Lynne Wong's PhD thesis

Lynne Wong's PhD thesis Lynne Wong's PhD thesis

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the adsorption isotherms of a number of gases, measured at temperatures at, or near, their respective boiling points were all S-shaped with certain distinctive features. This prompted the recognition that adsorption was not always restricted to monolayer coverage and to the emergence of the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) theory (1938) of multilayer adsorption. This type of isotherm shows the amount adsorbed increases with increasing pressure up to a point B, then levels off and starts to increase again at higher pressures; it was later referred to as a type II isotherm. Point B is usually considered to represent the completion of the monolayer and the beginning of the formation of the multilayer. In addition to the type I and II isotherms described above, there are type III isotherms, where initially there is very little adsorption, then once a small droplet of adsorbate nucleates on the surface, additional adsorption occurs more easily because of strong adsorbate-adsorbate interactions. Type IV and type V isotherms occur when multilayers of gas adsorb onto the surface of the pores in a porous solid. Initially, the adsorption resembles that of type II or type III adsorption, then the adsorbed layer gets so thick that it fills up the pores, no more gas can adsorb, and the isotherm saturates. Both type IV and V isotherms exhibit a hyteresis loop, the lower curve of which represents measurements obtained by progressive addition of gas to the adsorbent, and the upper curve by progressive removal. These five classifications of isotherms were proposed by S. Brunauer, L.S. Deming, W.S. Deming and E. Teller and are termed the BDDT classification (1940), and are sometimes also referred to as the Brunauer classification (1945). The classification proposed by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) in 1985 (Sing et al., 1985), shown in Fig 5.1, includes a type VI isotherm which has been observed more recently. It appears as a stepped isotherm, associated with layerby-layer adsorption on a highly uniform surface. This type of isotherm is relatively rare (Rouquerol et al., 1999). 5.3 ADSORPTION OF MOISTURE When a hygroscopic material is maintained in contact with air at constant temperature and humidity until equilibrium is reached, the material will attain a definite moisture content. This moisture is termed the equilibrium moisture content (EMC) under the specified conditions. In order to characterise this water sorption mechanism, it is common practice 173

to determine the moisture sorption isotherm, which describes the EMC of the material and the water activity or relative humidity at a certain temperature. The water in a material is generally measured in terms of water activity, a w , which by definition is given by : water vapour pressure at the solid-gas interface vapour pressure of liquid at the same temperature Thus, when a moist material is in equilibrium with its surroundings, the water vapour pressure of the material is equal to the partial pressure of water vapour in the atmosphere, and so, the water activity in the material is equal to the equilibrium relative humidity of the air. Knowledge of the water adsorption characteristics is needed for shelf life predictions of products that deteriorate mainly by moisture gain and is important in drying, packaging and storage. Thermodynamic properties of the material relate the concentration of water in the material to its partial pressure, which is crucial in the analyses of heat and mass transport phenomena during drying. The EMC determines the end-point to which the material must be dehydrated in order to achieve a stable product with optimal moisture content, and yield a theoretical minimum amount of energy required to remove a given amount of water from the material. The properties also provide an insight into the microstructure associated with the material as well as the theoretical interpretation of physical phenomena occurring at the material-water interface. The control of moisture content is particularly important in foods as well as in materials, such as woody straw fibres, during processing and storage because water has many roles in substrate reactions and keeping quality. In this respect the moisture sorption isotherm is an extremely important tool as it can be used to predict changes in substrate stability and to select appropriate packaging material and ingredients. There are many works on moisture sorption isotherms of substrates over the last two decades; some deal with the determination of moisture sorption isotherms, others, with the development of mathematical models to represent the moisture sorption isotherms. 5.3.1 Moisture sorption isotherm models The models available in the literature to describe water sorption isotherms can be divided into several categories: kinetic models based on a multilayer adsorption mechanism (BET model), kinetic models based on a multilayer and condensed film mechanism 174

to determine the moisture sorption isotherm, which describes the EMC of the material and<br />

the water activity or relative humidity at a certain temperature.<br />

The water in a material is generally measured in terms of water activity, a w , which by<br />

definition is given by :<br />

water vapour pressure at the solid-gas interface<br />

vapour pressure of liquid at the same temperature<br />

Thus, when a moist material is in equilibrium with its surroundings, the water vapour<br />

pressure of the material is equal to the partial pressure of water vapour in the atmosphere,<br />

and so, the water activity in the material is equal to the equilibrium relative humidity of the<br />

air. Knowledge of the water adsorption characteristics is needed for shelf life predictions<br />

of products that deteriorate mainly by moisture gain and is important in drying, packaging<br />

and storage.<br />

Thermodynamic properties of the material relate the concentration of water in the material<br />

to its partial pressure, which is crucial in the analyses of heat and mass transport<br />

phenomena during drying. The EMC determines the end-point to which the material must<br />

be dehydrated in order to achieve a stable product with optimal moisture content, and yield<br />

a theoretical minimum amount of energy required to remove a given amount of water from<br />

the material. The properties also provide an insight into the microstructure associated with<br />

the material as well as the theoretical interpretation of physical phenomena occurring at the<br />

material-water interface.<br />

The control of moisture content is particularly important in foods as well as in materials,<br />

such as woody straw fibres, during processing and storage because water has many roles in<br />

substrate reactions and keeping quality. In this respect the moisture sorption isotherm is an<br />

extremely important tool as it can be used to predict changes in substrate stability and to<br />

select appropriate packaging material and ingredients. There are many works on moisture<br />

sorption isotherms of substrates over the last two decades; some deal with the<br />

determination of moisture sorption isotherms, others, with the development of<br />

mathematical models to represent the moisture sorption isotherms.<br />

5.3.1 Moisture sorption isotherm models<br />

The models available in the literature to describe water sorption isotherms can be divided<br />

into several categories: kinetic models based on a multilayer adsorption mechanism (BET<br />

model), kinetic models based on a multilayer and condensed film mechanism<br />


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