Lynne Wong's PhD thesis

Lynne Wong's PhD thesis Lynne Wong's PhD thesis

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PREFACE The experimental work described in this thesis was carried out in the laboratories of the Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute (MSIRI) from January 2000 to March 2005. These studies represent the original work of the author and have not been submitted in whole or in part to any other university/tertiary institution as candidature to the award of a degree/diploma. Where use was made of the work of others, it has been duly acknowledged in the text. (iv)

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am particularly grateful to Professor Bice Martincigh of the School of Chemistry, University of KwaZulu-Natal, and Dr Raoul Lionnet for their supervision of this work, and Dr Louis Jean Claude Autrey, who acted as my local supervisor. They all provided invaluable guidance and encouragement. I wish to record my sincere thanks to Drs Louis Jean Claude Autrey and René Ng Kee Kwong, respectively the former and the present Director of the Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute (MSIRI) for extending resources and facilities to me in the pursuing of this work. Thanks are also due to Mrs Cheenta Ramnawaz for assistance in the statistical analysis of data and modelling by means of the non-linear regression procedure of Sigma Plot (SPSS Inc.), Mr Rasack Nayamuth, Head of Plant Physiology Department of the MSIRI, for providing the cane materials for fibre extraction, and the members of the Sugar Technology Department of the MSIRI, who helped in the fibre extraction. I am indebted to the Late Dr Fiona Graham for carrying out the scanning electron microscopic examination of the extracted cane fibres. I am also grateful to Mrs Michaela Chung Po Chuen for typing the thesis and artwork, and Mr Ronald Bégué for photographs. (v)


The experimental work described in this <strong>thesis</strong> was carried out in the laboratories of the<br />

Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute (MSIRI) from January 2000 to March 2005.<br />

These studies represent the original work of the author and have not been submitted in<br />

whole or in part to any other university/tertiary institution as candidature to the award of a<br />

degree/diploma. Where use was made of the work of others, it has been duly<br />

acknowledged in the text.<br />


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