriti.mallapaty@gmail.com<br />

Nepal<br />

Monica Martinez<br />

Max Planck Institute for Chemistry<br />

monica.martinez@mpic.de<br />

Germany<br />

Pradeep Mool<br />

ICIMOD<br />

pmool@icimod.org<br />

Nepal<br />

Jan Bai Nee<br />

National Central University<br />

jbnee@phy.ncu.edu.tw<br />

Taiwan<br />

Laura Pan<br />

NCAR<br />

liwen@ucar.edu<br />

USA<br />

J<strong>as</strong>na Pittman<br />

Harvard University<br />

pittman@se<strong>as</strong>.harvard.edu<br />

USA<br />

Pr<strong>as</strong>annavenkatesh<br />

Ramachandran<br />

Centre for Clim Chg & Adaptation<br />

Research, Anna University<br />

pr<strong>as</strong>annavenkatesh.cc@gmail.com<br />


William Randel<br />

NCAR<br />

randel@ucar.edu<br />

USA<br />

Markus Rex<br />

Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar<br />

and Marine Research<br />

Markus.Rex@awi.de<br />

Germany<br />

Eri Saikawa<br />

Assistant Professor, Emory<br />

University<br />

eri.saikawa@emory.edu<br />

USA<br />

Muhammad Zeeshaan Shahid<br />

Institute of Atmospheric Physics,<br />

Chinese Academy of Sciences<br />

mzeeshanshahid@l<strong>as</strong>g.iap.ac.cn<br />

China<br />

Archana Shrestha<br />

Dept. Atmospheric and Oceanic<br />

Science, University of Wisconsin-<br />

Madison, USA & Dept. of<br />

Hydrology and Meteorology,<br />

<strong>as</strong>hrestha4@wisc.edu<br />

USA<br />

Kundan Shrestha<br />

Kathmandu University<br />

kundan.shrestha@gmail.com<br />

Nepal<br />

Vinayak Sinha<br />

Indian Institute of Science<br />

Education and Research, Mohali<br />

profvsinha@gmail.com<br />

India<br />

Elizabeth Stone<br />

Dept. of Chemistry, Univ of Iowa<br />

betsy-stone@uiowa.edu<br />

USA<br />

P.S.P. Rao<br />

Indian Institute of Tropical<br />

Meteorology, NCL Post, Pune<br />

psprao@tropmet.res.in<br />

India<br />

Dipesh Rupakheti<br />

ICIMOD<br />

drupakheti2@gmail.com<br />

Nepal<br />

Abdus Salam<br />

University of Dhaka<br />

<strong>as</strong>alam@gmail.com<br />

Bangladesh<br />

Bik<strong>as</strong>h Sharma<br />

ICIMOD<br />

bsharma@icimod.org<br />

Nepal<br />

Arun Shrestha<br />

ICIMOD<br />

abshrestha@icimod.org<br />

Nepal<br />

Madan Sigdel<br />

Central Department of<br />

Hydrology & Meteorology,<br />

Tribhuvan University<br />

msigdel@yahoo.com<br />

Nepal<br />

Puna Ram Sinha<br />

TIFR, Balloon Facility<br />

prs@tifr.res.in<br />

India<br />

Dorothea Stumm<br />

ICIMOD<br />

dstumm@icimod.org<br />

Nepal<br />

Anjum R<strong>as</strong>heed<br />

Fatima Jinnah Women University,<br />

The Mall, Rawalpindi 46000,<br />

Pakistan<br />

anjum_eve@yahoo.com<br />

Pakistan<br />

Maheswar Rupakheti<br />

Institute for Advanced<br />

Sustainability Studies<br />

maheswar.rupakheti@i<strong>as</strong>spotsdam.de<br />

Germany<br />

Hans Schlager<br />

Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und<br />

Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)<br />

Hans.Schlager@dlr.de<br />

Germany<br />

Joseph Shea<br />

ICIMOD<br />

jshea@icimod.org<br />

Nepal<br />

Mandira Shrestha<br />

ICIMOD<br />

mshrestha@icimod.org<br />

Nepal<br />

Sachchidanand Singh<br />

CSIR-National Physical Laboratory,<br />

New Delhi<br />

ssingh@nplindia.org<br />

India<br />

Manoj K Sriv<strong>as</strong>tava<br />

Deparment of Geophysics,<br />

Banar<strong>as</strong> Hindu University,<br />

Varan<strong>as</strong>i<br />

mksriv@gmail.com<br />

India<br />

Vanisa Surapipith<br />

ICIMOD<br />

vsurapipith@icimod.org<br />


Hiroshi Tanimoto<br />

National Institute for<br />

Environmental Studies<br />

tanimoto@nies.go.jp<br />

Japan<br />

Lekhendra Tripathee<br />

Institute of Tibetan Plateau<br />

Research, Chinese Academy of<br />

Sciences<br />

lekhendra@itpc<strong>as</strong>.ac.cn<br />

China<br />

Patrick Wagnon<br />

ICIMOD<br />

pwagnon@icimod.org<br />

Nepal<br />

Sangay Wangchuk<br />

UWICE<br />

wangchuk_s@yahoo.com<br />

Bhutan<br />

Robert Yokelson<br />

University of Montana<br />

bob.yokelson@umontana.edu<br />

USA<br />

Narisara Thongboonchoo<br />

King Mongkut's Institute of<br />

Technology Ladkrabang<br />

nthongbo@gmail.com<br />

Thailand<br />

Marc von Hobe<br />

Forschungszentrum Jülich<br />

GmbH<br />

m.von.hobe@fz-juelich.de<br />

Germany<br />

Yong Wang<br />

Institute of Atmospheric<br />

Physics, Chinese Academy of<br />

Sciences<br />

wangyong@mail.iap.ac.cn<br />

China<br />

Jonathon Wright<br />

Tsinghua University<br />

jswright@tsinghua.edu.cn<br />

China<br />

Kai Zhang<br />

University of Tex<strong>as</strong> at Austin<br />

kzkaizhang@gmail.com<br />

USA<br />

Suresh Tiwari<br />

Indian Institute of Tropical<br />

Meteorology New Delhi<br />

smbtiwari@yahoo.co.uk<br />

India<br />

Elisa Vuillermoz<br />

Ev-K2-CNR Committee<br />

elisa.vuillermoz@evk2cnr.org<br />

Italy<br />

Xuemei Wang<br />

Sun Yat-sen University,<br />

Guangzhou<br />

eeswxm@mail.sysu.edu.cn<br />

China<br />

Xiaolu Yan<br />

Chinese Academy of<br />

Meteorological Sciences<br />

yxlss_2004@hotmail.com<br />


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