Lynne Wong's PhD thesis

Lynne Wong's PhD thesis Lynne Wong's PhD thesis

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Cabrer A., F.A. Thillet and W. Clinchard (1965). Sugar cane washing at Central Roig and Central Cortada. Proceedings of International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists. 12:1529-1538. Cargill J.M. (1976). Stop – Hulett’s “stalk only please” performance. Proceedings of South African Sugar Technologists Association. 66:220-223. Caurie M. (1970). A new model equation for predicting safe storage moisture levels for optimum stability of dehydrated foods. Journal of Food Technology. 5:301-307. Caurie M. (1981). Derivation of full range moisture sorption isotherms. In L.B. Rockland and G.F. Stewart (ed). Water activity: influences on food quality. pp 63-87. Academic Press, New York, USA. Chen C. and R.V. Morey (1989). Comparison of four EMC/ERH equations. Transactions of the ASAE. 32(3):983-990. Chen J.C.P. and C.C. Chou (1993). Cane sugar handbook – a manual for cane sugar manufacturers and their chemists. 12 th edition. John Wiley and Sons Inc. pp 1090. Chinsamy S., S.B. Davis, P. Sahadeo and N. Kalidass (2004). The development of an automated pith-fibre separator for the cane sugar industry. Chirife H.A. and J. Iglesias (1978). Equations for fitting water sorption isotherms of foods. 1. A review. Journal of Food Technology. 13:159-174. Clarke M.A. and B.L. Legendre (1996). Sugar cane quality: Impact on sugar yield and quality factors. Sugar Y. Azucar. July:30-36. Clarke S.J. (2003). Cane quality. Sugar Journal. May, 8. Clayton J.E. and D.L. Roberts (1971). Methods of dry cleaning sugar cane in the handling process. Proceedings of American Society of Sugarcane Technologists. 1:164-169. d’Espaignet J.T. (1974). Review of performance of sugar factories in 1973. Revue Agricole et Sucrière de l’Ile Maurice. 53(1&2):19-26. d’Espaignet J.T. (1977). Review of performance of sugar factories in 1976. Revue Agricole et Sucrière de l’Ile Maurice. 56(1):27-33. 33

Day D.L. and G.L. Nelson (1965). Desorption isotherms for wheat. Transactions of the ASAE. 8(2):293-296. de Beer A.G., M.M.W. Boast and B. Worlock (1989). The agricultural consequences of harvesting sugar cane containing various amounts of tops and trash. Proceedings of South African Sugar Technologists’ Association. 63:107-110. de Boer J.H. (1953). The Dynamical Character of Adsorption (Clarendon Press, Oxford, U.K). Deerr N. (1921). Cane sugar – a textbook on the agriculture of the sugar cane, the manufacture of cane sugar, and the analysis of sugar-house products. 2 nd edition. London: Norman Rodger. 644 p. Dincer T.D. and A. Esin (1996). Sorption isotherms for macaroni. Journal of Food Engineering. 27:211-228. Downing C.M and G.D. McBain (2000). Towards understanding the pressure dependence of hygroscopic water. Proceedings of Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists. 22:361-367. Dubinin M.M. (1960). Chem. Rev., 60:235. Emmett P.H. and S. Brunauer (1934). Journal of American Chemical Society. 56:35. Erbas M., M.F. Ertugay and M. Certel (2005). Moisture sorption behaviours of semolina and farina. Journal of Food Engineering. 69:191-198. Foster D.H. (1956). Analytical methods used in assessing mill tandem performance. Proceedings of International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists. 9(2):426-436. Foster D.H. (1962). Fibre water and juice. Proceedings of Queensland Society of Sugar Cane Technologists. 29:179-184. Foster D.H. (1963). A tentative method of analysis of cane. Proceedings of Queensland Society of Sugar Cane Technologists. 30:163-165. Freundlich C. (1907). Zeitschrift für physikalische chemie. 57:385. 34

Cabrer A., F.A. Thillet and W. Clinchard (1965). Sugar cane washing at Central Roig and<br />

Central Cortada. Proceedings of International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists.<br />

12:1529-1538.<br />

Cargill J.M. (1976). Stop – Hulett’s “stalk only please” performance. Proceedings of South<br />

African Sugar Technologists Association. 66:220-223.<br />

Caurie M. (1970). A new model equation for predicting safe storage moisture levels for<br />

optimum stability of dehydrated foods. Journal of Food Technology. 5:301-307.<br />

Caurie M. (1981). Derivation of full range moisture sorption isotherms. In L.B. Rockland<br />

and G.F. Stewart (ed). Water activity: influences on food quality. pp 63-87. Academic<br />

Press, New York, USA.<br />

Chen C. and R.V. Morey (1989). Comparison of four EMC/ERH equations. Transactions<br />

of the ASAE. 32(3):983-990.<br />

Chen J.C.P. and C.C. Chou (1993). Cane sugar handbook – a manual for cane sugar<br />

manufacturers and their chemists. 12 th edition. John Wiley and Sons Inc. pp 1090.<br />

Chinsamy S., S.B. Davis, P. Sahadeo and N. Kalidass (2004). The development of an<br />

automated pith-fibre separator for the cane sugar industry.<br />

Chirife H.A. and J. Iglesias (1978). Equations for fitting water sorption isotherms of foods.<br />

1. A review. Journal of Food Technology. 13:159-174.<br />

Clarke M.A. and B.L. Legendre (1996). Sugar cane quality: Impact on sugar yield and<br />

quality factors. Sugar Y. Azucar. July:30-36.<br />

Clarke S.J. (2003). Cane quality. Sugar Journal. May, 8.<br />

Clayton J.E. and D.L. Roberts (1971). Methods of dry cleaning sugar cane in the handling<br />

process. Proceedings of American Society of Sugarcane Technologists. 1:164-169.<br />

d’Espaignet J.T. (1974). Review of performance of sugar factories in 1973. Revue Agricole<br />

et Sucrière de l’Ile Maurice. 53(1&2):19-26.<br />

d’Espaignet J.T. (1977). Review of performance of sugar factories in 1976. Revue Agricole<br />

et Sucrière de l’Ile Maurice. 56(1):27-33.<br />


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