Lynne Wong's PhD thesis

Lynne Wong's PhD thesis Lynne Wong's PhD thesis

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CHAPTER 7. CONCLUSIONS The trend in cane quality received at Mauritian sugar mills has been examined from 1960 to 2004, and compared to those in other sugar producing countries where milling data are available. The deleterious effects of extraneous matter such as soil, cane tops and trash on cane processing, and on Mauritian factory performance parameters, such as mill extraction, sucrose lost in filter cake % sucrose in cane, Clerget purity of molasses at 85° Brix % cane, mass of molasses at 85° Brix % cane and sugar quality have been examined. The different effects of various kinds of extraneous matter, notably dry trash, green leaves and cane tops, have been clearly demonstrated by the addition of measured quantities of these extraneous matter to clean cane. Among the most important findings are: dry trash has by far a more adverse effect than green leaves or tops on juice extraction, sugar recovery, boiling house recovery and overall recovery. One unit of dry trash increases fibre % cane, mass of bagasse % cane and sucrose loss in bagasse % cane and in molasses % cane by 0.57, 1.17, 0.030 and 0.011 units respectively, and decreases juice extraction and sugar recovery by 0.22 and 0.23 units, respectively. The detrimental effect of green leaves is intermediate between those of dry trash and cane tops. The latter does not seem to affect fibre % cane, the mass of bagasse % cane and juice extraction. One unit of cane tops increases the non-sucrose level in mixed juice, which increases the mass of molasses at 85° Brix produced % cane by 0.041 unit, resulting in 0.015 unit sucrose loss in molasses % cane, a much higher loss than that produced by the same amount of dry trash. The economic implication of the presence of extraneous matter in cane should be of great concern to both cane growers and millers, as besides a reduction in income, the following additional expenses should be considered: cost of harvest and transport of the extraneous matter, the increased cost of maintenance of the factory equipment, investment in new equipment to cope with the trash, soil and rocks, and the cost of lengthening of the crushing season. During the controlled addition of extraneous matter to clean cane, it was found that when the moisture level of dry trash was below a certain critical level, the press juice obtained on crushing dry trash with clean cane had increased concentrations in sucrose, Brix, and pol, and above the critical moisture level, these concentrations decrease.

Data in Tables 2.9 and 2.11 show that dry trash raised the analytes (HPIC sucrose, Clerget sucrose, Brix and pol) of press juice. Unfortunately, moisture content of the dry trash used in the first case was not determined, whereas in the second case, the dry trash had 7.1 and 15.1% moisture, which indicates that the Brix-free water value of the dry trash used was about or greater than 15%. Experiment should have been performed with added moisture to the dry trash and determine at what moisture level, the analytes of the press juice cease to be raised, when the dry trash is crushed with clean cane. Data in Table 2.10 show that a dry trash sample of 29.8% moisture raised the Brix of press juice, this was probably due to experimental error, as only Brix was raised. In the fourth trial of dry trash addition to clean cane (Table 2.2), the dry trash sample had 17.88% moisture (Table 2.5), and it raised only the pol level in mixed juice, indicating that the Brix-free water value of the dry trash is below 17.88%. The fact that dry bagasse of 10.7 and 22.2% moisture (Table 2.12) raised the analytes of press juice would indicate that the Brix-free water of the bagasse sample used was about or greater than 22.2%. This was probably due to the presence, in the bagasse sample, a high proportion of pith, which has a higher Brix-free water value than other components of sugar cane plant. The above indicates that the Brix-free water in dry trash might be involved below a critical moisture level in raising the analytes of press juice and mixed juice. To test this assertion, the sugar cane plant of four cane varieties and of three ages has been successfully separated into fibres of its component parts by means of a simple method specially developed for the purpose, for determination of Brix-free water capacity and sorption behaviour. The use of a 1.18 mm sieve ensures complete separation of fibres from pith, of which the ratio gives an indication of the milling quality of the cane variety. The four cane varieties under study show fibre/pith ratio approaching to one, indicating good millability. An analytical method has been developed to determine the Brix-free water in fibres obtained from the various component parts of sugar cane plant. It involves contacting the dried fibre sample with a sucrose solution; the subsequent Brix-change in the contact solution gives a measure of the Brix-free water value of the sample. The method makes use of a distilled water blank to compensate for any residual sucrose in the sample, and good separation of fibre and fines in the sample is essential to obtain reproducible results. The vacuum drying method of the fibre sample prior to the Brix-free water determination left residual moisture in the samples, which average 1.12% for the nine cane component 26

Data in Tables 2.9 and 2.11 show that dry trash raised the analytes (HPIC sucrose, Clerget<br />

sucrose, Brix and pol) of press juice. Unfortunately, moisture content of the dry trash used<br />

in the first case was not determined, whereas in the second case, the dry trash had 7.1 and<br />

15.1% moisture, which indicates that the Brix-free water value of the dry trash used was<br />

about or greater than 15%. Experiment should have been performed with added moisture<br />

to the dry trash and determine at what moisture level, the analytes of the press juice cease<br />

to be raised, when the dry trash is crushed with clean cane. Data in Table 2.10 show that a<br />

dry trash sample of 29.8% moisture raised the Brix of press juice, this was probably due to<br />

experimental error, as only Brix was raised. In the fourth trial of dry trash addition to<br />

clean cane (Table 2.2), the dry trash sample had 17.88% moisture (Table 2.5), and it raised<br />

only the pol level in mixed juice, indicating that the Brix-free water value of the dry trash<br />

is below 17.88%. The fact that dry bagasse of 10.7 and 22.2% moisture (Table 2.12)<br />

raised the analytes of press juice would indicate that the Brix-free water of the bagasse<br />

sample used was about or greater than 22.2%. This was probably due to the presence, in<br />

the bagasse sample, a high proportion of pith, which has a higher Brix-free water value<br />

than other components of sugar cane plant. The above indicates that the Brix-free water in<br />

dry trash might be involved below a critical moisture level in raising the analytes of press<br />

juice and mixed juice.<br />

To test this assertion, the sugar cane plant of four cane varieties and of three ages has been<br />

successfully separated into fibres of its component parts by means of a simple method<br />

specially developed for the purpose, for determination of Brix-free water capacity and<br />

sorption behaviour. The use of a 1.18 mm sieve ensures complete separation of fibres<br />

from pith, of which the ratio gives an indication of the milling quality of the cane variety.<br />

The four cane varieties under study show fibre/pith ratio approaching to one, indicating<br />

good millability.<br />

An analytical method has been developed to determine the Brix-free water in fibres<br />

obtained from the various component parts of sugar cane plant. It involves contacting the<br />

dried fibre sample with a sucrose solution; the subsequent Brix-change in the contact<br />

solution gives a measure of the Brix-free water value of the sample. The method makes<br />

use of a distilled water blank to compensate for any residual sucrose in the sample, and<br />

good separation of fibre and fines in the sample is essential to obtain reproducible results.<br />

The vacuum drying method of the fibre sample prior to the Brix-free water determination<br />

left residual moisture in the samples, which average 1.12% for the nine cane component<br />


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