Lynne Wong's PhD thesis

Lynne Wong's PhD thesis Lynne Wong's PhD thesis

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Van der Pol C., C.M. Young and K. Douwes Dekker. (1957). The determination of certain qualities of individual consignment of cane. South African Sugar Journal. 51:544-548. Van Dillewijn C. (1952). Botany of sugar cane. Waltham, Mass. USA. The Chronica Botanica Co: Book Department. pp 371. Van Hengel A. (1974). Proposal for the evaluation of cane and sugar in identical units at standardized factory efficiency. Proceedings of International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists. 15:1446-1455. Van Soest P.J. (1963). Use of detergents in the analysis of fibrous feeds I. Preparation of fibre residues of low nitrogen content. Journal of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists (AOAC). Vol 46 No. 6, 825-829. Verma D.R. and D.K. Gupta (1988). Equilibrium moisture content isotherms of sugarcane bagasse. Journal of Agricultural Engineering. 25:49-56. Vertucci C.W. and A.C. Leopold (1984). Bound water in soybean seed and its relation to respiration and imbibitional damage. Plant Physiology. 75:114-117. Vertucci C.W. and C. Leopold (1987). The relationship between water binding and desiccation tolerance in tissues. Plant Physiology. 85:232-238. Vignes E.C. (1980). The implications of cane washing. Proceedings of International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists. 21:2221-2230. Villavicencio E.J. (1974). World market potential for bleached bagasse pulp – a technical review. Proceedings of International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists. 15:1783- 1792. Viswanathan R., D.S. Jayas and R.B. Hulasare (2003). Sorption isotherms of tomato slices and onion shreds. Biosystems Engineering. 86(4):465-472. Wang N. and J.G. Brennan (1991). Moisture sorption isotherm characteristics of potatoes at four temperatures. Journal of Food Engineering. 14:269-282. Weisser H. (1986). Influence of temperature on sorption isotherms. In Food Engineering and Process Applications Vol 1. Edited by M. LeMaguer and P. Jelen. Elsevier Applied Science Publishers. New York. 189-199. 46

Van der Pol C., C.M. Young and K. Douwes Dekker. (1957). The determination of certain<br />

qualities of individual consignment of cane. South African Sugar Journal. 51:544-548.<br />

Van Dillewijn C. (1952). Botany of sugar cane. Waltham, Mass. USA. The Chronica<br />

Botanica Co: Book Department. pp 371.<br />

Van Hengel A. (1974). Proposal for the evaluation of cane and sugar in identical units at<br />

standardized factory efficiency. Proceedings of International Society of Sugar Cane<br />

Technologists. 15:1446-1455.<br />

Van Soest P.J. (1963). Use of detergents in the analysis of fibrous feeds I. Preparation of<br />

fibre residues of low nitrogen content. Journal of the Association of Official<br />

Agricultural Chemists (AOAC). Vol 46 No. 6, 825-829.<br />

Verma D.R. and D.K. Gupta (1988). Equilibrium moisture content isotherms of sugarcane<br />

bagasse. Journal of Agricultural Engineering. 25:49-56.<br />

Vertucci C.W. and A.C. Leopold (1984). Bound water in soybean seed and its relation to<br />

respiration and imbibitional damage. Plant Physiology. 75:114-117.<br />

Vertucci C.W. and C. Leopold (1987). The relationship between water binding and<br />

desiccation tolerance in tissues. Plant Physiology. 85:232-238.<br />

Vignes E.C. (1980). The implications of cane washing. Proceedings of International<br />

Society of Sugar Cane Technologists. 21:2221-2230.<br />

Villavicencio E.J. (1974). World market potential for bleached bagasse pulp – a technical<br />

review. Proceedings of International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists. 15:1783-<br />

1792.<br />

Viswanathan R., D.S. Jayas and R.B. Hulasare (2003). Sorption isotherms of tomato slices<br />

and onion shreds. Biosystems Engineering. 86(4):465-472.<br />

Wang N. and J.G. Brennan (1991). Moisture sorption isotherm characteristics of potatoes<br />

at four temperatures. Journal of Food Engineering. 14:269-282.<br />

Weisser H. (1986). Influence of temperature on sorption isotherms. In Food Engineering<br />

and Process Applications Vol 1. Edited by M. LeMaguer and P. Jelen. Elsevier<br />

Applied Science Publishers. New York. 189-199.<br />


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