Lynne Wong's PhD thesis

Lynne Wong's PhD thesis Lynne Wong's PhD thesis

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Table 4.24. Analysis of variance (green leaf, rind and stalk). Fibre – Green leaf, rind and stalk Variate: BFW Source of variation d.f. s.s. m.s. v.r. F pr. Rep stratum 2 8.0882 4.0441 5.73 * * Variety 3 52.9153 17.6384 25 * * * Age 2 18.5154 9.2577 13.12 * * * Component part 2 52.9668 26.4834 37.53 * * * Variety.Age 6 16.4209 2.7368 3.88 * * * Variety.Component part 6 26.8301 4.4717 6.34 * * * Age.Component part 4 72.9782 18.2446 25.85 * * * Variety.Age.Component part 12 47.0724 3.9227 5.56 * * * Residual 178 125.608 0.7057 Total 215 421.3953 Fines – Green leaf, rind and stalk Variate: BFW Source of variation d.f. s.s. m.s. v.r. F pr. Rep stratum 2 1.311 0.656 0.36 NS Variety 3 45.571 15.19 8.3 * * * Age 2 146.743 73.372 40.07 * * * Component part 2 1670.723 835.361 456.23 * * * Variety.Age 6 102.215 17.036 9.3 * * * Variety.Component part 6 213.988 35.665 19.48 * * * Age.Component part 4 197.661 49.415 26.99 * * * Variety.Age.Component part 12 58.841 4.903 2.68 * * Residual 178 325.919 1.831 Total 215 2762.973 NS Not significant * P < 0.05 ** P < 0.01 *** P < 0.001 Average rainfall, maximum, minimum and mean temperatures during the growth cycle of R 570 aged 52 weeks were 115 mm, 27.3, 20.6 and 23.9 °C for samples harvested in 2001 and 106 mm, 27.8, 19.5 and 23.6 °C for samples harvested in 2003 respectively. For R 570 aged 44 weeks, they were 131 mm, 27.6, 21.0 and 24.3 °C for samples harvested in 2001 at 113 mm, 28.4, 19.9 and 24.1 °C; and for R 570 aged 36 weeks, they were 145 mm, 28.3, 21.6 and 25.0 °C for samples harvested in 2001 and 131 mm, 28.7, 20.4 and 24.5 °C. The growing conditions of the two crops of R 570 with respect to rainfall, maximum, minimum and mean temperatures are therefore comparable.

The crop of R 570 sampled in 2001 was grown at Mon Trésor (see Fig 1.1) on a Latosolic Reddish Prairie P3 (slightly weathered and shallow) soil, while that sampled in 2003 was grown at Nouvelle Industrie on a Low Humic Latosol L2 soil. Classifications of mineral resources and soil types in Mauritius have been described by Simpson (1951) and Parish and Feillafé (1965).

The crop of R 570 sampled in 2001 was grown at Mon Trésor (see Fig 1.1) on a Latosolic<br />

Reddish Prairie P3 (slightly weathered and shallow) soil, while that sampled in 2003 was<br />

grown at Nouvelle Industrie on a Low Humic Latosol L2 soil. Classifications of mineral<br />

resources and soil types in Mauritius have been described by Simpson (1951) and Parish<br />

and Feillafé (1965).

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