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Classic Literature Collection<br />

<strong>World</strong> Public <strong>Library</strong>.org



Language: English<br />

Subject: Fiction, Literature<br />

Publisher: <strong>World</strong> Public <strong>Library</strong> Association<br />

Copyright © 20, All Rights Reserved <strong>World</strong>wide by <strong>World</strong> Public <strong>Library</strong>, www.<strong>World</strong><strong>Library</strong>.net

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TOJfther with .<br />



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I<br />

MULLA. FIRUZ BIN &AU8, ...<br />

........ _<br />


Of"-"""- ~""P"" r ...;<br />

......<br />

~N Elf 0,., •• TR4fNB£~I'ION<br />

-.,.. ,<br />

Dealdr and Commentary.<br />

llf 2'1VO VOLUMIl&<br />

. .<br />

VOL I.<br />

B 0111 B .... Y:<br />

, .<br />

.... At UI.covama PUIS; BY I. P.<br />

, Da,...<br />

. 1818. ,

•<br />



K. C~ B., K. L. S.<br />


• COUB'l' 01 PERSIA, ~I:. etc. 4'c;<br />

.. "<br />

•<br />

I<br />

•<br />

THE. uniform kindness and attention<br />

with ~hich you have honored<br />

me 'for so 'many years, and' the grate­<br />

·ful memory of the zeal with which,<br />

on SQ many occasions. you have p~- .<br />

. moted my interest and. views, would<br />

of<br />

..<br />

•<br />

r<br />

..<br />

Cd: n t...i. oL._<br />

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.r~ __ _.".. 4bc. ~; . ,;;._;'o~<br />

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• -" J \('I .....<br />

. .<br />

. '.., ~<br />

2nd<br />

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•<br />

II<br />


of themselves have pointed out your<br />

name as that with which I should be<br />

most proud to ad

. j ,<br />

i<br />

- .1.1<br />

Eastern ~mpire; is bot an anticipation<br />

of the voice of impartial posterity: .<br />

That you may long live to enjoy the<br />

honors which yon have gained in, arts<br />

and in arms, and to diffuse the generous<br />

feelings 'which have .led you<br />

to, glory, is the ardent prayer of<br />

• j<br />

•<br />

•<br />

Your very humble and<br />

faithful Servant,<br />

•<br />


Bomhay,<br />

lei May 1818.'<br />

•<br />

•<br />

l .<br />

___.....Iizz_oz<br />

......_-..b·____ ~~ ___ .._ .<br />

--_._- --~-<br />


•<br />

•<br />

,<br />

T ~ E fono~inipa,.CoDtai. 0"0'''. ·1D~';"';'r ..... ,<br />

.... "~·.~pra~iD.br ..... TIl, d_ir ,raft" •• ;<br />

•• ~a.~<br />

Ot the wrltrD~ 01 tbe d~re.t Itenlll,ft p~,~~ ;.JIo .... ~ hIia de<br />

tilll~ otMallaii.a to t~~ '.i" Qi tbe 'ellt ..... ~ .... ,f'" ia...-et;<br />

or.hoiD!enlasht,·ot ZOr •• in w_ I ... ,~lrt..~'" .... r ....<br />

tM tut. fie "~" s....., l·i.r4 It! '''', II .. fit ................ ...<br />

tont~mp,.r.r,. .. w!lh tie Em~~ ~~i!l'\" 4I1~ ....,....,......<br />

'o~ I~e cfntroctloa 0' lb. anel.." Pelli80 .-c". one ......·of<br />

i ... Ifteea .~o.plletiue {o<br />

......<br />

.'onc.., of. ,.... h ,.......... ~tO<br />

. ,...1.,";'<br />

.<br />

1thic:1a _oD,d<br />

... ..<br />

~ ••• r;.~.".~.'"<br />

.• If .<br />

t ... ~<br />

of.'.unCifDt P~nlaD .,.11111 .. 1.... J ............... , ~ froIII<br />

fhe-ZeDrI, .tae l'ehlrii, and lhe Deri~' ..... 4ie,,~ .f.~ .... _ of<br />

aft~ftlt Jf~ia. Ta.e old Pell~ Cft.~ w ........,.....,.......<br />

..<br />

Ito ... addrcf It cf)mlD~lIlu,.. in .bicb... ~""""J" or .......-i<br />

tn,.", ex~o"Ddtd. ilie co.-lira" .,....,••.,..,........... ~ ...<br />

Mtapt"..lcL ,<br />

i1.t. w.tt, t~~ lao';' to __". eaill,el u I.ie ..... Ioeip ot 8r.ah<br />

J" .... ef.cfrd di. lra..cla 0; .i.e cari .. lIi arIeMa1 .11Ier1 uri u-<br />

t~ • .ttleila latrr Ii.... Thf, au.fo ..<br />

' ........ '*11 n.Q Wilt '1m<br />

.1OIft toU I), Itr WilIi_, J'., ... a •• '0' .... ~ h jPtl,<br />

proad. ad "hne pNfolHld ho .. ~dp of Penhin h"'ol,'" litera.are.<br />

tntitl .. aU Iris re.arb 01' theft labjt>Ctl tn the highest ."riut.. nac<br />

.~e .. ,u.w .iker; I .. h1l Ilia. ADDi .. rtaty Dlecoal'le JeliT~red before<br />

the AlIa~ck loeJety " OD tile Petti .... " after GPlaWeJ.jio~ ~<br />

n.r quali4catioDi tor tbe lalt wbleb lie 11M aD~.rt.Il •• 0' aatoW" tit"'<br />

aDtiqaitielof'P,rsla,CMliaonS II Aad .IDce Ihatelalarrly eoa-lditd<br />

" die -"atieilnrblcla I III'" loA 4i~1l •• 1011 wW MJ, I _ p.rna'"<br />

, ..• ,.C·<br />

•<br />


n<br />

PREF CE.<br />

•• ,uJptd mylf'SHmony, or Ibink Ihall ,.n 1.00 rar "btn l!iS utI! :you, It.,<br />

u Iwill .. ert nulbins pOlil . ~vtly w"kb 1 IIUl nol .. bIt ~afilfllctorily to<br />

.. dcmorutrllte" He ,ben urna,lk ',Iltat il had 10 rl r: -tem d 10 him un"<br />

accoaat&bl .tranlt,lbal allhou(b ElYpl, 'Y rlPtD, 1111: Chlllrll~. God India<br />

had tbeirroonllrcbl ill .try tarly lillltS .. )'f!1 Per i • tht m O· 1 drli,blful'<br />

"' tbemo5t CODlPIlCI, tbe Dl O I d,r i.rablr (lOU/lfry of Il.JtllJ all, lhould ho e<br />

.. Te-llJ,il-latdfof so many aji;l'iiun tltlt'd Rud d i uniltl'!, A forlunlite dis·<br />

"covery," headdl , "ror hicb 111111 fir.' in cit-bI rd 10 Mir lIIuhawm .. d<br />

II Ha .. iD, ont orlbe lUI) I il1l.II'ir;rOl M! Im!Io in 1 r,dis , hili 01 ont di,-'<br />

... il'"ted the c:1DQd, alld casla ~ltaJlt'or li;;iI! 00 che primty!;1 hi.lnry f<br />

II trail, aDd of Ibe hum' 0 roee, "f "' bich 1 llad long iJ,espB irtd.lIlld ""lieb<br />

., cOlild hnnlly haUl daw n~d from OIl.)' Q,htr quantr.<br />

" Tbll rare ansi ial ere;linr; Irll t Oil Iv'e/t't diD'YUll1 rrli.;innl, rniilltd<br />

•• the DQl;i~tQ"'onnd eumposrd by "Mull 111m .. dnn travrUl'r .• lIIuh'e o f'<br />

.0 Cn&bl)llr, namcd .Uah"u., bat diilin(lIiohql by 1I'iI!" UJIlt·d luraame<br />

,I of Fani or peri'~lIbk. br/;in', " 'jtb t~e lI'olldc:rfull} curiou c~apler 011<br />

.. tbe relirioQ of RUfhHnll;. which \flU long' ~flluior 10 lbat Slf ,ZUII­<br />

.. tu,hl, bill bad conliOIl"d 10 be IIcer !!lly prufrSlcd b)' hlao Irnrntd<br />

'0 PenKny, run 10 Ibe afllhor's li,ne; an,d e~erllr of 'be 1D0.1 tlDi orl1 ~ .. f<br />

.. 'tbl!lD, aLtenlin't in many poiolS fTn'm Ihe r. ~br5. lIod , p,C!'Sr ule4 by 1b<br />

!' rulin!!; p."'tnof .heir eOllnlry, had T1'I1n' d tu Jndin, wllere rile)' tl In'<br />

.~ ,pIle" • Illlmber oC bonks, now u(rrmely ' e~,ce. \Vllie" l\Joh . .. n b c1<br />

.. pr~d. aDd with tbe "rhers Df wbicb, or '" illl m:.oy or IlJl!D, he had<br />

.. ooauaeted nn 1millla(e fritndsblp. Fru!O thtm he J'~rnrd. Ilml •<br />

~ . pG"uful m')ollfchy bad be!!'n t"tnblisbed fur 8~e, i~' lratJ br(ore Ibr c •<br />

• ~ Cet ion ofCnyamer ;t" fit WDI,caUrd ItIt l\1~lm IldiJ!, n dYOli lyt:..Uf\<br />

t' reawo wbieb will OOD be melltiontd ; "",1 1101 mo~)' prinetll, or whom<br />

~ •• nen oreighl we only mlln~d iu Ihe Dubil'an. lind IUDOIIC IhcAi .)/11 ', '<br />

.• ,,'or lIab(l Bofi.llad '"i II tlu~irl'ml'ire '1Ilhe il.tllilh of hQ'1l II IlfI~<br />

.~ If we,::. D rdy on rbl autbor" ," ",hit" to m. "1'1" .~IIHlt.rC~piil1n" ~ •<br />

.. Ihe 1 r8II ilD !Duoareby mus' Lo.\'e be!.'D Iht oldrtrr in the. ~' o tld , "<br />

After Rime ne-W' and '"aluable rf'~Q rkt on IJ,t' J!l1cir 11 I 1110.' 11 ,...<br />

and cbQtacter or lrao, ir WHlh.o1JJ JI"1I1.'1 proc~l'd .. to ['barll(,ler i~ Iht<br />

relilliuD orlbe l)~l!uir ad Dohl ,,,pin Ihe rOpO\\ illl word ., ~lIic h r. 1:!<br />

form IIJe !lett introd .t:lioD 10 lbele yolullttj,<br />

II The primeval reli,ioD o( Irall, if I\'~ rC'lJ 00 the Duthoritie add u­<br />

to cd by .l\1obs:l.b Fu!}i, \'I'D! 11'8.1 ",hicJ, 1'1cn ton calli (be- oldt!1 (::tll<br />

• Aliat.! Rrl: Vol. II. pp. tII·4.9, Octavo L'dHi,,",<br />


III .<br />

" It.., 1aeJutl, ..al,........''''l., all relfrl.II.: 'A arm t.eltet<br />

•• ~ 0Ae ~God .... 1 ......... b' .... pawer, uil co.tlnalll<br />

• ,oYlII'beellt bJ:1IiI proWlellee. a ..... teal', 1"0 aacI adona_ e ..<br />

, '·.. i.5 1!-4. ............ fM .,..... 1 .............., • ,........ d"eo<br />

" tioll (orebe ~boJ,eb_ .. ..,.a." .. a·ce.""o.ate le1MIftHn"d<br />

• for tile ,brale, ,rotio_,' . A .,lkaIel 4n8IJoa Ie ,.n ad mbliia*<br />

.' c~uld hardlJ &IIWIN _r~ .. el I.., d •• Ii ••• al,.hr. Ieaml"(roa<br />

.•• ~1te,J)abbtaQ tNt,'''' ,.,. ..... blp oIl" iralai--lI .... er ~<br />

,. \ttl puul.! ·&,64"", a,_" 'of ,,_It-I .... 81 ...... 8, eenailll 01,·<br />

~~ ~Io,y. \lUI ,,1*11 !au bee ....... b, ....... r ... 'fr ... Wa. a-<br />

u AOlt, ~od pal'liclII.d, aM ".. of '...,.,.... 01' .........., bodiw.·jD<br />

tc ta.adonuiCNI ~f" ....... f""" ribal ill bell.ftd to ....,• ....... H·<br />

II Th.~eiiAde,cdpljoa.ia •• I ..,a,ecI ••,k j .. t IDellllo"',of tildet·<br />

,e-:al .reniap tnapla dfdilllltC4 10 the 11111 ud pluetl. olille ilD8~'<br />

II adoted. ~ thew, aad of tlte ...."i.c:eIlt proc_ioIu 10 ,RIa oa pte­<br />

.t Kriltecl f.ati,al'i o,ne of ."bicb llt probalal.J r.,r_ted bJ ....'I'dr.<br />

el ia lbe r,!ia,ed CiL, 01 J .... i4. - But tbt plalatwy'.onbip 'D.l'ctUa<br />

.. lUlU GIlly pa.-tClf 1& tar DlQre .,.p&illa'ecI reticiOJlI wbleb".· Blur<br />

" tacl ita tlle Indiaa. proyi~.,. l- for ldD~ anQHI 111 t1 ..... tlte opl- ,<br />

4\ IliO;' of l~e bea, iDf,.m •• cl ~e~_ •. ,,110 ...,... rltelaidl 0' Hash·<br />

OJ ~. 4ntjn,~~d. f~olD l¥1 . .,( ~ .... ...a.t, tile .rl& .... ,cIt v, JraD~<br />

" atel IIf ,be .. h~14 ,.'Ih, "'....·N.... ta ward .,,.,Olltly Iu,«it )•<br />

.. ,.110 4hi~~ the ,tople ilCcrs:lour.or,erlit ... NltPtUl. die .nut_N,<br />

',' .", cpm".rc.i4ll,&I.d Ille to",,"" .10.. ,,"' ... _ ailiped 1I._1I1Iqeft­<br />

" &iIlD~'" tblt IIIIRe ia 'heM:~D ww. .,..... D.,. .,lied to &lie Iollr<br />

." IIrl_y ,la,selolch. lti ...... '(II..,. ~dedi. ... ,. u!Cfhtd froID ...<br />

" CftJltor. ud .,.,......'.d ........ III' ••• N,C,.el/. hAP~ilt • At&WII\,<br />

.. ~.\ '0 .llich tH. MIIKI .... auUro, "i"!Iotlae A.r .... te tk!eoU),<br />

...<br />

U :."",. Of rtf.laHoIU. bllt,t-.or.iaal ~Jla oJ .bleb lie .... 0'" .eo.<br />

U.ti.ue~h Mlel ,bM fll.,,..,,JI~" apoPII""", or .01l'4..,p_r~<br />

•• ia bU8IIm .1Ia,," h6 tbe .. ,e,,,,,.' ul ,fhi. "Cltld. .Now W~D. w.<br />

" kaow , .... , .... H; .... ~ ·lIel&' .. ira·Jo.rlte. JIm" •• • r .Iatial ·perN"<br />

••. ai_ 1I"11a ~hallar f ... lieDt. tIM 1.r.I.oh,holD Jell a ~ook 0' rtplc. .<br />

' •. Iiotu or livi ..... .u.~,. "Ilia f.e1 bold ..... \ to lbe v ...... aDd '<br />

t' die IMllanr;e of ,.ltiell ,It., llelif!te 10 be .b., 01 lbe Go4a, w. e ••<br />

•• ..,..,"'lIt. dIAl the 6nl CQUa,tloD oC tbt I'.r~" .adoktel' r~li&io •<br />

•• .... tbe .,..... of In.''' 'beI)lo" u.9ealf4 by the BnbJIIUI .....<br />

•• "....., in Ibnet. .. riloriet. wline ahe book o' M ......... d, or .v... II.<br />

AI is .. t ....... eat 11Ie1'1111,(&I'4 of all reliJiou ucI .....a ~ulia.<br />

U<br />

Tile<br />

atem.ien of c&,aal'n ,.dae ,1\I'ono flf '.rf'niat, in lhe r~Il" or Dhlth<br />

.' caltl111 before (brisl. ICCIIII to !laye bel'li acC:UIllPIIDieci bJ'. con.id ....<br />

u;abl •<br />


iv<br />

• .- I \ ..' " • • .<br />

" able ,"O'lIt,.. ~ ia '""..-ea~. at. ftlfrfon I lae wi ...t p;;:<br />

~I bably ela cli .... of _&CrolD." lIahaNd ••• "Ito ''''c•• ~ IIi ...<br />

u IUI~ ~. i'ft'Np' Ike De" ~I~~ of _<br />

.. tlonal ~aitli "hlch'ti1ltbaaj •<br />

• , .~ ..... It bell .... C!*p1""'.a ht tlt~. ~to"!,atloa "as partial;<br />

., fer. "~ile tltey _jede41 tile ell.plea ;oJ,'1Ie11lD 0' their predec~<br />

II 10ft. "y ret~aed lite 1a"1 0' MahaW, witlt a .lIpenliUoa. yea8-<br />

U raUoa for ~he iun, tke ,~d., .... An'i thai r~l'1Dbljnr the m ....<br />

" ... call~ ,,,,,,. .. , aa.d. ,,,,riiCllf. t~e leeo~d .. of !,hith Ii "eI'l .• IIIBa~<br />

.. roul at Deu ..... wbere ~y Ggnllt.,," are CODliDltally blaalnr;<br />

~I ... wbere ttie Sal1licu ;,beII .lIey.en.er 011 .iwir .. cerdotal otic.<br />

~I kindle', willt .wo pieCH of Iii. h,ard wnod Sat', a ifre whld. lhe,<br />

.1 keep licltt~ throlllh lbeir lin. for tlieir Daptial ~e,emoD'y •• lte pet­<br />

'" fon;..DCMI of ioielBll ~rilen •• he oheqa. of departed aDCfttorW.<br />

~" ariii their OWD faae;.u pile. Thl. rtiDar-..iile rite ... ~oDUDae4l1t1<br />

" ..... niht. who reformed .lIe old .uliCioD by the "dl'I"u ofl".lI, ~I'<br />

tI .....<br />

H<br />

, pmidior orer .. atlll IUId «Iaji, of DeW cerNolaln iii tlte y ..<br />

8efIltioa sheira to Ir., of. new "o~t whlch..e pi'etHdfti to .... e<br />

U l'Iftind from lteaun; all4lat.Of. •• U by eIIta1tllshiD'lhe_t .... .....<br />

• , tioe otoDe SlIpr""e geine; He wal born, aCcordilll' to *01118., iii<br />

i~ tho eli.tricl of R.ai I .e4 It wa,. be (iiota. A •• laoits lIIIffil, W, ,... ~<br />

.. tector OUtbta,,) wlao .ratenea ieto India, tat lie ...,.t reeetre<br />

•• lalormatloa fi-. tbe BrUmaDl iii tli_loey ae. elfiic.. it I, ~Iy<br />

,. p .. ible that Pythagoral tae" bim hi tk ~pital of Irat i bill tbe<br />

d Gneia. JIll. mat thn .YO WU raj. ""aDced ia yean; ... tir.<br />

d bne 110 c:en.-. ftideDCe of all fDt~01Ine betweeli tile tiro ftbiiOlo­<br />

"pben. TINt reformed relipon of Pft'tfa coatieaed ia '.ree till tba~<br />

., ecnilitry wet 'Gbdued fly the MatellDlUI.' aad~ ,,11.oitt ,Iadyflil the<br />

'" Zencl, we ha~e Il1Dple infonDatioD coneeni;'r it ia tbe ..... Pn-<br />

4. lian wriliDpofaeYeral who pfofeiIM it. Belnilan alwaY. uaed Ze':<br />

Ct' rata.ht w'tla ret'eretlce; hut..e was iii trutb. pare iIIo'IJI,'" it;~rir.<br />

(I ty ethelafllled aily um-aticm GUhe firo or otller elellleai' l hJ "Dieci<br />

U<br />

tliai the 4octrine' ftf fwo cot'nl prfaciplft, npmil'ely cool ad .ti •<br />

•• PUIlll'Jy bad, loned allY part of bis faitll; aDd be oftei' ,.peated<br />

U with enrphuit the Yel'lf'l of Flrdaa,i OD the ".0""""0,. of CJnlI all.<br />

co IIli paterna. ~l'Id f:ather b'efote the bialia~ .ltar i • Thiak Dot (bat tlrt,;<br />

• were adorer. of fire;' (or Ihat eJe,i,eDt ",a. only a6<br />

.<br />

m(IM ob)eet .<br />

-', ~<br />

• olit'"Hu,fte o'wbleft lhej hed theireye-t Ihey ltumr.1ed tll'ellliely ..<br />

, • whore _en beFore God f and. if Illy aadent.lI'd'la," ne",. little<br />

'nerte4, ftoa .mDtt ackDo"le4fp thy d.peadeUce oa the Btinr IU~<br />

• "rtiM!ly pure,' ID 81tO'ry ot S.di, ftRt rll41 clOie of bi, benulltal'<br />

.. :B~"<br />

.: .<br />

•<br />

.,1'<br />

..........----'--IXU..:a<br />

5(;".'; ._' •<br />

.r ... - .... ·s •__..... ~<br />

... __ --.........,...· -~.--- . ---<br />

-<br />

-,"<br />

II - ........,..• ,<br />

•<br />

-<br />


PR.EJ'ACE.<br />

v<br />

.\ Rnstan, colleelillin r the Idol of Somn .. th, or Mahodeya, he con­<br />

I, fouildl Ihe reli,lon of Ihe Hindu. willi tbal of tile Gabrs, calling the<br />

" Brahmans Dot ooly MflKhs· (which might be justifiPd by .. pa8ID~ in<br />

.. the Mesonvi) btu even r .. ader. flflhe Zend and Palt'od i Now, whe­<br />

.. ther Ibis" COli fusion proeeedtd frOln nal .r Ilrl'icllded ignoraDce I<br />

.. Cllnnot decide, lIut alll all well coDvincl'd tbat tht doctrIne. of the ZeD •<br />

• , were distinct 'fr4lm thote of Ihe Veda, &8 I am lbat tbe' religioD of the<br />

.. BrahmaD., with "Wbom "We couverse every day, prevailed ia Penia,<br />

.. berMe the acceuion of Cayumers. whom the Parsil. from retpeel t.,<br />

.. bl. memory, consider &8 the fi nt of mea, alllle. tlaey believe in .a<br />

.. uaiversal deluge before bia reign."<br />

.. With tbe religion of the old Persialll their pbilc)tophy (or as mllc!1a<br />

. " as we know of. It) was intimately cOllllt'cled I for tbey were .. idl­<br />

" oalob,eners of tbe lu miDaries, whicb they adored, aael-eatabUshed,<br />

II accordial to Mohaan. who confirms in lome decree the fragmeut,of<br />

.. BeI'OlU8,. Dumber of artificial cycle. wi th dlltiDet namea, wbleblHlll<br />

." to indicate a know ledge of tbe period in whicb tbe eqaino:a:ea appear<br />

.. to l'e101 n. They nre 8Did also to have known the molt wODderful<br />

.. powen oraalare, and tbeoce to bave acquired the fameofllrla,iciaD'~<br />

.. aDd t CDebaoters atc."<br />

After a fe"tIJob.enadoDI OD the mYltlcal tbeololY. Ihe mouDmenl.;"<br />

~ulpture.aacl tllf"cieDCeUDd alltlof tbe aoeient Persian., tbe leam~"<br />

a1ltilorenncluciea ... Tho. has it beeD proved by clear evldeoceand pi8ia<br />

U r.eBIQIJiol, tbat·. powerfol mODarehy was eltabllshed Ie Iran long b'e­<br />

.. fore tbe Anyrlao or Pi.bdadi go"~roment; tbat .it Will in tmtb a Hirtdu<br />

., mODucby, though if auy choae to call it CIU,a". Casd,afl, or Scylla';'"<br />

II we sIIall not enter loto a debate on mer\, O&DIe3; tbat It aaflliated many<br />

.. centuries, and tbat it. bistory bas beeo eOlrafred 00 Ihat of lite Hioda •<br />

.. wbo founded tbe monarchies of Ayod.hyB anct Incirapre&tha I that the<br />

.. laDloageof tbe first Pereillo empire was Ihe mother of the Safl,cri,,·<br />

.. aDeI cooaeqaently of the Ztndand Par.i ••• wt'lla. uftbe Greek, Latin •<br />

.. aDeI Gol/ti~ thnt tbe langua,e of tbe A •• yrlalll wos 'be p.reot of tho<br />

... Cbal.ueandt Pahlivl."<br />

It is DOt Ilirpri.inrc tbat tbe deliberate jucigmt'Dt ofsoealiKhteDed aa<br />

~nqnlrer uSlr WillilUD Jon ..... d tbe importaat eoocluliool to whleb the<br />

disqul,illon,foanded 00 tbe flets contaioed 10lbe Dt'II8lir evidentl, led.<br />

GOD'. un esclted a Yery .trong desire IQ. dilcover ud,brine 10 lilbt a<br />

. ,<br />

+ Ali.t. Res a Vol. n pp. 58-i'l!.<br />

1- Ibid p. 64.<br />

•<br />

VI<br />

PREFACE,<br />

.oluml' on fI'''rinnl fo hi9fory. Thi •• i.1I hili been of 11'0 nnd ~lron"'y<br />

ellpr"" .. d"by Ihr p .."on~who ,urr hrsl qualifi~d In IIpprrdal .. Ih .. \ "I1.,e<br />

of 11\1('h a work. BUI Ihr- 't!olimony cor:l/iinl'd in Iht' J)i~("o"r ... of:/le<br />

Most Nob) .. thf' Mllrqlli, of Ha-' inll AI the p"hlic "ililaliil"

~.<br />

\.<br />

: .<br />

~.<br />

,\.'1_' MC~tic~ '*~o fouuded &11«)". Beet I)~. tAe fllllDdatin~ Qr~ t5<br />

-':ient Panl lenet.. Tlie DeI.lir wa. knnwn 10 llnkilll.ibni.Rhallf.ul_<br />

Tebriti Mal,lIlIlllled ~u&ain, the alilhor oi the Bnrhoni Kalin, Ihe b .. st<br />

~ictioallry ulanl of the Per5iaD laDltungt; "ho liv~d in ille aie "t Shhll<br />

JebaD; ~nd at'that tIme ihet:redit' or the Driolir \Dbst ~avt beeH lIia-h,<br />

,IDCe be often qilole.· tbe commentary ,. bit aDlborlty lor word$ID I be<br />

old Periia~. Tbe .;Ihor'of the Dablstan, wflo teems 10 hav~ flourished<br />

fa the reii"' nf jehaDlir ~nd Shllh Jehaa, treqlleJilly qlenlloA.lhe oesatir,<br />

and iDdeedad0l'ts 11 for hit ~uide in Ihe Recouat "bieb be ,ina Glib.<br />

reUcioa. dynasties of Mababad aad his iucc'essbra. .'<br />

,A. tq the'COClY frOID which ,h~ pr ..... 4ili~n w¥ llrin,led .. ill,c:ar~<br />

fully takeillrom tbat in t~e ~Ion of Ibe.FAliIIll''t.:Mulla I'b:alf§. b-1aC<br />

tbe only manuscript .fdle ~orlt knowD '0 ujal. Jt ..... par~ecI ..<br />

.J,faban by his rether IlboDt lony five. yeart . ~'o, . frOID one, A,ba<br />

Mllhfulimelf·Taher. a bookseller,' who, uud~rst"adi~~ Ihlll the Eai'~~r'~<br />

fath.tr waa ail Intlian Panl, broughl it to hi~ for sale, induced bX t~.e<br />

'Words Kit_II i Ga~ri (8 Gallr Book J.whitb were \'ftilteD on Ihe coytr~<br />

:lCaa" Ihe fatberoF Ffrut:, bad been lent by the Parsis of lodia to true'<br />

In Penla for the 'parposei)tmakin~ Bome enquiries rrgarding Ihe rem_<br />

Jtant oftbe Parsi. in that country'l !lo~ particulnrly 10 senrell of mlJ.letlals<br />

that might enable Min to .eule Iht! disputtS llbicb pretailrd 11111011& ~~ct<br />

Part'iiilrIndia conterniog :ibeir, comllulatto~ ~f lime;. rhe dif!"t'r~nu of<br />

&comptele mo~tb bllv.l~, takep .P.Ill'Cl! ~n ~hrtr mode! of rec;k'~inJt d.rfnr;<br />

the tont1nt'ttru.ption of intercourse het "een the .ParSI5f!t l!,Idia 4~d,<br />

tbote or Penis'; R circumslance whjchhnd prodllcpd a.scbiSlll aI' SlImt,<br />

lome follo'~'lIi .he Kaleodar "o;":he' Parsls of Kerman. olh'rn Ihat<br />

"tau balhbei!n'" Ole fttr. lome 4!d1'OriH 'iriMIt tlte· & ... 1.''0' lotHa.<br />

tatt .... r .... u_b ...'ltl1r cuBtl..... . •. ,<br />

.IJ!Iomeyean Ii~olthltw'ork ~Ifrac~~ ihe,no'ti~,e of ih'e H~·~~rn.~e Jr •<br />

... tban ~on~an, th,t llite G4\vei'n~~ .. ~~. B~lDbllj', 8 gentielUa,n '';.b~e<br />

.... edtt\lpthe Rdltot bad tbe h"pplnf'Ss ~r enjo~'ln,: for n InUit p,e!~~d.<br />

Jle hactdl".oie1! m'nch of hh atlffilion tOo Ih~ 'Ilianorrs and inslMbltoDi of<br />

ihe £-.t. and wal"rqllally dhlinr;.ui~!It'd, ror ihr zt'"f with .'T~jCJ' b; ~im.<br />

ftH ptot~ured Ih~se l"nquirlt5, aDd ror'the librlll~ity wilb'.1th.ic" .b:<br />

.ronbrdlh·ose who did. ~fr,<br />

"he "'ork. Il~d allf'r ,,"rinus rnqni,rif',1 I!f'~~rdiog<br />

fiu.nenn ,!"ns itrllCk. ,,·i!h .lh~,c~~~~c:t",l<br />

its I\II~bfe'icity.,4l"<br />

wbichlle IBl!llfted hlmsetf, rttoln'd to _leal ~nmf' lroors from pn~lIc bllJi •<br />

.... 0 " .... 0. ..... 11 nl ,"shafinj(' ~t~,,,'J)f'lmti'r; R' 'I~Mfil1' wh1ch<br />

at .. rln· ... geriodJ durw ..... to.tll' of aeart, {rTr )'ra", he "8'~ ll~~illcif<br />

.,.be EdUor. .<br />


In ~buear 1811, Mr. Daacau,,,ulldy\lH to lene Bombay, ill. co~<br />

IM'qaence of'hia dtcHnioc henH~. 8rill faitbfal to bil relolutioo.f coa·<br />

pledoc the tranalll.ioo of lbe }kla'ir, l'hldl he bad resol'ftd t. prflea,<br />

'0) hh Majlll', a, 'he mot' val\lllble ,ribuCe that be CQuld o~er billll 00 bil<br />

relar!! f~om thtl Eut. he ,'llned 'h" ~i'or'l CODseot to IK,.Compaoy bim<br />

to tbe ~51~ af Fl'Ilnee Ibat be mililt ... I,t \n thc traDlla~ioo which was ou ..<br />

considerably ad,anr.rd: bllllbe ~e.tb of ~r. ~aa~. before he c;oalcJ<br />

embark, dl'prl~ed the Editor of oDe of hit mOlt, nloed frieDW, aad pDt<br />

au eud 10 thia plan. which blld oc:cupied lome of his la,e.t tbooCbta..<br />

when nearly Olle balf of the work was finiabed. The part "hieb be<br />

tranlated hu. it II aader.tood. heea leat to EOlland wilb bi, otber pa.<br />

pen.' It ill to bl' r,.,~tt'illbat Mr. DaneaD did aot lin to c:ompletc ..<br />

work flturbieh be wal nuy "ay 10 well qualified.<br />

SOOD aftn this eyegl, "hen General Si~ JIJIiD M.'eolllll ... colle~Unc<br />

lIlaleri",l. for h'. Hlltory or Persia, tbe aceou,. "bi~b be bad hean!<br />

I'rprdiDI tlle Dnatir, aad tbe bl,b oplaion orlts •• 18e utertai~ by<br />

lIir WiIlia ... JOIlIII, produced lome eaqoirl~ wblch terIQinllled to hilcE.<br />

JI~.ior to the Editor hi. decided jud~t t_l It .hould be ,inD to tbe<br />

public la tbe or1ciaal. that U. pretealiOlll aud meril., loch as they were;<br />

Picht meet with a more comple.e aad fair iavallptiDO tbaa it w .. poa.<br />

.ible for tb,em '9 receive wblle tile w:or~ re~IDed ia m.n.u~ript; &ad ia •<br />

deed, .. far at .... ,et ap'paJre4, "Dt ap In ~ .141,1, c~PI~ .<br />

Fortlle (1\"oarabh; te .... in .bicb the Edlt9r aud bit ,aaOl are .CD.•<br />

• iOlle~ by ilr J oba Male"lm la .ariolll part. offll. adlllirab,J~ ~lato'J of<br />

Penia. tbe Editor returnl that ce~tl ••• ~i. mOlt ptela.' t¥ak.. '<br />

The o,'al~ ,{tbe ~I@oriQ orp..e~ "bi~1t had.o dlllCIt "el.bt "i,1I<br />

the Editor, aa4 .&llItely la Ita"e.o IIlIICIa .. i.1I tile ,ublic. led to ,be<br />

PreHllt pu~lIqtloq. The t~st oftlae.~tlr it ~&w: pr~'t~ elltlre. ~.<br />

JoDC with U. rena a •. traD.latio.a ~ad 4[0aamcDtary. DDder tb.e care of I'.<br />

!Alltor, wbo b .. laboare~ wit" aDwearl~ zeal '0 lea~e DOt~o, Ulloa.<br />

011 Ills part, thaI c:ould ro\ler I~e "orl~ com,~ele. 'to I~e ori,iaal .. ork<br />

lie ba. ad4ed • clOllU'1 or ... c .. aacieuaud t«bal~ ~Qrd. AI oc:ear I •<br />

• ,. 0141 Peniaa tra~latioD. &lid tQ lItose wbo ma~e tbe 1¥,tIII.e or aD

. ~<br />

PR.U'AC8,<br />

Epic poe., OD tile Co~anl oUDdia by tbe British,· QD wbleb lie ... foc<br />

...,. Y." .beeD _p'.,.ed, .,d ."Iela be ... Dearly broach' t. _ ol~<br />

.f.. h ..... I. to lie _.OWD to 'atare 1111 aDd to be 'Dro~ &moo, tlte<br />

........ HrO,....,. .Itoee work. ba .... 11U .. 1 ... ~d tile tqac"oftipae,bo<br />

leadl y IMpel .a.,t It .y be c:QD"I'ayed to poIteri,,. ~ tbe .... w orlt<br />

w.1cII ~ord. tbe arl.-Uld .r'"p'" of Brltllla .... Io~, ~d tbM, by<br />

aile fort a .... UIOCiat,OD, liS. fuae.-y p~ 0 ..." .,,,, &Ito _o~ Qf<br />

.Jritbll".y. .<br />

...... y. tit II ...... WI. .<br />

'.<br />

r<br />

l<br />

Her eaa" COIICl_ tlli. t-r.r.ce .. iijlcult ., ... ., .'tac kDnwl ....<br />

_tl to Mr. Bnklae tor'" _&&able ..... aace receI,. ,,"' .. I. ~<br />

..., I ...... Hr'. tile pl'Cllftll ofdail aadenakiq.<br />

Wltll tltne o~.ti_ alae Editor HII~ntq tile po\lic" w ... t .Welt<br />

or lII&IIy yean III} bee ... I. raYorlte ".dy. Uoln. lab part~lty f.<br />

It .illeacl. bl_, .. tfnl. tllat It .. III be recel~ed u a .... aab.le II(I4ltioo t.<br />

t .... I .. oricalaad IIt.I'Ii'1~of ,b. Ba.t. ne few YfIR of hi.llfe<br />

tbat l!I&y yet reIP'~. to .. I. lie IDlead. to deyQte to tile complet'oD of a~<br />

. I<br />

~ I<br />

.1<br />

1<br />

,<br />


I ,<br />


, TO THE DESATl~<br />

..<br />


~UE PRINCE:' ~G~N:T~<br />

. .'<br />

TWO COPI ...<br />




~~ COPIElS.<br />


.~<br />

A.<br />

!i B. .t<br />

c ~<br />

I;,) 0<br />

AIIstnther, Si~ .A.. R~corder Bax, John, Balli- ...., .... 1<br />

of Bombay. .......... 3 Bell, Alexuder, EIII .. Mem-<br />

Aahburner, Luke, Esq, ...... 1 ber of C~cil.· ... 1<br />

Apcar, Mr. Arratoon, ...... I Barnes, Veuetable the Arch-<br />

Ardaseer PramJee., .... ... 1 .deaco., ... ... ... •.. 2<br />

Aaam, Wm. Esq. eWef S~~. Britrgl, Captain JohP., ... I<br />

to Govt. Bengal. ... .:. ~ l'OWn, Geolge, Esq. ... ~<br />

Audeuob;G. W. Esq. Kaire..l abillgton, Stephen, Bsq .... 2<br />

A.e~ Dbu.ojee 8ball.. .. .. 1 &Qe, Capt. William, ... '1<br />

Agnew Major,·,.... ... ... 1 BJPoircl. p. O. Elk{. ... ... I<br />

Alvel.Lieutenant, .••. ... 1 B,oyce, MI;. WiUiam,. ....... 1<br />

,,AndersolOl, Rt. Esq. 'Deput, Be~lin?" Mr. ~barles. ...... 1<br />

'Regr. Sudder Adawlut, BblcaJee lUerJee. ... •..... 1<br />

Madras. ... •.. 1 Ber:.z:oorjee Nanabb.oy, ... l<br />

L·<br />

.... _$7 n fi _em XM

--<br />

2<br />

~ t<br />

n. 'g. F. 'go<br />

~ C<br />

Byramjec COWllsjee Bennar- Fell, Jou, Esq. • .. 3<br />

j~e, ... ] f'ord, ~lajor John, ..• 1<br />

Bnrnard, T. Esq.<br />

1 Fra"er, Lieut. Col. Thomas<br />

Burnett, Andrew, Esq ....... 1 Augustus, ~Iaclras. ...... 1<br />

Bingham, Chas. Esq. Poona. 1 Fitzgerald, Calltllin 8th Re-<br />

C • giment, Calcutta. 1<br />

'. Forbes, Theodore, Esq. •.. 1<br />

Calcutta, the J.-1)rd Dlsllop of :1 Farill, Si:- ltog"i!r, De '" ... 1<br />

Col,e, the Hon'ble A. H. Re- Fecroozsh:lh Dhulljecllhah, ... 2<br />

sident at 1\1.) sore, ... J G<br />

Carr, the Reverend J, S .... 1<br />

•<br />

Collett, Captain J. H ....... 1 Griffith, Colonel John •... ~ .• 1<br />

Close, Cartain R. Resideht Goodwin, Rich. Th~. Esq. 2<br />

at Scindiah's Court. ... 2 Graham, LieutenantJ. W ...• 1<br />

CleiTanil, 1\'1aj'II', ---, ... 1 Griridlny, Capt. R. M. ... I<br />

Campbell JU~ior, ---, .•• I Gtant, Lieut. G. (Marine.)... 1<br />

ClIrsetjt'e Cowasjl'e, ... 1 Grc!{ory, Geo. Esq. Judge<br />

(~lIrsettj('e ;\Ianockjce, ... '" 5 & crim. Jti4ge at .GU,II..tQor. 1<br />

CaIQp'hell, Robert, Capt. 1 H.<br />

eors~·lIis. GeorgI', Esq ....... I .<br />

Caldwell, I .. ieut, II. 2d Bat. ' Hare, ~Jo.r General, Com-<br />

2;) Native Infantry ....... 1 mandmg 10 lUysore ....... I<br />

Chastcnav, IUr.<br />

1 Hallderson, James, Esq. &0.<br />

(;o)'lllhol;'ll, Gideon E:>q. Re- ro GOT"ernme.nt..... 1<br />

sid~nt at Bussol'a.... 1 Harve-y, CaptalO, ---, ... 1<br />

Carnac, CUlltain.T. R. R~si. Hollis, Lieutenant, , 1<br />

deut at Barodra. ... 2 881:11"':\1"', Mr. S. W. 1I .... 1<br />

D Rughes, Lieut. John Recs. 1<br />

. Hislop, Lieut. Gen. Sir Thos.<br />

Doyle, Lieut. Cul. Calcutta. 3 Bt. Commander in Chief<br />

lJun, Lieut. C. D. ::\1. ~. I. 1 Madl'as.... ...... 1<br />

Dossabhay Ja.msettjee, ...... 1 Hockley. W. :S. Esq ....... 1<br />

E. Herdis, Capt. 1st Bat. 19th<br />

El h· 1 H ~I Regt. M. N. I. ..... ~ .... 1<br />

1> mstlln, t 1e on. i' ount- Reath J M" D .<br />

,& & & 6 ' .... ~sfJ· (:p. om,-<br />

st~art, .c. c. c. ... mercial Resident, at Salem .. 2<br />

Ersk~ne, "m. Esq. Bombay 3 Harriott, :\faj. John, B. N. 1.1<br />

Elpb~nston, Jobu, ~sq. ... I Hormoozjee Bomanjce, ...... 2<br />

Elphmstone, C. Kelth, Mr. 1 cro ........ oz,ie,e· Db,' 'n'<br />

I<br />

~d' d C . J ,6 b Be n. •••- :J C Jee, ... •..<br />

l~on, aptam . 1 t -. Hceljee Nowroj~e.... 'I<br />

gllneut Madras N. IA ... 1<br />

Elliot, G. C. Esq. 1 J .<br />

. Ellis, C. Esq. JndgeandMa. oMon, Mr. Paul, ... 1<br />

:gis~ra.te, l\Jan~alore ....... 1 ~aMeD' Maj. J. 13. 6th Regt. ,I<br />

. l:.\luIJfe Curs~ttJee, . '" I Jones, .W. A. Esq. ... ••. I<br />

1UlIle~ee .Bomanjee, ... ... J

~ • • ~<br />

It - ~. .-<br />

· ~ e<br />

kenDedy, .Captain, Vans •••• 1 "'fepeaa, the RigAt Hou'hie<br />

j.empt, Mr. R. ... .•• ••. ..I Sir Enn. Bart. Governor<br />

keys Captain Cllarles, •.•••• 1 ~of Bombay. •.• ... 3<br />

KeW:, Thomas, M. E~q. ••• t Newbolt, the Hou'ble Sir Johu<br />

Kennedy, Rich&!,d M. D. Esq. 1 Kt. Chief Justic~ of ~a-<br />

Kennedy Col .. M. ... . .. 1 dras. .~. ... ... ... ... 1<br />

Kee.th.J.'M.'Esq. De-p. Com- ,~i,lrtingall, Gehel'Rl, Lieut.<br />

mercia! Resident at ~alem. ~ ·Sir Miles K. C. B. Com·<br />

Kaikboatoe 8ora~e, .... '" l manrlerin Cbif'f, :8ombay. ~<br />

L<br />

' ~ewnham, William Esq. Se-<br />

. cretlU'Y 10 GOl1. :Qombay. 1<br />

).if,rary' of the Literary So- . Newnham, Thomas Esq. 1\laciety<br />

of Bombay, . ... 1 dras Civil F~t3.blishment. 1<br />

L~thgow, C~lonel Jame., ••. ] Newnham, Henry Esq. Bt:n-<br />

Low, L.i.eut. John,... ... 1 gal Estahlislllnr.nt. ... 1<br />

.... w., C'. EIIC{. Post Mut~rGen. ] ~oton, BClIjamin Esq. ... 1<br />

L(lureiro Mr. Hearique J08. 1 ~apier, Capt. ...... ... 2<br />

'Limjee BbictVee, ........_] Nicol, LielJt. Col. 1<br />

M. O.<br />

Malcolm, Brigadier Gpnetal Oliver, Wm.~q. Regilltel'<br />

Sil· John, K. C. B. K. L. Cou~ of ~udder Adawlut,<br />

S. and L. L. D. ... 6 Madras.... ... 1<br />

Malcolm, Dtlvid, Esq ....... 1 Oakes, T: A. Esq. Collr.ctor<br />

iUacbride, John David, D. C. and Mag-istrate at Guntoor. t<br />

L. Professor of Arabic in Osborne, Lieut. Col. H. 1<br />

the linivenity of Oxfol'Cl. 2 . P .<br />

M~cJ..li.n, Hugh George, Esq. •<br />

A d ,'ocate G en. B om ba y.... 1 PottinO'er, " Lie'ut. H. •.. 1<br />

M· . U: I' lie., L' le,I, t . J onlloWlUl, _~L ... 1 Pruen, Capt. John, '" I<br />

Morris, J:ohn ,J;:sq. . ... 1 Prin~p, H. ~sq. .... ... 2<br />

Morison, John ESfl.... 1 Patl'lckson, Capt. W. R. (:al. 1 .<br />

~lcMurdo, Capt. J. Resident Pelly!John H. Esq. FottVic-<br />

• Anjar. ... ••• ... ••. 1 tO~la.... ... ... '" .... i<br />

Mcllraitb, Mr. ... ... ... 1 Pereira, Mr. Josepb Antonio, 1<br />

)lcDonald, Lieut. O. ... ... 2 Pestonjcc C(lwasjee,... 1<br />

)Iunro, James Esq. Register R..<br />

Zillah Cour:t at Dbarrum- Rico, .Claudius JOMS; Esq.<br />

pooram C(llmbalore, Ma- ReSident at llagdad, .... 2<br />

dras. ... ... ... ... ...] Reid, J. R. E!ilq. .... 1<br />

MacaD, T. ESfl. Calcutta. '" 2 Romer, John Esq. Judge &'..<br />

Martin, R. Esq. Calcutta .... 1 Magistrate, Surat. ... ... 1<br />

MeVeigh Mr. Schoolmaster, 1 Russell, Lieut. Colonel, .... 1<br />

Merwa~jee NOlVfoozjee Ma- Rob«:~son T. W. Esq." Ht'ad<br />

nockJee, ... 1 Alislstant 1IiI the Collector at<br />

Mahuwmed Llle Kllnn, ... 2 MlI.ssulipatam. '" .:. 1<br />

8<br />

'.<br />

.... 's . ~<br />

.<br />

~ .<br />

.... a<br />


R,<br />

Robinsoo, the Revd. Thomal,<br />

Poona.<br />

Ruttonjee Bomanjee,<br />

...<br />

Q,.<br />

'c:..<br />

e<br />

I:;,;)<br />

'1'.<br />

-<br />

....<br />

'g,.<br />

0'<br />

0.<br />

Taylor, Doctor John,. •.. L<br />

1 Towsey, (:apt. Edward, .•. I.,<br />

1 Thompson, Capt. 17th Dra-<br />

S. goens. .~~ 1.<br />

Shotton, 'William Esq. ... 1· w<br />

Smith, Lienel, Brigadier Ge- Warden, Francis, E8q.- Chief<br />

neral, Poo~a. .•. 2 Secretary t.o the GOYerD-<br />

Stewart, John, Esq. ... 5 ment Qf Bombay. •.. •.• 2<br />

8tewart, Captain John, 1 Wedderburn, John, Eaq. Ac·<br />

Stephenson, R. E. Esq. 1 countant Gene~l. ... •<br />

Steuart, Robert', Esq. 1 Wade, the Revd. N. •...,<br />

Swinton, George Esq. Sec. Willock, Capt. Henry, Charto<br />

Gov.ernI1,lent. Bengal .... 2 ge d'affaires at the

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THE DES'/'·TIR<br />

\<br />

OR<br />

aatttll _ritinJ~<br />

OF THE<br />


IN 'rilE ORIGIN AL . TONGUE;<br />

Togedaer with<br />



OJ'THE<br />

Fifth Saan; ,<br />


. .r<br />



GL08SAR·Y<br />

,<br />

Oft. 0 ... .." TceMiclaI P ..... T".,:<br />

• 'Ie "... IS d.D<br />

. I<br />


0' TIIB<br />

De:eatir and Commentary.<br />

IN 2'1f'O VOLl11JIBB.<br />

, VOLIL<br />

B 0.· ... Y:<br />

nlh'aa AT TRB COURIER paUl, BY J~ •• DI JDOIo<br />

t<br />

1818.<br />

'.<br />

f .<br />


•<br />

. ,<br />

..<br />

,<br />

.[ THE BOOK<br />

OF THB<br />

. 4<br />

PROPHET,' TIlE GRE4T AB.JD. ] . t ..<br />

, I<br />

J. LET us take refuge with Mezdan from<br />

evil thoughts \l-·hich mislead and afflict us.<br />

2. In the· name . of Shemta, the Bonnti-<br />

'<br />

fuJ, the Beneficent, tbe Kind, the Just!<br />

3 . .In the name of Lareng!<br />

4. The origin of Mezdam's being none .<br />

can know. Except Himself, who can com-<br />

.prehend it ? .<br />

. 5. Existence and unity and identity are<br />

inseparable propertif's of His original sub ..<br />

stance, and are Rot adventitious to Him.<br />

• COMMENTARY. \Vbence it is ilear t11at. altlJougll<br />

your lubstance is not adequate (0 the discovering of<br />

things till yoo are affected by the quality Of.kllOWled,e;<br />

wbile as lOOn as you are so afF~cted, iuch discovery<br />

becomes practicable'; yet that the same is not<br />

tbe case with God, (Yezdan) a. He knows every tbing<br />

by his own lubltance without the intervention of<br />

qualities. '<br />

, .<br />

a 'rbi. title i, Dot in lb. original 'Dd i, added to mike<br />

the tiut Boc k uniform witb the olben. All tbe tillea of the<br />

Book, bave been added by the Per-ian trall.hllor or by'<br />

some trtnlCribtr; .. tbe Dlmet Ii feD in tbem to the varioua .<br />

propbe" arc lbuM .f&he tranllalion, not of tbe origiaal.<br />

I.<br />

.... I<br />

,<br />

[No,. qf tA, nwulalor. J<br />

O£ •<br />

\<br />

•<br />

•<br />

• •

•<br />


O. HE is without beginning, or end, or<br />

associate, or foe, or like unto him. or<br />

friend, or father, .()r mother, or wife, or<br />

child, or place, or position, or body, or, any<br />

thing material, or colour, 01' smell.<br />

7. He is Living, and 'Vise; and Powerful,<br />

and Independent and Just: and his<br />

kno\\" ledge extends over all that is heard, or<br />

seen or that exists.<br />

'<br />

8. And (all) existence is visib1e to his<br />

knowledge at once, without time: and from<br />

Him nothing is hid.<br />

~:\(MENTAnY. The perfection of Ilis knowledge<br />

consists in this, that it has no dependence on time: and<br />

it appertains to his grea.tness il.lat nothing a ppears as<br />

past, present or fulure; the whole progress of time and<br />

length of duration, with rhe events which, succeeding<br />

each other it4 successive portiono;, mark its divi-<br />

6ions, are visi~le to God at one ,moment s not as ill<br />

our knowledge which we receive by broken portions I<br />

lome of events that are past, some of such as are now<br />

vi&ible, and othels of such as are (0 come.<br />

g. HE doth not evil & abidcth not with<br />

the *evil-inc1ined. Whatever He hath done<br />

is good.<br />

• PERSl~N NOTE, Ile uishfS not forml, and ;",01<br />

on evil-'iUisher. .<br />

10. In the name of Lare~g !<br />

11 .. The Simple Being, without, hope of<br />

retura,<br />

'.<br />

.<br />

PROPHET, -TilE GR-EAT ABAD. '8<br />

... ~~rn, of his own beneficence and love' of<br />

good', firs,t of all, created A substan'ce ~ree<br />

and ~ncon1ined, unmixed,' immaterial, not<br />

subJect to time, ,·withol:lt body or aught<br />

material, or dependence on body, or mat:.<br />

.fer, or cpiai,ity, named Behnam, w~ose ·title<br />

~s the chit{f o/·.A IIgels; ,<br />

.. ~ C01UIF.NTARY. . Hail (o,the Bountiful<br />

.<br />

God! . the<br />

Br:-towcr of goo I, t.he Benevolent, the Just, the l"rienli<br />

of Bounry: who w it~IO~lt the sllpplic~tioll'of pel iti


PERSI.'.IN J.YOTES. • R.lJ tllt:-Angel Am!'''dm, tlho if<br />

the second (R.Jlil ill of') Intelligence.<br />

+ FamahO.m is tile name of tile hea;;m immeditlitlj<br />

'helow the ltighest. ,<br />

tFerarHm, the ,Imrie of ale .'ioulo.ft/lat heateTl.<br />

t Sc1mo.zham ti,e Bod.!! of the Itea-rell.<br />

14. In this manner by each I nteIHgence<br />

he created another Intelligence, and a sour,<br />

and a Body, till he completed the system of<br />

the Heav~ns.<br />

15. As for ~xJrnple *Ferensa, &tLatinsa,<br />

and !Armensa.<br />

P ERSU,V }.'OTES. • Fcrcllso., tI,e Inlelligenl!e "I tA,<br />

sphere 0/ J(tiwan (Salum).<br />

\<br />

+ .La:i.ma ifs Soul.<br />

:I: Armensd it. Bod!l'<br />

16. And Anjumdad and Nejmaz~d ancl<br />

*Shidarad: I<br />

•<br />

.PERSUN NO'TE. And tile Intelligence of 'ke 'p/ltTC<br />

of 1Io1"mu:d (Jupiter) ;$ Al1jumlMd, il, Soul Nij"uisad,<br />

its Bodf !Ilidurdd. ..<br />

17. And Behmenz~d, and Fersbad and<br />

Ricbadwiid:<br />


•<br />

PROPHIT, 'I'DE" GRI!,}! ABA.D.<br />

-<br />

• 'O~. ADd Nirwln aDd TirwAn and J;tiz.<br />

"UI:<br />

-P."iAIf N(J~~. TIt •. l"!tJlIigenu, ~DUl m.d !1od!l<br />

., ,h. ",.eII of NaAIJ ( Ye.nu,). . . -<br />

/ 20. And Irlas and FirlMs and \Varl~:<br />

, . . , ~<br />

PB"'~II NO'!'Il. The Int.eiligence, Squl tIItfl Sol.,<br />

~ 01 cAe Sphere 0/ Tlr (lJ!ercury J •.<br />

,21.- And Fcrnf4sh and \YernUsb<br />

. apd Ar.<br />

. .<br />

'&lush he did create •<br />

. PEUIAN NorE. 'The Intelli&mce, Soul· and Bod!}<br />

01 the Sphere of the Moon.<br />

22. Of their excellencies and number<br />

little is said ; ~eeing that.the Ang~ll are is:- ,<br />

- Dumera ble. I<br />

23. The. heavy-moTing "stars are m~ny •<br />

. and each.has an Iotelljge~ce, a: Soul aDd . a<br />

. Body. , .<br />

24. And in like manner ev~ry .distin.,ct<br />

.divisi~ ~f the .hea~ns and. pl~Dets~ .h;lth<br />

l It$ .Int~l.lige!lces and .Souls; ,., 4<br />

f I<br />

•<br />

, .... 25. The Dumber oftbe lOlelligences, ,nd -<br />

!ouls. and .stars, .a-9d He~,=~ns,. M.fzdAm<br />

I •• JtnQws. _..' . ..~<br />

~. .20. I~ the n~lJJe ,o"f~~;JLa.~~~·g.r';. .' . .<br />

, . • .L . ....... 1 _<br />

.,<br />

" ..<br />

"<br />

• •<br />

II The laea".moyiD(, .tar. are the find ',Jal'l,. i~ C!On~' •<br />

... aill.n·'ion til th~.pJ"d.· ~b~b. ban ~c.P bef,"ulc en\llDtra· •<br />

• ltd.' Tra7J": _...' • ...<br />

.. . .. . .. , .... -<br />

i A. D.m':~£ God ..... 1IjnJ·tlae. leilla,free froID "",tilie ••<br />

..<br />

, ,<br />

•<br />

\,<br />

" .<br />

,<br />

~"<br />


-27. ':fbe-whfl1e 'Sphercs-ar.e round, 3"d are<br />

, .<br />

pure, and uever die. .<br />

-28. Neither are tlte, light-.of bca~'J~oId<br />

or hot, moist or-dl'v., ~<br />

. .,... .,<br />

~Q. They -nave neither gro\vth nor·iecay.<br />

'~desire\n()r-avenion.<br />

30. They do '~ot possess _the')s';lsce'ptibl­<br />

-tity of' a~sumiDg or putting otr an- aspeqt:<br />

_of being brok~n or j()~ned.<br />

'0'<br />

• COMMF.~TARY. T"'"y' ca~nrJt be loon or s!wn;bro.<br />

k('n or mf'n It'd, rent or nnlred.<br />

- 31. They are eVt"r re"olving in their or.-<br />

- bits; and their revolution is ~e1f-directed:<br />

since they 'are living and susc~ptible or<br />


•<br />

• aj. '.WhotQe"~r approaches.!be.- Angels,<br />

.ees the substan'c~ of the!IArd {)f tbe ~Vorla i<br />

':, J -.p~"ZN, NfJ" •. "'160 jar. tl~, "lnt#Jl/lJ~cet an4<br />

SNh oft~ rphtres.<br />

' •<br />

~: ~ 38. rfhe rapt~re th~e~<br />

-<br />

arising no trans-<br />

,.. .,.. ~,. ..<br />

"c)r,t ,of. ~ry:e .I~~.er . ,!orld , ca,n. ,e~ua},: ,.;t~e<br />

;r:W~~1 c.-..n.~~t ..e~prr~~",Qor, ~p.~.~~r" P'C1~,<br />

:41Gr tlIe,:.tr'Ye~e S&1Gh eCJtac)·., " ,<br />

, 2p. In t~e H'eavenstn~re is pleesure~sUth<br />

•.. s none but those who erijoy' it caft icon ..<br />

• ~ '. p<br />

c:eive. ' ' ' ...'<br />

,,... a. (The lowest degree of (enjoyment in)<br />

l ilea'Yet1" is 'slcb·.as is . fel ~ Ity -the ~.poo.fC!t of<br />

m~n .wh~.n he 't'c~ivcs a ,gift e'lu~l to this<br />

\Vhole lo'wer world. ..'. , :", '. , ."',<br />

~ 41. llor~ove; the. P'~~sutes ·thai:lrise:il1<br />

"it~ - fro~. . 'th~ b~a;uty '0/: wive's;' and hand.<br />

, , . ~ , ..<br />

r ~3i.ds, 'an4, sl~,:es" (ro,q1 eatjng,a~d.drinkir1'g;<br />

•. from d'res~,<br />

.<br />

'aiia :fine c~r;.:el.s·<br />

....<br />

and: commodi.<br />

....<br />

• ,opsr.se~t~_ IS suc~ as ~a~not be c~r;ti"pl'eheml.<br />

Cd in this lower world.' ' ,".' "<br />

-: '.. '42. J To the' 'Celestials . the': bounty of tbe<br />

)fost High ~~zd.am hath vouchsafed-a' ~ ..<br />

dy whi'ch admi~tetb n~i 'of ~P'!radon, wh~cJt ,<br />

....tqtl1f~ w:a~ o'Jd, ~P~,. j~ (,~~,c~Ptlble I ~i •<br />

• I ~er of pai.n. nor p'~lil~jnent. .~ . ,.,<br />

• . -'. t. , ." 'i : .<br />

.fa. In the Dame of. .. It!~'lP ! ,<br />

•<br />

• ";.t4.~<br />

'.<br />

•<br />


,<br />

•<br />

.. I THE BQOK OF THE<br />

44. FernU~h. is the repository of the in­<br />

, fluences, of th~ upper Spheres ;<br />

• PBllS14N Not's. Th, lnteliigntt~ of ,Tt, S,'-e,"/<br />

th~ LJJoon.<br />

- rOMIIEItl1ARY. Ferafilh, who is the Inte1!i~1Ite ef<br />

the $phere of the Moon" bhowereth do~n on the Kimple<br />

element!!, the fltrm!l, accident", and qualitiei which·he<br />

hath collected by his own powers through tlte 1fte(Jiliaa<br />

the revolu:i,JDs of t, e \pheret, and the conjUJICtio ...<br />

the planef~, aD'l the a~pel t .. of the stars.<br />

45. Seeing this place is under the Intelligence<br />

of the Sphe,e of the Moon.<br />

40. Varndsh .js the fashioner of fo~s •<br />

• PUllAN Nor.. Th, Soul oj 114. 'p""-c 0/.<br />

Moon. "<br />

4". Below the sphere of the M~n was<br />

made the place of clements.<br />

48. Over the Fire, the Air. the Water and<br />

- ,<br />

the Earth were 'p1aced tour Angels:<br />

40. Anirab, and Hitab, and SemirAb a~d<br />

Zehirab.<br />

50. Whatever things are compounded'~f<br />

_ • J<br />

the elements are utne~ Impermanept or<br />

pc::rmanent.<br />

COJUIZlIITAftV. "hat retaincth its form,_ is penna- .<br />

,nent; whal dot 1 n.ll is impenu:me:tt•<br />

.. 5 I. TDe impermanent are fog. "a'nt! snow,<br />

and rclin, and thunder, and cluud,' and light-<br />

~1D1 an4IUch l1k.e. ~

."" .<br />


,T·<br />

• , I '" ..<br />

~2" Over each ~fthese tllere is a Gilardiall'<br />

Angel. . " . ,~ .<br />

. 58. The Guardians of t~e (og, and.~~'f;'<br />

and rain, and t~under~ and c1~uds, an~ ligb,tning"<br />

. are ~filra~, SilrAm, N'ilrA~" M~btAs.<br />

BehtAm and NishAm, and so of the otbers.<br />

, ..<br />

S04. A~d of the permanent co.m:pouDd~d,~<br />

substances the first is the Mineral. ·<br />

' . .55: Of it tbete are many species, as the:<br />

ruby, and the sapphire and such like. '. . :<br />

56. And these have Gaartlians,' such as<br />

,...' .<br />

Beherzam and Neberzam. ' ~<br />

. '<br />

. PERSIAN NorE. BeIlel',dlll ig 'he. pr6tector oj tAet<br />

f'ub!l; Ne'/cr:dm of #Iu; sapp"ire~<br />

, .'7. The next i; the Vegetable, ot which<br />

too, there 'are many spe~ie~, as the cypreSs<br />

an,d the plane, whose Guardians are Azet-'<br />

wan and Nuzerwan.··<br />

_<br />

. 58: The next is tb~ Animal" of which too ..<br />

, .<br />

··there 3-re many. species, a~ th,e horse and,<br />

, , ,<br />

man:<br />

sg. And of them'too each hath its Guar­<br />

'dian, as ,Ferarish and Fe,rzloram.<br />

PE1Ul~ NoPE.' ,The former Ihc'PTfJltclOl' 01 "Orlt;,<br />

'lie latter DJ blanlind. ' . I,<br />

60. Each of -these .three· children hath<br />

. . .<br />

aQ act~v. and inte1li,e~t t .s.~ul.,<br />

.<br />

..<br />

\<br />

. ... ~<br />

,~<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />


•<br />

10 THE BOOK OF THE<br />

PZIUI~N N01'D.· n, Mi'Mrcl, Yegelabh tmd .4Jtirnal.<br />

t Free aner independent.<br />

61. 10 the name of Lareng.<br />

, Mezdam sepa~ated man from the othe~ ~.<br />

nimals by the distinction of a soul, which is<br />

a free and independent substance, without<br />

a. b.ody, or any thing material, indivisible<br />

and without position, by which he attaioeth<br />

the glory of the aAngels .<br />

. ~2. By His knowledge He united the"<br />

Soal with the elem'ental body.<br />

~3. If one doth good in the ~Iemental<br />

body, and possesseth useful knowledge, and<br />

acts aright, and is a Hirtasp. and doth not<br />

give pain to harmless animals;<br />

PERSU.V NOTE. Tlte nnmt Hirtdsp is applied to t!,<br />

'l£orshipp" of Yesdcin who rejhins Irom much eati",<br />

tind .leep from the looe oj God.<br />

I<br />

4 NOTE by Itulla . Fir~z. In the ~h( vtne lOII'Ie w~d.<br />

(If Ihe lrallthtion leen! to have been omiu..d .r _iii.kelt·<br />

hy: lhe transcriher. Wherefore Ihe humbl~ FH6z. acr.ortiUIC<br />

to thehret.,fhil poor ulldeoIA,"Jill!!,. ha. rentit!rcd tbetrlclI"<br />

Jalion conform.ble to the tut and iu ... rted it ·.bC).,e~ the·,<br />

oriJ('inal trall .. llIlinn jc I. under. II In Ihe nlUlle nf Yezdi., •<br />

•, Th~ Mi~bl, Yt'Zd,'l. It'leo;cted l\hn frnlll tbe olhet Alii·<br />

II milia and.by giving him _ ginrioul ~"I whiob i. all iude ..<br />

II pendrnt Iub,llnce. Ind (ree frllm maUfr~and form. i"di,;.<br />

II .,hl~,,"ot tlning potilion. without a bouy. and ofwhicla it<br />

.. ' clllnc.t be"prediciled Ihat it ha •• body. wltllnut be!illle<br />

fl ning lind will.ou'.~ftd. unbqunded .nd jmm~nle ... J'I~.itl ik<br />

II 'il c.a\tli~td tbe excellence uf til': Api'c:I • .'~ ,<br />

04.<br />


,<br />

•<br />

PBOPKEt;"iui,GAIAT :.mAD~ ~~<br />

~':~4.~ =Wneri' be '-'patteth: oft, the ~inf~rior:<br />

bodY. I .. will jntr~dllce hlm' into the abode of!<br />

AngeJ8.tb~t h~'ma1 ~ee Me with the near- •<br />

~t angeli. . , . l - ~ \<br />

, (55. And if he be not a Hirt~, but yet<br />

" " '<br />

Is wise and' rar removed fro\m~vil, still wilD<br />

~ e1evate ,him t~' the rapk of A-ngeJ.<br />

... .... " .<br />

. 60 •. And,.:ev~rr one~ ac~or~irgj to '~i. ~<br />

knOwledge anc). hit actions, sh:all,~su~e his:<br />

place in the ~rik.' of Intelligence, or Soul, or<br />

Iieaven~ or' Sta:r, and shall spend eternity ill<br />

that ble~~ci abod~ ,<br />

.' .<br />

6i. And every onewhowilbctbiore~om'.<br />

to the lower world, pnd. is a do~r,of good, .<br />

.&ball,. a~cording to hi. ,kno-wledge, ~d con- .<br />

venation, and 'actiops, ',receive ~~t~ng,<br />

either as a"King, or Prime 14inistox, or s~JDe.<br />

high office, ot wal;h;<br />

_<br />

- 68. Unt-il '~e mee\etb w:it~, a re~ar4<br />

suited· to his d.ee.d.~<br />

• CoJftIU-:.TABT •..He 'IIP r.ijat . lie, will ·meet willa aD<br />

. • I •• ' J<br />

eacl CQI1'_~(JtJl lp; his ~~n'..in hia new Ita~.of<br />

exaltation. ('l'he prophet ~.b!d~· the lloly, 'on .whom,' '<br />

aad,.n his faithful followera be the grace.r Y t'Zdb, •<br />

eaq~ired, 0 -Merciful Judge I and 0 JUlt Prt_ne~!<br />

Virluons Kings, Dod rulerS; and Ibe wi,..t, are 'a4tack. '<br />

ed 6, disea,C!S' in· theirbodiee, and wiJb grief on accoan& '<br />

or ~~eir rc~ari.DS auel CODDcctiollS, IUld iQ forth. 1:10.:;<br />

,. .<br />

It<br />

,<br />

, "<br />

.-<br />

•<br />

"<br />

/<br />

TilE BOOK OF THE<br />

is (his, Ind wherefore ?-Tbe Lord of the \VorId, the<br />

)laster of Existence made ans\\"cr:<br />

6g. Those ,who, .in the season of prosperity,<br />

experience pain' and grief, suffer them<br />

on account of their words gr deeds in a<br />

former bo~y, for which the 1tIost Just n~W'<br />

punisheth them.<br />

COMMENTAny. It must be remarked that when aRt<br />

one bas first done e\·jl and ne3tt good, and bas cllteM<br />

into another bOlly: tile Granter of de~iles, in thi. new<br />

stale, grants him his desires: amI moreover, in c:onfor­<br />

;"ity 10 His justice, makes hian liUfl"er retribution for bit<br />

offence; amI sufiers nOlhing to pass without iu retorno<br />

}~or, shor.]d He omit any part df the due retribulioaa<br />

lie would not be Just.<br />

o 70. In the name of Lareng •<br />

. Whosoever is an evil-doer, on him He<br />

first infiicteth pain under the human fortn:<br />

for sickness, the sufferings of children while,<br />

in their mothers' worn b, and after they are<br />

out of it, and suicide, and being hurt b}; ravenous<br />

animals, and death, and being subject-.<br />

ed to .<br />

want from bitth till death. are all re ..<br />

tributions for past actions: and in like man~<br />

. .<br />

ner as to goodness. •<br />

. COJ41If&NTARY. Ohllene (hat be says that every joy,.<br />

or pleasure or pain that -affects us from birth till 4ea\b,<br />

i. "'bolty the fruit of put ".~ligua whic:b is. now: reaped.<br />

-<br />

. . (..<br />

, ..<br />

"<br />

-.'<br />

PROPIt,ET, TUg GRE.~T ADAD. . .18<br />

"I. The lion, the tyger~ ;th; leopard, tbe<br />

panther and the wolf, wIth all ravenous<br />

Q.~imals, whether" bi~d8; or qua~ropeds, or<br />

creeping things, bav~' once possessed authority:<br />

and everyone whom they kill hath:<br />

been their aider, or abettor, 'who did evil.<br />

by supporting, or assisting, ~r ~y the or­<br />

~ers of, that ~xalted class; and having<br />

• given pain to harmless animals are now<br />

p~nished by their own masters.<br />

7';.~ In fine, these Grandees, being invested<br />

with the forms of ravenous'beasts, expire<br />

,of suffering and W'~unds, according to<br />

their misdeeds: and, if any guilt remain.<br />

they will return a second time, and suffer<br />

, .<br />

puni'shment along, with their accomplices.<br />

J<br />

COXXENTARY. And meet with due retribution, till<br />

in some way their guilt is removed: whether at the<br />

first time, or the second time, or the tenth, 81 the<br />

hundredth time, 'or 10 forth.<br />

'73. In the name of Lareng !<br />

•<br />

COKllENTARY. The Lord of the Wqrld speaks thus<br />

to the great prophet A.bAd ; .<br />

, ,<br />

74. Do not kill harmless - ' animals,<br />

(Zindblr) for the retribution exacted by the<br />

Wise on their acts is of another sort: since<br />

th.e h~orse 'submits to be riddeD on, and the<br />

ox,<br />

,<br />

•<br />

'.<br />

•<br />

..<br />

•<br />

•<br />

l<br />


, --<br />

I<br />

,.<br />

L.<br />

I<br />

I·<br />

t·<br />

,:'<br />

e·:<br />

~;<br />

, ..<br />

•<br />

I • . ~<br />

14 THE BOOK OF TllL<br />

ox, the camel, the mule, and the ass bear<br />

burdens. And these in a former life werc~<br />

men who itnposed .. burdens on others un·<br />

justly .<br />

•<br />

• PERSIA."I NOTE. The ZinJb5.r ar8 the harm/en<br />

(LIlimals that do not destroy a'lurs: such a~ tlte "ors~. the<br />

camel, the mule, the ass, awlotlzer:; oj the same ki"d.<br />

75. If anyone knowingly and· intention ..<br />

ally kill a harmless animal, a'nd do not •<br />

meet with retribution in the same life e'ither<br />

{rom the Unseen or the earthly ruler, he<br />

will find punishment awaiting him at his<br />

next c~ming.<br />

75. The killing of a harmless animal is<br />

equal to the killing of an ignorant, harmless<br />

man.<br />

77. Know that the killer of a harmless<br />

animal is caught in the wrath of ~Iezdam,<br />

78. Dread the wrath of Dai. (God.)<br />

70. In the name of Lareng !<br />

If a ravenouS animal kill a harmless animal,<br />

it must be regarded as a *retaliation<br />

on the slain: since ferocious animals exist for<br />

•<br />

the purpose of inflicting such punishment .<br />

• PERSI.lY NOTE. It is a punis hment on the animtU<br />

killed, and an atonement f01' blood spilt, (Ilzd a retl ibu.<br />

tion for the misdt.eds ~ the slain.<br />

•<br />

,<br />


•<br />

I<br />


. 8D. The 'slaying of ravenous animals a<br />

laudcrble, since they, in a former existence,<br />

have been shedder. of blood, and slew the<br />

guiltless. The punisher of such is blest.<br />

- COJUfENTARY. For to punish them is doing good,<br />

and walking iu the way of the commands of the Great<br />

God. 'Vbence we perceive that he enjoin.s ravenous<br />

• animali to beJ>Dt to death, because to be kil~d is their<br />

punishment.<br />

SI. In the name of Lareng !<br />

Such persons as are foolish and eviI~<br />

doers, being enclosed in th~ body of vege ..<br />

tables, meet with the rew,\rd Q"f their. -stu~<br />

. pi~ity and misde~ds :<br />

82. A'nd such as possess illaudable knpw­<br />

)edg~ and do ev~l, al'e en~losed i~ the 9.~dy<br />

of minerals;<br />

83. Until their slQs be p\lri~ed; after.<br />

which t~y are ddi~ered from this suffering,<br />

and are once more united ,to a human ~<br />

- .<br />

body: and according as tlley act in it, they<br />

~gajQ m.eet w:ith retribution .<br />

... 84. In ~he name of Lareng !<br />

If a ~an be possessed of excellent know-'<br />

ledg~, yet follow a wicked course of action;<br />

when this vile body is dissolv.ed he doth not<br />

get ano_th~r elemental. bodYI nor doth his<br />

aoul<br />

•<br />

t'<br />

, .<br />

•<br />


I<br />

•<br />

•<br />

16 THt BOOK OF TH E<br />

j<br />

soul get admittance into the upper abode,<br />

but his evil dispositions becoming his<br />

.<br />

tormentors,<br />

as~ume the form of burnina o fire ,<br />

of freezing snow, of .:serpents, dragons and<br />

the like, and inflict punishment on him:<br />

85. And far from the happy abode, and<br />

from 1f~zdam and the angels, and from a<br />

material body, he broileth in tormenting<br />

flame; and this is the most horrible stage<br />

of Hell •.<br />

J<br />

, I<br />

•<br />

COMMENTARY. He next addresses the holy AbAd j<br />

86. Say thou, May the Lord of Being<br />

preserve thee and thy friends from this great<br />

torment.<br />

. 87. In the name of Lareng !<br />

When hungry and 'sleepless JOu fis:: your<br />

heart on the Lord of Being, separating yoursel~<br />

from this elemental body, yoo see the<br />

Heavens, and the stars, and the angels, 'and<br />

God.<br />

88. Again you return to the material<br />

body: and when this lower body is dissolved,<br />

you once more reascend to that height<br />

which you have aUlveyed, and remain th~rc<br />

for ever.<br />

sg. In the name of taren, !<br />

.,<br />

~ ..<br />

~ :<br />

~ ~ :<br />

•<br />

•<br />


In prayer, turn to any side; but it is best<br />

to turn to the stars, and the light. _<br />

•<br />

COIIIIEN'IABY'. He ISYS, fhat, to that Being wbo is<br />

_ without piece, you may pray in all directions ,; aod tbat<br />

tbe prayer is good whithersoever you turn in praying<br />

t6 Hi~: but nevertbeless that it is best to pTay towards<br />

the stars and lights, and that prayen made towards the<br />

ltara anel cele~(illilumi~aries nre most accepfable.<br />

gO. Chuse a wife: and l

TilE BOOK OF THE<br />

...<br />

•<br />

gO. ,The property left by thct father and<br />

mother, divide equally amo~g the sons and<br />

daughters: ~nd t? the wife give a little.1:<br />

97. Shew kindness to those under you,<br />

that you may receive kindness from,Mez-.<br />

dam:<br />

08. The Lord of Being creat;.ed his ser ..<br />

vant *free: if 'pe doth good he gaineth<br />

heaven; if evil, he becometh an inhabi ..<br />

tant of hell.<br />

• PERSIAN NOTE. So that he can dust! good tmd<br />

feil and do them.<br />

COMllENTARY. Since the Most Just hill cQD.fentd<br />

011 his creature the facu lty of dislillguislling good from<br />

evil, and givell him powt!r to incliut! to either: hence,<br />

if he do g:..>od aceol ding to the commands of the Just<br />

God (Dadar), in whom there is lIothing but goodud<br />

excellence, lhe highe5t he,Hen, the cbo,ce5t heaven is bis<br />

abode: while if he be of evil di~pt)silions he finds his<br />

seat in lIt II. It is pI iin that praise-worthy or blamea.<br />

ble actioTl$" good and bau conduct arc the peopler. of<br />

l:en.~ell 'lI\d hell: anu that tlle orders of tbe incoQlpara-.<br />

ble God are like the prescriptions of the physiciau.<br />

\V hoever ob~erves the advice .of. the Benevolent, tbe<br />

W is~, e~capes affliction, aud by a little forbearance at·<br />

lain:; evedastinr,. health: while tbe diAease of hian 'Who<br />

does not at lend to it clicreasCs. The physician of course<br />

ili not answerable for either his health .)r sickness.<br />

/::) .<br />

c To thp wire give a lilllt; i. e. (lD lhe dtath or btr bua- '<br />

b"'lId. T~·o.n!.<br />

gg •.<br />

• . '"

..<br />

, .<br />

. ... -<br />

'" ,,'<br />


gg. Evil proceedetb nf)t from the God of<br />

.<br />

Existence, and He loveth not evil~<br />

,<br />

, ] 00. I-n the name of Lareng !<br />

The Sup·erior ~~,ings ,and the 'Inferiol<br />

Beings are the gift of the Giver: they can-­<br />

not be separated from:Him : they have been,<br />

are, and shall be.<br />

COMMENTAR.Y. Seeing tbat the Beuntiful takes ~t<br />

back ",but He gives; for that is tbe PIOpclty of the<br />

avaricious and rude man.<br />

101. The", orld, like a rad~ation, is not<br />

and cannot be separated frqm the sun of<br />

the substance of the mighty God.<br />

102. The ·lower world is subj~ct to the<br />

away of the upper world.<br />

-J 03. In the beginning of it's revolution<br />

,<br />

the sovereignty over tbis lower world' is<br />

.committed to one of the slow-moving stars:<br />

104. Which governeth it alone for the<br />

space of a thousand yeare ;<br />

105. And for other thousands of years<br />

each of the heavy-moving stars, and swift ..<br />

mQving stars becometh. it's partner, each for<br />

one thousand years.<br />

106. Last of all the moon becometh its<br />

associate.<br />

COlnlt,;"NIARY •. For a thousand ye~rs, like all the<br />

ie:at. 101.<br />

:<br />

"<br />

.. .<br />

!O THE nOOK OF TitS<br />

107. A (ter that, the first associate will<br />

get the sovereignty.<br />

COMMENTARY. So that we may call the sfar Wllich<br />

first supported the regal autbority, the first king z and<br />

that star wh ich in the second thousand years, wal it'.<br />

panner, the second king: because, after the lapse of<br />

the regal reign of the first king, this second became<br />

ling. For it is said that at. the terminafion of tbe<br />

rule of the first king, the first partner, who was origi.<br />

nally tile partner oCthe first king, becomes king.<br />

108. The second king goeth through the<br />

round as the first King; and the<br />

~:lme<br />

others are in like manner his associates.<br />

100. Last or all the' first *king is for a<br />

thousand<br />

.<br />

years the partner of the second<br />

king.<br />

• PEr.STAN l!.'rOT£. The period of W/lose. reign fS1ro~<br />

past alld gone.<br />

1 10. Then the period of the reign of<br />

the second king is also past. .<br />

111. And understand that the same is the<br />

course as to all the others.<br />


' .<br />

• I<br />

. .<br />

PROPHET, 'rH~ GREAT ABAD. 21<br />

\<br />

113. After which the Sovereignty again~<br />

returneth to the nrst king, and ~n this wa'y<br />

there is' an eternal succession.<br />

COl.MENTA BY. The beginnihg of the Period being "<br />

from the first kinCY', and -it's conclu.toiion with the moon.<br />

• I:><br />

114. And in the beginning of the Gr!lnd .<br />

Period, a new order of things commencetb<br />

in the lower world~ '. .<br />

] 15.<br />

.<br />

And, not indeed the very forms,<br />

'<br />

and knowledge, and events of the Grand Period<br />

,that hath elapsed, but oth:er~ precisely<br />

similar to them w~ll ag~in be produced.<br />

CO)lllENTARY. He says (bat" in the beginning eC<br />

tile Grand Period, combinations of the elements cominence,<br />

and ~gores are produced that, in appea;ance,<br />

and in their acts, deeds and speech are similar to the<br />

figurc:s, knowledge and deeds of the p~t Gland Revol~tion<br />

~ not that I~e v~ry same tigurq are .prod~ced; •<br />

since the briuging b,ck of who.L.is p~st in not fiUing ~<br />

for were it desirable to bring such bac~, why were tlJey<br />

broken and destroyed? The Grand Artificer 'does nothing<br />

of.which H~ n-pentl Him. .<br />

I 116,0 And ev~ry Grand PeriQd that cometh<br />

r:eeembJc:th.from beginning to end the Grand<br />

Period .tbat is .past. . -. ,<br />

" .1 J 7. 0 my cbosen Abftd! in tbe beginpiog<br />

of. this ~rand ,Period t~ou, with thy<br />

, bed mate, ' didst; sur~ive; . and none, other<br />

"'-as left: no\v l\Jankiml' procoed' from thee.<br />

,<br />

COMMENTAny, '<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />


•<br />

,<br />

•<br />


COMMENTARY. It is to be ohsen'ed thautthe con,<br />

. .<br />

elusion of a G~and Per~od, only two persons are left in<br />

the world, one man und 'one \\'Gm~n: all the res&. of<br />

mankind perish: And hence mankind derive their ori·<br />

gin from the woman and rpan who suni\'e, and from<br />

whosh loins numbers issue in the new Grand Feliod.<br />

Hence He says to Abad, The origin of nl~.kind is<br />

from tbee, and all proceed from thy toot, and thou<br />

vt the father of them all. .<br />

•<br />

118. In the name of I.areng !<br />

COMMENTARY. He addresses the blessed Ab4d;<br />

11 g. The most ble~t of men are such as<br />

-are obedient to and followers of thee.<br />

, 120. The dearest to Mezdam is he ,,-ho<br />

acteth according to thy injunctions<br />

121. Whom thou expelJest, hiQl Mezdam<br />

expeUeth.<br />

122. Thou art the chief of Mankind.<br />

123. Thy follQwers shall many yean be<br />

sovereigns in the world.<br />

. J 24. Know that the world 'shall ri~ver<br />

enjoy such happiness as in the time Gfthe<br />

princes of thy religion.<br />

125. As long as Mankind do not commit<br />

exceeding evil, thy religion, which is the<br />

mercy of Me~dAm, ahall not Jose it's rulers.<br />

)20. The extirpatioD of thy religion trol8<br />

among Princes is one of. the torments of<br />

Sell UpOD Mankind •<br />


J21. In the 'name of Lareng!<br />

("OIlIfF-MfART. He now gives some informati()Q r ...<br />

~ing the ~t.s that. Are to arite; , ..<br />

128. A Band ,will appear who are know:­<br />

ere and doers,of gOQd, mortifying the Hnses.<br />

(Tipasbud).<br />

'CO.MBNTAllV. Tipal means self-denial in the way<br />

or Ood and bis wOl'Iibip, in respect'to abstinence ill •<br />

'nting, drinking Ind sletAp.<br />

e<br />

And, one who eserci&et<br />

tueb abstinence is caned 1\ Tipi1abud nnd Hirtthp.<br />

J 2g. And this Band are in a bles6ed road •<br />

. 130. And' tbere is ~ di1ferfmt, Band wbp<br />

know and do good, without p,ractising au~<br />

8t~ritiest and who investigate. the real na.. •<br />

ture of things by the guidance of reason.<br />

ancllive 88 Sirdt1ap.<br />

P~llSlAN NOTE. The Sirdd,p tI1'~<br />

~il"out marti/yin, their 6Qdia In deoolioiz. .<br />

SItC" cu seek iootl<br />

CO.M'I.TAltT. ,The SirdAsp is tllat ~cber af\ef ,­<br />

God, who leeks Him without (8Ub~ing himielf to) .<br />

absllnence in food or sleep, and .itlaout(~i1ag) '0.­<br />

litary ~ulioa; who attempt. to uptain hidden thiap<br />

by the guidance of the lI~ing; 8Il4l who dOOll<br />

Dot deem it lawrul to ~urt any thing h~vlng ~ire. The<br />

two c .... that have been mentioned are diatiJiguiaheci<br />

u the eaHghtened and the ,aideI.<br />

. 1 S 1. A Band next succeed;' who know<br />

iood, aDd practiie evil, v~iDg' bar~l ..<br />


....<br />

--l'UE nOOK OF 'fI'IE<br />

•<br />

COMl't(ENTARY. The (]istinctive mark of this band<br />

is that they {o,oe knowledge ~nd ingc!n~ity: anti yet.<br />

vex ~!lrmless animals, and stain their monlhs '\\ilh the<br />

blood df unoffcnding creatures, and fill their beUil's<br />

\lilh them.<br />

132. There is a Band that 'mingle together<br />

seruznim, and nirudtm and jirazraql.<br />

COll!lIENTARV. 'Vhat first shines on tbe heart in<br />

worshipping Yezlhill is called Seruznlm: and. ~\"idence<br />

that is ag.eeuble to the ullder~tallding, am] the ,yords<br />

consonant to reason arc callt:d Nirfmlffi: while the remark<br />

which is absurd ilnd not founded on reason is<br />

called J uraw1m: alld by these the pure-hearted are<br />

distinguished.<br />

133. One·13and say that except the substance<br />

of God there is nothing immaterial.<br />

COlIl\IEXTARY. The distinguishing mark of this class<br />

is that they hold' that all tbe angels are bodies and material;<br />

but that the C!ssence of God is free and independent.<br />

.<br />

134. There is another class that say that<br />

Mezdam is matter.<br />

CO)l MEN TAR Y. And these materialists infer that GOtl<br />

lias a human form and such' like~<br />

135. And some hold that ~fezd!m is;l<br />

~<br />

Temperament.<br />

, CO:\tMENTARV. ,Which is ~ power peculiar'fo bO,dy.<br />

130. One class deem themseh"es' pro..­<br />

phets, in spite of their ml'Jcstiong harmless<br />

."eat ures. ~,<br />

13j •<br />

•<br />

•<br />

't 37. 'Without kindness to harmless a~i.<br />

'lndls arid self-mo'rti1ication,l1on'eean arrive<br />

it'the angels.<br />

138. Such abroe beneath tbe sphere of<br />

the n\oon, a~d<br />

by v~~ue'of their·little selfmortification,<br />

following their own fancies,<br />

l.!ken what fhey lee to other -things, flnd<br />

thus come to act wrong. ,<br />

COII.aNTARY. lie Sa,YIlhat one clnss e:ttcem th~m"<br />

lelvCl prophets amI messengers of God. But as with ..<br />

'"t JDorttfying the budy, throwing'1)fF . bad disposition.<br />

ad accalAulating~.g6Qd ,,:orks, -the cbief 'Of which;.<br />

!ulltanitft6 harm'ess aMmals, ifls imp'o,;i;ible to ascend<br />

the ipherel and teach the sfirs arid 'ang~ls;<br />

and a. -It.'it<br />

Cloll bayc not (o11o\\'e() such a courSl", ;he,jce, f .. 'om the<br />

deficiency of 'heir merlitication nnd froOm thtir Dot<br />

~a.i;'I'endured suOicient suffering, dley see aome lighe<br />

'rlow tbe wpliere orine mOon: alld,their so~l not ha,~.<br />

iuI'I*ined-fhe 81cetldCDlry oftr tile ima.gi'i-ation, thf'1<br />

(uhion what things they ob:&erve tlc('ordillg to tbe 'erea"<br />

fiola! ftr their o\\n i,noginatlon-: thus luiting their<br />

lno",lodg'i to the 5)'litem of rbrar fRnc'i~I'i<br />

and 'they do<br />

Ilot dWoOver the rcaJ n.,ttlre of wllafthey see, but follow ..<br />

hlg ti,e image "bid. Ih'eir fancy liRB conceivt-d full fronl<br />

truth into de!llr'ucdon, ohd dr." -down their foliu\\'cri<br />

ioto perd itioll.<br />

i30. One class observing 1'bat men are<br />

lniserable, confine themselves '!2'eTely to<br />

tsot -k iJ ling them.<br />

1 ""0. For th~rc is a c1:lss that deems. the<br />

kiUiDi of ~ m:lD pr3isewortoy.<br />

COMlISNTlRY •<br />

, ,<br />

,<br />

,<br />

, .<br />

'.<br />

.. --<br />

•<br />

:t.•.<br />

"<br />

_ 5,*

•<br />

16 THE BOOK OF TRIl<br />

COMlIllfT A aT'. By this he marks out a 01.., wit.,<br />

itt order to appease the Might." and Angels, kiD ..<br />

with the .word, and put themselva to dea~t 1UP1*~<br />

ing tbat God will be gratified.<br />

J41. Some faunder. of Sects say, M1 fe.<br />

]igion shall never ~ destroyed.<br />

COlu.ENTAay. He here point. at. eJUI who I3J<br />

W their disciples, O~ rel~ion paIICS not away; 4a<br />

110t desert jt~<br />

142. A.d wan will arise among them.<br />

COMMENTARY. He jndie"ta that confhct. will I;i;;~<br />

in the religiQDI of these founde~ of Sects, and inno\'1/t<br />

lor. in religi.on, a~d tha& tbey will fall Ollt together,<br />

and that whore tbere ar~ many Sec\5 in one religion, and<br />

whfre rn~n1 slloot. prQCeeU from ODe root, QCh braneh.<br />

deem. the other bad.<br />

14 a. Th ere ' is a class of men that have a<br />

little knowledge, but are no, doers of good;<br />

~nd one of such 3S do some good, bU.t baT'<br />

not much know ledge of good.<br />

CO~UIENTARY. He here marks Il dass ~ho are foJ.<br />

Iowerl of I he wis~, bu\ do ~ot proru hy their pre('epts;<br />

and RDntlier .i.rnil~r dJU ,,1\0 deem themselves pure,<br />

anel have a lil,le Q,f good "orks, but yet are D9t wist.<br />

144. An.d there shall be 5.0 many Sectt<br />

and l>rinccs that volulD

iW)P8RT,. TUg CREA,. ~BA,D,. ~<br />

tla~ is 1\0 road to find the. Self .. Existen~~<br />

By: ~bis road every Ol¥.! of the class of H uristara~<br />

and N I;1ristars, ~~d Surist~rs and Ruzi.,<br />

lars ~,11 pin heav~, and fin.(\" Ii,tation aCiew<br />

cordi. tQ his work~.<br />

•<br />

CO_1I1t1'l('I'.lRV. FeraendAl is the ~~e or the R~~'<br />

.iQll Qf Ml'h.AbAd (or the ~rent Ah6d );-In Pehle~i<br />

the lIurisl.r. are callFd "AlIlurnt1n-They are the Mo ..<br />

bed. all~Hirbeda whOle duty is 10 gllard the faithl fO,<br />

confirm the kJ)o~t~dgt alld p"~f'pts 01: religion, and ~,<br />

ah,bl~h ju.tice: 'fh~ N .. rill'r~ in I'chlevi, nr:e ~med<br />

Rell,i~htar4n, and ale the Pri\l.CtI., and \V'J1riors wbo<br />

. ate. ulled to gr~de'lr, and Imp~,jority, 8n4 command"<br />

and ~'orldly I\\ay. The SwistArs in Peblevi are d~ ..<br />

hominated \Vash'eryfish4n,. and are devofted fo c;very<br />

kind of bnsinea and emplo.)·menf ;. The Ih,zi.tlr~ aro.<br />

in p,hlevi "iled Hotllkhshin and are arfiznns and hll".<br />

, "<br />

bllrldmen. And YOIl can&\ot 1\Qd auy IDn~ DO~ i,Dclll~<br />

cltd in these claslieS.<br />

J 46. In the name of J~3reng !<br />

Every on.e who lahoureth i,n explaining<br />

theFerseQdi~, s.hall g~,n a high place in hea",<br />

ven.<br />

t"" Be confidently as£ured that theFef ....<br />

s.~nd~j is true.<br />

•<br />

,<br />

' .<br />

COJUIP.NTABV. It, flay. 'B Mankincl.-Kno-. ye<br />

_" c~,,,fid"ntly, ... tl he wl'll as."u,: til, that the religioQ<br />

Qf ,h~ bl~vJ .o\hAcI, (on whtlliC .. oul ond on "h068<br />

foUn\\erM Iw hll'lI-ing" llnntlmlX"red of floe Wi e, ) i. Ih'<br />

tlraight and vue loau. Let him wlJo h,as .'Y lIncit'f.<br />

tilaudi,,&,<br />

, ,<br />


."<br />

TIlE nOOK 6F tu'E<br />

standing, and j~ in clo\;bt, observe how fir "Ibis laar.<br />

lowed rei igioo is Hlperior to allotber 8ects, and lba'i<br />

no olhcr nJarsc posscsses such purity and I,,"ertnest~<br />

H he desires IInfail:nf1y to ~ce and ~now "hat ha,<br />

been rc\'cnt!d, it mnj' te tlone inh,:o ,'-aYIL'; mther 'le't<br />

him hC'come a II illa~p and by suffering "pain disio\Od<br />

\the,.ealllatnte oflhillgs with (he mind's lye; or let him<br />

bl~colll'C'a SinJasp amI comprehend the teal nature of<br />

things bye\' illenee.<br />

1 ~S. In tIre name of LaTeng ~<br />

: ·CO)IMENTARV. lIe addresses the human race;<br />

14"9. Stand in drean of guilt,:fn"d deem<br />

the smallest offence great": for a slight aill\lent<br />

becometh t'l dreadful disease.<br />

COlillEl'fTARY. forthe di!.order that at nrstis sligt't,<br />

j~ cured if 1I1anagcd aC('ordiug to the plescription of tbe<br />

physician: but if trrated Ugh' y, 'or if no phlsieian be<br />

cOl1suitt'd, it speedily ('ncrea~es and l'omes to tucb a<br />

llcigllt as to pass tLe i~o\\'er of remuly. Now tin: ad.<br />

vice of propl:efsJ Des1 firs or l\1 o\..:ctb, r~(,D1blts that of<br />

tlle Physician, If a man Ie gr:ered f'!r Ilis offenC"eI<br />

ahd dca,'c unto pnrit)', nnd make choice of rcrenmnce,<br />

Jle escapes fronlhis -di· order: but if he £loes not, dieQ<br />

be rC"tcilCi a l.>bcc Wlal'fC hi~ mi£ery becomes c\'erlaslo.<br />

mg.<br />

150. Be riot without hope of His mcrcy~<br />

CO,.UIENTARY. Ih: ~v~, A"'oid e\'i1 in it's begin~<br />

2li::lg,llntJ nbatev(,l JO~ \TIny han done UDwiftin~lJ't<br />

tll foW it ott; 31111 rt}>fnt of it. And be tlot "itt~oll( hore<br />

from the merry Qt G cd; for Ue js kind .n~ merciful;<br />

1 e a1fiictll fiOt 1;!'I ~e:vant from wrath. He ~entoL,<br />


\<br />

.. ,<br />

PROPHET, THE GRE~T ADAD; ,"..,<br />

btes the teacher, who when the 8.cho~ar atten~s not<br />

to.lleaming.,'chastehs him willi a rod for his'good.. •<br />

J 5 j _, When each of the Sharistars com ..<br />

pleteth ifs revolution or entereth it's l\lan, ..<br />

• iOD~ celebrat,e it as a Festival.<br />

]52. Regard the Ascetic and the Sage as<br />

your friend, and obey their injunctions.<br />

153. At the birth of, a child read the<br />

.'De,satlr, and give something in the road of<br />

"Me~dam.<br />

. ,<br />

~PERSl.J.N N07E. The Book of God.<br />

1'54. A corpse you may place in a vase<br />

of aqua-fortis,or consign it to the nre, or<br />

t'o the earth.<br />

'<br />

COMMENTARY. The mage of tb~ .Ferse.ndajianue":<br />

garding the dead was this :' After the Soul had left tbe<br />

body, they washed it in pure, water, 8l)d dre~d, it~"<br />

cleaJl and pc;rfum~ vestmen~: tbey ~ben put it into<br />

, a vase of aqua.fortis, and ",ben tbe body was dissolv­<br />

~d, canied tbe liquid to a plQ(:e far from the city and<br />

pour~ it out; or else they ·burned it·in fire~ after at.<br />

tiring it u has been said; or they made a dome, and<br />

fonned, a deep pit witbin it, whicb tbey built and<br />

'Whitened with sto~e, brick and mortar; agd, 011 itf .<br />

edges, niches were construc~ed and platfomlS er~cted,<br />

on which tbe dead w~re deposif:ed: or they buried a<br />

vase in tbe earth, and enclosed the corpse i~ it; Qr<br />

.~uried it in ~ c08:!n in the grouD.d ~ ~Qd in t~c ~tima~<br />

d. In 'he road of Mczdlm: that -i. Cor God' ••• t.lD .eh ..<br />

,rill' TrCl7fl. r' '<br />

- . ~oq<br />

,<br />

,<br />

. r<br />

, ,

!8 . TIlE BOOK FO THE<br />

.'<br />

tioll of the Fersen dajian , the most eligil.lle of all tb~c<br />

was the \·aseofaqua.foriis.<br />

155 . After nny one hath died. read tbe<br />

Desatlr, and give something to the wOPshippers<br />

of God, that tbe soul of the depart.<br />

cd may attain beatitude.<br />

155. To !\I ~ zdaql there is nothing more<br />

ple~sing than chari ty.<br />

157. Make atonement for the offc:nce<br />

which you may have committed.<br />

158,. Do good; and grant a~sistance to<br />

those of the same faith ( hem-fersenj ).<br />

150. Take from the thief the double of<br />

what he bath stolen'; and after beatin~ him<br />

with a rod J throw him for some time UltOI<br />

prIson.<br />

100. Bqt if he w'ill not amend, let hi[Jl<br />

be led round the city, and let hjlU be em ..<br />

ployed in bearing heavy burdens.<br />

,<br />

COMMeN TABY. According to the rdigion of tllI~<br />

Prince of til Fersemlilj ttkith, if a persoll be (l\kcn<br />

a second lime in theft, be is Jed with disgrace about<br />

t he i YJ which operation j.bey call H.uk!z : alter wldCb,<br />

as It pllotshmtnt, Llu~y bea.t him with ' a stick, lace<br />

fi,tters 011 hi' fee t,. and make him carry btick and mud<br />

for repairing houses, and keep bim Zll wals di-agreeabl.y<br />

employed W luch 11l.uQuxs.<br />

lOl ~

I.<br />

, ,<br />

•<br />

.<br />

PltOPli ETa 'l'H~ Gl~E4 T AB4D. 51<br />

. .... ..'".<br />

.<br />

'!til. One guilty of .adultery is to be punished<br />

by being b~~te~ with !~~S a~d te


yet tllat _it ooes liot ber.orn e brtter and hspP.ier thaa<br />

thC'y. Hence 'we pe rce i,~ p tbat it cannol, wh ile lIelow"<br />

alt. .in efj llnli1y w il lI theCel tial ; and that those wbo<br />

make pretences to any superiority ~.re deceivers a~d<br />

fabe l eachrr '.<br />

l(i7. 0 Abud! That js the ,vord ofMezc;lrlffi<br />

,vhich an Angel bringeth on thy heart.<br />

] 08. Or what thou hearest from Mezdtlm<br />

when thou leavest the body (nemiddiJ along<br />

",itb the Chief of Angels.<br />

CO:\I.JI E fliTARV. "'"mlllen j to leave tbe earthly 110'<br />

I<br />

(ly, alld ngain return to jt; and also means to aLtain t.o<br />

• Iwowledge of the truth of things (o[ InS"piration).<br />

He says, The speec h of God is not breath and does lIot<br />

posse_s sound: And t hat is Inspiration whicll descend.<br />

on the heart throug h the intervention of an Aog-el, or<br />

til t is learned or G o ,,,lIen you lIa,'e left the body.<br />

And lliisin pir. tion after JOu rej oin the body you commit<br />

to words and deli\'er forth by the breath of speech.<br />

] 00. Thou hast seen me and heard my<br />

words; convey these my words to aU my<br />

servants below.<br />

COMMENTA n y. Since- the Cclestials and Supernal!<br />

arcz all abed iellt, and uch as are near Yezdcln' have liB<br />

need of all cilrtLly prophet.<br />

} .70,. After thee Jyafram wB) revive tby<br />

religion, and will be a migl ty prophet.<br />

CmlllE TAllY. Hence He declares to the blessed<br />

Abacl, s this holy Hel ig-ion jn cORscquence of the<br />

'wickedness or m n will be corruplcd and taU, JyaJr4m,<br />

cue of tlly ra t e" will re~' ive Ihy reIi.rion, and 'iifuse it<br />

anewilDollg m t'Il;' and he is a mjghty !lropflet.

.....<br />

..<br />

:<br />

..<br />

OF 'rUB<br />

.....<br />

\. L~t US take refuge witli Mei~&ltl {ro'm<br />

evil thoughts which -mislead and :dHict us.<br />

2. In the name ()f~h:unta, 'the Bountiful;<br />

the Beneficent, the Loving, the J list.<br />

3. In the name of Hermehl", the bestow ..<br />

er of da,ily food on .Uliving, tbe protector<br />

of the good.<br />

4'. Praise be unto the Self-Existent who<br />

first created the "free world, and nex:t the<br />

world of bodies~<br />

5. Look a'nd behol\l! 0 Jyaf'r&m son elf .<br />

A badarad; bow at the c:oDh~and of the'<br />

ifost High God (Me~d~ai), the .Lord or<br />

Bodies, enclo'ing all bOdieS \Tithin his cir:..<br />

euit, ever tevolveth ; .<br />

• PlllUl.4.1f NOTJ:~<br />

UdlJ . Ten o.c1i4r, ren-6.4, Ten.<br />

Intn, Tenlm; Tekemten, b.,ing the Gretll SpAere. ~<br />

, .<br />

CI The rree world i. tom pOled 0' the Anpf., 9n"f. and<br />

ltucllpcu. who an free from ,be ibciamtirance ClrboCl,~<br />

II Ah thrae nlglfo' ht-lf)T1, to the Nimh .,r "'ghe,' JiH.:­<br />

Yf'n: llte1"cniC, uhler of bodl~ •• leader or.bodld, bear,of.<br />

bodld, bQd1 Or.bo~1'<br />

the incomearable tlcrilz.<br />

\ It<br />

I<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />



O. And carrieth the other spaeres along<br />

with him from Eas,t to 'Vest;<br />

7. Although the revolution of the spberes<br />

below the G,reat Sphere, is, by the decree<br />

of the Creator, froal \Vest to East.<br />

8. And in the sky among the slow-revolving<br />

stars;<br />

, '<br />

g. As the Ram, the Bull, the Two-forms"<br />

the Crab, the Lion, the Bunch of corn, tha<br />

Balance, the Scorpion, the Bow, the Goat~<br />

the 'Vater-bucket, the Fish~<br />

10. And in like manner, in the lower<br />

heavens are the moving stars,<br />

11. Sin~shir, Berhesti, Bdram, Heramid~<br />

Benld, Kaleng, Famshid;<br />

12. And these' are my chosen servants. '<br />

'Who never have been and never shall be disobedient.<br />

COM!tl£NTARY. He says thal the spl1errs, in spite or<br />

tlleir mngnifude and vicinity to God, are no.t exempted<br />

from hi .. orders; and from lime without ,b4aginn,ing<br />

"'hen they ,,'ere created, even unto the end of eternity,<br />

JleVer have disobeyed and never shan disobe'y' •. The<br />

,rst time that I was called to the world above, the<br />

Jwavens and stars said unlo me, " 0 Sasan! we bave<br />

bound up our loins in the I'ervice ofYezdan, and never<br />

\,ithclraw from, it, because lie is worthy of praise: and<br />

'\ye an~ tjIJed with astonishment how mankind can wan:'<br />

del 50 ,"iue from the commands of God 1"<br />

, .

I<br />

L'<br />

- ,'II!<br />


13 .. Next the tire~- and' air, and water,.<br />

and earth;<br />

. CcfMlIIBNT All T. He sa fa, .fte\, the spbe're, the foul' .<br />

elements were created.<br />

. , I<br />

14. And from'the mixtur-e' ... of these thea<br />

,<br />

Mineral, the Vegetable and Animal.<br />

I<br />

COMMENTARY.' God made and creat£d.<br />

. 15. An are actively employed by th~<br />

art of the Most High •<br />

. ] 0.. In the ~am~ of the :Beneficent, the<br />

Best()wer of daily food on all living, the Pto ...<br />

tector of such ~s do w~]J.<br />

'<br />

17. I have said e ' that 1 :first of aU cbosQ<br />

AbAd, and after him I sent thi~teen prophets.<br />

in succession, all called A b~d.<br />

18. By these fourteen prophets the worI~<br />

enjoyed prosperity. ,<br />

COJUIEN'lABY. When you add Abad fQ -the ttair. .<br />

teen prophets whe.ucceeded him, they make ·fourleen.<br />

And tbe faith of tJaerp all was' similar to' that ()f the'<br />

Mebibid, and they were followen of Mehablld; and<br />

tho~ ~ad~ kiegdorns flourishing. Praise be 01\ ,Abtid-;<br />

and on these .A,bAds! .<br />

1 o~ After them the kings" tbeir ljeute~<br />

l1ant~J pr~serye~ the world in happiness'.<br />

20. When a hundred ~d or j-eirs had-:'<br />

. .". .<br />

" ..<br />

~<br />

.<br />

. ol";Tbe aense would rtq\lirc this t'l be .. I lay ~nto tbet:"<br />

p;tss~d<br />

B<br />

•<br />

,<br />

, .<br />

..<br />

•<br />


'\,.<br />

, -<br />


passed under their sway, Ab!didd, resign~<br />

ing the sovereignty, de.~t~d himself esclu~<br />

~ively to the worship of~Iezdam~ ,<br />

COMMENTAnv~ It is to be observed that the robow~<br />

ers of the F"ersendAj Religion callell a tho~ind times<br />

'a thousand years a Ferd, and a. thousand Ferd. a Jr"d,<br />

and" a ~housand \Verds a Jltlerd, and a tbousand Mereta<br />

a Jr1d, and three thous'and Jids a Wad,anil two thousand<br />

,Velds a Zdd,· so that;, following tbis computation,<br />

the kingdoin rcmaine

,<br />

. ..<br />

PRoPlrEt JV-A:fRAM ..<br />

•<br />

thou now assume the Gove'D~t,<br />

ad<br />

.dorn the' Fersendnj ReligIon •<br />

. 23 •. I have cho~eD thee for the work ot<br />

propbecy, and have gra~ed 'the Fe~sebdaj by<br />

,bee.<br />

24. And 10! make the words of Heaven<br />

which I have. sent unto thee, a portion of<br />

the *DesAtir •.<br />

. .<br />

·PEnst.4lf NOTE.WltiC" lathe·Booi of tMbl&ssed<br />

jIIehdbdd. .<br />

25. And keep' wen the way of Ferzabftd,<br />

for it is th~ r~ligion. of God; and thi~ faitb<br />

fihall never be lost from among the Mez.<br />

dAmians. ,. ..,<br />

20. Whoe~er .is the friend of God ( ~~sbdai),<br />

8na1l walk in this rbad.<br />

'.<br />

27. In the name of the Beneficent, th~<br />

. . /<br />

•<br />

Bestower of daily food to aU ~~:vidga !he<br />

Rewarder ()f those who act well. .<br />

28. T~e NecessariJy .. Existent !<br />

COMIISNTAILY. 'Vbose Being is necesS'llry;' the Uncl.~ubf.fdly-e:tistip"<br />

Ever-dur~ng, Eternally-stable,. lm~<br />

J1V,liabte-of.oece,sit V,. without beginning or end, existing<br />

... ith~p~ tjJ~ ~tr~~u~es ~f fi~t' or Jast, who bas b~n, is,<br />

and shall be, and to whose everlasti11gness 'trnd eternity<br />

tI)ere is no ~ginnillg, nor commencement, nor aw,~nor<br />

1·· bo d ,..<br />

lIDlt, nor un," t, ..... I<br />

r I ,<br />

~ Jig. tight of Light!! .. -... i .. ;'.. .<br />

CO»~EftTAnY.<br />

, .<br />

•<br />



COIIJlEN'!' A ftT. Splendor of Splendor., briglltRe5S or<br />

brightnesses, cornucation of corruscatioul, shining of<br />

ahining&, blllze ()f blazes" .. . of ilIuminations';­<br />

tbe being from ' '" : , Ji~ht the abode of 'light~ 'baa<br />

derived its light, anq fr~ who~ the abode. of splendor.<br />

has received the spleDdor of -exlstence, Ilnd except frolll<br />

'Whose brightness the uodt ~f brig~tness hAS no bright.<br />

lIels, and from wJ).om tbe city of corruscations Teceives<br />

its power of tQrruseation, (rani' whom IIhinm~ ,bines;<br />

and without wbom blazing doel not Mate,' from th~<br />

gtor,. of whose essence proceed. tbe illumination' of<br />

illuminations. . ,<br />

30. Among the adored wOltby of ado-<br />

• , - r<br />

ratIon. " , -<br />

·CO*IIENTAKV. And among the worshipped mod<br />

, worthy ot Worship. Let,thOIiC' whQ are supplicafed by<br />

the great for their grandeur SUl)plicate him ""l,th theil'<br />

whole grandeur; and most fifting'it is'lhat the lauded '1<br />

should laull him, and the mighty, render' unto him<br />

Jtrayer and praise. , " .<br />

a I. 'Lord of Lords!<br />

COMMtNTA.~. King of Kings, Emperor' of f=mperors,<br />

Ky of:Kys, Dara of Vi-ras, Judge of -jud,~<br />

Chief ofChie!);, Greatest of tile Great! 'l'he abOde" of<br />

Lordliness ill his servant! the resid~nce of Kings ,is his<br />

worshipper, the city ot Uoyally is proud' to obey' Uim!<br />

Princes place their ho~ in his Gale, Varas look for<br />

protcctipQ. (fOUl his grace ~ hi; ,10TT is the J udp Gf<br />

~Jldgel! I.<br />

32. The Exalfed !<br />

CO •••• T •• Y. ai,b 0'" ~e Loft1! Sublime 0""<br />

t_ •• _ ;.'; .......

-- I<br />

.'<br />


.. '<br />

dle Gnal ! The Bf'stower of exalt8tio~ on die abode "'or<br />

• exall:ltion, and the EICYIl!er of . the 'r~idence' of , ~~va'"<br />

lion, the Railer of ',be til.1 of .~hli~~~y; whQ lil-<br />

Ira~~eur t,o'lh~ cial of .... Ddcur. '<br />

. • I..<br />

3S. Of W'oncltrful Praise ~<br />

. . '<br />

COllMENTARV. Grami ~orsliip and miglJ~y tluinJu.'<br />

gi ving'i the pra ise of llle vi'ttce 01' pra~~c'of ciliielJ8,<br />

the ohjc~t of prayer lQ tbe place' of pra)'~r in the 'aarrow<br />

lane, die sllbject or wonohip1to tbc;c \\'lJo d\vc}l<br />

in worship ill the habitation ofthnnksg',irig.' .\ :. ,.<br />

~4. Of supreme Splendo r !<br />

": '.<br />

, CO'=i:UENT-+RY •. And striking light, fnd unlimited<br />

brightllC', ~iid '&Llong blazing, and rClJplcndellt shinin~~<br />

mighty m:a.lifn i"t ion , ~Ild magnificent clearness, and'<br />

'wonderful brigbtnesa; and "bdundIess ,lory; seeing (bat<br />

die splendor of the IplelJdor~besfo.('I1, 'be brigla.n.ss<br />

of the gjven C)t" brighlll'ss,' the Jigh& of tJte enlighfenerf<br />

and th~ b~aze. ,?f t~e emblazoners, anti the flashing ~f.<br />

the flashers, I;lnli tbe manifestatien" of the mlDi(esters,<br />

and the glory 'of the gtoriti~n, '~nlJ the' illumination of<br />

\ .... UluDlin'ton, and tho TiaibUia, ~f,~ displal.<br />

proceed from Hi~. . I , ~.<br />

s~, Of splendid Brightness ~ "~<br />

.....<br />

Co~n.BNTAaT. And ~biJ)inl liJht, s~roDg glare, ~.<br />

ceedin(l:'splendoi', a!ld'grcat ilJuPliJJatiQO: for lbe spl.ciidor<br />

oCthe abode of IIplenddr proceeds from Him, abd the<br />

.Clte.' bf abiaiDg ahinel from Him j the city of Uille<br />

..m.don· He· illa.inatel; He ,iYei ligld &0 the f9u~t<br />

lain of ligbt, ............. to· .... c:ily of bri,JicnlSl :<br />

'be land of ,loti He rlariSet; tbe ~ of IplClKlor q.<br />

~cI~frOIll Hla ~~~e~~ $e~e~<br />

. . ., ,<br />


7 .. +=-<br />

•<br />

10 'tHE BOOK OF THE.<br />

"<br />

36. Of mighty ~fightjne6s !,<br />

COKllENTARY. And va~t vastness, ,nd great great.<br />

ness, and lofty loftiness, and high highness, and exalted<br />

exaltation, and sublime sublimity, and awful awtulness;<br />

so that the mighty are mean, and the vast little',<br />

and the lofty depressed, and the exalted humble, and<br />

the high low, the grand gronlling, and the sublime<br />

lowly, and the great small, and the tall sbort, and the<br />

• broad narrow, and the deep is as a ford 11Jlt~ Him.<br />

, 37. Of entire Perfection! .<br />

COMMENTARY. And unlimited excellence, and com';<br />

plete righteousness: for He bestows per fection on tLe<br />

perfect, and Righteousness on'the right.<br />

38. Of unbounded Bounty!<br />

• •<br />

COMMENTARY. And the never-failing 'Giver, tb.<br />

perfectly Generous: for, from His board no created<br />

thing is without its portion, or was or shall be~<br />

3g. Of wide-diffused Goodness!<br />

•<br />

J<br />

I<br />

CMHBNTAUY. And extensive excellence, and long<br />

worth, and broad beneficence, and profound gladDeR:<br />

whose goodness Ttaches to all places, whose worlh ex­<br />

~iIlds every whe~e, and whose excellenc, spreads frOID<br />

t~ one limit of existence (0 the other.<br />

40. Of glorified Light!<br />

CQMXENTA ay .. Of exquil~te splendor, strong brisht.<br />

ne.~.1 grand blazing, and glorious effulgeDi:e. Hi0l10t1<br />

must adore; for illulIliaation of ~art falls DD the iU .. •<br />

minated from Him only.<br />

41. Of infinite Greatness! •<br />

C0101E!'4'TARY. And entire mightiness: His won·<br />

derfulness,<br />

•<br />


, '<br />

..<br />

•<br />

•<br />

w.lne.., is undellbted before ,'all, and' Hi. gran~ut<br />

ack.owled~ bJ all; Hil grinde.r ill necessarily ~OIl4!<br />

felled by all Beings within the lim~ts of creation •<br />

•<br />

42. 'Of conspicuous EfFulgence!. .'<br />

Cb\uiBlfT A R·Y.. Manifelt light, consp!C1Idut brfgllt •<br />

.., anti blaziftg. etrulgenc~; for eYery thing is leell<br />

by Hi. light, and is produced frolD His splendor,. and<br />

from His brightness receiv~ \tring, and takes exiSlelu:e<br />

frtJm His intense blaze, and becomes visible from H ••<br />

~ ~. .<br />

efi"ul,ence.<br />

..<br />

43. Of iQtense l!4ightiness !<br />

, COMMEN~A.ay. And.'grand exaltation, and sublime<br />

aublimity, and enduring greatness;.. since Cftiefs, and<br />

nulers, and the EllaHed, Uld the Great, and the .Migh.<br />

ty, and tbose who lift high the head, dare Dot disobey<br />

Him, and cailliot. withdtaw their he&d~ (ft"om obedienc~<br />

imto Him).<br />

44. Th~ Bestower ~f what is suitable.<br />

COMllENTART.: Ana the gift of agrteable lensationa<br />

to lbesGul and body ; for' kno:wled~,. "ad the gift of<br />

-w'ilat is suited tC cherish the body, proceed from Hia<br />

escellc.nce; siDee the &reatucss of His bounty cannot bI'<br />

~x pressed. • ~<br />

I<br />

45. Of extensive'Empire. ,<br />

" COlUlUtAilY. AruilWide domUaion; for there is no<br />

1imit to His creati.9n~ ~ DO bound. to .... hIlt I.lc. hu<br />

made.<br />

40. Of re~Ddel'lt Goodness !<br />

I<br />

COXXENTARY. Awl ma~ifest es~lence, and efi.<br />

aent benevolencc j. tor wballmJ il ~Il- ·with the e1e;"<br />

er<br />

J<br />

. ,<br />

,<br />

.. I

•<br />

, 41. .:rUE ,BOOIi -0F TU'E<br />

.Q1obsen:ecl h¥ ~he mi.d, orunderst()od hy thejud~ment<br />

·i~._ roy of His goodn~s: and His gOOdDeti baa no<br />

,bounds 1 and is ",it bout limits.<br />

, 47. The .blessed Give-r!<br />

.. C.OMlrIENTARY. And lhp. happy lind gloriouIIS$eRot·;<br />

fpr bJessedlle~s, and goodness, and .bounty, exce.pt oi<br />

lJ im, are none.<br />

48. ,Of high "PUl\ity !<br />

"COMMENTAIlY'. And snrpnlSing w~rth, Ind .pnre<br />

,greatness,nnd whose glorious abode (. K!Jtlbadi) i. free<br />

,from impmily: for-tlle dust of.uncleanness t&ll. Dot 0.<br />

the Jlem of his garment, nor on tbe migh,ty that ar~ nigla<br />

qnto him, even the Empyre,lists. (Ry~nistarzi).<br />

40. The Lord .of ·Brigbtness·!<br />

COMMENTARY .• \Vhich is &ll~d abrOlld: 'and the<br />

Lord afthe ~eat of'Lordship, which is .he rlace of al;l-­<br />

gfls, and the cit]' of Angels) and is Dot hid fl,?m lhepe­<br />

.netmti ng-<br />

. -ao. The uui.versal.CreatQr!<br />

COMl!fENT A RY. The Maker of all tllingr (bat be:<br />

The power of creation is inhM'ent in His essonce, and<br />

.-bate\ler is. created is suitable to the Creator ; ~d "hat •<br />

. ever is produced, its production is right.<br />

61. First of the First-!<br />

.cOJUIENTA-RY. The beginning of beginning "Me'"<br />

had no fi~, the beginning -of "hieh beginning CabDGl<br />

lbe found; and of eternal dura!ion wilbeut end.<br />

,52. The CreatOl'.af EssenCe ~<br />

.• 48. Throle t.rms Kyab/tni and Kyaft.ltaoj are appJiea t.,<br />

.. .\ba.c .. ~"y;c tb.' ~.p~b Ql ~pJ',Ij\:.u. .,"uve..,.<br />

. .C~)JII!IENrA.r"<br />

-<br />

.,<br />


•<br />

.... .. - ..... .. ~<br />

~Plu'PH"ET "jYAFRA'1t.<br />

, .<br />

'COll1lIMTA * r .. 'Tire "Maker o(th~t which make~ every<br />

":~ .. ial"it is ;-the' producea:.of eue~ce; the former~.('<br />

"hac destinctive essence "hic~lmakes a thing wbat ~ is.<br />

~3.The E"XhibiteT of:Identity 1<br />

, '<br />

t ,<br />

,.ColrllaIfT-ARY. "And. persom:lity; and being, and.<br />

.lel~ ~d ~xililellce ; _Dd He \ltthe Cl"eator of.au weuti~<br />

tit5 ; and nOlle olher but He. .<br />

. ~54. p'r()vidence of Pro~idences ~<br />

, (;o~nr&!lTABY. And Lord of LoTds, G~dim ot<br />

Gu.ard.v.n.s,.d Protectorof.prot~ctol'1. ,<br />

" 55. Wonder of Wondersl ,<br />

" "<br />

COltIiENTART. The causer of wonder to the won ..<br />

4erflal, the Creator ~f the 'pl~ce ~r ~onde~,: and" .~~ ~\l<br />

• ,,'oo&hn, the m!'6t wonderful 'is 11 is ~nce;.·<br />

,10. The Creator qf G,rac:eJ<br />

~ .<br />

COMJlBNTAal". Most graceful of the graceful; th.<br />

Creator Qf purity, purest of lh.e purt", tbe pure Cteatot<br />

df purity; the Creator of praise and the ob~ of ~<br />

,raise.<br />

57. God of Intelli~ences t·<br />

• ".cOMJlEBTAllT. :Lord of 1J~denundjngsJ Crea&oro.f<br />

Intelligences, aDd Jlaker ot IntelluJi", .<br />

, ". I,ord 'of Souls ! -<br />

, .<br />

COJlHSH'1'All'Y'. Who'is (be MaSter Creator "r.them;<br />

50. The' Indepe~dent of .tl:le ~Dd~pe~.<br />

c1ent·! .<br />

COKlIaHTAaT. T __ e free ofthefree; lrbo .made ,th.<br />

Indepeaclmt indepadenl, and o~ the free bestOw~ free~<br />

~. " ..<br />

.. ,,0.<br />

I<br />

p<br />


THE BOOK OF TAt '<br />

6e. God of the upper Sphetes!<br />

COMMENTARY. He is Kteper of tbe high heafttl'J<br />

and Lord of the sublime spheres.<br />

61. Lord of the lower Elements r<br />

•<br />

Co~nlENT.A.RY.<br />

And supporter of the fouresseaea.<br />

62. Lord of the yet unconnected EJ~ments!<br />

COlUIENTAllT. Roler of the four essences while yel<br />

. dctaclJd ~ the unconnected dements he cunneettd to<br />

being, and separated the four essenceS from. DOD·existrnce.<br />

63. lord of the connected Elements.<br />

COMMENTARY. Master of the four dements whcQ<br />

mingled. lle is Lord of the nnited dementi, 8l1j·thi<br />

Uniter, and Bestowcr of Cohesion', and the Mingltr of<br />

them. And the four. elements cannot ~ miled 1'0-<br />

leWer but by his pow~r.<br />

. 1<br />

64. In the name ofHermehr, the Bestow.<br />

~r of 'subsistence on all living, the Protector<br />

of the Good .<br />

. ' 05. Excellence, Worthiness, :Bene.ficeDce~<br />

Goodness.<br />

PBRSUN }lOTE. Ham,sl'ni, ra;nesl'lli, ,hamaltm,<br />

These wor~1 a/I signify Good.<br />

~~mesteni.<br />

60. l\1~st be comprehended! must. be<br />

comprehended! must be comprehe~ded !<br />

Must be c~mprehended !<br />

; 07. Godhead, Unity,<br />

butes!<br />

•<br />

Perfc~tiol},· Attri­<br />

. ·08

+<br />

68. Must be' comp'rebenrled1 Must be<br />

co~prehende'd! Must ,be 'comprehended'l<br />

Must be comprebended !<br />

COMIIIEKTARV. He says; that it is tob~ remarkfd<br />

.hat God exist., and is One. A nd his Unity is not within<br />

computation; it is· beyond computation. At'd .he<br />

poeses.A all excdhmcies in perfection. H is names are<br />

many, 8S, according to one, niDfty Dtne, and according<br />

to another, a bundred: and 'in like manner they<br />

are said to be. a thousand, and a tbousaad and orie<br />

Dame!l: some ot them bave already occurred ill vari­<br />

OUII, parts of the Book of Mehabdd. Bot even . th\ll<br />

-greatest num~ ~s imperfect, for they are not contained<br />

in number. Nam .., which they also' call rad, ill either<br />

a .name of substance, or a name ofpropeny, or, as they<br />

call it, ~r qua,lity_ Besides thes.e there are three classc!S<br />

of names currently bestowed -on Him. t.r in imposi~<br />

names on objects ft'~rd it luad either to the predication<br />

of the existence of a negation, which they call tbo sub-<br />

- stantial name (nam e gouber)1I8 P.ure: or it depends on<br />

the predication of some existillg property, wbich can<br />

be fully conceived of ittelf, which is the ·nam. of quality<br />

(~ e lerozeh) 81 Living: or it ii, derived front<br />

something . existing, the meaning of which dt'pends on<br />

somet.hing b¢del itself, which tbey call the active name<br />

(nam e kirdar) as foi-example CreGlor.<br />

60. Life, Knowledge, Desire, Power,<br />

must be comprehended. , ~<br />

COMMENTARY. He it living and His life is nOt de ..<br />

pendent on sou], or hf~, or body. He i.s self-living;<br />

and all other Ii v inc thiogs ue dependent OR JJtm. Thl:<br />

knowledge<br />

•<br />

.'<br />

•<br />


.<br />

knowledge or Yezdin is such that he ne'~f waa Ne •<br />

.. cient: and it is free from aU doubts. 1'llere is no single<br />

particle in e!listence which He does not know. He<br />

knows the \"ery grains of the land and this knowledge<br />

He has had from 8,11 eternity. The ,"olition ot God iii<br />

luch thn~ wb.tever has been created is in c~nRquencc<br />

of His volition. If tbe inhabitants of the world wisb..<br />

ed to annihilate a liingle hair from the world, or to<br />

add one, tbey cannot without bis volition. And the<br />

power of God is such that "'batever H.e wi5hea to mnkc<br />

He can make, e~cept One like Himself.<br />

70. The Word of God, the Book of God,<br />

the Angel of God, the frophet of God,<br />

must be co,mprehended!<br />

COMMENTARY. ~he word of God is no~ (rom the<br />

thmat, nor the palate, nor tbe longu~. 1 t is a wif,<br />

end expression without any of these. For at the<br />

command of God, tbe chief of Angch, Behmen,<br />

'prung into existence; and Wilh that pen (Bebmcn 1,<br />

by tbe b4Dd of His omnipo~ence, He wrote the world,<br />

And there are two books of Yezdin. The name of<br />

the first is Do.Ghi, 'f wo- W orIds, and it they call tbe<br />

Great Book; or in the language of Hea\"en, Fcl'l·Or~''''<br />

lir, or ahr Great Dcs4tt,., which is tbe Great Volume<br />

of y ~:zd'n~ And the etber Book iI caUecl Destltir, ,be<br />

doctrines of which Meha.bld and the other ptopbell<br />

from 11ehabad dQwn to me have revealed. A nd ilia.<br />

doctrine which blazes on the heart, not a 'breath of tbe<br />

voice. But this breath of tbe voice is its .mould, for<br />

the purpese of impressing the heariDg of it. And ia<br />

.he heavenly tongue tbis ill called Derick Desltir, CIIe<br />

LitLle DtsAlir,.~ bcin, the Little B(lc»k 9f Gsd. IIftw<br />


, .<br />

the ..... test of -His' Propbe~ II tb •. undenUftdingj rOt<br />

it is th~ messag~-bearer of Yezdan, and the ~e4ium,o~<br />

communic-.lion between God ~ Rnd created beiNgS, a~d<br />

was rais~d up in ord~r to bring in all existences w'betbe~<br />

free or depen~ent, aboTe or below, and i. the nourisbd<br />

.,1 aU. And (his, in the language oflbe DeaQdr, is lbt<br />

Feu Ferjtshwer, the mighty Prpphet,or according t~<br />

the Deri Parsi 'the Mehin P)'ghamber ( ~r Great Pro,,:<br />

pbet ). And the second l)r~phet is Man; and he hu.<br />

been railed up in order tQ br~ng in tbose' below. .<br />

71. Otdness ariq Newness, Stability; ~n'"<br />

Itabilitr, must be comprebendtd !<br />

COlll~BNTARY. By oldnesl He unqerstan~s Intelligence,<br />

Soul 'Dud Heaven, for ~he.r ~re old, and \bere it<br />

no beginniJ1g' Gf'their OIanisfesC.tion ~ an'd lhe,lllst is Ule<br />

dwelling. place of angels, all~ of Iuch III are ~ear unto<br />

• God. And that is flezo" which is made and unmade of<br />

~he ~I~enla' bel 0." the sphere of the moon, and is apio<br />

1Jpited aod dis8Di~; the essence Qf tl.e elemen"<br />

bweyer i"Q1d~ And in the Iqwer word the soul a}onfl<br />

i. dable, for every thipg ~Ise undergoes change. ADf!<br />

thr, world above· is itself .table .q~ firm, and our ~~U •<br />

. ipg is tbere. And whatever is formed frOm an uni04<br />

"ith tbe element. 'if .",'lIbk, Fol' W. *~ clJme here ado<br />

• market.·<br />

12. The Wor1el, ita Iohabitan$l, the I'm,'<br />

, the Dependent, must be compr~heQded!,<br />

73. Intelligence, Soul, Heaven, Stu ..<br />

'IIlUl' be comprehended!<br />

•<br />

•••• I _ _ .. _<br />


"<br />

THE nOOK OF Tnt<br />

74. Fire, Air, "~ater, Earth, must be<br />

comprehended!<br />

75. The nature of the Elements, their<br />

principle, their form, and *~leteors, mu~t<br />

be comprehended!<br />

* PERSIAY J.\·OTE. Such as rain, clouds, and so forlt\<br />

which are belu:eC1Z Ilca-.:ell and c.artll.<br />

76. l\Iineral, ,-egetable, Anim

•<br />

-.<br />


. 8 J. 1\1 ust be comprehended! 1\f ust be .<br />

comprehen.ded -! Must be· comprehended! .<br />

Must be com~rehended! Must be compre ...<br />

, '<br />

bended !-<br />

82. In the name of Hermehr, the Provider<br />

of daily food to a1l1iving, the Protector<br />

of,' the good. .<br />

83. In time past when l\fankind did evil,<br />

Abadarad disappeared from among them;<br />

84. And- in consequence - ~f his w-ith·<br />

_drawing they e~dured sufferings;<br />

85. Until I settled· th.ee in his room.<br />

80. No~ do th~u adorn the *FersendAj<br />

by the tFersendaj.<br />

-!SlUJUll ~NOTE$. The followers of '~t: Fersend~<br />

R~igion.<br />

tnt: Rtligion oj lJlelutbt1d.<br />

87. 0 my prophet! the sovereignty, together<br />

with the glory of adorning religion,<br />

shall remain many years amonithy children.<br />

88. 'Vhen this religion is dissipated, ~1y<br />

prophet Sbaikiliv shall afterwards arise.<br />

POIIHENTARY. H~ bere informs JyUr4m, the suvam<br />

~f Y ezda.~, that after tile destruction of this high ..<br />

. Iy.praised religion, Shaikiliv wi,lI arise, and again re·<br />

"eal to MQnkind this bllsaed religion, and strengfhen<br />

the bouse of Yezdan.<br />

,<br />

r , .<br />

•<br />

/<br />

\ .<br />

" .<br />

. .<br />

...<br />


•<br />

-THE BOOI\<br />

OF<br />


L 1. ET us take refuge with MezdAn<br />

from evil thoughts, which mislead aDdkf~<br />

flict us !<br />

2. In the name of Sharpta,l the Boqntiful.<br />

the Beneficent, the Loving. the J~st.<br />

3 •. In the name of Hermehr, the Provi"!'<br />

der of sqstenance, the Protector.<br />

4.· 0 Shaikiliv, son of Jy~Hld ! After ,<br />

the<br />

glory of the Jys had extended to one aspar<br />

of years, m~nl\ind became depraved i JyaHld<br />

departed from among the~.<br />

COl\n~ENTAnY. It is to be remarked that the first<br />

pfllic Jys is Jyafram, whom God made the 'oroa,ment<br />

and glory (If the Fer~mhtj; and that tile last Qf thi.<br />

b\essed rR(!e was J y51Ad, Vi" ho. retired from the world<br />

in conseqllenCI: of the depravity of mankind. The<br />

followers of the Fersenddj religion call a bundrf>d<br />

Ulousand SaltSm, and 1\ hundred Saldms, Simc1r, and a<br />

hundred Simlirs, Aspar. 1'he family of the Jys protect.<br />

~d the religion, and exercised the sovereignty for one<br />

.,<br />

. .<br />

,<br />

~<br />

SIIET SHAIKJLIV? , 51.<br />

6. In the name of Hermehr, the Bes~<br />

tower of SU$ten'ance, the Protector.<br />

i. Thou art exalted, 0 our I,ord ! ,<br />

B. From 'fhee is praise, unq to Thee is<br />

, praise! ,<br />

o. Thou' art necessari]y~existent, and<br />

there is n'ought self-existe~t but Thee.<br />

10. Thou art-wortpy of the adoration of<br />

~dort'rs, and none is worthy of the worship<br />

of worlds but Thee!<br />

1 L "l'hou art One, excelling in glory; ,.<br />

12 • .A.nd of mighty praise:<br />

13. And Thy light ex~eeding powerful<br />

:lnd bf~lIiant ;<br />

•<br />

14. AO(~ Thy grandeur passidg great;<br />

15.~ Thy perfectioq is perfect;<br />

10. And Thy bounty complete,<br />

17. And Thy goodness mos~ eJr;pansive,<br />

18. And Thy splendor very glorious,<br />

'J g. And Thy dignity extr.eme,<br />

20. And Thy effulgence most bright, ,<br />

21. And Tby migh.tiness very powerful,<br />

2Z. And Thy ~ene~o5ity inost cheerfng,<br />

~3. And rrhy world-of-body (tenis'trw)<br />

very capacIOus.<br />

P£Jl.SI4Y NOTE. Thy rcorld of Jornls, the city of·<br />

bo(ij(s,<br />

,<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

, ,<br />

,<br />



ilndif's, ",e r1are nf created tllings, 'eery spacUJu! am!<br />

loug and b10ad alld derp.<br />

24. Thy goodness most shininrt'<br />

• ~ b'<br />

2[). Thy substance most excellent<br />

,<br />

26. Thy 'world of Intelligences' very<br />

pure,<br />

:2 7. Thy world of Souls very glori~us !<br />

28. Thou art ~lighty !<br />

29. The Creator of All !<br />

PERSI.4.~ lV-OTE. inl!tOlll materials or time (dit1ul1t.<br />

l'l,'h) .<br />

CO!\DIENTAnY. It is to he observed that Titnc(di.<br />

'711«n ) i'i a portion of the revolution of the Grrat \:lea'<br />

"en, and tlle rdat;on of ·one flcl·ting and unfixed<br />

s11uject wil h another iketing and u nfi xed subject; as<br />

for rxa,nple, tIle reliltion of new ncnts and rre~h aC'<br />

curl'ncet; in the "OIId, with the revolution oftbe Hea·<br />

vens aml \h~ motion of lh~ spheres. Aud in the super·<br />

nallanglluge they call il Zir

,<br />

, '<br />

"<br />

.,<br />

". C"reafet'ofW'onGeTs, and of ~hat.er<br />

is: IYt8st: W08&1'Iul: among wonders! . ..<br />

. ao. Maker of fIDe Pure, and" of. whatever<br />

.. pGaest.of.tIJe Pewe!<br />

31. WQI'thy of tbe worslip ef IoteUi,.<br />

cences, who ara the maken of subttances,<br />

{eeeJrom.locality,.arid plac~, and positioo.<br />

38., F

TilE BOOK.or·, .<br />

\<br />

'. .. 7. And Worthy of the w.ot'$bjp of,' the<br />

Splendors which enlighten and are exalted!<br />

48. And Worthy of the worship of all<br />

the Elements, whether pure and uD~d,<br />

or impure and mixed!<br />

4{)' Thou art Pure, 0 Wortbyto be praised!<br />

0 Author of Life! 0 Bestower.1of<br />

Bdng ! 0 Thou who recallest from evil<br />

to goo~! 0 Thoo of spotless purity!· (j<br />

Guardian of the Angels o~ the Greater<br />

Spheres! 0 Light of Lights! 0 Lord 01<br />

Eternity and of the revolutions of Time"'·<br />

COMMENTARY. Eternity (BubAsh) the relatioD of<br />

stable with unstable, as the relation. of the HeaftDI<br />

,\ilh Intelligtnces: And Te-colutioIU of Tim~(Ro.ukesb)<br />

the rrlaHon of unslalite with stable, .. the relatioa or<br />

the revol~tio.o. with the 8pheres~<br />

50. From Thee is Eternity witho.ot be.<br />

ginning: And to Thee Eternity without<br />

end!<br />

51. Thou art the Causer .of AU, and of<br />

every thing, whether baving the attribute<br />

of substance, or' unsubstantial, whether<br />

q~ant1ty ot: unity, the maker or the made •.<br />

. 5~. Thou art the accomptilhm~nt of<br />

Desires!<br />

~S •<br />

,<br />

. "", • ....... ~. .<br />


,.<br />

S....,. IItAlKlt.tV •<br />

• " ~S.: ThOll bast .. immerRd tile pure £"b~<br />

,tances in the oceans of 'fhy' e1f81gences.<br />

. 54 The eyes oi purity saw. Thee by t,b~<br />

l~tre,. of Thy. su bs~nce. - .<br />

_:~ Dark and astounded.is he whG hath<br />

seen Thee by the eWorts of the Intellect!<br />

• CoMMENTAav. lie lays, thlt he i. da.tk ~nd con·<br />

fO"Dded who would we -G'od as" He iI,"by the light of I<br />

tbe understanding: .eeing that .tle underst.aDciiol,·<br />

however sublime, clnnot discover Him as _ He is: And<br />

{bis ,proceeds not from the "eUnesa. or imperfection of<br />

the understanding, bot fr~m<br />

the crea~ness, the exalted .. '<br />

Dell and dignity of the essence of tbe Governor of tlao·<br />

<strong>World</strong> ..<br />

5(J. Dy Thy perfection, Thou· art exalted<br />

,\love a~l that is visible through, Tby .~e- .<br />

aplco.dcncCh· ~<br />

CO ••&.... BT. ;He 1&)'1, nre1lgh- Thy, exceUea_<br />

aad perfection Thou abidest higber tbaD' eye ell.n seo<br />

by IDuna. of the, eWuJrnce of l'h1 .aeo"ce and Thy<br />

resp1.~ent beiDI.<br />

. . '<br />

[, 7 ~ Insomuch that nothing can approach"<br />

or be united unto T~ee; and nothing can<br />

\ be detached from Thee! '<br />

C0I!JllzMTAay. lie 181S, tbe discriw¥utive ~ture<br />

of God i. the e.wnce of Hi. substance, aDd is Dot exte;.<br />

all to or lep'rable trom Him. lor, His self·esalcnce<br />

i. the eaeoce or Ilia substance; inasmuch ill Botbi",,'<br />

caD in an, !eBpcc:t ~ jowec1 or uni~od, oreonct.ived .. 8S<br />

joined<br />

,<br />

...<br />

•<br />

f ,<br />

,<br />

TIfl: tOOk OP<br />

joined or'uilited to Ii iDl. Tbings tbeftfare ~ a.<br />

isfence and being in this 50rt: tbe, h.ltO an abIolw.<br />

dependence and cling firmly on tbe beiDg of God, ud<br />

there is a light reflected on them from the moat JOlt, the<br />

Besfower of };xi~tence; but not so tbat, being is ttl br:<br />

unden.lood aa aqlulitl alentially inbereDt ia,or dDiaecl<br />

Wilh them.<br />

~8. Thou hast become hidden {rom tbe<br />

very brightness and extreme brilliance, and:<br />

excessi ve I ight of Thy splendor.<br />

50. And among the most resplendent and<br />

powerful and glorious of Thy servants .ho<br />

are free from inferior bodies and matter,:<br />

there is none Thy enemy, or rival, or di ..<br />

obedient, or'cast down or annihilated ..<br />

tlo., Afankind cannot extol or duJy praite;<br />

in any respect suitably to their ~en.enae,<br />

oven the meanest of them W'ha .• tami i a tic<br />

lowest degree.<br />

61. Then how can they worthily extol .<br />

Him who swallowed them qp in the effulgence<br />

of His Majesty which is very glorioUs,<br />

and melted them in the shioio, of<br />

His Greatness which it very vast?<br />

62. His worshippers are dejected from<br />

, .<br />

their inability to attain ~e b,ejaht of Hi,<br />

~Iajesty.<br />

0,3. That tIIU is a pel'ftttcJ of. truthwho<br />

. ~ - ". .- .. ...<br />

,<br />

mEt' .malKIL1~.· lit .<br />

.... ira-citJeth.. that .likeaea, or quantitx~<br />

or locality, or body, or any accident amo8Jt:.<br />

a.acicZQ~ M'IOY 'ptbpertt amopg prop~rties<br />

caQ be pr~icated of Thee;<br />

ts4. Sa,~ from necessity, or as a 'fo,m pf<br />

speech, or for the purpose ·of . intimation.<br />

6s .. Taoll art Exalted and Excellent.!. .<br />

~G. Tl'\ou,,' 0 God! aft such, that. save<br />

Thee., taere is none otber wOl'tby;-ttl be·<br />

lauded.. Light of Lights! Highly to· be<br />

extolle4! ReD;lover of Evils J<br />

61. The pyre Su bstattc~ are moved' by<br />

ajfectiol) towar4s Thee J<br />

68. The Lofty who are invested: with<br />

being; are subject to Thy power!<br />

tJo. Tbe pyre Souls repCil5e their hope in.<br />

Thee.<br />

lO. Thou art e'jllted~ and" art that lYhicli.<br />

~th. no limits) and can be bouBded by nol'"<br />

thing.<br />

1 \. 1. pray unto Tbee·lfhower down upon<br />

me Thy blazing light.!<br />

72. And speak ub.to me word$ that may<br />

teach me the knowledge of Thy secr~ts<br />

which are admiTable ;<br />

73. ·,And aid me by Hght, and vivify me<br />

/<br />

• I<br />

,<br />

,<br />

.<br />

I<br />

!<br />

by<br />

\<br />

. ,.<br />

I<br />

~<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />


y light~~and<br />

THE BOOK 0".<br />

guard meJby light, ~ uaite<br />

.me-unto·light I<br />

., i. I a&k of ThM,. () Vi ~thf of aaor-a.<br />

tion! and long to behold Thee, anci to c!es:­<br />

cend into the ocean of 'Thy 'Mightiness.:<br />

75. 'Succou.r ~ ~ 'rhou ,vho art w0rtby tel<br />

be adored! the 'band of light: 'antf p..urify<br />

.'<br />

their inner 'parts, and mil)e: and deaAso<br />

them an.d me to everlasting of everlasting!<br />

~6. In the name .of Hermehr, tbe p(O"l<br />

vider of sustenance, ·the Protector.<br />

,7. 0 -Shaikillv! when thy religion fal",<br />

leth, Yilsan the prophet c:Jf YezdAn w.ill re"l<br />

'Vlve .it'!!<br />

I<br />

7S. Every prophet whom I send, gaeth"<br />

forth to stablish religion, not to root it .up.<br />

,gO' Thy religion is the religion of the<br />

Great Abad ( Ferzftba.d ), and other pr-ophets<br />

shall succeed in th~t religion, till they make<br />

it pure.<br />

8Q And this -religion I never will r~t<br />

up; and well-doers shall reach me'through<br />

tbi& religion for ever and ever. _ -,<br />

I<br />

,<br />

,<br />

••<br />


•<br />

\ .<br />

I'<br />

# ,.,<br />

• I<br />

.... .. .<br />

ill .<br />

•<br />

'0' - ,<br />

. I<br />

1<br />

!<br />

1<br />

. .<br />

~ [:.. ,If<br />

).. LBT .. tab muge' With ~'MeziAQ<br />

fro~ evil tho\1gbts' which m~1c;a4 awl di&~:<br />

UbI 1!.,1 , I.<br />

2. 10 the name of Shemta., the BOU1lUlt.tl;;<br />

.' . ,<br />

the Beneficent, the Metci£UJ, th.e Just ..<br />

···8. -ID the GJU,ne Of·.the MCJ;"t~M 004<br />

(Dat ).<br />

4. KDOW, ~o Thin I 8og:of Sliai MehbAl,<br />

When one ,imd,..'f' had el~psed ur,der tho<br />

dominioll of the 8bai*;. thy father saw the<br />

wickedoeu Gf aaailkiri.d, an4 Jr.CAt out .u9m<br />

.... '. '<br />

among meOt<br />

eoli ••• " ...... BeCa\lle .dJeae' propheta could. .110'<br />

Wilh .patience look uPO.G " ... v. •. ~ ",r~ ~~TR~:­<br />

e~ ft JevU."'QinJ.<br />

~. Now h~~ J ~~.t~~fpr,p,p~1~ _ '<br />

... ~~ ~nlich~t;n !-~ 1.~liaioq· 1!1 t~ ~~~at<br />

A~ad (J»~IJA~) ~ ~n!1 pr~~ M~ P.t' 1~<br />

'W'15e •<br />

I'{" • ,<br />

o. In the name of.tbe Merciful God (Dat.)<br />

1. 0 Vv~ ortby to be "~".P.i'pps:.d yf ,~~<br />

.<br />


THE lOOK 0.<br />

and 'Of all that l\aye being. whether lh.<br />

,-below or those tabove.<br />

• PnulAN NOTE'. Which Me tlUcetwG6lt-6.v tAt<br />

fiu senses. I<br />

t 11"1lich ere intellectu(ll rmd not aucoverlllJlc 6.v til<br />

lenses.<br />

.'<br />

s. 0 Besfower of, Souls and of InttlJi,<br />

gences!<br />

g. ~ Creator of the ~sence of ·supports<br />

atul stays!<br />

10. 0 Nec~ssariJy-Existent !<br />

1 i. Q Thou who showerest down benefits!<br />

12. 0 Thou who forinest the heartand<br />

Soul! !<br />

J 3. 0 Fashioner of (ortns and shadows 1<br />

14. 0 I.light of Lights!. l\'Iover of whatever<br />

revolveth !<br />

15. Thou art the First! For there is no<br />

priority prior to Thee!<br />

16. Thou art the Last! For' there is no<br />

poste~iority posterior to 'Thee !<br />

17. The Angels labour in vain to attain<br />

the comprehension of Thy grandeur!<br />

IS. Mankind are batHed in attempting to<br />

• Literally. CoIunnl' and roo&l,<br />

Ull'PtJitQ 10 .u,~ai.&l 'l"atitrc.<br />

.<br />

The sub,trltum that it<br />

under~<br />

,<br />

.. M".. • • •

. ...<br />

SHE't TtlE PROPUt1' YASAN.,<br />

understand the' perfection of Thy sub ..<br />

stance!<br />

Jg. 0 Worthy to be lauded! Deliver illS<br />

Irom the hObds tJ( tettestrial ma~ter!<br />

.20. Rescue us from the {ctten of dJ rk<br />

and evil mat~!<br />

~l. DUFuse over our Soub the eBulgence<br />

of Thy splendors!<br />

22. Showet doW'll on our Souls tbe glad ..<br />

ness of Thy signs.! ,<br />

. 23. Intelligence is a drop (rom ~mong<br />

. the drops oftbe ocean ofThy·place.of-lOul ••<br />

24. The Sout is a flame (rom among the<br />

tames of the tite ~f Thy residence-of­<br />

6l<br />

.oYaeignty.<br />

. \<br />

25. Thy aubstance i. a heaving substance<br />

wheDcc boil. forth the lubstance of souls,<br />

.ithout place, without downDClI, Dot connected,<br />

Dot separated;<br />

.'<br />

2ft' Which i. free from defects, and ties.<br />

. abd imperfections.<br />

27. Exceeding Great is the Necessari.<br />

~. Jy.Existent-One, insomuch that tbe eyes<br />

cannot dis~yer Him, Dor the thoughts CODceive<br />

Him! .<br />

28. nine are Grandeur and Praise!<br />

,<br />

..<br />

I<br />

2<br />


62 TilE BOOI{ 0'<br />

•<br />

...<br />

I<br />

-.<br />

20. And with Thee are withholding an~<br />

bestowing; and to Thee belong liberality<br />

and stableness.<br />

30. Exceedingly Great is l\fezdam:. foe<br />

in His hands are the Souls o( all things;<br />

and towarda Him do they return.<br />

31. 10 the name of the ~Ierciful God<br />

(Dai ).<br />

32. Mezdam is not a'substance, and is<br />

not unsubstan:ial; and is more e~alted tha,\<br />

aught thou canst conceiv~<br />

33. And nothing resemqlet~ llim: an6\<br />

He is like unto no thing.<br />

34. He is One; not one that cao be ndm~<br />

bered.<br />

35. He hath no like: and nothing existeth<br />

like unto Him. .<br />

36. He liveth, not by a soul, and life .. '<br />

and body: He 1iveth of Himself.<br />

3i. He is· All-wile without reiUction;<br />

and ignorance bath DO influence over Hit<br />

knowledge.<br />

38. He is Lord of His wi$b~.s: whatever<br />

He hath desired He hatt~<br />

dOQc; and.<br />

will do whatever He listeth.<br />

ag. He is All-Powerf",l! Whatever He<br />

wiUcth<br />

. ~<br />


4 4<br />


,,'ilIelh He can do; : and-·is staiB in llot»ag'<br />

r!l'cepf in, creating one like H'maeJf. ~<br />

40: His f"xcellencies are manifokl; awl<br />

C3n'not, be tltimlltlrtd., "<br />

'" J. He created unnumbered angel~: of<br />

these the first is Babman: fat aIr Intelligences<br />

and created things are under hill<br />

,hand.<br />

'.. '<br />

PE,!,I.lr N,nw. The Fir. IItWlig.u.-<br />

42. Nex~Manistar~ who i:t'Y~l!l . ¥!llJ~,<br />

apd t~ ~~,r ?f.all §~~ls,~' ,<br />

P£RSUN NOTE. The SQul of'''. Hip. IFiIrre. -,<br />

,43~ ~ext Ten-btid~ an4 ~ ho ia the Ohief<br />

of all Bodies. I "<br />

..<br />

CoaniBNTA RT. And Ten.J:J(kl iI 'he, name' .f the<br />

, I<br />

uppermost sphere.<br />

~4. Spirits, Bodi~l, and wbat iSJ bodily •<br />

. s,ubstances, 'and things 1Hl5ubstaAtial, are<br />

aU created by Him -and his blessing is on<br />

them;<br />

45. In an especial manner upo,n S;tturn, ,<br />

aD~ Jupi~er, and M.ar" and the SUD, and Ve- .<br />

nUl, and Mercury, and tQc Mooq; an~ or,<br />

t.h.e Great Abld, _~nd the Abadja~~, and on<br />

thee 0 Yasan! who art now chosen from a­<br />

mong Mankind j and thy' followers shall<br />

assuredly be saved.<br />

I.<br />

I. '<br />

• I<br />

,I<br />

.~' .<br />


,.,,<br />

THE BOOK 0'<br />

4ft. And tbose who are saved remaJU if!<br />

in heaYen for everlasting; the guilty in dire ..<br />

lui- hell.<br />

41. In the name of the Mereiful God<br />

(Dai).<br />

48. Purity .is of two kinds, Iftl and lotmal.<br />

.. g. The Real consisteth in not bind,og<br />

the heart to evil; and in era~icat i g aU<br />

wicked passions.<br />

COIIMENTARY. ~, for eumple, in apeJlinc .opt<br />

and IUlt from the heart.<br />

, 80. And the Formal in clean.iag away<br />

what appears ev~ to the view.<br />

COIIIIBNTARY: Such U uDcJeanneJI., aacI tbm"<br />

unseemly to tbe sight.<br />

61. And th is last purification is performed<br />

by the water ofYefter.<br />

COMIIENTARY. Yefter is water which Us- ifs !Iitural<br />

colour, .mell and taste; wbich bal DO bad smelt:<br />

And if there be none IDCb, rOlle-water ~od 10 fo.rtll an<br />

pure. nay tbese lut are peculiarl, pure.<br />

S2. And the'water of Kurd is that which<br />

is suitable to a body.<br />

COMX&NTARr. l'bey Clll Kurd.water, thaf ".icll<br />

G Persian mIltginal Not~ i" 'Ae orili"'l. A. puni.hmtDI<br />

i. lIot tLcrnftl, He dUel oea h, ~'cr1'.lll": HeU, but ' e.lI • . It<br />

tli~Cul.<br />

'<br />


tTanSes' bodi~~; ~nd IS 11lU-'>'e' to Ittrem-i ib~~: ~el' .<br />

is suitab1e to ail' df>pbant'; and for ~ mao' as'mn.~h d<br />

can 'cover bim from bead to' foot;' 'and for a hair~ the<br />

.ma"~ quantity; , " :' : .' '. :! .. ~<br />

53. Wasb'tbf'body, o~ ~~i face,' ~a'Q,~~<br />

alld reet in ~a~er" . " ::' ',," '~', . '('~:'~<br />

54, If thOll, canst DQt, '.illlagiae that tho'-<br />

.OIt.<br />

' '- :":i<br />

~ CO.HENT A itT. Jm~gi~e with (hysell, 'i h\v~ wiisltZ<br />

ed my body, or head, bands'and het.·' . .:"; .<br />

lSS. Then' come' before' the Shesh~kA~g.~<br />

• '.' t I • .. • • • ... J. • r r.<br />

and pray. .. . . .. :.; , , "; .: I, •<br />

'. .<br />

C-o •• £N2.laT. Tlla: SItala·UJdl are tH ....:aIMI<br />

lJle'fi~ which yield Jj.lhtr ," .•<br />

·~G·. ' After praying ,to Metdim direct'tby<br />

prayers to tl)e Shesh'-kakh; that they mny.'<br />

. .. " . . "<br />

convey thy p:rayers to ~~~dam:. " :. .<br />

57. 1£, d\U"i~g prayer. ';\ 4eJout riifUlst;lP4,<br />

before lhe. otben, aDd .the:rest .tand bebind~<br />

.'tis weU. .. I ... :.,<br />

, ... , , .<br />

~~. If ~hou' canst not effect this, conc~ive,<br />

or. I •. , .. , • • T<br />

it. . . .' .... '.' . . .<br />

~D:~IJ'B'TA "T .. JPlagine tbat thou hast been If) say.~;<br />

ing ~b1 prayers. '. ,<br />

- 60. Besides thii, whenever tboll seat a<br />

Shesh-kakb;,- !e~d 'in ,prayer; ,<br />

.. \. .<br />

()O. And every day pray four times;.or-<br />

, ~p'ri~~l Of.tWice, oroQCC.atleJ\St, JV?tbout£W •..<br />

~O¥JII&4T.A.r •.<br />

i I<br />

i . ,


COIl .... toLIY. It iste be remarked that there AT<br />

, "<br />

,~veral kil;l~ o.f pl~y~r. One of t~q~ il .th.c .~trz,<br />

.~eOl~r Of ~'fe"t Pl ayer i wh,iC(b it i~ \hiS 1¥isF. A per<br />

Ion slands before any tbing t,bat bU.rn J fol~s Ids ~<br />

,*o,r~ Iri~, ~ndJh,s ~cad ~,q~n lo , b ,~ n'a-.:e1. apd agaiq<br />

iai~ bimse'lf, he next once more bends ~O\ Jl hii b~ad,<br />

II,. one hantl u~ it., and ;~mQ,,!e, ; h~' b~d; '~ji<br />

&is other ban4 on hi' hea, and then raising up Iii.<br />

~~ad, joibl his two hands, l'lllcing the fingers 'aga\nst.<br />

~b other, the two thumbs excf pted,. "hiel lIe ke pi<br />

disengaged. He pext vla ce~ his ~w~ UJ ~mb lj on h~<br />

C)~, extending the extremities of I, ~ tin~rs as faro<br />

fhf''y can. r .. ac:b over tbe clQwn of his head, and bends , ,.<br />

down bis lu~ad (0 bis breast: Ue tbea rais~ up bis<br />

lead, and afterward. lies down on the g round, phcing<br />

lat, bnnd. and knees on the groand ~r~ lu,.:h a "&1 , t hat<br />

!lis forehead rtaches the eartb; 8r~e f wbi~h ~e pi ees<br />

ti'lt qne ~i~~ of hiB fac~, . and then tb~ 0 her aide of hi.<br />

lace on the ground . • ,Next h~ ~tr~ ~~l.l~~ IJirulleJf out, an~<br />

l ~eI like a fog,. as if asleep, while bi~ ~" ast and belly, u<br />

well QS his tbigh., rest aD the ground, Iris ~rDll ,traigb,<br />

q ~ t and tbe palms.of his band "" flat , on tbe earth: . he<br />

firs~ lays Ili~ . forehead, then one cheek and Il~xt lb,<br />

o~er ~~~~~ o~ tb~ g(~U~~: aft.er wbich he sits on b~<br />

,"0 feet, ~d ~be~ wi~h ~js fept prosSed under him ~<br />

Nest he $i~a ~ouc~lIlg 00 bis fee~~ olQ~oJ~p! pis two ftllJ,<br />

and p~acel hi~ bead on them. He DOW rises, and<br />

~pe"i~g' bptb b~s ba~ds, . 'raises Ui~m ~p'o This' p",yer~<br />

ltitb all the cerJ:mpnies wbicb I have eIlUmer&fed~ mUlt<br />

he d~~ec~ t.q pqpe ~p ~ Y tzqan: ' ~l taking' ~ wlty or<br />

d!~in~bing sOJlle qf ~be~t ~t b'(c9rp,~ pr~r fOf Lbo<br />

5he~~.k~kh ,. 10 ~bb~ r(al~r a pusage pr .t:~,e oft.b~<br />

p'~~r .bowd ~ reci~ed. '<br />

,.<br />

~~~ the ptayer t~ r~~<br />


•<br />

-IRBT TIll neMII .,bh.<br />

•<br />

III fiDished, it is riPt, in 1I0DOUr., the Sb_.~1 fl i­<br />

Place die hod OR tbe gt'o~Dd a seCODd \ime, 10 Jay tb.e<br />

f .... ead OIl tbe eUth, te; m:ite 'he praa. oft. Sbeth, .<br />

klkh, as tbtl are coatainecl in til. D_\lr, and t, .. ~<br />

Creat it to conny to Yecdao the p..,aa.o~ to hiria. •<br />

.t.od, if the pra, ...... Wore Fire, . let c.b, wo~<br />

Ibipper ,." 0 C~Of. .f Ader (Fire)! ,O.D.e,<br />

JR.J pr'Yu~ to YadAn; seeing ,bat F_", ~ 00 -..oJ ~ a .. 4<br />

in tbe ame way if before Water. AileS the ... lau ..<br />

~le IaQde of. prayer it f. a wise an.d iO(lclmaJl' to re.<br />

W tbeeo pny(~rI fiIIt~ while tile clO'Wd I\AA~ ~biod a-4 .<br />

repeat them .",,-: him; and if the, ~DQot do thi •• ~<br />

tJiem imagi~e lbat they hay. d~e~. All" "heDevei<br />

)'Q" Me ItQy thing tbat ,ivellight, "be,tlMtf by<br />

II,<br />

4a, o.<br />

Digbt, incline ,our bead. And every cia, ,.~,<br />

pra~ f.~J1r pmes, or th~ ~plCS or twice. 'J'~e 6rs,<br />

"ilBei. ..... from ,.... daWD tUl,uDris~: tbe aecood is ..<br />

mid.~.1;<br />

the third, at the time of the lelting of the w9rld.enligllt~<br />

ening IU~ I tbe f~urtb is midnight." And" if you caDD~t<br />

efFect tIIis, 1001811'& at l_t pr.y ~Dt~ un.~i1~n,~J' wbel\<br />

..... IUD risK.. . .<br />

J.r, \ ,"<br />

~ I. Re.e~~m:e t14e fou~ ;f:l.. m~btlf, yet d~<br />

PG~ therefore ~ay' ~hyse~f ~~~e~ constraint.<br />

CQ"~~T~~T. p ....'e thal be ~~, 'Y'h~never you<br />

lee fire, w~~r,.~ ~b~ pl~ .. ~t ear,b ,.qu m~st in(fline<br />

)'oar beQd~ ~4 if' like m~ner .. tq ,e~t\e a~d strong<br />

winds I and defil, DOt lbe eartb; yet, nevertholeas do not<br />

p~t )'ou~f oqdor u~necqsafY ~.traiDl: 'lha., althoug4,<br />

~ re is the gle4t ijlom,nalor, Jun IIUlr kindle it u~der you, •<br />

kettle, and •• beD 10.11 h~ye CODlpa~y, 1(»11 mayligllt It<br />

c:a~le from ie, alld carry it before you in a dark oight.<br />

~~ l~e ~cr, in C~CI of n~aaitf' lOU may eZ"Jl~<br />

. ,u~s~<br />

•<br />

,<br />

i<br />

•<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

J<br />

.<br />

I<br />

'<br />

\.<br />

• 2<br />

. ""'~<br />

..'. . .,. ..-~<br />

. (..... it iT ......:1'" ...... •........ fr ..,...;.. ~.<br />

,.<br />

• .. .' ...<br />

." -.....<br />

~ ...-'-_, 4<br />

..... __ '7 a .. ... tr r. ~<br />

S<br />

.,. .. -....... ~<br />

..<br />

-..... .,;.~ .... ~""" .. ~<br />


'Ii<br />

.. guish it, but it most be,with water; and a& long.:<br />

you 'can" l'oll must let it bu,:n fire\yood, thorn i ·sBcli ..<br />

dry sticks as are dried naturally, and 90 forth . .-'<br />

Mcond Flement is Water: you must not defile tbe ,ban .<br />

Qf a running stream, nor pour out wat.er ill bad plilce!':<br />

Yet it is necessary to wash the body witb ft, aDd to<br />

ease yourself i.a it, during long voyages made by water ..<br />

And as to the air, there are many smellstbat spoil it,<br />

Ind !>uch bouJ,d not be prgullced; yf't, where tbef·<br />

a,re inevitable, they. are not to be kept Ilear at, band,<br />

but to be removed to. a distance, to lh t side towards<br />

which the" iod I.Ilows,. And the Earth mu tRot be defiled<br />

or dirtied; yet a place must of necessity be allo", ..<br />

ed for the purpose of thrO\ling ' mil into-it, the excretions<br />

that proceed from both side '• .<br />

62. In the name of the M'erciful God!<br />

63. 9 Yasan! I say unto thee., the cor.'<br />

ruptiou of thy religion Gil shah. will ~emove :<br />

.()..t. And he wi~l yvax so great that he<br />

shaH be called the Father of mankind, and'<br />

~haa become a mighty prophet. '<br />

.<br />

- .<br />

t<br />


. ...." ~ .<br />

.<br />

0" ,<br />

-,<br />


, J<br />

1. LEt us take refuge ,w~tb, M"d~I~~<br />

evil thoughts which l\lislead and distress uJr!<br />

2. In the name of Sbamtai, the' Bou~tiful,<br />

the Beneficent, tbe. Mercifa].,· the"<br />

Ju,t!<br />

·s. In the .name of the ttotty One, the<br />

:Oiver, the §Just, the nLord •<br />

• P£IUUN Nora;.ln"lre .arne, rip, Im.ieqe,<br />

ad 'romprelren$io~<br />

of tiring,; anll. IIr, m~'r9' tl1lII<br />

perception ., II,e leRle,. _ ,<br />

tG,.ea', Loft!" of exalted lO'tereipty, a;,s ptnnp_ ~ .<br />

tThe ButatNr, the Libwal, Ihe &nmtiflll, the G~et;.<br />

\ rhe. JII8I wlro de. 0111 to eDCA tlCl'.oI·diitg 1o hU<br />

f&'01'dI, toirwr.rGlion and knOllJledg't, anti talk, 'p.t!«h a!i4<br />

uistlqm: tmd, accordin( to 'lil deedl ad acll, and dl)­<br />

Ucg' goed or bad,' righ' or ",roftl, prll#el&orlllIJ or<br />

61afMable, gire. u" etlCA r~riblliion, ·ad retalialiiNt<br />

.,."J pauUslrmelll..<br />

'<br />

UTile Lord, lJlcuttr, Oulll'flitm; lite MiglrW; 'All<br />

Hi8A, 'he B.ad muJ CAw,. . .<br />

... . ~ FerziDSar! .~n ~fYAs4n~am ~ when<br />

-Dioety and niDe salam of years bad passed<br />

uDder the sway of the Yisantans,' manltilitl'<br />

became evil-doeR, and Yaalnljim with­<br />

.rcw from amoDI them.<br />

4 .•<br />

. .<br />

,<br />

".<br />

. . .<br />

'.,<br />

..... ~~ .,::. . ~ .• ,~,.4-' Oh_ ·r .. ·<br />

. '. .

TO<br />

Tilt BOOK~OF SHEr<br />

.<br />

5. And now man-kind are without. an.,.<br />

bead and in disorder; and have hecome like<br />

ravenous beast8. as 3t the end of the petiod<br />

of the reign of SbaemekhbuJ, and Jyalad,<br />

and Abadadid. .<br />

.. COMNBl''' •• V. They say that in con!e4uep. e f ­<br />

. the tetreat of theae prinen, the affairs of ruallkir:d weat<br />

into confwion. and lDt'n fell on ~ach other like delDO'ns"<br />

, t~e strong Itaying the ,weak, till ,hey lost the v~ry eIG.-<br />

, blance or'men and became wild beasts ; when J ys.frim"<br />

Sh4ikiliv 3nd Y4s4n were lent of God as ptopbc: •<br />

~.And 4t;t the P,eiiod of the abdication of the liell-tenant of<br />

the great prophe~, th~J is Yaaanljam, the alf~in of lite<br />

race of man, ill like manner, went into simila.r disorder.<br />

'They oyerturned the beneficial regllialions ofanciell t;<br />

king~, "~nd aoandoned tbe ways of men to stlcb a<br />

dt"gree, that they wandered over' the hill and wilds<br />

like beabts, ~bile the towns, house. &lldlitret! t.s were<br />

,~o"vert('d inlo a wast~; until Feuins5r, the son of<br />

Yl6anajilO, "bom dll~y c

,<br />

'f). Thee have I selecttJd i 'lor .. prophtcy.<br />

Re'vi ve' the Religion of'tbe prophet of prophets<br />

the Great A bAd.: " .<br />

.1. And ,w~hip Herfesr-lm (Saturn) in<br />

~ this sort,' that he may lend tbee his aid.<br />

8. In the name of the .LoftY, One, the Giover,<br />

the, -JUlt, 'the Lord!" , ' "<br />

g. 'rhine is purity, and to Thee is praise!<br />

10. QMigbtYi Wise, Strong, a'nd Powerful!<br />

t, '~<br />

" II." Obealent unto thy Creator! . ': .<br />

12. Revolving in"the lo~ of a most pure<br />

passion, '<br />

13. In the retolutionJ., of thy Spbere,<br />

. which is free tro'm the affections of division,<br />

of assuming a new share, of' puttiog<br />

off a shape,' or of ~king a straight<br />

course.<br />

J 4. Thou art the; Prince of the Higher<br />

Sphere, lofty and dignified!<br />

J ~ "Yho sittest aloft in ~ignity! ,.'<br />

16. Profound of thought! the receptacle<br />

of reflection'! Lofty of purpose. ' ,<br />

J 7. ,Lord' of U oity.and of steady a~ tion'!<br />

. , ..<br />

.. . ....<br />

-In the origina'. the ume P~uia,n ";'ot,. he rrputfd<br />

htr~. Ind &1 'v~rl~ S3 II It "fit: 3. J\'!'II lb"ughl UIIQfee ••••<br />

rJ '0 rept~' l.bca-&i'Ut. • . • .<br />

18, ,<br />

I<br />

•<br />

i<br />

l<br />

. _......<br />

" .....<br />


•<br />

~tHE BOOK OF<br />

.<br />

'SHIT<br />

18. And 'of profourt4 tboogbts" and af<br />

.ultitudinOtrs works 1<br />

10. And of large bdunty ~<br />

~o. Thine are Sovereignty. and Pomp.'<br />

'21. He who created thee. and is tbe<br />

creator of ·AlI, is ~I1ghty t<br />

22. And gave thee refulgence, ami ca ..<br />

i·jghte~d All!<br />

2 S'. And sent forth Spon thee 'a portio. of<br />

his awful tight ~<br />

24. And next·, -according to his w iU, assigned<br />

tbee a course which is everlasting!<br />

25. Anti placed. thee high in the lofty<br />

eminence of tlreseventlt Heaven!<br />

26. I pray of thee 0 Father! Lord ! that<br />

thou ask by tbe splendor of tby Sou),<br />

2·7. from thy Father and Lord, thy<br />

Prime Cause, and Lover,<br />

28. the IntelligiRCe ·that glorified thee<br />

1Vith light)<br />

2g. and of all the free and blazing lights<br />

that possess intelligence, ,<br />

30. that they would ask of their Fa.ther<br />

:lnd Lord, the Iotelligence of all I ntelli·<br />

gences, the first created Intelligence"<br />

31. the most approved wish that can be<br />

asked of the Being, most worthy of all<br />

BeiDgt<br />

•<br />

•<br />

:---. . ...

t .<br />

T,HE PROP8£'1' Glt~H!H;· '4<br />

Beings to be adored, the one worthy of tho..<br />

worshi p of mankind, the St.'bHshet ofA.lI C.<br />

~!. to make me olle of those who .p,<br />

proach the band of His Lights, and th~ s&.<br />

ereta of His. Essence: and to pour ligbt oq<br />

,the b and of Light a{ld SJ?lendo~: and t~<br />

magnify them, and, to purify them and I,lS,<br />

while tl:te \yorl,d endqtetJ:l,an~ t~ aU eternity ~<br />

1.0 let it be!<br />

3S. I'n the name of tile ·Lofty, the Giver,;<br />

tbe Just, the Lord!<br />

~4. Q Ferzinsar t thou art t1;le' p,rophet<br />

whom three sons obey.<br />

PB1Ul~lf NorB. The Mineral, V'getable.id.411\­<br />

fIUII ItingtlOTlU.<br />

35. And t\le (our Iijothers are un4er tb1<br />

. '<br />

away.<br />

P.IlIl.l~ NorE. Th, FOIlf' El~mmtl.<br />

30. SHfmer thy son and My fri~n~ havo<br />

I selected for: prophecy, ~hat ~ prophet too.<br />

may be subject to thee'.<br />

8'1. After thee Hurshad the son of -fSiA- -<br />

~er is my prophet to support thy re1igion.<br />

4!The •• me f'Sp1anltiGa, .fl! .. i.,en here a. in VerlC s... 1114<br />

are therefore Ilot r~pe.tecl. 7rall,l ..<br />

"'.Q &bel'erliao HQat.~lIg I.bee~o of Si~tk.<br />

,<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

. ,<br />

"<br />

tHE nOOK<br />

OF<br />

, A<br />


1. L t T us take refuge with l\fezd; ni<br />

against evil imaginations, that mislead and<br />

tiistress us.<br />

2. In the name of Shemtai, the Bountiful,<br />

the Beneficent, the :\IercifuI.: the ~ ust !<br />

3. In the name of Mezdam ,!<br />

4. 0 Siamer, son of -Ferzinsar, thou art<br />

a prophet nigh unto l\Ie! Extol tFeriin ...<br />

ram in this wise;<br />

• PBRSlAN NOTES. Siamrk the Jon of Gi/dah. ,~<br />

+ Ferzinrifm, Hurmazd (Jupiter).<br />

5. In the name of l\lezdam !<br />

O. Thine is purity; and praise be thine;<br />

7. .A nd from thee, on the pure Souls;<br />

8. 0 very i\Iighty and Excellent! tbe<br />

Ferzinram of the Spheres;<br />

o· Ofliigh 'dignity! the Father and Lord<br />

of I"e1icity !<br />

10. The ~fedium of Blessings 1<br />

) 1. The Great Saul! the Merciful Father<br />

and Lord!<br />


\<br />

SHET Tn ~ pROPH ET SI~MEK.<br />

i 2. The 'Great, the Bountiful, the Con­<br />

.picuous and Blest!<br />

) 3. The mighty of passing migbtitless-'!<br />

14. Who spreadest refulgence· wt

IliE BOOK or SHEI<br />

2.5. elevated thee. of the affection of Hia<br />

exceeding love,<br />

~o. from thy pla.ce, for- thy happincH.<br />

27. Tpy revolu,tion, is profitable, s~ower~<br />

ing down blessings, excellencies and feJici~.<br />

ties.<br />

._<br />

28. He assignetl tb~e. a lo.ft,J pI4CO of res,<br />

'j<br />

in the Sixth Sphere ~<br />

2g. Of thee I ask happiness in both.<br />

ab.o4es:<br />

30 •. And I ask of thee, 0 Father and Lor4-<br />

of Felicity! thou who rainest down justico<br />

and goodness;<br />

31. That thou W'Ouldst ask of thy Kt,<br />

ther 4lnd Lord .. the Author Qf tby Being.<br />

thy Beloved;<br />

32. Who is the Giver of Light, the free<br />

IQtelligence" Most Ex.cellent ;<br />

33. And of all unembo~ied Intelligences<br />

that are nigb (unto Him), free from the<br />

stain of matter and its bonds;<br />

34. That they would ask a wish suitable~<br />

a~. t.o the eternal world, which is free<br />

from mutability,<br />

30~ from their-Father and Lord, 31'!d their<br />

, .Author, tQ~ ~rst-created, the Intelligenco<br />

Qf All i .<br />

CO.lfEsfAar .'<br />

-.-<br />

..<br />

..,<br />

a •••• ...;:.,) -. • __ •• .. 04 _ I _ .. "_

•<br />

. ...<br />

, "<br />

THE P.ROPHf;T SIt\MelC. ff<br />

C.JI~R~T4~Y. Th Intelligeocf' of 111{eJlj,en~li,<br />

the Intelligence of a~1 Intelligence.<br />

, 31. That. he would be pleased to ask i~.<br />

this wise from tQc Being most ~;ortby "to<br />

be adored of him, .nd most WO.rthr to.be;<br />

adored by the Beings worthy of adoraii9P,<br />

worthy to be adore4 by ~ank:lnd :<br />

. 38. Light of Ljghts.~ Who shewest th~<br />

. pro~table religion tq aU, that. move;<br />

. 30.. Lord of brightest glorr, a11

, .<br />

THE BOOK {)~"S-HE+<br />

b Si~mer! 1 wiJl call thee aloft;,and make<br />

tbee Mycornpaniori,! the lower world is nut<br />

thv place~;<br />

" .<br />

- .,<br />

48. l\Iahy times, daily; thou eac;apest frorn<br />

tbe:body, and, eornest r1ear 'bnto Me.<br />

COMliENTAltT. Fol'qlls .Siamtk's 'body, ftOlD ucesl<br />

of meditation ~nd mortification in the ,~or.bip ot G'od;<br />

had become like a vest u~to him, 'When he ,was 5eised<br />

"ilh a desire to visit the angf'ls and Ye2din, be torsook<br />

~he body mihy times a da.y, and repairai to .lh.<br />

place of hi. wishes; Jrtd at the command gf God ~<br />

~tlurned bark to his btd,r .<br />

.o4g. Therefore will I release thee from ~b1<br />

t~r'restrial body, and mak~ t~ee sit in 'My<br />

company; ,<br />

!)p. ~~~ ,I will leave IS it memorial ~)Oe<br />

proeeeding fr,o,tn thee; an,dn.b on~t$~aU ~<br />

'wise like bim.<br />

COHIlENTARYI Here He informs S!£mek, ~Vhen [<br />

call tI,lee a,loft, I will It'ave in the lower "'orl~, tbYlOti<br />

Ho~hen~, who will become Ii m05t wise prophet, insomuch<br />

that no man "'PlI equlIl his will!om and grNtriest.<br />

Af~r (he revelation of this remarkable prClph~cy, $ii.<br />

inek having been .lain by Hein!F, mttl in shape, bu't<br />

d~~ons in mind, and delivered from the ho,Iy and tbe<br />

bonds of the body, reached the City above, and the<br />

lIeat ofkndwledge: and these demon-men met with re·<br />

tribulion and retbliation in biuIt! from tile hand of tbe<br />

~eshdAd (or Ju~ticiary), 8D~ ~g~t j~ :F.Ofh~t) .th.<br />

~llgwle.'I.t"lgrned Hoshen,.<br />

•<br />

_ ......

....<br />

•<br />

THE . BOOl(<br />

'<br />

\. LEf us takeref)lge with ~retdam froID.<br />

evil thoughts: that Jtlislead and vex us.<br />

. 2. In "the name or" $hemta, the noun.<br />

. .<br />

tif!l~, th~ J.3en~fi~t; the .Merciful, th~<br />

J~st !<br />

a. In the nathe of Me~diun the treator<br />

of WisdoPl!<br />

.t~ 0 HbrshAd !~~ of Siamer! fThou.art<br />

My chose~ prophet! and to thee have :i<br />

given knowledge and wisdom t<br />

s. Apd thou"art th_e te~cher of the· pro.<br />

~bet. that shall some after thee~<br />

O. Ma~ntain the re1lkjon of F~rza~ad =.t<br />

'J. And praise Manishram, § who is thy<br />

Guardian J in ,this m~nner; .<br />

8 . .In th,e n~une of );fe~da~ t~ .Creator<br />

ofWisdbm!<br />

.<br />

·S,d-w,kb,,-,'r, ... epi,bet o.f HOlben,. ,ipi(,ing HUll'<br />

~rt"d propbl".<br />

tHcwheng .on or S-iamtk, Peri. '<br />

. ftTh.e P.caiall. bu BuUrl'lJid. betli "raDine the Great<br />

Abld.<br />

J»cbllm,<br />

'""-\<br />

,<br />

. \<br />



g. On thee be pr~iseJ. an

SEll-.WAKllSHUR. HOSHENG. 81<br />

2~. Insomuch th~t thy revolut~ot;'s, which<br />

a're e~er performed rejoicing, arc pu.t in<br />

motiop by Him!<br />

. 24. He gave thee an abiding place in the,<br />

fifth heaven !<br />

•<br />

25. I ask. of thee that' thou break. il1<br />

pieces the enemies of the Lord of Truth; ,<br />

, (<br />

" ~6. And that'thou ask of thy Fathe~ r~n,d<br />

Lord, thy Creator, the object of 't,hy love-,<br />

who is' 'the overpowering light;, ~ . .<br />

27. 4-nd of 'all. the powerful, and' 'near<br />

tights which are free Inteiligences, .. ,,~<br />

28. That th.ey ask of their Father ,and<br />

Lord and their Creator, who is'the First<br />

created, and the U niversaf Inlenige~ce, I<br />

2g. A wish suited to Intelligences who<br />

are free from change,<br />

30. That he would ask of the One wor- .<br />

thy of his praise and of the praise of All: ~f<br />

Him worthy of the worship of worlds, the<br />

Lord of Being, the Stablisher of All ;<br />

. 81. That he would makl! me one of those'<br />

who approach ne~r unto Him, and of the<br />

Band of Sis Lights, and of the Comp:;my of<br />

those who a re admitted inta 'the secrets of<br />

. I<br />

His essence!<br />

32, Let him glorify the Band of Light<br />

and<br />

•<br />

•<br />

.',<br />

.: ,', , •<br />

•<br />

-.-<br />

..... I

, "<br />

82 TilE nOOK OF SHEt ~-<br />

..<br />

r -<br />

~,<br />

)<br />

,<br />

and Refulgence, and bless them, and purify<br />

them and us;<br />

33. 'Vhile the Universe endureth (or<br />

ever, so be it !<br />

3,.. In the name of ~Iezdam the Aqthor<br />

of Knowledge!<br />

35. After thee Tek,hQ'lured shaJl ,be a<br />

prophet; ,<br />

36. And I will never remove the gift of<br />

l>rophecy from among thy children:<br />

37. But, to everlasting, will rai.se up<br />

prophets from thy race,<br />

~8. A,nd to whomsoever I shew the. war<br />

unto !\le~ I hripg him by thil Reli,ion ..<br />

,<br />

• •

•<br />

THE BOOK<br />

.. .<br />

8!<br />


•<br />

J. L ET us .~ek refuge with l\Iezdarn<br />

{rom evil imaginationa which mislead a.nd<br />

baraas. .<br />

2. In the name of Shemta ! the Bou~ti ..<br />

ful! the Beneficent·! the Merciful! 'tb~<br />

"JUlt!<br />

" I. In the name of the ~lmighty Mez ..<br />

...1'" ,<br />

.. am,<br />

4. 0 My Prophet Tekbmured son Qf'<br />

-HurshAd! Do thou make strong the ReligiOD<br />

of the Great AbD41<br />

. ,so ne SUD is tby supporter:' him' have<br />

1 commanded to aid thee! Do thou ~berefore<br />

pray unto Itim in this wise j ,<br />

6. In the DilDle Qf tbe 41michtl Me~-:<br />

d4m!<br />

7· Th01l rejoicest in the living IntellF<br />

lence. the Everlasting of Lights!<br />

8. Most re~plend~Q~ of BeiDgs, and 'm~<br />

plest of Star$ !<br />

...<br />

!TabIDIIlD, lOla ~~HOIbenr, Pertj<br />

..<br />

- - -<br />

• •<br />

"<br />

"i<br />

~ ..<br />

~" .... ~"~J'" ... ~~ _ ,_"_."~"'~' ...... >._ ~~<br />

~-:.,....- -------.-..- ~ ...

11lE no"OK OF SHET<br />

I<br />

g. Praise be on thee: and the grace of<br />

Mezdam, and His blessing!<br />

10. 0 Thou ~lost Mighty Diffuser of<br />

Light, Ever.revolvicg, Most Blest" who<br />

derivest thy splendor from tby*Creator!<br />

.. PEllSIAN ~Von:.. Who crealed thee wilAouj sub.<br />

,ranee c;r li me.<br />

11. Revolving In the abu,ndant love of .<br />

the greatness of thy Creator,<br />

I 12. In the circle of thy sphere, wbich is<br />

without rent, whi~h neither ~s s umetb a<br />

new shape nor putteth oft' ~n old one, .our<br />

taketh a straight course.<br />

13. Tholl 0 Sun! art powerful in thy<br />

blaze, glorious in thy lustre the burster of<br />

darkness ;'<br />

14. Head of the <strong>World</strong>! King of the<br />

Stars r<br />

15. Mightiest of Beings above!<br />

1 a.Maker of the day, accQrding ta the<br />

commands of the Most High!<br />

17.. Protector ·of the great lights tha<br />

h"avebodies!<br />

18. :Muy the Supreme -Behrad enlarge<br />

thy bright and glorious body!<br />

10. 0 I ntel Ugent· and Wise! ' ide ...<br />

. ,<br />

r'<br />

spr.ading ..<br />

fo: .<br />


I<br />

•<br />

J<br />

• A I<br />


Jpreadintt greatest .of the pure Wardens of<br />

the brilliant Lights! .<br />

20. Lieutenant of the Light of Lights ill<br />

the world of Bodies !<br />

2 J. Thy light most of all ~pproximateth<br />

the light of His Majesty!<br />

CO)JIIBSTAar. That ii, tbe Majesty of God, the<br />

apressioll reftrring to His attribllte of Ligbt of Ligh~.<br />

22. Thou art a symbol of Hi. greatness;<br />

23. A sample from amoDg the samples<br />

Gf His lustre;<br />

• 24. Thou art as a proof of Him upon<br />

His servants;<br />

25. Of Him- who hath bestowed on<br />

thee thy light ov~r bodies when thou illtiminatest<br />

them;<br />

20. And of Him who blesseth thee.<br />

27. By the power 01 tFeryar thou hast<br />

beco~e blest: Thou 'pourest out thy light<br />

on the Stars :<br />

28. And thou takest not from them the<br />

garment of splen40r and light:<br />

2g. Mighty is He who. traced out thy<br />

. form, and kindled thy 1 ustre: .<br />

• There leeml to be lome uror in the 25th anrl 26th<br />

V «'fit •• J read.. if IDe rG wert 'lktR a1l'11, and 'I'" lb_<br />

.. h. II word. of rcilCr&lion.<br />

t YrldlD, Pel'f.<br />

'0 .<br />

as<br />

I,<br />

, ,<br />

)<br />

•<br />

.. ......

TIl ' BOOK OF SrI ET<br />

30. "ho maketh thee revolve in the<br />

love of H .s l\1ojesty !<br />

31. \ Vho gave thee a station in the fourth<br />

he3,.-en . ,<br />

32. And m3 keth thee abide in the midst<br />

of per fed order .•<br />

33. I ::15k of thee, 0 Fatber and Lord of<br />

Grandeur,<br />

34. Lord of Heat, Author of the powers<br />

of the Senses;<br />

35. Cause of whatever is produced anew~<br />

and ere::! tor of the Sellsons ;<br />

30. To ask th:rough the ml!d ium of thy<br />

active soul which beumeth with glory;<br />

3 i. From thy Cr -alaI", and the object of<br />

thy Love,<br />

38. Tile Origin of thy motion, Him<br />

Whose shadow and talisman thou art;<br />

3Q. A nd from all the maje. tic a rid glorious<br />

LICTh :s which arc free Intelligences;<br />

40. That tht'y may a k a wish suited to<br />

the l ternal world, which is pure free from<br />

n velty and change,<br />

oj 1. Or their }';Hher and Lord, their Crea":<br />

tur,<br />

42. The nearest Llgnt, the most gloriolls<br />


I~<br />


A<br />

A<br />

of cr~3ted<br />

~enceJ<br />

First;<br />

Beings, the univerEal Intellimightiest<br />

of created Beings, alld<br />

..j 3. That he would ask, In t IUs sort,. of' .<br />

the Being worthy to be prai~("d of him;<br />

and worthy to be worshipped of those who<br />

are themselves worthy. to receive won,hip ;<br />

44. The Final Ijrnit of C4iUSCS, t;.e LQcd<br />

that gi,·etb union to 'yorlds ;<br />

45. The Limit and Stablisher of A 11 !<br />

•<br />

46. Light of Lights! \Vorth.y ~f the a-'<br />

doration of eve'ry Intellig~nc~, Soul and<br />

Body, whether celesti~i or material, compounded<br />

or simple: . .-<br />

47. l\fost Perfect in combining;<br />

48. The only I\fezdaram,· Self·exjstent~<br />

whose sovereignty-is l\lajestic !<br />

4g. That he would illuminate my Soul<br />

with pure lights, ad",rable knowledge, and·<br />

lofty excellence: .<br />

50. And make me one of those nigh unto<br />

Him, who are filled with His love;<br />

51. And guard m~ from aJl miseries<br />

whether of soul or body;<br />

52. And give unto me glory, as unto the<br />

Band of Ligh.t and Brightness;<br />

* y ~oid.n. Ptf ...<br />

83.<br />

..<br />

..............<br />

,-.,,:, .. "'1IIoiIII4-.... ~ -.-~ _.'<br />

.:,.~4'~~ .. !.L'!.-·...:tlt

'.<br />

THE<br />


t';3. And bless and santtify them add Ilj<br />

,for ever. Amen ( Teraj. )<br />

COM'MENTARY" Terajisa word used when on proiw<br />

anotber or wisbes him liomebfessingJ and impJie. II<br />

desire br hope of its being granted: And 'wben one',<br />

well· being is prayed for, tbe petition ia accompailied b1<br />

tbat eJCpr~6.ioh.<br />

64. In the name of the Almighty Mezd'"<br />

, am.<br />

55. Mter · thee, Jerinsharf' 1$ My prophet;<br />

56. Him have I chosen for (lite e.ttiblis"­<br />

ment of) Arts,<br />

S7. And I will.hew him the excellcncie.<br />

of the <strong>World</strong>.

. .. .<br />

\'<br />

_........<br />

.1<br />

..• ,.~t;. • ..;'<br />

__ ... ..... ...a. ..<br />

,<br />

. " ... .." 'DIB BOOK. 'I: .~"" .~ •<br />

:., ", c,:: :.: , :, ~ G<br />

. ,::~L"':<br />

1. LET ~s"take refuge, wi~& Mt~~<br />

from eVli' ,tb~~~,ht~ t~at. ~I!l~a~.· ~~(( .. 4~<br />

.' u.s! '; '; . .: .. " .. ,:. ~" :t<br />

" 2~ If) the !I ante of 'Sbemt1 the· BolJft1itW:!<br />

the Beneficent! ·the:'Mt:tctfdl! the Just!~<br />

. " 3., -In the ~~~~ o~t~'~.;~t':·c,re~t(q'£~~z.<br />

dam!<br />

4. 0 J~m~r, IOIJ o( ~Tebm-to;vd .. :nee<br />

ha.,e I chosen; Stabl~ .t~~u the . rcligiQ8<br />

of th~ ~rea~ Ab4d:.: .~ ~ ,. ..<br />

l). Thou art aD exc~edjng.~ ,r-ophd,<br />

~ ... And.~ . b~v~.JaUI~~ ~~ . aU/rnlfnn~r of<br />

Arts, and adorned th9-!\\~.()rld ~1 ,them.:', ~.<br />

7'j "flight is Qn thy. countenance :<br />

COlunNTART. TIJe light wbicti'lhve gfven is 011<br />

tt.:J 'face;.tliin whoeYer.,~ it aiay ~ 'lia'it prn­<br />

~&eda from Me, .ad.lIlt, ~\so.~er tbt light of,-_<br />

unity. , . . ! '.,. , .' ~ ,., (<br />

8. And de) thou speak preciselyac:corcl-<br />

, '<br />

ins-to My ~~r~~ .. ,i " ", ' ~ ~ ,~. ~<br />

.. g: !1 y word is ob thy tongue:<br />

• JtmaL1J aoo QrT&~. " •• :.: ,:<br />

, . ,<br />

.. ,<br />

!"<br />

"._ ..<br />

.- -- \<br />

I ... •• ~ J<br />

. .:.. ,,- ..: ... ~--"-i _ =-----=-_ -'------'-' ,~_

•<br />


CO)l~lnft'AllT. ~lii~e r alii dlfi Creator or Speech,<br />

and thou hast no wOld but mine:<br />

. 'O~ M~ th,?u seest, ~fe tho.u" hearelt.<br />

lIe 'tbou $'tbell~s~ ~te thou tastes"t, ~fe thou<br />

toucbest.<br />

"Q~.nrAJ\Y. For in every thing, .alfd, in r'lf>fy<br />

.<br />

action, thou .hast Me with thee: and fipd~t My light<br />

, s - .1 ... . :.. .... ,.. ~<br />

"jh: every tl,irlg alld in every place f 'and" percd'~l t 1,c<br />

grandeur of tbe Unity of My Reing by all itl'~hldoWr.<br />

:allcJ OllDlne{IC3I'fesC all tlie'srleddor-. of:)!, exi,U: Ice,<br />

an~ heare~t My:"or~ frQ",a~l!:in ~"..~y lb.iug, since ~l<br />

are ~n search of Me: and, sm~lle!»t ~~:!, i,n every tbing,<br />

arid (.aft tuletl tllc' fnvour of' Mj'1tnowlcJge~ Ina,~rt<br />

Iligh unto Me. .<br />

j I. What' thou' s~yest 'ttHtf I say: and<br />

.. ..<br />

thy. aets are ?tfy att9. .<br />

J 2. And I speak by thy' tongue, and<br />

tbou speakeSit to l\te ; ,;'.<br />

13. Tho'l1gb Mortals' beh)'w iinaginc t'hat<br />

thou 'speake'st' to them;' I ,<br />

CO~IMEN'l'~aT. ''1'bou nrr.~·d~oied '&. ~fethat thoa<br />

attendesl . to none , else.<br />

14. Adore Ferchengh'am* .that- thou<br />

lMlyst teceivc' h'eJp {rom' her: :.:. .<br />

, ] 5. La! the prayer I have $ept.. Thus<br />

~. ,... ., r - ..,. ~ :". ..... :<br />

P ray· , ' ,,' '. ..<br />

"<br />

16. In the name of the ~ri~:~~~atioi·l\fe% ..<br />

'.. ........ ~ .. ,;: ....<br />

dA I . . ...... -'. '-'<br />

am. '.. .<br />

1<br />

I<br />

I<br />

~ .. ~A: ........... : .....<br />

.... • \or.. .' •<br />

17 •<br />

, Tnt ~~Rb)Iiif JEM~niD. t1<br />

, ,~,' {,7 ~ ~'t~lP~ ~~,:~u~itj .. :·: ~n:J-i~i{ .1h~~ ~:e ~~e<br />

~lO$lipg ~~:ta~Lord,~ ':1 'I ': :'~<br />

" i8'~)- 1m~y 'atld 'a'dllltrabt~, Lrd~! •<br />

~fIstr~$S ~of'iCrtow-te~ge!' h~d Lady 6(ac •<br />

• ''"J' r- •• ~I ••• -,. _.r..<br />

tlon. • .,. ,~<br />

.. ,. J ,. ~ .... ".. .... • • ,.. 0#. 4 ~ .. ..l<br />

•• ., , . '-" ' •.• :t· . ~ .. , II \'. r<br />

... li·, t .. ~Li@~ .Qf. t~e ,~JilAlFr~:i(.HCr~"<br />

-:gam.) !.~. I ,:~ ... ",. ,.. "~ -: ':.-: l ' .. ::":<br />

, 2~._ H~~py ~e,(~ser of·l.ight,~,; .~ ';"; !, :"<br />

.. , ?ft~·qo,d-niBed Jand'~s'p)endent ! .-,<br />

22. Es:ence ot S~lendor f't.~~ ~" ::. ',rlt<br />

~ ~':i3 ... Itespletltfe~ 'Beloved!' ;!~r. 1- ~<br />

• 24. ~ll:delig.h~ng ~r.d Pure''! ~' ...' "'~!<br />

.) 25-:" dma~nt 'df :Jov," -F~eiidsAip ~ ':md<br />

Goodn~!d ,i. ':;~' •. ~ .. J )~J ~\, .:,!, ~<br />

. " ".<br />

, 20. Obedient tc) th,· Creator,: c·... :-', &.<br />

. ' 27; 'Re~'olri~g in'th~ wve,.,ithf B~f1>v.<br />

L..d .. ' .: ... .'• • "~..:' ~<br />

~" -<br />

'~'28~:' Wfto' is:p~ and independent'!' · I'<br />

, ' 2V. -"In th~ tevt>Iutiob' of his sp~ert:;ree<br />

fiiom disjunction, and change of fgrw ao_d<br />

from a straigh~ cours~! .1 - •••<br />

• I io. -High el~vated ~ is 'thy' .ti~~or,U t~1<br />

Sta~lisher. He who mightily" iaipefieclt 'th~<br />

il2' thY 'Spherltal cikl'fW, , I • '<br />

, 3 h 'Of his great' YliP'~ctiorffa~d: ~V~ : .<br />

32. 'Vho by his love retained thee in tby<br />

cQ}.1rse, thyself being impoterit.· ~. '. •<br />

c..<br />


,<br />

TIl~ BOOK O~ SHET<br />

,C?~f:'!eS'lA1\l" Dr the e2prUlioq i11tJ!Ot- ~ ....<br />

Jlnt i'iI.timate £bolt the sphere hal not a" voluntar, aDd<br />

scli'- directed motion: He only latlnl tliat die moticrq<br />

· of tb..e "Illiere is. -. -donce caused b..T the pUff f6\diance<br />

.8;~rI ~Iight Jight which proc"d. tfo~ it. )~ ,.plle.<br />

del iH'S its 01 igi'li'l stock or ligllt from itt GaiJrdian;<br />

from ,('aeh communication of radiance the Hn'"u . re-<br />

·cth...k the 'po"'er 'of motion; and frOm' ~aeh 1Il6tioll<br />

acqnires the capnci1yor a new radiation, by lDeaDI be<br />

,,,hich {'ffulgen~~ it mOvti. . •<br />

33. H.e>hath assign~d :thee' tby pl.acc i~<br />

the tbi rd Sphere. . , ". .<br />

34. I ask Df thee, 0 lIost Bleat io tAo<br />

•<br />

t\VO .abod~J I"<br />

.~ ,a 6 • Tltat:, .th~1l -.3!1k '.of : thy ,Father and<br />

Lord, of the Cause of thy being. the free<br />

Intelligence, ,.... _"<br />

..<br />

· \ .a~~: lh~t

,<br />

-<br />

'rw,alJAtlt"'.11tQsHlo. ..•<br />

48. That He ~,ould dt~··JDe DeIlt anti<br />

n.:m ,. . ':".. ." ..,<br />

Al ,""'" ill···· .<br />

. ~ •<br />

t -<br />

.... That lie would enlighten : t~ :Band<br />

of Ught .nd· SplendOr, . ~ -:. ~ ~ . ~ : .~. .<br />

-. 45 • .ADd~bkt88 ·~tliedl:atid US~· ':.and purifl.<br />

~·and·ur,·.,j II; t ~ ;";1 ~.'''. J ••<br />

JestiQg.I:~~ '~:,;_ ., "'#~:'~ ~ l . .,<br />

,: 4'1. ~Ih;·£be· ~ame of . tile . Art-creatin,<br />

~ ... ' d.A ~ ~, . ~ j I.. I . • •. j:: : .<br />

Mez ,1.111. . ,<br />

, • ,. I " ~ = .... : . .. . . ',; .<br />

'( .4!J. :r~ou wdt. be,~ake~, .. ~,: .wh.4Lt\ dqi~<br />

would be utterly helpless.<br />

' ,'.1<br />

. . ~<br />

·CQ"JI~NTAl\r. FOfwdrlJllrigi ctJn'nevel'lIucceedin<br />

i~hifying .t~at, however 'much ~h~~1 !Day 'Ittem'p~ ~l,: /o~<br />

Ci) •<br />

,<br />

•<br />

p...<br />

,<br />

I<br />

_.;... ~. The' E"~ o~~s~n'ce5,: ~ . "., ., : r<br />

Tf~e BOOK OF. SIf!ll. ,<br />

they will t~emble like a- brauctj agitatep..by<br />

a stroRg wind: " . .,' .' ,;~~<br />

~2. 'Vhoever kOdWeth. thy· WW~j !hi.<br />

prayer4s ae:c:epte~:' ~. . r I: I,<br />

53. If thou be asked, Have you eee.ri<br />

1de%~~ ? '-.; t . , : '.'<br />

S4. Say, How Sh9U1d !:',krtQw ~ God<br />

(r.ferkh~d.) whCfm -I.never .saWI?: . . ~!,<br />

.55. I would not enjoin the .~r6hjp.of-..<br />

God w.bom; 1. C04.l~d not. ~.b~~!,.·1 . i<br />

COMMENTARY. l-ieS8yt, o Jemsbld! IcanDotkmni<br />

. ~,pd till.! bt'oold Idm .. Fot a ~l~t.I ~, ev~n l~ough<br />

,..ell informetl, Goes not in truth know co\ours as 'l~,<br />

real~y are, tllou~h ~IJ !>'peakinE , ll~ C;!lIs tbe.,~ Lhc"i,<br />

'\\Ihite, ·red itild yt"llow;'llnu k'lIows of ,\ har .co!aur e,'e l Y<br />

lb iog ii, since he :bas hc~1 rd and t~ol't"Cl" - liLiIl.but\"'~<br />

ever he .«Jot's not really ~no~. wl}at yc;ij()W, is, or .."hat<br />

ted is. 80 tbat were God to rc~torp.lo lIilD his,liil;ht,<br />

anJ before he had been tal1~ht to distingllist, colour~,<br />

\ven~ he to be shewn sky~blue, nnd 'lord, this is 'black,<br />

he eouid not he sure wbether . they told 'Ilim 'lrUCb of<br />

fatsehooJ. 'In like mallner \t ia u,dellt Ulat a maamu~t<br />

necessarily be ignorall~'of t-lie pr~l~dier of hiro ."·~05e<br />

he has no~ seen: and. bepc;e,_ unt ij a prnphtl has ~<br />

~he essence of ,the. One-)rhp:haa-no. pr~l'ertie'i I lie never<br />

~.an explain its .n.atu,re .. ~~· y.eo, or command ~hem to<br />

worship.<br />

And arier he' has .,ft,n i'i, nohody "ill lend<br />

their beJief, until he gjves pro()f of .the fac~' by shewing<br />

l~to otJlers~ It is therefore indispC'lIf.able far.a prophet<br />

tlaat lie be .ble teco)td u.at . bd.er4i if':- tile way, tll.at Jbey<br />

too<br />

-- '.<br />


t&tt me,. p~ree'i'\'~ that tub.tanee-J: and-be' ~l~ued frd.<br />

'l1olliJ,• Now a ~~t iit'tlu~· rtfigb ~ fI,,, ·friend of Yez..<br />

t;lll,;: \,,~ '.£n)p~~M 'Pll'vi~, ·the· :son" Gf'-~u~ Emperor<br />

flkrltfltZII, t".~e

aod the· MMuions of t~e Planeta the Vinl In oer ,<br />

tbe tire tbo "~r th of his motion in the way of God,<br />

the air h is 'br~lfJb t . the water his:. SWllaJ,; tbe earth lh~<br />

place on. which he sleps as he walks, tbe.) igbtning bit<br />

I ugb; the tJlundeI his ,'oiee, the l'1I.n hil tears, aad<br />

organised bo(H'e~ lbe 'worm. in bis belly: wllile hit<br />

Soul is composed .of th~ Souls above and beiO~t aad<br />

his lntdligencc·of.the Intelligences ·above and bela ...<br />

M an lherefore sboul hoL l'est : utisfied with bel.."<br />

belly.worm; but ought Co strive to become a Soul ..<br />

l'he lil\bstance of w4at has been expl. in td~ is<br />

c01ltllilled,<br />

- in tbe Hii~ejttit, which is a portion of·the. DcsaUr writ ..<br />

ten in lfle Limrtini tongue, and wbi~h I haTe follow·ed<br />

ill this . eJ pasition ;<br />

flg,. The world is an idea of tbe Self.<br />

,existent,<br />

~I O. N an·eIistence is the mitror of ex; ..<br />

tence.<br />

G I f vVitl10nt the Jigbt of the Self-existent,<br />

Nothing 1s.<br />

52. His 1ight extendeth . over: All, and<br />

confetreth being on a}l e~istence<br />

(lgo' Tbe choicest of DB e.ff~Jgedcel is the<br />

shining of knowledge'" o·il ruen . of undert<br />

.a.n d' wg. s<br />

6·1, Bya single !\a9h of t~e Creator (Jinal),<br />

both worlds "became visible.<br />

COllililENTA RY. The Doe or wl.icb b immaterial nd<br />

JlOl ill time j the other (he mate.tial wQrld. Bod. de-<br />


•<br />

trap! ~oprrt?2· JEMSll1D. '<br />

,<br />

.rin. H air. being: flom the 'l.l,);dor of the ,!un of the<br />

• ES~t:nl'e (If the Mo,LJusl. .,<br />

05., The mul~ipHcity' of worlds, invisible<br />

and visible, is unity in respt'c~ ,to the Unity<br />

of God l Hil;"d ), for nothing else hath be ..<br />

lng. ~<br />

60. The,Perfect seeth unity in multiplicit)",<br />

and multiplicity in U(}~ty.<br />

CO!\IlIENr4-RV. Qlle ~.ct cOllceal the HeaJly-Elfs.<br />

tent in the \lorktt of the Crealiou; do not Ilerceive tile<br />

Ueally- Existen!, bllt observe th~ Creation; d~m (qc<br />

crealeJ 10 be separate from the Reall}~-Fxi~te/lt, and rec·<br />

lOll the It«:ally-Eltistent diR'errnt from the crealion: and<br />

this class are ulled Ftrjifl(j.Shai -which means " of<br />

.inferior pt~cc'·. The second is (lie SfCl that Bee- the<br />

ltenny- Exisl('nt, Lilt nollhc Creation; nn.llhis class is<br />

suicidal: they arc call d ~·em7·jjd wliich means y lIiled<br />

(Girdwcn:l), '1~he chid dass see the Hc .. ll ... Exi~tcnt,<br />

and qbsCTye the Creation through Him, and lOlIlk God<br />

: in whatcH~r<br />

. .<br />

esibts: 1.!lose \VIlo ilre of tlli. class do ll:)t;<br />

believe that to Ji:.corer un:ty ill tllul ipli.;i·y, an~ llMlt·<br />

tip!h:ity in '!Il!'Y is any O'Jstrll~lio;l Lo a klloldedge or<br />

Peal ~lIity : the name of (his u!eo;~e.l class is Semrad<br />

S,mrad which means United.in· Uuity (Gel d\\'eml-<br />

Gerdwend ).<br />

'<br />

67., 0 Jetrnsllar~:!' thou seest God (Ferkhfld)<br />

in his sen"ant, aftd the servant in God:<br />

68. \Vith thee .. unity .- does not obstruct<br />

multiplicity nor multipli£ity unity. \<br />

•.<br />

Jc:mlhid, Pc.n.<br />

,<br />

"<br />

"<br />

i<br />

i<br />

~<br />

... -.,.. .... -<br />

~--<br />

.... ..<br />

...... .. ~,." ......<br />


THl nOOK OF SII£1' .<br />

60. Say unto mankind, Look not upon the<br />

Self-Existent with this eye: ask for another<br />

eye.<br />

COMM1I'!fTARV. Th:lt :". the eye of the t-earl•<br />

70 Ho v shouid they not see Him wh.<br />

is God? (Ferkh".d).<br />

71. That person is born blind who saith<br />

that He cannot he seen.<br />

72. He is blind from thfl womb who<br />

cannot perceive the Self-existent in this<br />

.pl~ndor which is His.<br />

73. They have a cataract on their eye<br />

who cannot see Him.<br />

74th The Perfect l\Tan ~acheth God (Ri­<br />

!abram) as, the line of thl! circ:e rt:turoetb<br />

td the point whence it began;<br />

i 5. So hast thou returned unto 1\le:<br />

10. And bringcst in whomsoever tholl<br />


. '<br />

."<br />

]00 TJ] E B OK OF sn T<br />

A" e~j:i , ~o lh lj IJle soul n r V('fY Jnm m'ly deri ... e J If!'."f­<br />

~n " TO ITI Il. f\n,1 it is oue of t Il e Bouk. ut'll c :ecrc::t<br />

e : the (j, laL 'lod. '<br />

83 . In the lume of l\1 zd" tn, tbe Cr t"~to ,r<br />

of Art<br />

S~. Now ~f:lnkind h~v e become ("vil<br />

doers, a.nd ha v·e takeu the road of ravenous<br />

beasts;<br />

85. And know not thy wort h ;'<br />

86. And com pr hend not the meaning of<br />

thy vlords, and moreover insult th;:e ;<br />

87. And have forgotten the bless' no<br />

thou didiit ask fo r them:<br />

8 . ow [ ill take thee away from the<br />

mi st of them. and it is fit ting that they<br />

remain under the band of iz kh* the Ta ~ j.<br />

1<br />

.I on of, 'itlllli 1-. 1/ e pnid<br />

\\ O' ~! II P 1\1 Yn·, d~ ll (lI :d t ill> 5 101 " on -w lllrb acconn<br />

~ ct7.l ! it~ 1 !!1;1l1 ':ll h ! 11l I'l i wi· III''!!. DII ',w hi rei"n ' I ~<br />

~ -<br />

i;II> t lIil l dow n froll. lIi!l Ifl le, Ild ·f' Il.{ him In Lh: 1.<br />

' 0. I \ il l ri ng t e n -r unto lfy e r<br />

al d do tlJ u al"de e-vc:r \\lith .Ie;<br />

* Jh h· :Jk. Pt"'U. Taz i l ~} Pl/ f' P sr·n fii -Orr I f he ;r" i<br />

t.r .\ HI. I'li. He I lll: ~ t r b ,- : !I

.. .<br />


• 201 ,<br />

. go. Thou art 'not well whilst far remov.<br />

ed from Me.<br />

t i. J h~" ~i~ eytt ;OS' the road to<br />

watch when thoa eomest nigh unto ~e •.<br />

02. And as a punishment upon Ma~kiDd;<br />

for that they heard not thy "01'&, they<br />

shall endure much calamity_ After whicb<br />

I will send Ferisdum* on the work of pro.. '<br />

, I<br />

JlhecJ; . . ,<br />

03. That he may reviYe tb1reHgion •<br />

. "<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

,<br />


THE BOOK<br />

•<br />


. 1. LET us lake refuge. with Meadam<br />

from evil thoughts which mislead and clia.<br />

tress us!<br />

2. In the name of Shemta, the BountifuJ,<br />

the Beneficent, the Merciful, the Ju,t !<br />

3. In the name of Mezdam the Helper 1<br />

-t. 0 Perisdam son of Ateblr,. I have,<br />

taken pity on Mankind aDd 00 harmless animals,<br />

and have chosen thee, who art my<br />

friend, for prophecy: and have made tho<br />

'world obedient unto thee •<br />

•<br />

5. Revive the religion of the Great Abad<br />

(Ferzabfid ).<br />

o. Charms such as, till now, DO ODe hath<br />

knowll,t have I taught thee.<br />

7 •. 'V orshj p Temiram! that he may be<br />

thy aider in knowledge.<br />

·8. Lo! I have seut for th,ee, the form of<br />

his praise .<br />

• In the Persi.n# Periduu tbe IOn of AtebSr.<br />

t l\hny of hi. charm •• rel.iCl to k .ill Inuit'.<br />

: Tt'~ilir.w i. Tlr (~lcrcyr1 ).<br />

-<br />

. -<br />


THE PROPHET f£IUDUl'4'. -<br />

O. In the name of. Mezdam tbe Helper t<br />

10. Thine i. parity, and OD thee is die<br />

J,lessiog of )lczdAm. ,. '.<br />

11. 0 Mighty! Good I Wise!<br />

12: Father and. Lord! exalted TemirAm.<br />

., the Spbcre ! .<br />

11. Intelligent! Active! SagaciaI! ID.~.<br />

ftDtive ! True!<br />

14. Sage of the HcaveDs! '.<br />

IS. Sage among the Mighty!<br />

1 G. Sage of Warlds !<br />

1'/ • Lord of Wonders !<br />

18. Communicator of Secrets and Wonders<br />

!<br />

1 g. Treasurer of abstruse know ledge! •<br />

20. Conductor to tearning !. - ,<br />

21. A.ider of the huge stars" according to<br />

tileir temperamenta ! '. . .<br />

22. Who rainest down quickness of .<br />

comprehension, and knowledge, and an ac-<br />

. quaintance with the essence of things!<br />

23. Obedient u~to thy Creator,<br />

~4. In the revo.lutioD of thy Sphere, whichil<br />

rree from susceptibility ot disjuDctioD, Or<br />

of aslllmiog' or laying alide its form: or<br />

e£ .,"'tiD, iIlt., a Itraiaht ~.;<br />

,<br />


"" THE BOOK OF SlIET<br />

25. In the love of thy holy Beloved!<br />

- 26. High is thy Creator, thy Illuminator,<br />

the Imparter of hidden Secrets,<br />

27. Who poureth down the ligbt tba:l<br />

guideth thee to eternity:<br />

28. \Vho hath assigned thee a place "<br />

the SecoDd Heavea.<br />

. 20. 0 Ever-ready to guide!<br />

30. I ask of thee that thou ask oftby Father<br />

and Lord, and thy Creator and Be ..<br />

loved, who is an Intelligence,<br />

3 J. A'nd of the disembodied Intelljge ,n~s<br />

which are the Lights elevated above ioferio,"<br />

principles,<br />

82. That they would ask a wish suited<br />

to the Intellectual 'V orid which is free<br />

{rom change; ,<br />

33. And of their Father and Lord, the'<br />

Origin, most wQrthy to be praised of aU<br />

created Beings, the Universal InteJligea,ce;<br />

34. That he would ask in this lort of the<br />

Universal Creator, the Stablisher of aU Be ..<br />

ings and ,Essences, worthy of the adorati,o<br />

of worlds, the Causer of Caules;<br />

35. That he would exalt my Soul, rI,<br />

bring me near unto Him; •

•<br />

TIlE ra.ONlET FERlDUN:'<br />

J4l5<br />

80. And speak unto ~e, and.turn aside,<br />

£rom me the evil of this abode and of that<br />

abofk ;<br />

'3j. And illumi'late the band of Lighi an4<br />

'Splendor, and bless tbem ~nd US~ and p~ri.<br />

fy them f~r ever a,nd ever. So be it. ,<br />

as. In the n~mc of M7~da~ ,the Helper!<br />

. ag,' 0 Perisd~m*! Prophets never' rois_~<br />

\.... ,-<br />

Jead:<br />

-40, Their words and 4eeqs, are fr.om the<br />

~~lI\a[}d of Mezc.iam,;<br />

41. Whosoever speaketh evil of'Jer~­<br />

. shar,t bring him, to a proper ~~nse: I<br />

42. Jermshar is my campanion.<br />

COIUIENTARY. The evil banr:4 revile Jemshid tlJ~<br />

prophet, tbe King of Kings~ Bring this band to a pro ..<br />

per s~nse, that they may not designate as Bad, that<br />

migbty prq,phet w.ho is now my cOIO~nion, and, re ..<br />

'leased froln the body and from bQdily affection ••. In.<br />

-,'<br />

8tru~t with your tongue and your hand him whe docs ,<br />

not aU'nei to Y01l. For prophels never err, since he<br />

... J10 is cho"en of Yezdan never de\''iates into the evil<br />

faith. It is related that Jemshid (\'fho is mercy alto­<br />

~therl. ha.ving ,,,

tHE BOOK OF SHE'f<br />

q'n therefore eOll1mnnds them to desist from this ml<br />

talk, and says to his prophet Ferid6n t . the highly ,ifted,<br />

that he must restrain men from it. H e rlrtb~r iDfOl'1lll<br />

the prophet and King of Kings Feridun of "alted<br />

nalure;<br />

-43. Now, thy sons shall become rebellious,<br />

and shall find retribution at Jast :<br />

44. And they shall not attain the object<br />

of their wishes: I will speedily giye it to<br />

Miruzad;·<br />

COllllllENTARY. He infonns the prophet, Tir aa4<br />

Selin will become refractory and meet with ani table<br />

retribution: they will aim at the sovereignty of the<br />

kingdom of Iran, but unsuccclllfully: l)1at territory I<br />

"ill be6tow on Menucbebr !<br />

45. And after thee Miruzad shall be a t<br />

prophet;<br />

4~. And thou art one of the mighty<br />

Prophets. I have shewn thee hidden secrets;<br />

and I have given thy race supremacy<br />

over the world. -<br />

41. I have made thee prophet and kiDg<br />

over the whole world.<br />

48. Thy posterity I have raised to Sovereignty.<br />

• COl\IMt:xTAay. For tbe Prophet, the King of Kinp<br />

'of the age, divided the world into tbree parfl, and<br />

gave them (0 his sons, and the 5!overeignf, continued<br />

in their race.<br />

• M~nuthcbr, PCII,<br />

,•<br />

TtiE BOOK<br />

0' saET<br />


'0'1<br />

•<br />

"<br />

1. LET us take refuge with MezelAm<br />

from evil imaginations wbich mislead and<br />

harau'us! '<br />

2. In t~e name of ShetntA, the nenefi- •<br />

cent! the Bountiful! the Merciful! the<br />

. JUlt!<br />

3. In the name of the Only Metdam !<br />

.t. 0 Miruzid son of .Yershad, I have<br />

~xalted thee over SimQ.r and tTIst61; and<br />

DOW have I chosen thee for propbecy and<br />

lovereignty! Adore tho'u the ModD.<br />

I 6: In the name of the One Mezdam !<br />

f5. Tbine be praise; and on thee be the,<br />

hbsing of 'Herjem. t<br />

1. 0 Very Mighty! Learned! Wise and,<br />

Good Moon (Ferihem) of the Sphere!<br />

8. Thou art the one whom they worship<br />

amongst us, 0 1\1000 !<br />

.'<br />

• Menucbehr •• n of lr.j. P,n.<br />

. t Sel .. ~~d Tur. Per, lrt·j .al abe luppOied IDcator of<br />

lb.: 11'&"", I ur of the Turlni ..<br />

~ YezdlD, Prr,.<br />

g.<br />

•<br />

---~'-~ --

L<br />

lOS'<br />


g Minister of the Sun and his Vieegerent!<br />

Pestower of colours!<br />

1 0: "~ho ridest on the SpherJe' The<br />

friend of the very mighty Celestials !<br />

II. Key of the Heavens which readily<br />

Qb~yt<br />

12. Guardian of the Element of Water!<br />

13. Lord of lVloistures, 'whether as to the<br />

3~,suming or putting ott of figure!<br />

14. Obedient to thy Creator!.<br />

15. Revolving in the circ1e ofthySphe 'e.<br />

which is unaffected by. interruption or inju- _<br />

ry!.<br />

_<br />

16. In thF love of thy beloved Intelligence!<br />

17. Glorious is thy Creato. an~ F.xalter • .<br />

18. 'Vho raineth down the liglJ'ts·tbat<br />

confer on thee the state of eternitv !<br />

Ig. "''''ho hath given thee .rest to !Ie fi~ t<br />

Heaven t<br />

COMMENT,lnv. He says the first Heaven, me.1niug<br />

tJle .E1~l\Ie"tal' Hl'a\,~I1; because of His. goo ue IJe<br />

'Uould IUtilllate to his terrestrial se.rvan\s, t it ... , ilIl S.<br />

should ,eclwil from h.;:()\V. upwards.<br />

20. 0 Ever re,dX,·to aid! I ask: of. th.e~ a,<br />

benefit;<br />

21. That th.ou wouldst ask. qL tbJ Fat~er<br />


THE:PROPR.'t tiEf'lrlCOEHR.<br />

f09<br />

iltd:Lord,' thy·Creator.~ whe; is. kn'Intel1i ..<br />

gence .and thy Bek>\'ed:; , . .',. ,'.. ": :<br />

22. And Qt'aJl the! ;active JntelMgenees,<br />

which are lights free and indepeDli~nt of<br />

the at&ctiolls·bf matter;<br />

23. That tbey would ask a wish suited.<br />

to the world that is free 'from accident' and<br />

change;<br />

, 24. And (,"at . they tlJould as}) of the<br />

the Origin of their ,Bei~g, the first-created<br />

Existence, the nearest Light, the Universal<br />

Intelligence,<br />

25. That he would ask of the One wafthy<br />

of his adoration, and worthy to'; be<br />

adored of such as are worthy of adoration !<br />

of Him who is worthy of the adoration of<br />

<strong>World</strong>s!<br />

26. The adorner of the nests' of Being!<br />

27. The Former of the Entities of the<br />

whole of them!<br />

28. Lord of Bounties and Splendor! The<br />

Ne~essarily Existent! \<br />

, 2g. That He would purify me by the<br />

affusjon of his pure light;<br />

30. That He would purify me and bring<br />

me Dear unto him ;<br />

11.<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

"<br />

_____ III _UoI ..... ~ ....... _~_<br />

, .

· "<br />

110 . THE 1IOGK OF S8ET<br />

an<br />

S 1. And glorify me far away f'r~m<br />

calamitiel whether of Soul or Body ;<br />

32. And glorify the band of light and<br />

Iplendor,<br />

33. And purify them and us; and. bles.<br />

them and us;<br />

34. For ever and ever. So be it.<br />

35. In the name of the One Mezdam!<br />

30. After thee will come a prophet Ky.<br />

]aserv. by name, who will fill all with a­<br />

mazement at his freedom from worldly a.trections;<br />

A~d he will be the companion of<br />

l\Iezdim.<br />

• KJ Khulfou. Perl:

•<br />

THE BOOX<br />

III<br />


LET 1. us take refuge with Mezdam<br />

from,evil imaginations that mislead and-dis ..<br />

tress us!<br />

2. In the name of ShemtA" the Bounti-:<br />

ful, the Beneficent,. the l\lerciful, the ~ust!<br />

• _ 3. In the n~me of MezdAm the Creator<br />

of the free (disembodied spir~t).<br />

4. 0 my Prophet! K.aila~rv son of HirtaUsh,.<br />

thou art high exalted near l\Ie!<br />

_ 5~ Thy heart is never lep"rated from b{e<br />

for the twinkling of an eye.<br />

6. Thy Soul is an angel, and the son of<br />

an angel: and so I. have given thee a great<br />

and exalted angel, named Intelligence.<br />

COlnIINTAar. When He says, thou art an angt'l<br />

and the .on of an aDgt'I, two things may be observed:<br />

the one that as, in trulh, Inlelligence is the first fllther,<br />

lie teU .. Ky Khutroo, thOA art the son of that Mighty<br />

Angel:' aD,1 th~ oth~r Ibat in saying, thou art the 801\<br />

of an angtJ, He call ii.nulh an angel from hi. "excel.<br />

Jen(~; For ,he Suul when it separalel froID the lower ,<br />

• The Pmlln b ... " K1 Khua:oll lOll of Sli".kb,b!!<br />

bot1y<br />

,<br />

•<br />

,<br />

l ..:<br />

.. ~ :---<br />

-----_ . ....,<br />

~ ....<br />

-..- ... IIW ........ ,<br />

....·....,,···.··w, we"'?<br />

sf . ?


body alld returm ~.k.. fo i~ owP. netive place, becomes,<br />

like an angel, and assllme .. the rank of an angel.<br />

7. Finally I will place thee near Myself,<br />

along with Ferhushbud.*<br />

8. Thou art not absent from before Me<br />

for one twinkling of an eye.<br />

g. I am never out of thy h~ rt ;<br />

10'. And I am contaiped in no thing, but<br />

in thy heart, and in a heart like thy heart.<br />

COMMENTAJI,Y. For I am contained in the h.eut<br />

that is pure like thy beart.<br />

. .<br />

11. And I ani nearer unto thee thaD tho'll<br />

art unto thyself.<br />

12. 0 My friend! Do thou make stro'ng<br />

the religion of the Great Ab~d J who is the<br />

greatest of prophets and tbat religion which.<br />

is My own religion.<br />

) 3. For they can find no straight road<br />

towards Me except by this religion.<br />

, 14. I have' given thee ·such support and<br />

protection in the lower world;, that a return<br />

of thanksgiving is indispensable upon<br />

thee;<br />

15. ' For I ,have bestowed on thee celestial<br />

endowments, bave given thee a M'iniste:t"<br />

like Destar, and a warrior lik~ RustSJ.t<br />

'* Rehman, Pers,<br />

t D.II'a.u and Ru.tom, Pen.<br />

I<br />


I'<br />

18: And dignified thee w:ltlf. su:h' diit."<br />

tlnert·on. tbat, .in s'pite 'vfall thj: power,.<br />

thou didst keep fat away from women, n~'<br />

did.t, ever' mingle. with them; but day 3~d<br />

Jlight did,t bind thy heart to :\Je. ..<br />

. Co,.JlE1'f1'AltT. Observe I~af. ·by .~~ t"~'flte ... ~n,<br />

". kept tltr a,ny frolD. W.opifD,". Ut: daes Dol Olc.n~:<br />

tbnu 'idat Dot talk ",ith n'Olllen; II e m~an!

)'f<br />

., . Trf E BOOK OF sn ET<br />

Jedg~s: thy knowledge is a ray of fy<br />

k.nowledge, and thy action a sample of My<br />

~tion.<br />

21. In the nameof,.rezdam. the Creator<br />

of unembodied Beings!<br />

!?2~ I have made thee ,· ictor:ious . over<br />

thine enemies; and ha"e bestowed on thee<br />

whatever of external and iuternal excellellce<br />

was useful.<br />

. 23. Now thou art not satidied with com ..<br />

ing unto me from time to time. and longest<br />

to abide continually nigh unto m~.<br />

2-1. 1 too am not satisfied with thy abo<br />

Scnc~ : ,<br />

25. A!though thou art \vith ~feJ and!<br />

with thee, still thou desirest, and I desire,<br />

that thou shouldst be still more iutimalely<br />

\ldth !\le ;<br />

2(}. Jlesign the Lower " .. orld to *'Tinr.sp;<br />

for t~e glory of l\lezdum i~ upon him.<br />

Co~nlENTA RY. W hen the factll ie! of intel igenet,<br />

sight, anJ tilsle cbllst! a n1p an, an.] wb ' n juslice has<br />

lleil her excess nor ddicil'llcy, t il is called the glory of<br />

YCld1n; aud, \\itl1ouL 111is glory of God, nQ manis<br />

,,·orthy of royally.<br />

• Lohrasp. Pel,.<br />

t Thi. relat,.. to tbe doctrine of all ,irtuf I"illg ill ib ~<br />

nlll.hL LlclW(tll '1\ Q l!:~lrtLnC:'.<br />



1'1s<br />

27. And Tin~~ shall have' a worthy son,<br />

in whose time the Mighty Prophet ~ertUsh.<br />

shPUcome.<br />

-<br />

28. And his Bo~k ~. Enigmatical and<br />

U nenigluatical.<br />

,<br />

•<br />

.."<br />

•<br />

1 •

\<br />

:THE BOOK<br />

or<br />

&<br />


J. LET us seek refuge' wfth r.fe7.d4rn'<br />

{rom evil imaginations which mislt: , d and<br />

distress us !<br />

,. In the nameo(Shemta, the Bountiful,<br />

the Bcmeficent, the ~lerc ifull the Just!<br />

3. In the name of l\lezdam !<br />

~. 0 Hertushad son of . Heresfetmad, I<br />

have selected thee for prophecy:<br />

6. And have communicated to thee ~r,<br />

'Vord in three ways;<br />

~. One in dreams, and that is the<br />

tVakhrijkameh;<br />

7. The second in ~o~ing , aed tbat is<br />

!Ar\"a~iast ;<br />

B. T~e third in waking when thou hast<br />

~eparated from the body, and passed ,yilt.<br />

lO angel above the heavens;<br />

. .<br />

g. Thy soul reacheth ~Ie.<br />

J o. All the speech which I h3V ,C bes.to\v<br />

~d 00 thee is ot" two kinds;<br />

• t" 1".lot oi.,n .,f'r,r,,"t;ma", Per."<br />

t Yal(l -' r ... m~1 , J"-rl; U ... ~

•<br />

•<br />


11. The Enigmatical and the Unenigma­<br />

~ical; Cause thou the enigmatical aud unenigmatical<br />

~o be alike.<br />

) 2. Do no work but aC'cording to the<br />

Desatir.<br />

13. I, have u'nfolded to thee th~ secrets of<br />

being altogether.<br />

1 ... Now thou knowest the past, the present<br />

and the future:<br />

. 15. Untd whomsoever I grant the gift of<br />

prophecy while waking, .to him do I ddiver<br />

tb~ religion of the Great Abad.<br />

10. Tbis religipn is 1\J y Bel~ve

Jl8<br />


21. Next, A son like Sepehnad,· who is<br />

a 'Sage ~Iobed anda General;<br />

2.2. Again, A ~li[}isterlike . lemisadt who<br />

knoweth the Secrets of a-il' the Sphert"s.<br />

23. And moreover a kingdom like HirUs!<br />

for thine abode;<br />

24. And in consequence of this dignity<br />

an Princes ha \"e become thy vassals.<br />

25. In the name of MezdAm !<br />

21}. Now, 0 ~1y Friend! thou hast come<br />

near unto Y\ie, and 1 have made thee neat'<br />

unto l\le. AS,k whatever thou listest, that<br />

I may answer. .<br />

:J7. In tbe name of ~rezdam !<br />

28. Thou hast askp.d, 0 ~f ighty Lord!<br />

Baw didst thou create the world?<br />

.20. Know, 0 ~ly Friend! that the e-s·<br />

lence of the Self·existent is one;. and witL.- ·<br />

out what or how.<br />

so. Bei~g is like light ,; and Ijght becometh<br />

,·isible.<br />

31. His greatness belong

\<br />

•<br />


H9<br />

82. As I have said· in .the Book of the<br />

Cre3t Abaci.<br />

33. ""hen the Sphere ~gan to revolve<br />

by the light of l\-J~tdlm, four elements and<br />

three children were produced.<br />

84. And these thre-e children are dependent<br />

on the four mothers; they on the<br />

Sphere, it on the Soul, it on Intelligence,<br />

.nd it on Mezdum. .<br />

ss. Whatever is on earth is the resem­<br />

\llance and shadow of something tbat is' ia<br />

the Sphere.<br />

80. \Yhile that resplendent thing. re-,<br />

maim-th in good co;,dition, it is well also<br />

with its shadow.<br />

37. 'Vhen that resplendent object re .. ,<br />

lDoveth far from i"la sb .. dow, life remoH:lh<br />

I<br />

to a distance.<br />

-<br />

88 'Again, tTlat light is the shadow of<br />

lomething more resplendent than itself;'<br />

sg. And so on up tu l\Jc, who am the<br />

Light of Light!'.<br />

40. Look' (therefore) to ~Iezda,m who<br />

causetb the shadow to tall.<br />

. "'1. In the n"meof AIezd~m!<br />

• The prototypc lba' i. iu dat S"huc;<br />

•<br />

..<br />

•<br />

i<br />

)<br />

I<br />

•<br />

,<br />

l<br />

•<br />

]20 THE BOOt" OF SUET<br />

42, Now a Wise~lanJ named Ti~nur*<br />

will come from L urakht in ordr to consult<br />

thee cunccrning the real nature of<br />

things.<br />

'"'3" 1 win tel! thee "'hut he asketh; and<br />

do thou answer (his 9,llestiolls) before be<br />

putteth t he Ir..<br />

C 0 1Ll.ENTAlty. It ' is said that wilen the 1. nleo[<br />

.he euellellce of Ihe nature 01' Zerlfi. ht had sluud<br />

all oyer the worlJ, alld when 1 felluiar weill round the<br />

'Wort i~ erected fi re.l.emples, and raised domes over the<br />

fit ; the wi e men of Yunall selected a age f)amed<br />

'J ' o. , t ~ a.nU ~ h, \Ii ho III that till1e had Ihe superiority io<br />

acquirt'mellls over them all, to go to Iran fir tl lO ert­<br />

'loire of Zertusht conccrllillg t ht> Teal nalule of lhinocrs.<br />

If he was puzzled nnd unable (0 answer, he could he<br />

110 prnl'het j but if he returned an on ~er, . be was a<br />

ISpeaker of lru th. W hen. the -unani age arrived at<br />

Halkh, GlIshta..sp appointed a proper day, on whic:b.<br />

the Moheds of every conntry sh~uld 8~ cmble; and<br />

a goU n eI.air \us placed for the Yunani Sage. Then<br />

the bdoveu of Yezdall, the propil("t Zertu!lht advanced<br />

into the midst of the n sem bly. Tbe lllTlani aae DD<br />

se{'jng Ihatchief laid, " . 'l'hi ' form and t lli ' gail can<br />

" II " t lie , and nOllgl t but truth can ~ ro cted ftolD.<br />

'" them." He Ihen a .. ked the day of Ihe prol)heL"<br />

nll tivity. rhe prophet of God 101 J it. He sa.id "On<br />

"uch a clny, nnd under such a (urtllnale rar a decei ..,..<br />

" er ClIl1nut J)C' uom. n lIe next enquired into bis did<br />

* T!ll lanlll'h. P.<br />

1; YU IJRII. p , llial is Greece.

6'<br />

Tni pJ(oftHE1'zrRTV~HT.<br />

fttd nIOCIe of life. TIre propflee Of GotI ex-pfaided t&.<br />

Whole.. The Sage Ilid," Thi. mode ef hfe (',,,..<br />

•, sWt an impofllor ....'<br />

Tbe' prophet of' Ya"'n th.<br />

Aid fo him; U<br />

I bave a-nl1feled' you tbe quedi-.<br />

" "ltich ,"om have put to' me i now, tetain in' .1°.<br />

" mW w~at tfre fam,d Yunloi Ba,'1 directed 1811 to<br />

H enquire of Zertulht aad dilcloee it aet, bat Ii,tea'<br />

" and hear wut the, uk ;. for God bath ilHormed m.<br />

R of it, and hAth &eni his wordi unto me to aoroM it ....<br />

The Sage .aiff, " Speak.''t 'thereupon' tlie prep,""<br />

Zeriumt ordered hia Icbmar to' repeat the followio5<br />

tu.&I ;.<br />

.... The friend of acutene .. win sa.., unfet<br />

thee. The N 6rAkb -Sag.es ask, ,What ate •<br />

tbete far a prophet In (his world 1 ,<br />

"5. A prophet is ne~sary 00 this- a-ccoot,<br />

that men are connected with each C'I'"<br />

tber jl) the c'oncerns' of life;<br />

TH E BOOK OF SHE'.<br />

50. He will ask thee, How can we kno<br />

that a prophet is really called to,bis offi ?<br />

51 . By his knowing th,lt which others do<br />

not know;<br />

52 And by his giving you information<br />

,regarding your own heart;<br />

53. And by his not being puzzled by any<br />

question that is asked. .<br />

54. And (by this) th~t aoo her cannot do<br />

what he doeth.<br />

o III M F N T JI, It y. For ".bell he is<br />

be p rforJrui ,III'm . and QO other can .<br />

ked for m.iracl£<br />

55. And tbl y.' have disco .... ered that a<br />

Jvli~hty Ki n.g. a ~ e archer of hig h kno Ie ae,<br />

w ill arise, and will love them exceedingly.<br />

they wjll ask of thee, V{ho is he ?<br />

• P RIUU AN NOTo. . Tho Ywu'1lli Sarres .<br />

Co lM EN TAllY. M l'Ul jofllhe noillie anq markll of ";IB<br />

",hom th is b lid of sage ' ba e dis overeJ by their knq w.<br />

ledge, their good .deed uDci per picn.city-of be rt:<br />

56. That King wIll be the son of a King<br />

{)f the race of Vishhidt the King of Kings;<br />

57. When the Hirasist shall do evil, and<br />

Blay their king/ Mezdarn shall convey him.<br />

though a Hirasi, to Tupal.~<br />

t Gu.ht a5 p r,,-~ .<br />

tlr , . ni~ Pe '~.<br />

§ Hu.n !,'lrl I . t . Greer(> • . The "Ime f RU,m AI cbin,<br />

l-liled ~ u lUC: A5111l1C dunlllllUU$ of the lower _ rc k tfi,ruplfe.;<br />


..<br />


Jts<br />

1$8. And that KiDg shall become a very<br />

'Virtuous, accompiished ana wise King; and<br />

:shall' in the end 'give his nook to the<br />

. lIirasis ;<br />

, \<br />

fig. That they may insert it in the DesA",<br />

th·.<br />

- COM"B~TA.nY~ 8y this,be di~tinel1y indieates ~h8<br />

Jd that<br />

volume inlo his ha"ds. He heard it read, ,ppJauded<br />

the relis-ion of Abiid, ( 01) w'hicb be bles.iHgs),' pmi,cu<br />

• p,.ritillkhl . rot'"n,. nllughtl'r (If Ih" Fairif'l. fir f~iryc1lugttt'r;<br />

10 Pt'roz.df'h r .. jry,c-hJl.I. ",h,.n"f' Parysali,; B"II.<br />

libeMk, 'hI' llllle • ..It-IHtnr, whl'lll'e n'Sill"<br />

d.ugbtu uf D£r.b .lId wife of ::itkilud"r.<br />

\<br />

l::iue \\'11" IIII~<br />

~ho<br />


THE gOOK QF SH ET'<br />

the rrtatness of ZertasfJt ani tPte G'ut.' of ~h ,at Re~i~01T.<br />

aM commandtd the Moheds (hat they should make tha.f<br />

boek a portioD oJ the DesAtir. T hal ~aered volume i<br />

kno-wn under the name of Sekand'e'r, as it wu for tnl<br />

instrllction that it was revt'aled to ?ettu ~ lu ; ,and tJ ....<br />

beginning of it is, " III the name of th. Girve[ of j(coW'.<br />

" ledge Mezdam."<br />

0('). And, wherr that King cometh- to H'l-<br />

J'as,. he will cause the Books of the HI-­<br />

rasis to' be translated into the' Nurakbif<br />

tongue.<br />

Q )/. Hence the' Sect of Internal Uhs,tni­<br />

Dation will 3.ise among the N"rakbi&" a$<br />

welt as that of Reason.<br />

COMJd E l'C T'\ R Y. The Sect o£ Giisbesp6aa of Ir,:m,<br />

and Yunall is a'm~(iillm between the Illuminated and<br />

the Ralionali.-;t. \V hen Sekander came to han., be<br />

fOund thaI the Gu~hdpialls of, II au. n ere tIle b,ef(er and<br />

t,wiscr; ard he IOHllli IhHt they had snch o,wer t1l, rr<br />

when tiley plea4led, Ihey left the body, ' hu:h Ihey I rea t~<br />

c·d as a ganu(,llt, A n,l: bt',idps them he s " auollJer<br />

d l50S of m!'n in ldin, who. hl-' mea n of 1 f'a:sem oIUIl\ metlil.ltiOIl<br />

(nirlll~d), di~(b\'e,,'d,llte real n ·\!ure o · things as<br />

~hcy ~clll::lIy eXIst; a' d there W ;I S 1i0 silch ~a.ss of<br />

mt'A ~I Y'lIl1an:' ~I:tving cullected all tliei,r buok§ betra-n~litt~d<br />

(hcm illln llt~ Y lInaui and H6mi tonalle.!. e<br />

J: t:.lllI'fl ~a\'e Iii::; Pr.imt ~hllib1.er ( lJellu.r ). a,nd 'feacb­<br />

,<br />

• f·,,,, ['.:,,,.<br />

t 'fUllIltIi, l'tl~. ,<br />

l"'llaL r. I\I&lC & better titan the 6uMlnpiiai (lr Ydntll.<br />

•<br />

, .. -" r- "";<br />

_ ... tt<br />

~ z ______<br />

t' __ _

•<br />

-. . ." _...<br />

tHE PROPHET ZUiTUSHT. · 125<br />

" ~ lLe mle of (he chief Mobed and S&g~, and made<br />

.illl ilio Iliad of tile Nirnudii~ From tbis time for·<br />

ward the Sect· of Raliooaiists prevailed, ~DiODg tl,,~<br />

....... unauia .nd Kumia.<br />

I :~2. When the Nurakhi heareth these<br />

., words from thee who~ . I ha\>e sent, he<br />

. will ~nter into thy Faith, and become a<br />

worshipper of MezdAm.<br />

CO •• BNTART. When Hle ~unani S:tge .1u~ard aU<br />

these words, be entered into th~ Faith, and studied<br />

knowledge and wisdom under the beloved of God, Zert<br />

.. ht the prophet: and the king of kings Gnshtasp' .<br />

. besto"ed on him the Office of Chief of the Hirbeds of<br />

Yunan, and of the Mobeds of that country. The ac- !<br />

complisbed man having returned back to Yuna"<br />

" brouglit over tbe il1habifanu to the religion of that<br />

blessed prophet.<br />

'03. In the name of Mezdam •<br />

. . G4. Q p~opbet and friend! Hertush son<br />

.f HeresfctmAd! '\Then SenkerAkast a rri v­<br />

ed, he was turned into the rig~t road b1<br />

and ret~rn-<br />

'.• one fershern of the Nav~sha!.<br />

ed back into Azend.§ ,<br />

COln'.NT.A a r. C.bensercngacbeh was a S~e r~·<br />

Downed for bis acuteneSB pnd wisdom, and the Mobecls<br />

(win. men) of the Qarth gloried in being hil Icbulars .<br />

.<br />

• Tbl! Aut,s anti P,r,ian. im'Gine tbat· Ari.tolle ...<br />

Alexalldn'. Prim!! Mltlil'fr. '.<br />

+ ('h .. n"rt'n~.ch~b . P",.<br />

t By 01lt' Niatt (itr :3"ClIVII) Gf tbe A'4'tlta PII'I_<br />

\ Wmd p" ..: .' .<br />

\Vhen<br />

(i'l<br />

•<br />

•<br />

m<br />

r<br />

, ... ,., ."f.~ __ II' .. ____ L- ._ • -..a_.

liS<br />


'V.hen be be.rd of the greatness of the wophet eI<br />

'r ezdan, Zertusht the son of hfentf'min, he came to<br />

}r411 with the intention of overturlJini the Good Itt ..<br />

Jigion. When he reached 8.Llkh, before he had drop.<br />

ped a single word from bit longue, and before be had<br />

asked a smgle question, tile prophet of Yezdan, Zer.<br />

tusht, uiel into him, Commit not to your tongue whilt<br />

you I!ave in your"lJcart, but keep it becret. He tbell<br />

adclres~etl a Sage who was his disciple, .'yiDg, Uud<br />

to him one section CNisk) or the Awesta. 10 Ibis hIsled<br />

section of the Awesla were found the questiODl of<br />

Chengerengacheh \Vidl the 8nswen, which He (God)<br />

himself had communicated ·'0 the prophet; forewarning<br />

him, tbat such a person, of such 0. name would<br />

come j that his first question would be thil, and tht.C<br />

the answer was to be l'o. 'Vben Chengerengacheh sa.<br />

this mirl\c1e, ,he ·wal' converted to the Good Faith, and<br />

returning to the land or Hind ·remained steaely ia tlUl<br />

ble.'i~cd religion. M:ly YezJan the Boontiful pDt to<br />

Us and our frit'nds this best of Faiths!<br />

65. Nowa Brahman named Biru. will<br />

come from Azend very wise, insomuch tbat<br />

there are few such persons on earth!<br />

00. He, in his heart, intendeth to ask of<br />

thee. first, 'Vhy is not Mezdam the immediate<br />

maker of aU things baving being?<br />

(J]. Say thQU unto him; ~fezdam is the<br />

l\Iaker of all things; and used the medium<br />

of ·no instrument in bestowing ex-isif<br />

Biu Perl uudou\Jttdl,f tb.: c:ti .. bratec1 V, •• or 'f) ....<br />

. tCllce<br />

. .:

. '<br />

TRB, P,ROPHET ZlItTU8Ht.<br />

·teri~ on the Chief of Angels; but in regard<br />

to al1 other existences he made use of an<br />

. in8trum~nl.<br />

COMIIIElCTARY. The first Intelligence reeeived beiDg,frO!n<br />

the Deflower of lleillg wilhool t,be inlerv.-nlioll<br />

of any inltrument; while all ather belllgs received uis·<br />

ace by the intervention of instrllments and media.<br />

OS. And tbis intervention of being, de- .<br />

gree after degree, doth not proce.ed. from<br />

any Inability iu'Mezdlm .to create (direc'~<br />

ly). '<br />

6g. The cause of it is that one class of<br />

e.xistences hath not the capacity of receiving<br />

existence but through a·medium ;<br />

7(). And some classes ~ot. without t~e<br />

intervention of media,. and others classel<br />

Dot without many media.<br />

Co •• IKT.t.RT. He lay', tbat in truth, all. thillgl iQ<br />

the fe.l1m of being haYe been created of Yezd4n j but in<br />

.uch wise, that, iD the bealowiog of eSlstel,ce OIl.lOlllO<br />

crealed hetngs, He ..,cd AO iDstrumellt or med um, and<br />

there He operatt5 immediattly; wbile ill other.s He ma:le<br />

ose of an in'itrument 8Dd a medium. Hut the use er 1111<br />

itastnllllent 'or medio", ~I.rough differeat degrees dOe» Ugl<br />

"proceed frol1l 8"1 defect or iu.capadfy ill making or<br />

cr~atill' OD the-part of Yczdlll'"; but arilfel IOlety from<br />

the nat.ra of aome ,created thinga which have noC<br />

the capaoi&! of receiriDg cEisteDce escept throt1gh a<br />

mediWD j "bile owen J,u"e I1Jt tile l)O'\"~ Qf :lI$D'UiDc<br />

,<br />

"<br />

.<br />

..<br />

lis<br />

• !:rU E BOOK OF !utE'i'<br />

etistenee bat through ieveral media; and _nj 1: ••<br />

hot tbe capacity of recei~ing creatioD except tbrougli<br />

many media: jll~t as the bat, in order to recei\·c tbf<br />

ligb~ of the excellent sun, requires the intervention of<br />

tbe light of the venerable Diooo: and this dties noe<br />

arise from the suli'li not having the power of showering<br />

down iIluminatidn & ligfa, but from tl.Ji~, tbaUhebat ba.<br />

not the power and capaCity t1f enduring the powerfld<br />

light of the resplendent sun without lome medium.<br />

t enquirtd orthe Highest Angel, and Greatest Cherab<br />

and the General of the Angels, \-Vh, did Yezdaa eotrust<br />

all things to your Majesty; and in like manner<br />

through your Majesty to others; and iii like manner<br />

through these to others again? He answerrd, '0 Fifth<br />

ofthe Sasins! It does not become the nnk ofMajaty<br />

and the grandeur t)( Sovereignly lhat the MOII.rc~ ill<br />

person should manllge business directly, Ilnd enter int.<br />

tritling details. Jt is fitting lbat be should chute 'Oue<br />

of his lervants "ho is adorned witb eXlraordinarr<br />

skill and eminent SAglCify, and in pOllel!Sion ofhiik<br />

talent., and entruat him with the aff!li .. of 1O.,er.ei,Dtf<br />

and tbe exercise. of beneficence toward. tile IUbj_.<br />

that he may manage affair. accordipg fA> the instroc·<br />

tiogs of the king; that he luperinten(I.U 'COneeru of<br />

importance, and cODSign the rest to be man .....,<br />

Deputies, ailotting lo each hi. re.pecfiye departmat s<br />

and that tbese Deputies should, for the better dilpardl<br />

of buaiaess, appoint other areOla, till all tb~ bu&iuell<br />

sball be di,poled of and termill.~ KCordiD, to • .r<br />

willh Rnd orders of the King. Now all thi. nPP7 d~·<br />

poaal and arrangement prOCMd, &am the ki&w b1 ~c<br />

'and. of hil agen.. and olicea, whether fItFecttd<br />

'tlitbo,,, any medium dr by mana of a .. edililD. 1'bil<br />

• . bcinl<br />

-=-<br />

L '-~" .)-,.<br />

..<br />

_<br />

;• •_ •<br />

.•<br />

n .<br />

•• a. __<br />

- - .. ~~<br />

. ~.- ,.,.." ....... ..:-..!-~ ~ ."..._--..... ? t<br />

. r •. _ _ ..-._ .~. _.s,<br />

..",..- . ---....

~eing<br />

,<br />

•<br />


understood, know ' farther, thot YezdAn. is cere<br />

tainly of eltceed:ng might, Ilnd of independent grandeur,<br />

and power and klory: and that of the exislences<br />

'Which are -aependellt and creat .. d, and wliich reqnire<br />

.lOmething wi~~t tbeDl~e1v~ for 'beir.being a·nll per~<br />

f1'C1ioD, there are mallY degreell, diftering botb as to<br />

multitude and fewness, guodneliS & badness: that there.<br />

fore il is not beclImiug that the Necessarily. Existent<br />

11,ould conce .... I. i IUself penorllllly ,,·i. h all these degrees &<br />

k ii ht!Uer that he "lIould create one Being of the higheSt<br />

~lcenenceJ and deliver o,ver to him: t~e key. ~f the<br />

¥ tgazines of his Soverp.igritJ ; and lhat in like m8nlle~<br />

tllis Being ~hould appoint agenls d:rectly or remotely<br />

10r l:,o:,e de r .... 8 on degret's that ha\'e been mentioned:<br />

•• ml· tlla. Vlese llll-t should act in the lame manner. AI<br />

fpr e;\:II\JJ>It', tile cel"atinJ angels, and the sta-:s that be.<br />

long to the superior world, 'the· terrestrial angels, :lnd<br />

materi,.t nalures, Ipinernllorms, and the Joul and energy<br />

()f vflgel.lule-, and of animals, and ormen, lh.at are all ot<br />

the lower world, hnve ellch an overseer. appoint"d and<br />

suardians for maintaining U.e renl soverf'ignty, in order<br />

that all IDRy be conducle,J agreeably to 'God, and be<br />

obedient unto HilD. No" nil this is arranged by the<br />

. Self. ·Existent in the best possible manner; BJ.d since<br />

the substance is better thun the accident that is depen4ent<br />

·on· it; Rnd as independent. lublltanccs having<br />

110 place and no concern with material enences, are<br />

snore excellent and bet ter than silch essences &Ii are<br />


Tn ~ nOOl\: OF SUtT<br />

r<br />

71, Ag3in he will en'luire, Why is t~e<br />

1ire hr-Jow the firrn a ment ~ and the air b •<br />

1u",," the fire, anJ (he wat{r below .,tbe air,<br />

211d the e:.lrth' ut I \.\" the w~tt-'r ?<br />

j:J. ~av .. thOll, The heu\' n c\'el" revolvetb<br />

and irs rl v )j.Jt ions produce heat;<br />

'; 3. fIcnce the fir is pIa ed below the<br />

1irmament ; beCJ use j r" a 111 th ing but fire<br />

'were tht'r(", it would U~ consumed by [he<br />

heat resulting from the rc\'uluti J OS uf the<br />

ilrlTh1ment.<br />

74 , Next com rth :lir which is a thin,<br />

yielding body; fur, were it t b ick and unyielding,<br />

anlmals could not b reathe, nor<br />

move backward arw forward in j~ •<br />

., 5. The water he Cl'eateJ nex t and p1ac-<br />

I<br />

ed it on a level \~, ilh lhe e3rlh; :,ince were<br />

1he earth full of water. nut only below but<br />

above, ::IS it is of air! n n i mals would be unable<br />

to breathe' a nd eating, and ~leep ing<br />

and sitting could have no existence.<br />

CO~IM;ENTA JlY, ~ i nc' aU W O I IJ U dro\\'m'd,<br />

jO. He in the las t place produced the<br />

earth and sta bl i ~ hed it, and be5towcd a par.<br />

[icubl" constitution on c\'ery ~I.nim:ll and<br />

vegetab1e, and mineral, and tlssigned to<br />

«acb an office.<br />


.<br />

\<br />

Tn! PROPIlET ZIIlTUSHT 131<br />

17. Tn 'the name of ~rezd:n.<br />

78. He wiU next ask the history of the<br />

lubm bsiun of the Animals to Gilshadeng*<br />

and of t11eir con' ersation \\ ith men. Then<br />

ia,· . unto him;<br />

jO. ~It'zdam sf1ccted Gilsh:adeng & made<br />

the animals subjt·ct unto Lim;<br />

80. So th3t that prince divided the'm all<br />

into seven classes;<br />

81. First, (~razing A nimals, and he gave<br />

fhe sovereignty of them tu the horse called<br />

fFerjeng.<br />

82~ -Secondly, Ravenous Animals, ana the<br />

sovereignty over them he b(!&tuwed on the<br />

lion called the Bold.<br />

83. Thirdly, Birds, a'nd he ga,·e the rule<br />

over this class to the ZJdrus ( ;:'emurgJa<br />

Pus.) called the Sag~.<br />

84. Fourthly, Birds of prey, and. the rale .<br />

over this class he gave tu the Eagle, stiled<br />

the ~Jighty. ,<br />

85. Fifthly, 'Vater Animals, and the<br />

comm"and over, them he entr~sted to the<br />

crocodile denominated the Powerful.<br />

• G ,l.hab, Per,.<br />

f Tbe P .. r.i." h .. nakbsh, • "bite aDd red, b:ack nr<br />

wbiu', or, in ,tllCul, III)' hll"c.<br />

80.<br />

•<br />

•<br />

, .

1St<br />


8n. Sixthly, Crawling Animals, and the<br />

cbiefship of them he bestowed on the dragon<br />

named the Strong.<br />

- 81. Seventhly, Insects, and theaathoritr<br />

over them he conferrt:d on the bee, caUed<br />

the Swed.<br />

88. From these seven kings who wero<br />

suhject to Gilshadeng, seven Sages haling<br />

come to the king of ki ngs, solicited redreu<br />

from the tyranny of :Mankind.<br />

sg. First of all, the wise camel said, 0<br />

prophet of ~Iezdam! In what consists the<br />

superiority of mankind over us, to entitle<br />

them, in this manner, to exercise tyranny.<br />

over us?<br />

go. Let them speak that we may hear;<br />

and let them hear what we have to saVe<br />

~<br />

01. A Sage, Huresteh* by name, lift UP.<br />

his voice; There are many proofs of man'.<br />

superiority over them; one of these il<br />

Speech, a faculty which they ~o not POIsessa<br />

g2. The camel answered, As for speecb,<br />

if the object of speech be to make the hearA<br />

er understand, animals too possess speech •<br />

• Kh

A<br />


l33<br />

gao And a~ acc:ount of the speech of ani"<br />

mals is contained in the Book of Gtlishnar<br />

aDd .Sii.mor. Enqllire, fot they too under­<br />

.tand it.<br />

04. Buristeh' laid, The speeclJ. of ma'n is<br />

plain and intelligible, and what cameb<br />

.peak is hidde n.<br />

05. The c~me! replied, Animal. t09 pos­<br />

RSS an intelligible tongue: because thou<br />

Gost not under~tand it, dost tbou imagine<br />

that it is up intelligible ?<br />

gO. Ignorant. that th()u art! Thy de:fici-'<br />

ency ari&eth from that'very circumstance<br />

.hieh thou deemest thy e.xcelleoce.<br />

07. Thou sayest that the speech of ani·<br />

mal. is unintelligible, and that the excel~<br />

Jeoce of man's is that it is intelljgib~e;<br />

whereas the hearer receiveth the same benefi,t<br />

from beth; and botb potiSess tbe i~~e<br />

quality:<br />

g8. Now if anyone speak even much i~'<br />

an unintelligible tongue, be is not understood,<br />

while he is comprehended ifhe speak<br />

in an intelligible one.<br />

go. And as there is no necessit-y for Olon<br />

to speak the language of aniQlaJs; so there<br />

• Gd.luh and S lmtk.<br />

,<br />

,<br />

I "

134 THE BOOK OF SHE'r<br />

is no necessity for animals to talk the lal1-<br />

guage of men.<br />

100. And seeat thou not hoW' the speech<br />

of the i~baQitant of the West giveth a soond<br />

~~t to be understood by the inhabitant of<br />

the East; and in like manner that of the<br />

nati ve of t~ l;ast to the native of the 'V eat 1<br />

101. One who doth not understand the<br />

speech- of: another is not therefore ju&tifieci<br />

in calling it an unintellig~ble language.<br />

,02. Hurjs~eh said, You have been or·<br />

dained for our service.<br />

103. The camel answered, And you also \<br />

have been ordained to bring us water-, and<br />

grain, and grass.<br />

. 10.j~ Huristeh said nothing in answer.<br />

COH~BNT4RY.<br />

His articulatiogtonguc WIlCOO&­<br />

within his lips flOm neces~ily.<br />

J05. Then the sage ant- came forwar4<br />

and said 'unto Gilshadeng. 0 prophet of<br />

Mezdam! King of aoifi1.als and Qf mankind!<br />

I wish to be informed wherein consi~tetb the<br />

lurp~~8ing e~cellenc~ of man 3hove anim~ls.<br />

• P~BSI.IN lioTS. T"ttrwD!I of the B« SIz./< .• (l~<br />

SWt,I). -<br />

100. A sage, Sbasar ~1 nime, l1as~i-1J a",·<br />


,<br />

,<br />

a<br />


Iw«ed, One proof of the decided IUperiority<br />

of man over them i. the es.cclleooe<br />

of bis sbape and his qpright deportment.<br />

107. The wise. 'ant replied. The intelligent<br />

do Dot pride tbemseives OD abape. and<br />

yet we are all on a level in r~gardto the<br />

combinations of the members of our body ..<br />

. 108. And evt'o you, when you would<br />

praise. any beautiful Person -describe her a.<br />

being I~ag ... eye~. as baving the g~it of fl partridge,<br />

Qr a peacock's wai~t; whence it may<br />

be understood that the sup~riority is our$. '.<br />

COIf ...8NT.aT. For wbe41 men wish to prai.e, they<br />

compare a thing with lomething that i. or'. higher<br />

lind and lIuperior (0 it, marking lome lIilOilitude be.<br />

tween it and th~ form and figure of tbat more elevated<br />

a.lurt:.<br />

When mankind therefore compare fhem~eh •<br />

.nth animal., it is evident that ~ J1uut be bec~usa ani ..<br />

.-all .re betJer tban t!ley •.<br />

log. To this Shasar returned no answer.<br />

110.· Next the ~nowing fo~,· taking u·p<br />

the sj>eech said, W~at superiority in art.<br />

doth man possess l<br />

11 I. The wise JewAnshtr answered. The<br />

lupt"riority of m~in cUlJsisteth in the good<br />

drc~8, and agreeable food and driuk which<br />

tht"y formerly had, and at the present time.<br />

ip their cov(.dng tLeir ubicene parts.<br />

COM-<br />

186 THE BOOK OF SilEr<br />

Co • ., lilT '&11.1". II is to be remark.d that 'orrtUJrl.l<br />

iJ used IJere because in the time of the venerable Gil •<br />

• bab, mankind did not use good clothing Qr food, anG<br />

the term formerly refen LO the time of Shet Y 454n4.<br />

JAm,· and t.he time prior to that; while the time "A­<br />

"ard. from t.hat i. denominated tlae proal 'ime, whida<br />

includes the period when the natural parts were.covered:<br />

for Gilabah and Jais djsciples, of the leaves of<br />

treel and the skins of dead animals and of ravenous<br />

beasts made a covering (or the obscent. p.118; and in<br />

his time, there wu no other conring but tbete.<br />

112. The wise fox said, In former timet<br />

your clothes were of woo), 'and hair, and<br />

akins of anill)als, and still are so.<br />

113. And your sweetest food is from the<br />

vomit of the bee;<br />

114. And' animals do not require lOY co­<br />

'\'ering for their natural parts; for aU that I'Cquireth<br />

to be covered, is covered natura!ly ;<br />

. 115. And, if it be not, Mezdam hath Dot<br />

directed them.<br />

COMMENTARY. 'ro cover them.<br />

1 JO. Jewanshir replied, It ill becometh<br />

you to join in this controversy. YOI1 who<br />

cruelly tear each other to pieces.<br />

• Gil,b.b WII the Ion or YA.alllj&m in whote lillie m ... •<br />

killd f~ll 11110 wl('ktdn~ .. alld d.aorder. Gillhab III a"ule.<br />

lUt'Il'ur~ rt'r .. tmtd lh~it .ilU .. :'u". bv' .'iII lbt:J were DI.C~<br />

Ju. cmlilld tb.o Lbt')' had lac .. in Lbe prcccdull lleo ..<br />

117·<br />

,"!<br />

1 t ; . The fo x rejoi ned~<br />

1hi. practice' from )·00)<br />

TiJrnis.<br />

we t.ve learnt<br />

. "<br />

fOf Jilmia alew<br />

" Co IUUH!oAtV. It l1Iuit be JmowWl tI.at~ GibIaall'<br />

lIad in hll farnity t "0 sons named Jillllts and Tilm",<br />

, ,ud hro daupferl 'Aldmlr aad Hakitolr. To, Tilmt;,<br />

lie gave to wife Akimir wb'o wa' of ... elegaht lor.."<br />

bc'1ides be., pod &lid .-reeab1e; and Hakittu\ .whO<br />

'WU Dot '0 be8utif1lt, he married te Ji18lu. .. ill~b ....<br />

instigated bylovp, ILnd passion inflamed by~ovy, ~o .1.~<br />

Tilmia hi. brother,' by d~inl a huce .tone 00 bil head<br />

while be wu Bileep, wbence, by the cune of Giflhah<br />

.and his own misdeed a, he.a cut into -hell. la anus~<br />

to tbis, the 'r.x gil's' Jewiasb. to andenWld' .Cons· .<br />

li!il it ,,_, rEOIB _0-<br />

'fullYi aDd by way ot!"f'~.eh,<br />

lind that animals learlled murder, and rice, aud, ,abjection<br />

to lust, and indalgtnce jn ao,er.<br />

118. l\Ioreover, ravenous ~nimals Ii\'e on<br />

'fie~b ; but wh1 do ye fall out witb dlC~ 0-<br />

~u?<br />

COMMENTARY. lie a,.l, betdtl or prey 'J'laflmdy<br />

feed on· flesh, anet hmce, they defile tlte deatb of .rd.<br />

mal.; bUl since men do not nrcellarily live . GD leab,<br />

"by do ttrey kill enli each other?<br />

I HJ. And whereas you became evil-doers,<br />

the Hirtasp,. ~tiring far from you,<br />

dwelt with us in hill and waste;<br />

'<br />

.......<br />

",<br />

,.<br />

l<br />

1<br />

• Thi •• to'1 .. r Jifml. Jnd Tilmt. b",. • .. ro ..,<br />

trlflll.<br />

t h'.nee t. Cai .. Ind Abel io lI'uiplUrr, II wdl •• '0 HI'o tland<br />

Eilbl1 ia the Kl)rl.~<br />

i<br />

,<br />

J20.<br />

•<br />

. .-

~38 TI}E BOOK OF SHE'!<br />

J 20. And we are his servants.<br />

] 2' .. Jewanshir ret~rned no answer ..<br />

122. Next the sagacious spider ~om\n,<br />

fc;uVlrard s;&id, 'Vherein consisteth the .up~..<br />

rior excel1ence of man ~ Tell us that-we may<br />

~now it.<br />

123.. The sage, Simras,h by mime, said,<br />

l.fe·o undersland talismans, and charms. and<br />

. " .....<br />

magic arts, and such li~e, wp,ile,aoimaJs, q9<br />

Dot.<br />

] ~4 The spider answered, A nimals exceed<br />

men in tl~eser~spec~s; know~st thou<br />

not that crawling things an

,<br />

I ' •<br />

TilE P."'HET ZIRTUSltT 1_<br />

'~<br />

,.<br />

"<br />

.id, What preof i. there, 01 tb'tuperi­<br />

Grit1 of man 1<br />

J 10.' The .age. lIamed Shali.h·herta Aid,<br />

Xings and nlinistel'l, and senerall, Ind·<br />

physician., and ettronome... a~()rcl proof."<br />

~ 'man'. lapenority.<br />

131~ The tort,oise .aid~ A,.il!Ntl, too pal ....<br />

.... the clalses that· you have mentioned.<br />

J 32. Observe the ~overeignty of the bee .<br />

and<br />

\..<br />

of the ant , in th~ll' kind:<br />

J 33. Ancl attend ~o the vliiersbip of tb,<br />

fox;<br />

134. And recollect ~be generals~ip 'o.( the<br />

elephant; . --.<br />

136. And le~rC\ medicine froD.l the dog.<br />

"Yho heale~~ ...",ouRd.s~ bylickinl the~ witb<br />

hi. tongu~;<br />

J ~5~ ~n~ th,e cock \~ ~n ~~trQ.no.me~~<br />

~ho knoweth r~ht well '~e time of the<br />

d~1 an~ ~ight. .<br />

J 3l. O~ bea.ring tbese

140 Tf! E BOOK OF SHIT·<br />

•<br />

said, M3:UincJ possess tlJe fa~u1ty afjqdg~<br />

ruent and discrimination.<br />

140. The sage -peacock a~swer.ed, If.dorlng<br />

the darkness of a single night,.a bUlldrrd:<br />

sheep have young, each kf)owetb its O':VQ<br />

lamb; and in like manner each l~f?<br />

knoweth ( its mother).<br />

COXIfBNTARl". And turns to its mgtlu:q and tIaiI)<br />

kind of instinct mankind do not possess.<br />

141. The wise Vizlur said, ~'Ien are brave:,<br />

.142. The Salge peacock answere4, They<br />

are Dot bolder than tbe lion.<br />

COMMENTARY. for when warrio~. w01lld praiJe<br />

themselves, they compare themselves to the ,lion •.<br />

143. Vizlur had nothing t.~ reply. .<br />

144. Next the wise Huma advancing<br />

said, ""here is' the Sage who will atfurd<br />

me a proof of tn~n's superiority?<br />

145. The sage named l\Iezdam-hertaiendeb,<br />

answered, One Auperiority of man CODsisteth<br />

in knowledge, as by means of it he<br />

ascendeth from a Jow to an exalted station.<br />

146. The wise Hllrnl said, If you prid~<br />

yourselves on this, animals too possess it;<br />

since by it they distinguish the flower from<br />

the thorn.<br />

.<br />

147. The sage Mczdam·hlrtaiendch reo<br />

plied,<br />

. .

, ..<br />

THE- P.aOPHET -mR~RT. . ~<br />

~a, K00VHdge hal a, fOQt . Mod 'bra.IJQb.<br />

Iou ·baye.·got the b~nchel;., but ,tile rQQt of<br />

kawvledge "Q9n8i§t~tb in the aayi.oga of th«P<br />

prophets, which. belong to man ;~lone.. " ~ ;<br />

,';.J"i~, The '~ise.,Huma said, ,This benc;tit<br />

We"too" posse.., and each tri~ bath different<br />

e'fstoms; ,<br />

, 1.10 'And' .in' 1ike manner as am10rig Y0d:<br />

• 1 I ... .<br />

prQph~t~ reveal t~ir :prophecies, amoo,g as<br />

there are counsellors, one 'of whom is,tlle<br />

beL" ".f '<br />

I - rlO~ TJle sage. Mezdam-bertaiendeh sai.d,<br />

. The heart of «maR attaineth self possegsiori,<br />

and eWecteth an: union 'With the.soul,> and- by<br />

means of knowledge is elevated to the ·glo-.<br />

rio us nature of" the angels. . . ". " '<br />

'.. , '., I I. . ... , .,<br />

l,5,1. T~, w!se Burna an$;w~~~~,.,We anh<br />

m:.ls.like.wise. become tame. . . "<br />

:f:~<br />

1 S 2. The sage M ezdaI1l-herfaiendeh 'replied;<br />

Yes, It is true. Yet you, perreeti~r\'consisteth<br />

in attaining . op.1y a'single one<br />

.<br />

of'the qualities of m'an;' while inan~ s perfection<br />

consisteth in attaining the' nature of'<br />

tiisem bodied spirits. ~. _<br />

C~.ME~T~RY. Tha~ isof InteUigeD~.:ad SonJs~<br />

li!f. The wise:Huma "ii,f;J1'rue, lef to"<br />

.'<br />

spiW .<br />

l<br />

'73 ,.


tlpite br thlt. in his. putting to deat of Ini"­<br />

~hlals and in 'si.mi tar acts. he resemb1etb the<br />

beasts of pre~1 and not the angels; for 'they<br />

are not guilty of such deeds. ..<br />

·COMltENTAftV. lie IIpeaks of tlie51ayin .. and'!u()...<br />

jectfng ofauill1al ,.1Iod lh giving- of pain. aDd trOllbl!'<br />

anim.al , ofwhioh III '0 have made ~ tra~e; tho gh \Ie<br />

is not lhe condu t (If angel, but t-he I!r-acLice:lnd l'Iatllte<br />

of V8,re beabt~. M'II, therefor api)ro imale lo' tbc<br />

el!ss of r~ vcnqu! Ilnlllul rather lhim ot ange)., whll!e\'-;<br />

cIaimuh;ey ma, 3ssertto lhat high disLin ·l'on. -"<br />

154. The sage ~lezdam-hertaiendeh said,<br />

I,t is right to kill ravenous animals, jo.!t as<br />

it is to open a sick man's vc:ins.<br />

COMMENTARY. For the .wllole world's OlIe badr,<br />

8.~~ the killing of I .n aninlalilke that' queWoIl, i.<br />

I.ike dimini bing the bl ood in 1.he body.; ADd as di ~~t'S<br />

would prevail jf this brood we're left, in ,he bady, •.o if<br />

the blood 'of r:a.venoul be.a ts were not 'Shed, thti ~- auld<br />

afB!cf ma.ny animals, all of wbich are part 0 " . "Iig&<br />

animal i and' hence. \l i~ I udable t~ _bed their hlOGd,<br />

for dIe cOIqfort of th'is body. .<br />

J 55. The prophet of the world then<br />

said. We deem it SiDflll to kill harmless ant,..<br />

O'. .. 1.<br />

mals, and. no Il1an ~atll Jl\tbority to co~m i t<br />

this wicked a·cf. ... ,-<br />

-' -<br />

156. Were all rave nous aoirnats to enter<br />

J ~ .... , : .......<br />

into a comp ' (not to' .kil . rmless' nima1s.<br />

,J I • l .. - . •• • • ... w- .. • ~<br />

'f<br />

to .<br />


"<br />

Iii<br />

.~ would abSt:iib"f}Qm ·slaYint :th~; and<br />

bIola tbeni dear ;a~ ourselves ..··, ~ ,; '.;'" ,:: , ...<br />

.. :- "1 .... , 1"':- .. a, ,., .• . •<br />

~,~~;?-.. Upon lhi..s. t.he .w~l(.!DilCle a ~~!<br />

withtbenam,ao.d,tbt lion became ta.oflicnd<br />

ef me stag; J<br />

. '. 158. And, DC)' ty"raflny 'waa t~ft In the<br />

• • '~ . '.. • 1 • f. f'" ' •••••<br />

wo.rld.... . : ." . ". . '. .. ;.<br />

~':' '6g~' Till Dc:sh~bire&··: br.·.tb~ treaty.<br />

• Gott.tll1T:&·lt~. 'And1begm to lill·aniroah.

t<br />

144 ". THE BOOK OF .&BET<br />

.beYVlfl!l6'- .. n UserupJed, Zert\lsht"~ from hia pia.<br />

cfW orship ; and Bias, "also h~yinr joined the _._1.1"<br />

laid tt) the p~ophe~ of YezdAil; 0 Zertusht" the i~bl~<br />

bitmtl of tile worl.t, mOVl"d by"the answen antt'tx­<br />

Pounding of Secrets gi yen to Chengereapdaeh,".,. de.<br />

sirous to adQpt thy religion. I have beard, moreOf"~,<br />

of many of thy miracles. "l"~m,a Hindi man, aud, in<br />

I Jtave ia<br />

my own country, of unequalled kno\\l.-dge.<br />

IDy mind aeveral.secrets, which I have neyer entruited<br />

10. wiy \ longue, because" some say that th~ AbenDIIIJ<br />

( dev;) 'I ). m;ght" give infom~atic~m" "of them I to the ido- •<br />

lat.ors . of the Aherroan faith: 80 no ear hath heard t1uD,<br />

~ .... . .<br />

exc~pt that "of my heart.' If, in the prebence of this<br />

asse"mbly, you teU" me, one after anolller, .. hat those<br />

lecrets are that remain all my mintl, I will be coDnrtallo<br />

your faitb. "S~ Zertusht laitl~ 0 Bib, "YNdsn<br />

communicafed to me yo.ur sec::fC13,:"~f()~ your arrival.<br />

He then lDe~ti"on~d the whole in dCljlil froll~ beginning<br />

to ~nd. " W ii'eli" Bias" IJeard, and "asked ~be meaning of<br />

tbe wori/s, "and bad them explained-" to him, he return~d<br />

thank; to.y ezu[J, a"nd united himself to the Beh.<br />

din, after which he lcturIEd bac~ to Hind.<br />

- 4 ]'03:" in the nam~ of'Mezdim!. 0 ZiriU\ht!<br />

my prophet! After thee shall Simkendesht<br />

appear, and afterwards the First<br />

S~san. the prophet, shall come and make<br />

.1 '.<br />

t.~y B,!ok kBo~n by a trapslatiotJ.<br />

. .<br />

.. Since th.,. were .poken -in Il" 'Per.iao 11"lu'le wLi~<br />

lit did not IIndmlan~, ." "<br />

: + Stkander; ~ - ""<br />

•<br />

.<br />

.<br />

.,.<br />


.'<br />

•<br />

" ..<br />


. ..<br />

lit<br />

,.. - - ... .... . . - ,.. -.....<br />

• .• \ . r"" -'<br />

104. -And' DC;' one . but\h~ 'shall bow the<br />

meaning of my wordl •.<br />

CO •••• TA.y.<br />

0.<br />

Hence it WII that Shet Sum ..a.<br />

aD inHrprel __ ~ W ,;, ... zirtuh& ~<br />

bl1 Co ill ....... .... ~<br />

. ' ..<br />

,..<br />

...'. I.<br />

...<br />

,<br />

.. ~ • t ..<br />

..... .I ' ..<br />

" .<br />

. ',1<br />

, . •<br />

' .<br />

"<br />

. r<br />

-'" - ~<br />

.. . ; ~ . ....<br />

.~~<br />

~<br />

.<br />

I ( . -.<br />

"'4' •<br />

. , , .<br />

...<br />

~<br />

... J' : .-..<br />

-<br />

-'T]<br />

i .. ~<br />

,<br />

.. .,<br />

'I<br />

. . •<br />

l._<br />

,.. ~<br />

i. . ,<br />

....<br />

I<br />

.. .<br />

~, ~.-... - .<br />

, .<br />

"'~•.",:<br />

,. ..<br />


-, ,~. or ·~STRUcrlO_<br />

1" ••<br />

. ....... -<br />

,<br />

!<br />

~<br />

I<br />

I<br />

1. LET us take refuge with MezdAm<br />

from evil thought. which mislead and dis·<br />

tress UI.<br />

2. In the name o{Shamta, the Bouati{llf,<br />

the Beneficent, the Kind, the JUEt!<br />

COJUIBNTAJll'. 'fbis i. the Book of Advice for Sokander<br />

wbich Yezdln 54!nt down at the desire of hil<br />

prophet Zertusbt, .. h .. been already reIn ted.<br />

3. In the name of Mezdam, the Giver of<br />

,Wisdom!<br />

.... 0 Simkendesh son of *NishAH Me:,<br />

clAm hath exalted thee to royalty and empire.<br />

Do thou, of thy exalted wisdom, 00·<br />

~ow splendor on the religion of the Great<br />

Abad, who is the greatest of prophets.<br />

5. An~ because the affairs of the, tHirasis<br />

w~nt, in many respects, ill, I carried thee<br />

away into iNas6d ..<br />

• Sf Innder .on .t Dlrlb. Perf.<br />

1lr'ni' P,.".<br />

, til .... "".<br />


. ~~"""'Y .. :~J.&JaIa~ "'~I.""'~"" W'~.<br />

fro .. tbe kiDg.~ J~n..:<br />

,,~ .• &he I~;' beoame 6fil-·<br />

doen" t removed' thee . away riOID th.t .. tee: for lhlir<br />

pmils'menl . .'. . .. ., :.:. '. '.: - "<br />

. 4J. Place riot a stra'~gef~ver1Hirb for.i~<br />

'""1huse'!' .: ." " .<br />

1. If thy army infiict any. ~~lttg 0'$<br />

tile gooa··~,e-of'lHir4s;·· ma~e" atonem~nt<br />

. and satisfy them: (" eJ~ tliatl"f a'sk an -aCJ'<br />

. II·· -<br />

Cf;at1t.ar·~~1 -f • ~i'l -'1" i • • .. -<br />

8. In the na~~'Afdtn' the 'Oiver of<br />

'Visdom!<br />

g. Mezdlm shewed kindness unto man;<br />

in that he created him of tbe second rank of<br />

angels. ,<br />

Colnl £.1".A BY. The angels of the seeond raak aN<br />

lIOuls~ while the angels of tile first rank are Inll'lIigences ..<br />

10. And deputed along with him an An'- '<br />

gel of the first claSl, Intelligenoe by name.<br />

II. And bestowed on him§ instruments<br />

of the lower world, together with certain<br />

of the inferior angels;<br />

) 2. Of which angels one is in the 1iver,<br />

",od is called Temperamen,t: another Life,<br />

•<br />

t Iran. Pen.<br />

§ i. c. ScD'CI Ind corporeal r.cultit ••<br />

,<br />

,<br />

antI<br />

•<br />


. .<br />

148 INSTRUCTIONS 1tC;<br />

,<br />

and his abode is in the heart; and aDoth~ it<br />

. .<br />

Soul, who dwelletb in the btain.<br />

~ 13. And he besto~ed servants 0'0 them.<br />

- 14'. Now life is affected, by two evils,<br />

Lust and A·nger.<br />

proper mean.<br />

Restrain them within the<br />

15. 'fill Man. can attain thitRlf-controul~<br />

he cannot become a celestial.<br />

10. And soon a prophet will come, vir~<br />

tuous and w~, sas~ br aame.<br />

..... " ,

TIlE BOOK. ' .<br />

••<br />

slM'1* JASAN TBE FIRn.<br />

•<br />

-.<br />

:I'. LET us' ~e ~ap with M';'.<br />

"(rom e~il ia.aginatioDs wbich dltslead and<br />

dlidQlf<br />

.. I. the .me' of SbelDti, t1Ia Boatifbi,<br />

tile Beneficent, the Jrferclflll, tlte J_i .<br />

I. :Let us .lk".lIiItance·frolD Mezdlm.<br />

the aelf-&istent, .the UncompouDded, the<br />

~ of flualitjesJ<br />

eo. •• nlaT. Id a triac., I beheld aat .....<br />

ftIjaected aDdestor -who a.lI, 'or the heb. ~<br />

tiaa of ttae Book whieta YtIcIIa .......... _; ..<br />

. tIRMa male Ole or lOme ImB.tit WOlds, .. ~<br />

tIIq ma, be lum 81 Gecur ift the tIuIIati_ .f ... ...<br />

.peeled Delittr. I ha.e therefore illII' ... , ...... .<br />

ttao1Jatiaa, 'nc' Hlultntiem. ad prWt .. '11 .. ..<br />

t. CODt'aIrma1a1e ttt n .. OD. 011 dtat acceIBd we .... ...<br />

.. pn.iOat ... ~ .... Itiali the- AI .. J_ .... rille<br />

.• ~; "lD11ndorfJff_~""p"", .<br />

.... .... tof bIrw1atre, .... ear, .. .... 1 ..... •<br />

mimi, t '-6e opoMti_· ef tile 'Wende _ ........ .<br />

··"..totMt ...... a.,.<br />

of. The Hec:esarily-esittent iathc Creator<br />

~ of the conditioDa1t,-esistcnt.<br />

• ... ou .....,11 .. " .........<br />

t B&.rnall"klt'rncf.<br />

...<br />

I ,<br />

- ,<br />

. ....-....

• . J-'O THE BOOK OF<br />

COJUrENT 4 aT. The explanation it Ulis, Whatever<br />

iI conceivable: is either neceSlariJy.exlslent, or collditi·<br />

Gnally uiltent, or necessarily non-esi!ltent. For if •<br />

regard Qnly the na~ure of things, abstracl)y •• IIDdoQb ~edll<br />

whatever does not possess the possibiLlf of non.C).<br />

iatencc is necessalily-exilltent; and what laas IaOl Ilbe<br />

capacity of existence, is necessarily non-existent, as fOf<br />

~xample, ~he union of two opposites; wbile, what eqjoy.<br />

the c.paciry of either, is conditionally-ex'slent.<br />

Now th~ conditional eaistence (or exi~ting in pos ibi.<br />

lity), which they cal) Naw,rferl4,/" of nece&lil, re·<br />

quires- lome Giver of Being, who is &.lenomiuattd ll\e<br />

Creator oftbe supposed possible thing. .For, ifit pos;.<br />

sessed an equal tend'eflcy to cxisle~lce and f~ DOIl·et·<br />

.i51enct, "itbout Dny difference whatever, it is pI.lln" ~(<br />

a lingle glance, and without any necessity for reuooin J<br />

that ... th.t case it must require 50~e power to g1 e it<br />

uiltenee, and this power is it. Malt,er: And 0 0 l~e<br />

otber.hand supposing that this tendel1c,r wer~ Dot eq u~l,<br />

.till it j!anQot poqe ..' necessary exist,:nce or "hal ~<br />

called Girwer j Cpr, if it did, then it could not be COl1-<br />

tingellt (a"wlls .upp~ed). And ag.in IUppoting tbat i~J<br />

tendency were i~ronger to existence t".~ to neo·t··<br />

illenee, but. uill without reaching the dt,ree of Dfeeli,·<br />

ury-existence; in that c~e, tbill~pe'iQl' tendenc1 CII\­<br />

Dot co-~ist with conting~nt being; (Qr if t~is pcailiililY<br />

of existence Jf3ined to thi~ luperior teq~enc'y, itu u,""<br />

posed propel'Y t did not inclill~ to non -e~ilt"'Dce, it mOit<br />

be necessarily-exit-tent, an~ not cOlltipg¢nt_. If OIl d I:<br />

~ther hand it pDlseSi~~ a fuperiar tendency.o non-existence,<br />

this tendcqcy,\ though imperfect, ~lJst of ne·<br />

cessity prevail, white the inferior tendent)' towanlj<br />

existence wOl.IJ btof np avaij i.A .." uu.amQmept' It<br />

lIec ljoll,

,<br />


1St<br />

laction, without tI¥ beces.411'of any argametat, e-videntl,<br />

ahe". cannot be the else, and.is impol'ible. Hence it<br />

i. pl1li* tbat what is poJatial or contingent, in eyer,<br />

awe reqniref a maker.and former, w1_0, until he h.aa<br />

bRiog. cannot -=onfier being' on auy thiog elle. .',<br />

;. 'f-his iritrodnctory proof being eltablilbed, it ma,<br />

• Dext'be ..emariEed, that no nRlbner of doubt or uncertainty<br />

.risel t regardil'g tbe ea:i5terice o( c:ontingtllt exiltencea;<br />

,,"ch ftl eventi and compound 511bitanca. A.nd u to •<br />

:those contingent ex.istence~· which baYe for tlleir maker<br />

'. necessarily. existent belllg, there is in like'maaner no<br />

dilicult)'. But III to those of which the'maker if Coatintcenl1yexillent,<br />

6e too mUlt have a maker; wlio Ukewile,<br />

"f( he' be not neceaaari11-e.i.lent, OlU,' havea MaRr. Tire<br />

'chain of Cftation tberefnre either reaches ,to tbe neceq ..<br />

~ily- &~nt, which it .bat J wish to estahliah, at we<br />

malt tea.nn in a: cirde. A nd we reason in a circJe wbeb<br />

-We make two coutingent "existences themabn:ofeach<br />

'~t"er, which is impossible;' Ifting .tbat tIle'mak.lIl1Ut·<br />

lIndOQbtedly ellitt pft.ioll.t, to tbe tbing made; AIM!<br />

lienee, if two eo~tingent existenaes rec:iprocally made<br />

eacb other, it would inevitably follow thot both ma.t b~<br />

prior 10 each other re'pectively, and that each ranked<br />

before the other; whicl. the .lighe.t exercise of tbe 88-<br />

dent.oding abews to be. a maDiht impcaibility.<br />

An~<br />

ifit be ,uPPOSed u.t the chain' of contingent exiatenca<br />

. u "uDilmitid, each cOlltingent ~ing haviag a mak'er,<br />

and it ~ain I maker, withoot end, tbil is impolliblo:<br />

for then it woald follow, .. an inevitable conaequence,<br />

that a namber which is the el'enl of tbe cbain, .houJd<br />

be at once even and odd; wbile at the lame· time it i.<br />

Ilece.arl that t~ nlllDbc~ ill quatioD aboWd .i once<br />



a.e i1IIctptible of being halveci, Mad _t .....,IJeUtj<br />

ca.<br />

'.lvei1, which canncrt be.<br />

'<br />

The tl:pOSitioD I. IS fedlon. If die .......<br />

tXtstt in the .ay that bat been ... "ti4Wned, iI it ~<br />

.. ry that tb. continlt!m eKUtent:e, which iI die bqiao<br />

.m, of tbat cham, uaad in the fini dqree, au4 ill<br />

.aker in th. eeeond d.ree J and in tlIi. -., eftIJ<br />

eDe of the unie. of tbe chaia will have ita 'lled ... ;<br />

.. far example the third, and fCJlarth; aad .... 01.<br />

6_ unit' of ~e chain are in tbe cia. or..,. ChI<br />

.r.~ tllird, fifth, aM IeveDth t anel .... ia tile ....<br />

., 'eftlll, at the HCQa4, fourth, tisth .. d eip. :. .­<br />

it eaaDot 'appell that two units .f tbe eftDI. &We<br />

1IIiita of the odd' t be tide by aide .r .... ...,,; fir<br />

e.,., odd it iDeYitably I.ceed,tl bl au em., ... ...,<br />

eYflIl by ail odd; • tbe Inc by tile teCGDd, ad tile<br />

~." die f.artll. I. pre~ &beRf ........<br />

• - ena, .......... 1M: .. ocId, ad tile c. ...<br />

~'1Ie nuiaber orahe vaiU ef the ~ will; til ........ ..<br />

.qual to 'the RUdtber of&hetmiCaof4ilf ........ ,....,<br />

th'e "amber of tbe •• U, of dae iMIdI tHAI," tb. JaIf tl<br />

tbe total of the chai". The IUlmIIsr .r th. UDiU fII.<br />

the eh.~ mast, daerd"cn, be CYeIt) .. .,. it ... a paftcI<br />

IIIIf.<br />

Afttr ibil esp1a!lltiGB 'let UI ...... tllatit ~ ....<br />

•• rily uneftn, ,iOO8 wbtia eac _t ,, __ ,... die<br />

. :chain, it is aborter 'b1 one tIIea Ule Int.... BIt<br />

thi.'IBO being compioled_ ."--uBi .. «dae ......<br />

,ht un'ift 'of the 'odds mast be e*8,; ~AM thiI ell­<br />

~IDg enR, it folio ... drat the fiNt ft!IiD ..., &». ....;<br />

'~i.tlb*'ltl''''1f cannot be c ___ ro-4be·W-of· ,he....<br />

~bbin'j .nd~ '8t 1be __ ttaM .........,., _. 'fit<br />

were it leu, it would be'len bl oue, whpce it .. lei<br />


• I<br />

...<br />

• aET WAN T!l~ FIIST.· 16'<br />

.;<br />

, neCtsWi11 ,(oUow that the second cbaiD ~ be twet<br />

Qn~ts<br />

Ie. iball the fint, wbereu 001" one 1IDit n'<br />

, Omitted: ~n'cl ben~ tbe first chain wOmld at ~ be<br />

. IiYen aDd odd, as, at tbe, iame time, hi"in, ~ ~t<br />

lIavine a perfect balf. ~bil impOaibilit1 unavoidablY<br />

. iccompanies tb~ ,'opposition of -,be unlimited leap "Of<br />

tie chain. Hence it is De~.ry lhat it term4Date at,.<br />

mAlu~r, who iball hiin..lr have no mak~r t aDd' Jk i. the<br />

1'leceuarilyo Ellistent, wbU:h 11 wu rdl object .~ prow.<br />

I Again SNowakMhur,' in ~be J.w~ill Kh~rid ~.,.;<br />

Suppose ,.he chain to be unlimitEd, if,from the ~Pl·<br />

.. bing of thit chain we take, for eza~ple; ltD u.u., '<br />

. .. . .<br />

tben t.be one chain woulll be left shorter than the.".<br />

".tber by len: and i( we COlD pare and' .ppi, ~is clutiQ<br />

f6 the other, so'that tbe first' huk of tbe oue cbam<br />

J .holild Ite "l?l'Jied to .be 6nt link of the ~lber, .d ,~.<br />

~ .fcond 'to Ithe second,. illid so forth, h ~nnot be cCU,l­<br />

. ceived tllat 'the~e 5l1ould alwnys be fOUQd a link of tlte<br />

: first cbaiai correspoll4ing '0 oac of the seCOI~ ;, el~ it<br />

. ""'oula nece5Sllrily fi,lIow 1hat the ah:lia, wbi~~, ••<br />

whole *onld be equal '0 the cbain that was ~ot ~bolet<br />

whidt ,h•• ~i!bteat Rileclioll .flews t() be impOssible,<br />

'the I.e.... chain therefore myt(., ·'enninG.. tomeRlllere.<br />

and the esc.,. of lbe Jon~er c:h.ia must in like "ARtier<br />

react. a ... inat~on; Wlll\:h ( ... 4"~ ,iWJI 'nolhrdi)<br />

would be .. blurd.<br />

. .<br />

And Carther the te.c:l,r or tbe prophett liY' it 'do~n<br />

in the Jawedao Xhirid, lbal aU a .. d e.ery contin­<br />

.uleziateocc, which .... r._i,8. beihl, without exceptiDJ<br />

oue .si"lc ~ntiDrlll Uialt'&SCr; ·does rean, ix-<br />

• ~cI •• kl.,hnr. which liJl'ift ••• hijndftd pmph.t." i •<br />

• uaQ,tc 01 H..shrn,. He i, touu .rltf called .·-Lac t .... cbe:r<br />

&if Uae pr"pb~~·· .<br />

•<br />

,<br />

1<br />

I<br />

-I<br />

. i ,


ilt ; because the whole, ,nd entife and eomp~~t<br />

parts of it have being; and it i. a contingent exist·<br />

eace because it is comp~ed or contingent nj~lCDcer •<br />

. Now It fl clear that it must have a m.&lt.cr aQ.d for~ rj<br />

.ad thnt maker is either tile' whole.bO~1 of coD.lingclll<br />

existences, or a part of it, or somethin,. externa.l to ii,<br />

'The flr.t is impossible, foc it would necessarily roup"<br />

that that wbole existed previous te judf. An):Ilhe 5e<br />

cond t~o is impossible, for the maker of ~ e whole muse<br />

. be the maker of every individual part. If tbereforu<br />

part were the mak,er and creator of the whole" the part<br />

mUJt be the creat~' of itleJf, which is impolli bll!. lbe<br />

. third.uppo.ition agr~el with my notion, bec-aUJelbe,<br />

- .Being which is exclllsiv~ of the Whole mUll n~garil1<br />

! be 'l'he Self. Exiilent. Thero "ai~ a lboll5llnd simib:(<br />

proof. in the Jawed"n "birid ~on'rhred by'tbekno\li·<br />

. ledge.adorned prophets, wbereoffive hundred rflalt.lo.<br />

the false. rea~auing of the circle aud Ifb~ hllndre4111 lh .•<br />

. fallac1 of lhe ~bain, l\1or~over, Se4-ftkbsbn, in the<br />

Great Book of Jawediln Khirid, remarks in. e:~'pIa.tII .<br />

'Cion oCthe words orSbet Kh~rsbid· who , ayo5 i.<br />

6. There are not two SoIf .. Existcnts.<br />

. .<br />

COIIIMB!fTA a Y. For, ift'tere were two Ne,ceulril,.B.(~<br />

isRnt bemgl each po .... essing the ('Uential q Llalilin of lb.<br />

other, then ,beir sense of' d i versi! Yt in respect 10 ell.<br />

, other .. myst be owing to the intervention of lom(,bi~<br />

~ternal to their notllf'eI; hel1~e [hey wo uld IJe d C' pen~<br />

~t on ~elhiDg ederna}, so far u regllrds"lhldr idtn·<br />

tilyand.. COllsU9U$0.e:i5 of diV'efSity. But we J.ave Hell!<br />

tha~ every. thin: d.epeade-.t ~!!~ou,. to.. the citu, of COll'<br />

tiugent exutences~ ..<br />

• l'be s.un.<br />

. '<br />

"<br />


SHE'! .J~AH.:raa nitS!. ._<br />

( II i •• 1. ~ In the nrnl ftmm., . tbt if Ihe ...<br />

.... mae, ~Ielf. s.\tlef\lll,., ,.Ult· ~t.'<br />

~. . .<br />

• direct consequence Qf thi.' rnultilliioity, be~ •<br />

.....' .xhteh~." Ita ._~en t,q~t' ~q'~ ~very<br />

cOl'ltingen& being requir .. a maker; . and l~~ ... make; of<br />

.- this inat1t~plicity ca~nQt be Qfrl~tu~lOe·etSe~ce. as'theYaFr.<br />

For, h bas been shewn lbaltbe makP.rofe,ery~on\illgint<br />

'. existence musl of nec,$lIity be ,omething tliferenl from it,<br />

~ must' precede it in point ·of. e~isfellce, ~;,d cannot be. a<br />

porl~oD, of it. for tbe maker of the whole m~nt of ~otine<br />

be lh, maker of. the supposed part. ~or ~a~ th\! maker<br />

, be Any thing external; (or-then the ease WQQld necei.<br />

larily CQrne under tbat ef the circle, or of the chain~<br />

and so has alrfady been proved t() be imP9ssiblc. And,<br />

in die same way, f/orB the multiplicity in number of the<br />

NeceSlary.F;si:;tents, it WQuid ~navoidabl1 fl,lJ1ow, th.,<br />

there wu a ~ntin,~t being witho4it & 111akf?r, whiela<br />

i. impossible. '<br />

, '. I .<br />

And again it i. written In the respected Vo~ome ,be<br />

Jaw.din {(hirid., that if there be't\vo. Necel$&rily.Eziltents,<br />

it i~ neces5l\ry rhat, each ~f.tbe~ shonW be<br />

Omnipotellt over all pos_ible existences, for defeet uf<br />

, po,wer is not a. ~ua\ity of the Godhea~. lienee, as otlef\<br />

as the one de~ireS Q~e rbing, ~sid the other- d~ires the<br />

, con'rary; it' it bes/lpp()sedrhat"be ",-hefbQth 'ise1fec;t.<br />

eJ, then N'O QPI)ositM are r~"ncllcd ; antl if the wiah of<br />

lIeilllel is ejFec~~. lhen ii fQlIo.\JI thl\t' two ~pposife<br />

",ishea are' bo.rh frnlvnted ~ And if the wilih of one be<br />

. . . .<br />

,nperior, the olherm/l!.t he inrtrior in PI''''''', and want<br />

Qf PQ~'.rcanllf)l avpf'rtain 10 Ga lhea~.<br />

re ... nil~1 ~ in' that tJl~h~J<br />

.'<br />

VuiurllWo<br />

. '<br />

MclU..Y s.imilar<br />

... -..<br />

:<br />

..<br />

--<br />

......<br />

....I.<br />

£,~- ... ---~

THE BoOt OF .<br />

It is farlbenaid ill that'most eacelent of Bdo\: , ill<br />

e,pl ... ti.oo of tile wonla uf tile "0 14ouli,gh l lmlllt,<br />

Sunc<br />

G. Abert6she~ it not subject to No.elti •<br />

COXX&!fT A a Y 0 "'or the Self- Exh;I~Dt i. 1101 thCl~<br />

bode .r nuvt'ity or i.e" things, siuce ever, lIew Ibm! ()(<br />

, nO\'eh, ,bat arises ia conditionaliy-t'xislellt; Illd eve,y<br />

thing that it conditiOfially existent d~pt\nu$' on Ibe<br />

- Maker or flfshioner ; but the Nece~"'rill· E'~knl is IfO~<br />

· conti itional'y-existe nl ~ or depcliqefl(, dOlI, therefore,<br />

, ne\'er was bew or fresh product-d, Were it pas ,i'\e fur<br />

· Jlim to have a new qual ily, , that quaf I)' nlU t ~m It<br />

origiUiitor; alld that illd"l~rldellt origtD.Lltor .In ~ JJO"O"<br />

fullDaker must be the riecelilary e5senc,e, wbicij U Lhe<br />

}'irllt and Oldesf; And wbalen!; is, ill i,ts essc:ncc, jp.<br />

tJependeilf, ariJ free, artll OlUllivolcrit, must il£O pos.!lll<br />

· the qualities of Fir!!t IIml Oldest; alld i~ Calluot be Hral<br />

any thing, but itselt, should be the cause of JJClvne s,ud<br />

freshness to any quality tbat belougs tu it: ror olbtr·<br />

· "'lse it wouM cvidcnlly foiluw tflat the NectwriiJ,.<br />

£xlstenl Wdllid be suhject to aOllleUaing ef,e,3ad'dc.<br />

)Jcndeot un it, an,! derive lorne ot ai' 'pcrfecliops (rllil<br />

Boollicr; bllt as the qllalitiel of Yadao the Sllpr~me IUC<br />

perfed qllalilit..-s, this i. a supposition tbat IS w&dw ~ ·<br />

.iuk. Tbe lVecC:;slltily • .a:;silitent Lberelbrc illlOt iubj«t.<br />

to Doveaies. or il1hovuliorut.<br />

'AfijI Sed- WakhshUr in the Ja\ted&n Kllirid, in ec·<br />

plauilliOll oflhe ,,'orcb ot the rloriuu.11r refll~.reol S ~j<br />

aailh;<br />

'J. Obern~hramt is u~c:om po,uDded,<br />

• Y.I·1"fI 1'11".<br />

,. j'" Sa p,,..,<br />

t '" ..

•<br />

,<br />

SHETS~lf THE "QT.<br />

t' (:q_,.aK1'.ay. H~ ":~ tbat w ..... 'is,<br />

......<br />

iI ••<br />

~"uad or sialple. W...,..~<br />

~ided or ."obn. ... parts .y. be p,lQnolirt. f"rtIIIfr<br />

pn4,. atfkl it;1t can .. be divided or ~de ia.., putl.<br />

jt *7 be,.:c;pUect as ""8p1e.<br />

Now, ,laat the N ...•<br />

,.nJ1·~~' is .• mple, there ~re ""1 'Il pteofl.<br />

the lint place. everl cOrppolilld ;. depcudeatoa lie par" 1<br />

and "aillt ib Ixlo, is. poaterior ia lime ta that or i\9<br />

larts, ts reuell requirei tlla& ...... nmst IJ.;. par'tt, befo",<br />

the COI1IJ»Ound '*' .. ailt. Bllt *Wte,er h .. ' ....<br />

tw~ prq~'" Js depe~e~t. Helice '~e .Ne~rft,,,<br />

t:iilant il DOt Cfgpdul;ld.ed, . . .<br />

,the .ieCOnd ..., i •• that 11 lie W'!fe' cU1llposed ~r<br />

pltsj His par.- mlill be either neceuaril, esi~'el1t Of<br />

- .tonti"~litl1 exist.nj. AI to Ibe 6rst luppG4itlon, it i.<br />

intpossibh! that Jheresh~uld btt 4multipHcilY of Necea­<br />

,aril,. E.ja.len~.. "n tbe ,econe) Iuppdllition, eve'T<br />

luck rtJrl lIlu:-t hive ·rld application to ,be Ne* ... riIy!"<br />

.E&ialttit B.il1g, seeing chat the Original Creator ftn&<br />

e~d df Hi~~~lrand afterward. bCl~\V~) be~ng .0R'9-<br />

ther 'lriatIllC~. Bu~ ~f the Nc~ri.J,. ExiateDt wer.e<br />

,'tI18 .... a~r of His o';'n pa~, it "ould nee.ear •• , fnU,",<br />

tJaa~ Ue .~jsted ~oreJlis parts; wlaertat the parts m;a,C<br />

pecedo th~ compound, "hicb can a'lI~ only through<br />

tlle N,.qrily.Existeu(: seeing that whatever is coq-<br />

• ·ti~",.eKiltent, mll5t deriye its being from 'liomethin,<br />

ucc_rily.uutenf. And' hence, .if illill Maker were '<br />

tlrrt tIIinl but tbe NectlSflrily-Ex:isteul, tbc= Necessaril~.<br />

Ed.teat mull exillt be(or~ A i. patti by (\YO ~'egre.,<br />

whicb i.1 iIl1l)ossible. He caanol therefore be ~Oll)­<br />

lound.<br />

And in the same wa, dlat it i. prov~ ,baa tie it Doa<br />

e'Jmpound, it may ... bewn thai IJ. it MV' GO'ROral;<br />

,..,<br />

,<br />

I<br />

i'<br />

I<br />

'I<br />

'<br />

l'58<br />

~, '}'" ';" c",~..,t.· r,­<br />

Ue. ". .~ _ t<br />

"<br />

farevl"ry ilJing h!n'in~ a b.,(ly i~ ~ase .. pti',l.~ohli,isioa<br />

in ~n:t(h, ""en~tl, :tnd Iferlh, all I m.,~ be divided int;'<br />

p,rts, as hal ve~, t It rre. part', or four or 10 f'ortli j loa<br />

'wh ,Ie""r hall part .. tS ti~pot'Ildt!at. Hencedte'Necasariry:.<br />

-};xi.. tent cannot be body ~ sirH't ,t is-plain thai werethe<br />

h,}l r Yeidnil bOd:y t He might he divided into pull, the<br />

llnioll offill which -i;att.~ 'Would be"he cansi~ofHijbe~<br />

jng. But every tfiillg h'uirig been created hy Him, if<br />

you 8uI'pose that sitch parIS do not es:ilt, you needsarnr<br />

Come to tbe conclusion that He fOO doe; Not b.i~t. alld<br />

~o He would be coulingeft~Jy and not necessarily tliSl('nt.<br />

Hilt as He has no batly 10 neither has' He place not<br />

position. For "hlltever is in ptace or position i~ eilhet<br />

Loriy, or a part of hotly, ora qualit)· of buily j alld bo1r<br />

ahd the parts of body are li.,ble to division i where;astbe<br />

Setf'Existellt. is not subject to divisibility, nor sus~pli:<br />

bl. of bting 1Jrolten into parts. And a:i 10 the qtlaJIIie:i<br />

"of body, th~, depend on body fbr their bei~, an~ are<br />

."bserviellt '0 it. AlJd white,oer i. ~ubservienl (0<br />

another is oonling~nt. The Sdt·'Exislent therefore i~<br />

not body' nor corl)oreal, and He bas no. l)tace nQr posit<br />

tiOD. . ,<br />

Hence fQo it fdlo\Vs that the Necessaril.r.t,.islrnt ~<br />

not nn accident, wlIich they call 1'awer. For lCcidell&<br />

illhere~' in body, and if you suppose body n!Jl1p f'xut,<br />

accident too ceaSe. la exist; and as lfe.il n.ot body., '?<br />

He evidently il; nol accident (lau;er), whic;h isdepc,.t<br />

dent on bo,I,. , A~d rill Lher, aocident or qu"iify is all<br />

exi:sh:llce which 'ill the I'reJiclte of liolllething d~, al<br />

hhclwtlsS, wbitelless, ~Ul!otl', 8U1111, aud lho likej an~<br />

whaf~\'cr has these qllaliti~s is C~lItilliCn1 j "henccy<br />

Ulay be UU'JCI slo~J L'llat tile N ec.eslillri1,.,k;xlaLC .. t illloC<br />

KCA<br />

...<br />

•<br />

.<br />

SUET SAS .. \N tHE J1ft.ST •<br />

.... ~n 'wtth the .. ,.t thot is in tJie-laead; lor wbat i& ~i .. i_­<br />

bl~ to the hoctili eve I:II)IIC be itt ~i'ion ;. ':Ii~ __\\hil'r<br />

:ev~r is l'illiLle m~st· he 0l,posite to, or wNlt may Ue<br />

terinedOpposi~t! to fhe seer; anti ""bat~· id 50 filllatw<br />

IDUst bave "O,ilioll. Hut it has been , .. tisfacturily<br />

'proyed tbat Ihe"SeU:'.Exililen: bal,no po&ition, 10 tllilt II e<br />

counol be viaihle fo fire t)'e afthe body, but ouly 'lft III.<br />

mind·seye. \rh~n I •• aYe lell' tb~ elementary body,<br />

pnssed Ihe wor1d of bodie8, nml t:lkell my uatiou above<br />

the circle oftoatiugent. ex itileMC 5, I b"" ... ren tbe Ligl"<br />

oflighrs wbieb it Dt,t bnd~, IIor corport.1 t nor quality,<br />

'abine OD me wilbQllt place or IJ05itioJl: and 1I",t<br />

glory h Incb rl,.l it" prnpel-till caunol be exprtssed hy<br />

tongue, ner can enr lrear, nor tlai'

; .<br />

.<br />

tHE BOOK OF<br />

,<br />

prmende(t An 'instance of th~ tbrcc claMes"cr.eiDc<br />

j" light j for ~ome bodies are r~tJ'eijd~nt fro. ilipe<br />

\tUich .pmcftdl from something t'~t£rD.l lotbml • .,.<br />

"hichJighl ilar; ~Cei,e from 'CHDelbingelse;,ulbe<br />

iIluminntion of the ewrth from tile SUD: aDd 10001lbi.<br />

by a light lhnt is d;lF~reut frOID their euetlct, aJHi yet iI<br />

in!leparable from their essence, u tbe l!ght ofthe ,encrilble<br />

Sun.: and the ihil(i il lh~ shining nlld IWiag<br />

Light, which j. Lighf of its ~"'n eSlit'lIce, nat trlll1lll,<br />

thing ebe; and oflhi. lut meutloncd Ugh, lhe NefCSo<br />

Alrily.Exj·tcnt is an .. xamp1e. Tlie pioof of Iltj. !at<br />

isserlion i~, tbat t if tlae bein. at' ,be NecdsariIJ·<br />

Eail.eiit pr~eeded from ."Y ~hing but Itl .. owiU.fICe,<br />

it 'Would be , 'luG/it§: and Q'lata,y it n propelty ofthat<br />

in wbicb qllali\ic. inher~, aQd is dt'p~ddeDt oa it: alii<br />

wbatlOevp.r is dependent oi\ ."apolber, ifc6lD&iApla,<br />

.edstrtal; and ever, colllingeUl. a"ift, JRitli .... , ta •.<br />

Henct iflbe beililof Ute NeCeParil,-J,:sisteal procdat<br />

. froln ••• y tbing but HI. OWIl caRDa', He .on baru<br />

C8U1e j aad He ('anriot ije the cl'luie ofllis VWIl beiog; r"<br />

,bat i. impoatiblc, ns is evident widl.'lt the pcraNiT<br />

of AJI, .rgnment ot reMoniftg; .inee it wOUld illpl1<br />

thai the eJli • .te~ .of the Mec~ariJ,.~xiJ(CIlt WIIS prior<br />

to tI~rntdf. And.~ Iljl bt-ing i. not a ptlliq .f Hi .<br />

.essence, '0 n~hher .can it be If portion of it t fot it hal<br />

bee.b dearly de.momfraled ,~al the Nectllarfr,.lIistelC<br />

hA. no parts.. IUs bring therefOre is telr~Kiltta't II<br />

nil! ~~.nce is pure bei.ng f .and Hi, essence II such tIttI<br />

it unnot be conceived as not exis.ting. ItJoreorer, tire<br />

. I)~in!!, wbich .i. 'lot essenlinl, sng~~ luuppo·itiouf<br />

binit!; and were fiis bdng Itlcb, Ynrlh wolltl .. bu<br />

~Olllpout1cJccf Being, and whn' is eompoliDIi i. conllD­<br />

,gf'lIlly existent.<br />

And in Lhe SaUJ1e .1tJ ••• re being<br />

SUIeld ...<br />

" , . ~.:<br />

• 1 F'"\- ~JI"'_. _. a.~<br />

-.. .. ::: ~ "'-" .,. ... - -- ~<br />

. -...........<br />

- - .-.--

SH~·~.~ic~HR:IiRST. _<br />

.~pe~d. (~.lpI~~.u.wouW· coo .... 1&,· ..<br />

... ~t. depen4e.qt 0\l- .~b~et~ ~1M, add ~Dqecwt<br />

ia.pst to ¥ddtn" i ... 1Je~ h,a .. tWu .'0 .~id....<br />

~ mut fallQW th" !~.J)ein",:~.t~ ~d'P' .. de8"',<br />

~Ub it:bJ ~ona~ c.,.~e. H4P~ ill ....... '.n~I~I,. .... ,.<br />

~ . C8:Ute~. .: But. if tli~ ~aiae . "!t;r"lUI ~W 10A1, it '<br />

,!.~dcJ,. of cou~et follow. theu tbe came of b~ e~"t"'Q4<br />

'!~ "t'e~iou& tb ~ beY'g; lin~<br />

thtl ~ of We la,<br />

. latenc~ of ROY thios "'~~~ necl";I4anly pr~c~e ~~ ....<br />

• ~~.' The beiDI o!..tb~ Neceli8&ril1·E¥.isk~ tblre.<br />

"rt •• "- ~ Ilia ;t~tW 89~. ,<br />

. AM the ptop~~tt in lhe ~,1ftd4a ;"K~iri~ u,. ezpk,<br />

lIation of ~be ~olds Qf the ViceFent, of Yeadaaoyer-<br />

&cidia-<br />

, o.<br />

-has aid'i- . •<br />

Qualities at~ e~'sentiani inberent in<br />

){ezdlm', . -, .' .. :"<br />

'. ~o .••&.t:... ~T. He .Iar tbat ~ qu,l~t~ Of 411.<br />

..,nce j<br />

~~~.rill·&'iittDt .r~(.l¥tnw.JI~ inb~r~J i~H~ PM' •<br />

"hat, in &lepepd~t:;~~t~~,: pto~~. R .....<br />

qf ~~ence . and quality J ill ~ccss~ry.exilte~_ ,be~<br />

(~W\d ill ~ir e&spice. Fort it' ~!e lu~d .qlllJ1itiea luper",<br />

Idde4,. atld not' uaeotiall.f inherent, it ~s t:l~r ~haL<br />

. ~....<br />

.<br />

.<br />

1fh.~yer is Dot ~~D'iaJl1 exil.t.ent ruu~l. ~ I;Il adcJi'io,,~<br />

~ha .. e.lbj"" ela~i aad ~~re.'b.,esael1ceofUut¥pltJ.t<br />

iII~csted. ~\'ilh qtl~it~ \~a~ &lie per~ct. W ,pile pf:<br />

tb.eir ~i", lupcr~d~t ,~ea, as whatever' hIM aq, ita!<br />

gerfectioQ fr~ ~~i!., _en,tiaUy, inherent., ~ subject ~~<br />

i4Dper!ectioa ~n~ defee' ~ ',,,od!1l' ~mperfec,liGn (fIIl..­<br />

e~iat in a pure CS5enW, it must follo.w fJa~ 11C.Ce(t,<br />

q~.titiel are ea~.qtiall1. iDb~rcDt ill a pure ~~.'. jjut .<br />

.. the knower is in LH.aoul gf lwu",l~&e. D~t AQW-:<br />

-~ i: c. Tb'c lui.<br />

. .<br />

,<br />

•<br />

.~<br />

,,... ~<br />

-------.<br />

-=:-~~.<br />

....... :...<br />

- _ ... 1

lit<br />

Jedp superadded to his euente.<br />

Alld It it e1lir that<br />

, whatenr il net _end 11y inberent in Ule Necaaar~"<br />

Eaillle .. t i. depettdently ~~ia~ltt. If the qualiliearl<br />

l' elldin, Ihernore, wet. not euentiat1y elli~telll in H~<br />

•• ience~ tht"y would be kif'pendendy eJ:H~llt; lid<br />

hence Yezdan', perfectioDi woulJ proceed frolb whit<br />

is depmdmtl, existent t but whatever oWeI'll. perfec.'<br />

don to any tbine but itself it'dependently not 'nee.<br />

larily uiMfent j a IUppOti1ion which i. iuavmi~blt.<br />

·0 And moreover Sed.wilkh.h6r in tho Book of Jlwedb<br />

Xhirid, in tbe espllUlation ofab., words of the rcllllpl<br />

Sun e'er4 worthy. to.bc·lalided, bill .aid ,<br />

, ,<br />

10. Hc:zdam knoweth by perfect means.,<br />

Co.nUliIIAaY. He 111' tba~<br />

the Ne~'lll~);s·<br />

iltt'nt ~ perfectly Oluflillcienl of Hi; O\'U e~Qc,.<br />

If 00<br />

'For<br />

is free frOID ",laUer alld its uB"ections; Ind wiJal&ret It<br />

free ""o,~ malter poueilCl, kIJG\\ltdge, iio('C matler-,<br />

"bat i, ; material ar. the imprdiuaeuli ot bo"Jed~<br />

Aud the Oivine' EIlse1lcei. a~quuintetl, in • 'perfett'<br />

degu:e, with tbe pal ticles tbat thange, and wilL such,,:<br />

are ullchanging, & lhut iu'a trallllcendent degree, .inee it<br />

lino", their

sHET SAIAN TlJE FIRST. lea<br />

r :..... . •. .<br />

Exident mOlt b~ve Hf. eumce cbanpd aeeordin, at,<br />

~ • c t. ; -It I. • .' .<br />

one form or anotb.r .AI p.r~ented ; wlucb II n~t fit~iDr,<br />

aince He ia bllliubjec, tOr,ill', crfeclion but ~ow. pat~<br />

" . •. '.. I ""'" _<br />

ti~l~ i~ " perf~et way. '" A)~~ ,S~.wakh.hur writ"<br />

m¥cb on tllia subject. Sel..ndt'~, during t~i. rei,n,'<br />

'ra~lated ipto Yunani thi. Gra,.l' Book, ' aocl afler'~"rdi<br />

I ..' ,<br />

.f~her Book. : . nnel J b~v. bere ,ivel~ an e~traot froni it<br />

that che youPg "Iludent D;light u,i4erstaJld it, and know<br />

~i. God ('UAdAr ). ,by .,.oof~ de~.~~ecI,f~OfD r.eMDD. ·L·;t~<br />

hiln afterwards, ",hi. Cod-. a¥i,tanc~;, .0' 00'0 ~he lir.­<br />

~ommf'lIlar,<br />

"r.rcl~J i hnre." ~ritten:.~n • the rea~~'<br />

Doadr, an~ draw all hi' kno" 1«118 (~om It; after wbic~,<br />

. let hiiu, wi,b' t11~ gru.t of Jzed devote illiDtlelf to the'<br />

lfor.hip of r ez"-4u and by' Plt"8J1' or 'seclulion, I.lad<br />

watchfull1e •• ~ .na flddng .lid ~edita:fion 00' Y~~'n,<br />

let 1.im ~ Yadan; aud thoio who are· nigh' uJlto tlie<br />

.' . . ,../." , 110»' J Uill ( Dadar ).'. .<br />

'. .." ,.... • : 1'"<br />

11 •. The Lord iI the Creator.·of the. Firat<br />

Intolligence, the Makar of tbeISuuJ;. the<br />

Adurner of the'superior 'bodies~<br />

ducer of the ele~eQts .. tb~. ldi~"c:r.~( t~~'<br />

{our elemea tl.<br />

CO .....-rA.y.. 'the propb." T~IIUJ"" .... ebi ..,<br />

of e¥i.l.dlapoted IOU 1... in the' book of ·"l<br />

the Pro-'.<br />

.. ) .. ~<br />

( i. e. luperlaUM "nowIedS.e. ',~1', in eap •• Mliora 01.<br />

daO Cullow iDI worda ot' &lao by 01. &Ja.IaCi'v •• ; ... bo ..w<br />

utohim;. ..<br />

1~. The . ~eeelSarily-Bxistent . is on.~<br />

without multiplicity_ .'<br />

,<br />

, .<br />

•<br />

1<br />

•<br />

--- '-<br />

__"'<br />

.... _M: ~~:J.~ __ ~,_.<br />

__ ~?t~~~._.~.~, ...<br />


T.tiE 800K ot<br />

J'. ' .<br />

CO~MENTARY. For it isuDit1. that delude. IlDilt1<br />

plieift .from His' tsschce ~'~ ~u~liiie.; ~~Dce Dmabe!r id<br />

ft. eisence is n~ceuarily. manifold and;compo.edtllld'<br />

thence beprlii on it a mark. of dependence. 'Now d,p.'<br />

dence is an e~elltinl properl' of dcp~rident.~,<br />

and ofimpe!feClion in qual~ty. And d~~ Hepo« .. ,1J;<br />

~~~lity ofmuhiplicitV, it would: ,Inevitably follow that<br />

tbe l8,JDe thing WaB at, ont:e the Creator and the mated,<br />

. . "<br />

t)le_Maker and tbe. made; for He 'ii' the Creator aod.<br />

~ake'" of'~ll thil.1~~, a~d m.u.~ti··t~~Ttf'?re, be the Creator<br />

and Maker o'f II is' own qualities. But .. being .,..cued<br />

of qua lilies C311D~t at orice be" th~ r~(:ipient.aod.utbouL<br />

i~ own.qualiti~" fo~ t~e '~8ine:thi~g c..nnot at oDceh<br />

th~ gh'er ~nd recCfiYer·o.f~i'ng~ A Creai~r iodtfJ, froaa<br />

the very cifcomiiance of his being a Cjreator, mUlt ..<br />

~~~ly have m~de.somet~ing: but .~~ does Dot Dec»<br />

,<br />

urily follow becau.e a thing is made, that there ".<br />

any necessity fOf ita being made i and it is impouible<br />

tal ti.e· amo 'lhtBg .boGl~, MCeIIUf an' ~l_.<br />

'flY to abot~I~: tbiqg. 4nd:r'ltlIer tbe prapbet,..<br />

remover 01. evil.dispoted demQD'1 .a", lbat o~ thilf<br />

1:<br />

~ i<br />

only' c~n pr~~,d from real unity': . aeei", that in,o<br />

things procetded from it, the place of origin of each<br />

of these two must neefas.lil, be di,l'erenf. )'or tbe<br />

place of, erig;n of the one IIlO.'· be dillereDt from tAl<br />

pJ~ of Qfigin of·the other; ~, of these two placet<br />

01· origiftl, one ID.' be teparate from it: aad it &00 must<br />

.... a ct:ute, and·if 'We direct OIlratttDtioD tD this Cllllt,<br />

1Fe shan find that it necessarily lead. u. ei~er to tbe"<br />

cuc1e or \be chain. .tad it will", clQ r-. .1' ooct 10<br />

say, that if this proof were 1011~~,_. it wor,Jd.n8Cellllfil,<br />

• The ~ DM in lb. prccecliD, ICDl(nce ;, far ft,. hia,<br />

d, .... lcc( ~ ,<br />

. {oHow

SHIT .JANlf -TBB . SlUT.<br />

_<br />

,"<br />

'1,10. tb.a.DOS CftD. OM, th,i", .ct)~:~ fr~, ,<br />

rea' .Dill' for tllat jf -1 thiDC 4;ould prvc:ce4 J»~\ ot.<br />

1Uli11) . it, mu.t ~ Cf~" l»r~ froID IO~ pl~ ,of,<br />

origin, Ind __ .\~.pl.'iC-.. f ~rigi~ ,it re~ bot ... ,~ lb.,<br />

~'k,~r ~d ..,a~, u ~iDg bet~~ lIIua., • 1OQ,'ll"~<br />

."n a uuae, a~4 that t~D tbc:c ..."t D~ril"<br />

belong ei!-he! to t~l~ of .the. cirde .qr. ~ c:'-"'a ...-We;,<br />

,ns",er . tbat bl the, ,terlB, ,IM,-"r ,~~ .we do- nat<br />

ttndentand a realpr~ce,of ~rigin, .~u~~nly fflal b1;'~<br />

j~t~r.f.n'ion of which there ",.': COI)DexioD bet",,~<br />

tbe caule and t~~ 'ff~ct" aud 1!,~~~~_ :11~'ioD i. .~<br />

"Ide nor fuhioDCd, 11,0l tbat.( lIl.eIm to a8i~,~<br />

• •••• I •• •<br />

the'; i. any,a~\lJfl!ll ~:li,t~ng l)41~e'ol.oria.in •. 4~ .<br />

pr~phet" the bi~~f:C of d~nfl, '~IJI ~4~.~1l.) tb •<br />

. labject, which it is upnec~,"r"y,.tqJ~lrwu~ here,(;'·;.1 :::·r<br />

. And farther iil,tb~ Book 9f Berl ~lMllC' ( t ...... ~<br />

dent kDowledge) it is Aid, in tbe e.r;pl .... tiDD.lof~'IIa,<br />

words of the reverend Moou, tbac,. • ;.~ I " '<br />

. 'j 3. Th~ ,~i.r~~~Inte!lig~,nce· ~~~' ~cat~~ .. r<br />

COIIIIENT~.Y'.<br />

H.e 111',. ha~ .pro.-ed: tk~ tbe:<br />

pure Yodin i. perre~ unil" and \b.t onllone thiD'<br />

ebb prGct~ f;om l>ftteet un,ift, 'that tbin, ~~~t or-.ne~<br />

ctliitybe the Ftrst':l"te11igen~e; 'sinee 'it ealmot ',;e, .• ",<br />

bod" for body i, c:ompoontl, . aud ttie CreatOr musl b.<br />

the maker of DC" of its _j~diviau~l" ~artl, iince 'other ..<br />

wi .. he certal nlj, 4:Quld Dot be the maker and pe'rt.~ct<br />

C_hiotaer oft"e \\'tlC)Ye: and hence if the Fint.creiit~«(<br />

aad F'int:madt \\'eit, tom poU nd, the Maker mu~t be the -<br />

aaaket' • eu'6 part, aOlI thul," lDuTtiplidt~ o('thinll'<br />

...""Wuece..ariry proceed (rom pea'fcct unity. Nor can<br />

tit. fiistlcreatctfp(Jsae;' allY of 'be paru 'of bod", :. (o~'<br />

De ooe pan i. bl(tep'eud'nt, 'or .table: in· "'elc'"ith~llt<br />

.' ! ~ t<br />

tom •<br />

- '.<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

.<br />

.......<br />

-<br />

.brn~otih~; 'aild no d~nclertl ~xf~fencr ~5 eijiab1l'af'<br />

~Mtirli' lind m.kin!.:' "'19~e "r~t.cr('·:itl,l, 'o~, mn~t<br />

JravtJi mrlker IllIcI pJ~ce- :of ltrc.'ltion;· i"'~l"rh!ithlin ~{<br />

~tmriibn~8y Teach fo ~ tIle NeceslIliJl,:txhreftt, ",'<br />

other_ise tbe dIn"- ttnist, assurf',ff}, \isiYrpw8ra.. And:<br />

tlle "1itst:err.ieti must he linch 'UI'~t ho' dependent ex·<br />

istence precede';r. j m'; -hence',Iso tile :Pirst.ctuted c.,n~<br />

ftot b~ R soul, lfe;n~"lliat'eYe~"oul is ~Otst8b1, but is<br />

Fpendent ~Dd affected Hy maHer in ifs ~ction. Hence<br />

it'ili plain that lnrtlligence; fiht ohll, received dependent<br />

being, but is nat body ~ nor any part of body, nor<br />

.~rk1eriton bOfTy, nor material, 'aqt\ In its lJeiqgan4<br />

ldiiOn: Is Rot dependenf Qn body, 'o~. "hat· it- material;<br />

and· the "i.& look for nothing more iha.« tl1is in Jnlrr·<br />

ligenc~ A nd Oft thu'head the prqpllet~ the restrainer<br />

ofdell1oo."has ma'lY observation.: aftet'wbich he rema,ka-,that<br />

tbe moon said; .<br />

14. And this Intelligen,ce 'createtq one<br />

Intelligeji}ce~' qne Soul, an(l"o~ne' B~dy: anq<br />

the other Inte]ngen~es 'do the, same.<br />

t II , • ~.. ., .<br />

. ~OM:,,£~,TAn~~ .I,t,~lIst be undtn.J.'?od"tb,t Ute ~i,"<br />

]nte!ligence was creatC?d by the ~t!l.Or ~f.~ing,JJ)d<br />

that blessed angel ",as dislinguillhe.d by three upedl,<br />

first 8S havi~g ~ IIpiri.t~a' existen~c·i.'" ~xt a oecell3'1<br />

existence . fronl some~hing different from himself; .q<br />

. . " ~ , . .<br />

lastly ftom ~fs e~sen~e -. having a C_Q.n~I~ge .. t exilttnce.<br />

A'~~ ?,y me8n~ onus SJ1i~i tUlll bei,,,, }ybic~ is ~lt.ogeth~.r<br />

excclle.lt, ~l~ crfatfd l1,IC _Iecond llilelligfnce "hOo iq kis<br />

• .6. ,. 4,. . J<br />

~ssence Ilild 'qualilies, 1.1 free from imperfection.ud.<br />

. .,. ." ~l . • oil<br />

de~ect" an~ . impr~prieIY" and ~e~!.lde,~.ice on JlIafteq<br />

4lpd by means of bi. necelSary exuten(fO fro,m ~mell!i~<br />

~x~er~al to bi~~el(, l~.t exiitcoce' being g~orioul and<br />

~;,~ifie~<br />

--<br />

,<br />

.<br />

.. -".-.-<br />


, ,<br />

6HET Si-SA'N'1oRE" nRST.<br />

1&'<br />

dig!llfied fn 'r~ga~ ~~ 1tl eS5enli~ .~isiei1~ a~d' ne~-:'<br />

.. ~y befng; )alJd '(Je(ecrave in~r~sp.ec:t fo I'll exj1.tjng by .<br />

• O~~l" ing' oilt of its.elt, he ,created' tbe sput of tlie<br />

, , ....• t, "<br />

U ppermost Sphere~ who is exalted in respe~~ to ~b.e ilJ·<br />

p("pendence of IIlli t~en,ee<br />

on' maiter; though defective<br />

in ;,.ganl 'to the depCri(lehce: ~tir hi!l~ 'pcrf~ctioI,'is on<br />

~at~er : 31;1£1 by means of ',Ii! conti~l.gen~· eSsence, which.'<br />

is tfte Oligi nat sent of tlie 10wt!i c1e;perident ql1~litie~, an(J' I<br />

'he ca~se of ~he IQw'er. and' j;n'~~aecf~ r,erations; he ex.;. :<br />

'r~cated hie body prliie sp~ete o~ Ilpheres, whjcb, bof'h<br />

ai' to ita essen'ce' and qualities ij~'de'Pei1aeni on mattef. -<br />

A,nd, 'i~ fike ~.nne~,..r,~m~vtri ·ll.,~eni$~ll~~ ltnothe~'<br />

)nteltigen~e ,nd sour,'al?-J Celestial Buoy ptoceeded; by<br />

I mean. of ' the exiiience of the tbree 4Spects ~hat lia've"'<br />

~eei1 mentiQned, 'an.d :~ccorqing 'to the Torhw that hal<br />

been' .espl~ined; a'~€l sq on' till we aui ve at the Illtelli~<br />

gence oftl~e heallCjD or- elementS·;, apd to th~s last,<br />

.pedal power Wal • assf,ned, derivcid" (roM. the motion .<br />

and course of the beavens, and tbe conjunc~i(m of tb-e .<br />

• tars, and the "peet ohhelsJari; 'and he shower. do,.;q<br />

fornia, .od ide8S'; and accidents, and qualities, on tbe :,<br />

limple ete_nti.' And the de~oo.biodingt l)~b~ 4<br />

hils much on ,thi. s~bject. ,-,.~ '. ~<br />

'·4bd the ·demon.~indinl·prophet farl~r .ys, :&h~<br />

IJooll •• ia unto IQ~; '~ ." . .... .<br />

.,.. . .... .<br />

, 15:' RaclJ. cl~ssJi~th ~itl .g.u:J.rdian a.ngel. ..<br />

CO~I(BNT.A. B. y:. IIJ .. ~xplana'ioD ot' this "it i;' ~ritte~Y.l<br />

.b,' :tbat ~ caUtt! Ligh~ which is. .. visib1e,pf i\s,elf" an{f r<br />

• " ..... l • • •<br />

~~ also make oth«:r .~~~i Yi.i~le;. aM. ijJe Guardiall •<br />

"r Gu;ardianl i. c~ll~d ~e Li,bto~ Lig~tl.i ;pd.all ~tb~i .<br />

~ependent and: fre~ ~i~ IID9DC ID~elli,ep.cea ~D~. ,<br />

• .•• ttI·a<br />

- ... - . .<br />

..<br />

'-- .. '<br />

.".., _-_ ... .....<br />

.. ~ ... -,--....

tA THE BOOK Of -<br />

Souls are held to be ~ Liaht; since tbey aTe TiubJf f1f<br />

their own ~seDce, and 'are known to their own loul by<br />

their lalent of clearsigb,tedneas, and th~1, CDh become<br />

the cause of being to ,IU things j nnt it i. not so ,.hh<br />

1'. • t ", j<br />

bQdily facuUies whether visible or hidden, wlllch though<br />

the causes of other tbiDgs being ~rceiyed are Dot tile<br />

caules of being, known (0 themselves. and dlough "I.<br />

discoverers of percepli,on., which nre tbe IJ\tilni of llle<br />

discovery of terrestrial things, they are not tbe mlni4<br />

leaters or illuminatori of their own, lOult. ~Rd 110<br />

faculty can be tbe ,cau~ of the kll()wied,e of it!! own<br />

loul. A.,- (or example: NOlhing is discovered by<br />

tbe unaai.ted (aeuhy of sigbt J and no on'! tars tll.:ll<br />

aay thing is gained by mere sight: 'but w hl:peve~ Ihe<br />

rays of light fllmn~ upon. a mirror are rdlecled And<br />

affect Ule eye, the, sight is affected; for the .mer~ orgaDi<br />

oCtile eye il not tbe seer; the seer' is a po,,~ 'r "hie/,<br />

mUlt reside in the organ oC tbe eye, and whicb power i.<br />

invisible.<br />

And be fanher l8)'s, in tbe lame.book, tJial eYer! de ..<br />

Icription at cln.s or genu., "hellier ~Je.tial orele~enlal,<br />

c:ompoulided or uncompounde,l, must h 'vc IOllle<br />

Guar~i:lll from the leat of liglat. For ther,e first ·of<br />

aU .howers down .n~ ,,,tau on the Protcli:lur. lind<br />

Guardi:lIl~, from the Ljghts thai are a!>ove 'lllem, .. rc'<br />

'1llendent ~hower oflig!lt, which to th~m i. ahogdber<br />

contingent; A nli thete tigkt~ hue different trillions.<br />

Hence arise innumerable relation. -among material<br />

, .<br />

bodies, 'IS t'l tbingi conncc:ted 1Titb bOd1, which bur<br />

f.lntion to those fights and ~ulrdiab... .<br />

And in tbai ~ol.Y Bo!'k he farther laYl, thlt uodies<br />

are the .1uldoW! of independent lights, and that tile<br />

abadO\T is. Q(.'pcndent on tbe ,J.b&. . And &hat lIf'nce it<br />

h ·lp~;JI<br />


11ft 'A~~ TaB FIRST.<br />

-".... in tONeq ..." tit. iap 1fW& ..... in tile con- ,<br />

--• ., lilla, with 1IotIia, \11M tha, elQnM dbeoYer<br />

-..... own a_ee. 'but..up.. "hat • 1'i&laout th"'" .<br />

.... per"lAneMe it , ... rk· ofl...,.. .....<br />

t. ~ J<br />

for'bIN le,'"e and all . other ..... ties ItteDll its lab­<br />

lid in bodi ••<br />

I..! further fhe IJeaa .. ·bincU.., prophet ." ira tb •<br />

... book i the .ph ........ Moot •• id DD&o IIlC ;<br />

~t bu& aeur ft8 lie , ..<br />

J G<br />

• .Intelligences are without beginni,ng.<br />

CO .... ENT.l a1' .. lie not I.".t, thit DB Intelllgencea<br />

aM of rrCef" ell illfence, or nevr inMle ot ne,y -'created.<br />

For ne,,·cRatedand new.fo ...... l ed.te~('a mo,t 1\1'­<br />

~uaril, ..-Slime 11 tl'rm and 1:11 ... ide a (orm; and Ihe<br />

en.IDin, .II~ leavi~ ofa form ':Il~ only hue plAce in<br />

• compouncl that ha. two part", or lhd po'l'\e!lle" a<br />

quality ...,de 01' of lWe)' q"alilies, and wtlier,' enn exid<br />

0ltl1"in a hoc'.J haYing parIs; a prol)osition that dc-pea.d.<br />

on tbe truth thllt the same thilllg cannot, ,at the tame<br />

. '<br />

time', be bot .. the fMhiOhel' anti c:rep'or, It"d the created.<br />

,<br />

Anti e'V~r1 Of!'f or De\,~tOrmed t>Xi~en". 1111"'( hr,Yciti.<br />

materilll principle (m."e1t) prt"fiolls IQ it,.aoll minot,<br />

be Il(bseqtlC~flt tn if, principle 'J .llra. Jut.Uiae'DCte<br />

lIaye no material ~llbstaDC". ...<br />

, And farlher the rropltft, theblnder.nt.demnnl, in<br />

,"at Mighty Muok says, "'at Inaelligtn"ft are e,,.r ttl<br />

ISe e"'olleel .nel 1111141,..' ror lh.-ir cfl".I'~tftttoIt<br />

anelltet •.<br />

ftctioll an" for '11(' ta qUI,1i tia or ......."etinn f'nn .... r.ff!tl·<br />

.,ill, c1tpetICtl"llt ui~tI'noe as "ey J'OI'........ .'or it hit,·<br />

~n 'rroml h. it. pLlce that •• lIe".m .. ki~ ftf eft" •<br />

• ""11 or .... , 'dI'lh"" 1II.ter~ l";neil,1e (""'feh) •<br />

.: 'llCr- WI m y :u'mir tfa" po5.'ihiti'1 Df ig "e"Y e.i"ar-8<br />

in IOlne rortion of 1M rnu-ln'iola of the circl. n( fter.<br />

nit"<br />

•<br />

•<br />

.'<br />

.... =iL M.J.', .• ~ .r..~<br />

... _C<br />

..<br />

-·IIIIi.-.....1.n_ ... __ .... _Slllti.l··.L--.J;;rIlll·<br />

I!I.L' __ _

]1b<br />

•<br />

.wty. Bnt fbill ~.ft ha,e Me~nft ent, tn tl"lllpnttt:<br />

tltenee. No" Int .... Hge..c:et, in conlt"q"eace ortheirt,,,<br />

elependence, are free ft_ the ftIfettinn. nhnne ~ {M<br />

what is clllled tempo",. can e&ilt ouly ill tillie, _""It it<br />

a portion· of the rr..,.,.lation of sh. higl_ eplatrc I<br />

,.herens the being (tf Intelligt'ncel il nQt COIII.er.fed ".,.<br />

time; and to ascribe eKi"'enoe in tinw to the Fir. tn·<br />

telligence would lead to reuo.-iftg in a ·eircle; __<br />

ill tbit ~iAt of vicw, tinae would be dependent til the<br />

Sphere, wblJe the being of the sphere is depet,delllOll<br />

the being of the First Intellil!ence. A nd the demOllbinding<br />

prophet has many proofs '0 the sanle plIr.-.<br />

1'be l"ophet who adorns -the worM, J~ni5hld, bilt<br />

• boqk called Fer4dn"lIf'mmd ( the SIII)ernat EIhetlte).<br />

III that mighty volume he IfY" Shet Bchram .aid U\\tG<br />

JDe;<br />

11. The Sphere hath an ac~ive soul~<br />

COIiMElITA.Y. '.1'he .a.n-.adorqt4 prophet Iles\<br />

..,., that tbe Ipbera pouetl lUI ~\depcndC"," IOU' wbich .<br />

ltI;lkeS them acquainted wi til dl~' 1IDiyelli4=' for U1'J<br />

poueu ~he<br />

quaiily of revolviat t ... Y~UDIII'J orbit:<br />

... KJ whatever eojo.YI that quaJity mUlt 11.'"0 a tiOwth.,<br />

c~mpr,?helldl the Unlvene. "'or it is to be obtielyet\<br />

tt-at if ll,e revolution qf ~e .phaa be ~ol v ..' .. ntary, ,e<br />

mOlt necaqrily either be iovqlu.atary. (lhampuri) 01<br />

~Pntl (l1laoCi)~i): &lld it can ~ _either• For tbe .pbcra<br />

r~vo've iq a IpberW:al CQune; .,.d wbatever DlUvel iD<br />

a IIph~r~Ci.l orbit for ever, mqaf. lead tC) .. fi&cd objec&<br />

lUid again desert it. N~1t" •• their motioR natural, i&<br />

. wo~ld ne~essaril1 follow U_at tb~ .... ,o Uau.c. .AI at onc.<br />

eourht attd shunlled by nature; .. ,et it it ullllecCIN'1-<br />

"aM- word. in expoling the abiturdity of luch a ,upe<br />

pv:;jlion. Ag~in, tbat tue heaveuli do DoL .0Yt; by allY iIh<br />

.. ,\,oh .. WI<br />

.., ....... .#IfI"*'-<br />

- --=:'';<br />

f<br />

~._~_-..<br />

-". . r r-.. '" ...<br />

l .. _ :> "'_ 6.<br />

~ _ .::. > " .... ........ ~<br />

--<br />

-~ .. -",..-~ - .-...--- -- - -.,;. .. -.~

~ -<br />

IUET S-AIAIC· •• · RRIT.<br />

1ft<br />

......., '(......,,) ..... pIllA ...,.....<br />

.......... ". ilDGI.iDD· ~ .......... fl •• i., ..... ,.<br />

__ ..... ,.. ...... " j' .", ... ., U ..... .,.. ..... t ...<br />

• l".~flIJ ..... lIOt .... eeI b, .. ' .... 1 in ....... .....<br />

lftIMIeney, it ....... ,., ni_t til ....... r it "-r .. -<br />

liel) kwolunt.ry. fer _ .Djeati", ... , ..... a1lllD~<br />

"'ef. ...... Wriet, "Il¥e ~ de .... tirliett' .....<br />

faull' ,he ~., ,..ion 4If..,., .a.e....<br />

.p_ IU"UI knows that tID Me em C!fJI1I..,.iGateJift-<br />

-.o11wa....' acU ... Ie ..., olher; .... • e. .phteilt&<br />

,itu,*d u .., I ........ ..reet anMh.... And arakl.<br />

i. _'*' ........ he·lIWMioa of all tt. .,he .. ,"auld hi<br />

in.oIl11ltary, f. the -pteIIin: of iayolurafaty ~<br />

.. 'ave ·pIace;intlodl.-.m'.,. ...... of. ho\fr~ •<br />

..... i. ,... aod ItfOi'ge~ lb.. that ot t.e ...... Ret'<br />

"'" ,,,d ibeM i. M Md, ftOM lOal i.latge" ~ ...,.<br />

,.,..&1 ... .a tftt e&ul of tbtl aplaere.t ~.<br />

-.11Ce j& foUo.,. thllt the frotidA of tile .e.~" &f ~.<br />

yens il not· in".tlt.rY. AM, ~ ~ ctDIMM"" ~af b..,<br />

por" ...' ,be 'J(li,eral tp~ "'auld -.•• I,ft tn"epa<br />

....., 109', aad 0 .... ,.tiqn Rat; It ,...".., that t,,'<br />

..... ..<br />

-~.<br />

.... u.. af til, lJftWey8~ a.feU _It<br />

· at.. .aft PI,. ..<br />

~<br />

'f'OlQft~<br />

th~n· or the ep .. ~ ""'..<br />

rl. it<br />

:fall~' t\ .. t"t!1 mutt "a18 acth. IOUl~ wlHuh ean'<br />

OIIIl,...I .... ct U,e oniTote. FM i" all .tJluetar; ftlotieq<br />

it it teq-.Wite ~'l lUre tb6l\td f)e " ftioti\'e, __ ebjecl of<br />

,..... il, ~.d .. 'mag desired"; Chat the agent, ~te4<br />

Iu' ,,~. dott ••, objetl and dealre~ Ma'·ullClerukre ••<br />

..,so"u...,........ And thit .oti.e· otQll~' he 1\lPPl"'t<br />

,,' an, fbMe bfidtlpatieft, or ., ., tJQ4il, fIleulttll,<br />

" •.,r.'iCb ~ftl on" *par~te "mea aa4tqw. .. t<br />

~ n •• iD~ Itcan __ •<br />

J7t<br />

THE BOOK or<br />

for ...... it dilcoYereci b, .. a .. ef th hldi1,W.<br />

IieI ia pM'tial J and "h~,er .., cu.. that ....<br />

in tbe being of a thinA' i. partial or ioGaI, which ....<br />

• uily .uppoaes liability to change aDd alteration, "t<br />

thing must nece.arily be .ubjec:t to chan. or rmI,- .<br />

tion. If. tbereforet tbe final motive of the Itlion of<br />

daclOulaofthe be.lvens in their 'O.Ulllal)' eelioDt.1ick<br />

produce motion,_ were lbinga diacovered b, bodily rae<br />

clllties J then, ofa certainty, the coone oftlae __<br />

could not f cenai.tent1; "ith . alICia • supp.ilion, ..<br />

e,er1uline or uniform, 10 a. Dot &0" IIIbject to be are<br />

fected by anI cbanae or alter .. ,ioa. Heaee ........<br />

tioM mUit have been produced b,lft uaWaited kan·<br />

Jed,e that comproheDds unlimian objects. Aad, if ...<br />

iI uodentnod reaide in the uadaundiar ~ h,. &be<br />

occupation of place nlCeuaril.1.aplJOHI, in the ..,.<br />

of the occupier, a proportion cotnIp4mdin, ta tile pIIC&<br />

occupied, it caDDot be rightll applied to mattlll"<br />

thinga that are, ill tbeir nature, unJililited.<br />

The hea,en., IGe, beaidei ba,in,lOula that...,..<br />

bend tbe UDi ,erie', tbe relatioll of wltich IOUIa II u..<br />

apbHeI, corrapondi witla tbat of the actire toul"-t<br />

Jike"i .. posHI8 bodily faculties called B..,.,,· ....<br />

t.he.e BMtlAr. tbelluelveI, by mea&W of -.-_<br />

and conception, become too original Belt III die ,.mil<br />

motionl exhibited by the heaven.. for ani,. •• tao .. ·<br />

ltd. it Dot filled to be 'be' oricia .r panial ud liIDil·<br />

ed motions: lince the alrection of uniw ...... Dowleet,.<br />

iI equal tewarils aU if' pnltiool; an4 hellCe il it ......<br />

• itt', wherever partilll amI local motions ..., &Itat ah.,·<br />

should be derived frOiIl and IlIpported bl panialaacl<br />

Iocel knowl~d,e, which can be fecei, .. l MIl bl bodi-<br />

11 organ!: and thelle r"CIlIricl in the '-ftD. OCC1IP1<br />


. ,<br />

SHF.T ~ASAN ,TnE ~lItST. 17'<br />

tilt: place "hicl~ in IDen Mo ht"ld by conceVt.ion. 'And<br />

. th~ rlClllli~ f!xisl in every' parto'II! of the heaYf'ri~,<br />

~ince It simple boely i. not' nilill'osed of paH'I difl'trit\g<br />

(rolO t:u;h other in IIwir nalllrl"." If, Hlttrt"or~, any 'Clue<br />

faCility rxi.ted in one pInt or the fleBVenl diiFer.!nt fMI1l<br />

what ui!ift'11 'in any other, tl,ei'e''Wotil.l, of COq'r~," be<br />

vuiety "illt~l,t auy cause of va'riP."I):. The:;e 'PG"~<br />

or 'ncnltit'5 theltfOl"e are !'}HCiuJ 'over aU the 'parlicJes<br />

or tht h~l\vens. '. ;, ,;<br />

A ntl the v~~tu~adorned-p, ophet say., in tLe Ftrad"..<br />

uru;tnd, Shet Beh~a~I' l;:tid Ulllo me i<br />

'<br />

'.<br />

,<br />

11. The human Mal is independe,nt, indivj&ibl~,<br />

without begin"''','g,or end.<br />

eMUr EXT" n. Y. He n~'x lIi~ ,., lh~ 're' peeled and ae.<br />

five soul it; fin inciepe!Jdellt ~nd s{illl,11' sut,slltn,ee, poi;'<br />

lesSing the prnpt'lty' of he"lo\~it.~ m~li"n; iI, is called<br />

man, alt~ hllked of ,as 1 lllni tliou. That angel hili ~<br />

counex ion with hod r, the coimcxion' of w:aCch i ng ave;<br />

or tltiD~ing for' it, but withou.t 'pt~ndratiltg the body<br />

•<br />

or being "mixed with it. B~uc~ we sa, c1i;it, to One' ,,1.0<br />

at(~ld. to, t.he undcntantling, tlie c1eare'll of D.11"th1~gl<br />

is hit own' e:liK tenee' and reI lily ~' Rnd the cJrellnle; in<br />

.leep, t~e dr'tJQken mall dorin, intnxication, lie \';b~ i~<br />

awake "u~inip his wak,ing, the ',u~bcr ,man "'J,h!~ 111 t<br />

itate of sobridy, may' be ignorlliu of Bny f"h'ingt 'd~~<br />

fint carm'ot Or. ig~ora.ni of or uMcq,iRii,tecf ,fiii. hii<br />

own rxilllencr. 'Ht>llce \\'C need ,",0 pr()(;f.r e"ici~nee hi'<br />

~r~(;·. ,'own e"!ilit;:nce~ F or the pn,.,~rty ot .. 'p\oof ts<br />

'hal "it he .. middle' t~rm by which lhe enqli'ir~f 'mlly •<br />

• rriYe nt. ''!'hilt'' be se

, I<br />

•<br />

r -. -.<br />

114<br />

•<br />

1r • , .. ,',<br />

~r ~e4iu&il.bet\\"e:n a lingle indiyidual, and aelr"oil~t<br />

merely !!ome (0. ~~lf, at'll' always be placed by sclf.<br />

Hence .~t is impr~p~ alld. absurd Lo attempt. pr~foC<br />

'&W= .e~lsten.ce of one'. sl'l~ •<br />

., Sjn.ce then you .~i1.ow witb unerring eertilnty tbat<br />

"Q'ur~ yOt~rlelft we"na)" vt"ut'ue to affirm ~hat the Soul<br />

is B .• u~~tance n.ot anacc.i,lellt. _For .. ~~ ~U kno\f tha~<br />

whatever posseasel being, e.H'ept 0111, the 1)uly Yezd~nt<br />

i. ~jth~r aU.bstance or ac.:cidrnf. ~ lid wherevet I be·<br />

ing"depends on a~y 'tb;~~ 'diti~rent - fro~n itst"lf, lbat<br />

other is necesldrily in i lselr" j/l{lepe~d.,"( ~i if. As fot<br />

e:ta'mp)e~ the furli, of ,be lbt.dnt i1.de~Dtlent on lht et·<br />

iSlence of theg.oK} ;:f9r.if.th~ gold bad ~ es"t~~ till<br />

f~mD of the gold COI!J,t have nOlle. Slich esistence, it<br />

~al\ed ~ubservie,~t 'antl (Jel~dnd,·~t,<br />

afld in the crlestill<br />

i~lIg~e,tawer ( or ac~.iie~~.). A ~Id were it not ~ b.<br />

been expl~ined, it ~o.uld be indepenltent, and self·<br />

~!~~I~ ~n its ow:'" being,. ,,:ithout dependence or reliancc<br />

~Il a!lY I~hipg .t'h~ th.llt ~OI"ters firinneli~" Ii~ch as.!o~du<br />

bas alr~~1 bten explai~f"d, .and ~hicl~ iaal tlley.call<br />

IlIi,lIItance, or i~ the celelitial tougue f07-6h'er-<br />

, . : . ,. t<br />

'. rlleae l1"!a~ters ~I\ v ing tti ill been t'J( plaiucd iD detail,<br />

, . ~ .<br />

jt is.,p,IR.!D th.at ( tai!Jtr .or) accident is a propelty super-,<br />

indllc~ on 9~ ~eccived from ~onleihing dHferent frolll<br />

... '. '. .'<br />

it.elf, ... I)~d. whicb last mentioned thing !!lUll! be indee<br />

Penj .• ~~, aqd st~bl~ of itself, ill order tliat it may be tbe<br />

~.ccip~~nt. ~n~ .upport of tbat '~ent {or ttJltJQ ~<br />

Th~, ~"btitallce, mao, it the recipient· of ~rccplioo lOll<br />

le"'~~QJ ~n'd tig~r~ and notions are ~~awn ~pon it, and<br />

.. i~ erazed Qut of it; a properly wbich 'docs Dot bI",<br />

100.1 1.0 a9~lJen~ ( or ,~m,1r ). The loul, ther.(ore ean-<br />

1)01 he an a~ciderit; arid not ht'ing an Iccil.iClIl, i& ua~<br />

Jlt&;~uarill be~ a BubstaJ)

SHE1' 8~AN·TgE FIRS1'. ~7S<br />

:0" 'Xgeitt it may be' allit~ed 'U,iCthe ~~u, ri nOt I)~dy;<br />

'for the lrady is ahvay.' ~om'p~ed or ptrt~,<br />

and {nay b.,<br />

divided into ,ery sniatf and niidate' portions, ana ihii<br />

"'fo such Ii dt'gree 'th:at''''~eh "wlleri,liit cah mf)onger be<br />

tiivlded or cut hy:~:'~)lite;:(t'r'S"'Dnt o(\tfe'fike, yet rea:'<br />

-.ou·' tells u. that 'ii is stiW di viliibte'. ' 'For; if threeRlI~<br />

1l~U;<br />

parts he·vl.Ltid~(de·~h'dt~ii;alt(f irthe pili<br />

"-lilch is in me'rhidJfe' p'teVellt the two \ pal~i"\Yhi'Cll an!<br />

~n .. he two aides -fr~' meeting togetlier~'atl;d beii,g 'fA<br />

contact with each ortler, tbis middle pi~e rDU'st evid-ent-<br />

1; have two side's, one t~wards the piece"Jn the right<br />

aide, anei the other' in Coutict 'wirh the pie('"e oll:\he<br />

left iiue; and eacll or' tfiese "two' oodic"'oo th~ sidt!.<br />

flu als"G two silles, tlbe 'side touching the 'iuiddle picc.e<br />

.no 1M lide on me 'o('positc Clirection;' 'and .... hatever<br />

.La two sidell, and is susceptibfe of b~lng~ ap~ied t~ auy<br />

tlling ell', ii ui\'islb~.· Btit:lf the pic(.'e' 'in 'he middle<br />

O«~red 110 C'esista1)dt"; sO "(llil the t ~;; side ~pieces were<br />

to meet, illen' riotlii'igco\ild '\ illletv~e ; "'land froiD the'<br />

Illeeti-n~ ~of Ulese' 'uyo," ~I,t're Wduli) , ~h:ftie il CoJljU',~ctiOlt'<br />

80\1 a connexiotl; "h'creas a mllrullr~eaetralioll of tw'a'<br />

tiOcJ~es it ah~inlp6s~~b~IIY.; !~i!i?g ,ilni'~~ 8~R,'e olle, t~i.~~~<br />

ol1)Y rean exut sf once in one plact>, il is' i!1'polilllble tJlllt<br />

''''0 tlih'iM ~ho'uld<br />

txisll!t'one tiUlc"'in the UlDe place.'<br />

f'oT, i· : is'jli~t as 'f~"whell \)'H! "'as It;ttlt;g if I' a' plll,c'e;<br />

• aDolher ~.'e<br />

tl) ('OIDe and sit d(hft} on rtte 'sa;ue 8{'or,' '<br />

1~t '0 ~; ROC to ~ni:'o~lI~o"e tlie: fir';t' ~r: 'pr~lill hilD~ aud<br />

In ~,,~h· io', L thnt the tw4) IIhout(4 "II",e 1'oom' ellougb,"<br />

jUlt in 'he '" IDe 'way a~ "I'tl~ Ot.e' had, :at '(lae~ ~me lime:<br />

tLat'lhe pla(!e' had' bot ',been" al Illt ~n~rea.sed<br />

iii lel'gth,<br />

lire;ldlb,' del~lh (~r 'CapDCily, \~hi~'h rs 'absjll d.:' ,I ACllce'<br />

#fiiy co!iipcfund! ~('Y 'IUtillt be: "u'~"p;i?)h~ of J!"'i>'UII;<br />

aud 1'if"Y UUII& U.IIllt:.iul, nhkh ~1I4UU'U' Uf' lilllipo:ne'J-<br />

. ~<br />

by<br />

.,<br />


TH E BtJOI< (")5'<br />

hy body, 15 in like manne. subj~t t«) di,i.viea: linee<br />

the divition of plltrf illlplies tfu~. divilibilily of wblt i.e<br />

in the p"'Ct~ .nd occupit'!.the lpa~e.<br />

We lIIay Ilext affirm, that the distindin tJSenCl! ct<br />

unily' ill indivilliuJc, and hItS no (I'vi~ioas, pari. or portio"l.<br />

For to conl;c.,e it I. divided into parts. would<br />

be mere (lIllCJ'. aDd irna,ina1ion, n~t rf!'ffm: and ~I~a&<br />

doe. Ilot adluit o,r divisiun can bave no p'ace", what<br />

admilJ at" division, ,,,d l'amlot be .(:OI'llai.ned in ii, .'1)1<br />

wherever a .tbir:-g. is di., i,iblc ~lId; '~j~~l' ef beiag di,id·<br />

ed, as time and sp.tcr, yon. may. of cOllrsr. cOAceireitll<br />

b~iDg divitlt',d or s~p~' :t,rd. But no iO\"\Iec'nal nOlioft<br />

is liusc~pfibl~ of divisioJf, or ~parlti~fl. W'lI'Ace iti.<br />

plain thHt the lonl is &imp)~ "nd not malelLu!. Forth.<br />

• • I<br />

- ,<br />

•<br />

'0111 is- -the s~,at of the tS5enc:e of uni ly, tnd ,"al Men-c I<br />

of unily re~ictes in it: HDeI if"nft1 "frio a "~ly,orbc·<br />

loaged to 1>ody" tb~n. upo.· alty di"i .. ion of' boa1or<br />

what belong. '0 bod)" the .iml"e tlseftce."~lJld aI.o,<br />

offteceai'y, be .divided ; "~,n~ that .hi,h resul .. in Ihe<br />

portion that illepClr&lr.d, must, in Irlld.~ ruide in that<br />

frHgmenl, not in the total; ~Ild,,, he'oner any thinl<br />

reaid~s in &he whole, thal wbich ,Hid... in. ,arh part it<br />

distinct from that which resides in anv other' pari;<br />

whence would neceslSaril, e'D!me .he di,illion of that<br />

which resides in place •• And bence it "clear .'~~l tbe<br />

.oul must ~ simple. .<br />

]n the next place we Rllert that the aefiYe !~.nl U Ill'<br />

tieot, A9t ne\\ ly . created or prq

•<br />

'SUET SASAN TlIE fiRST. 171'<br />

'. . .<br />

. We Dext .ay t111~t the BOul is stable, ~. oa the 4~<br />

"ructio~ oftbe body, d9CS not suffer simila, decay t .bu~<br />

iemains eternal. For ~hatever decaJ' mu~t, ~efo[e. it. '<br />

decay, possess a sosccptibJily of decay; and 'l~is susceptibility<br />

mU6t reside Fomewhere. But i\ canpot ~~~<br />

Jat iq the essence of the thing wbich~. decays; sillce trUt<br />

pouib,i1ity of ~eCIIY mUS,t exist after its destruction;' an(~<br />

tt is clea:r,tllit .t'he thin! itself does not ;~,rQain after i,s<br />

destruction I henee if tbe 1~)Ul cease to exist, it neces~<br />

aiit, foll,,~, thftt the place in which ~he 'posdbilit; of<br />

decay resides, must be fO,metbing diiFcrcmt frQm the'SQo.,<br />

~d yet that tiliDg, muSt be tbe essence of the sObt, i~<br />

puler cbat. die pOSllbi,ljly of 'b"de&\ru4(ti. of the sent<br />

may be perma.nent in it:, ~cause it is inco.p.sist~nt "ilQ<br />

rcalOn,. that a. thing, different {I o,~another thing, shoul~<br />

he theperman~n,tseatof the Pos$iPilit.1 of~~ay oflh,a.~<br />

9lher thing. It wOllld therefore \,Revi\ably folio,\,( lro~<br />

.,hi. reponing, that tbe soul, '''u a eompo~~~ ~ lIl~e'!<br />

,inl _ubstau~e;. blit lamcien\ proofs of the ind~p.f'P",<br />

dpce ofthe soul ~ maU~r have alreadx bee~ ,iY~, it<br />

flust ~,ererore ~ etfruai.<br />

~ And the S~ul i. pe~ane~t of i~ on 'tJ~Dre~ .... 4<br />

~ai" by means of ill, Otg~lst; for it knows i_lf~ 8A"<br />

ahit. ael,f,kDD"~lge it nner can reoeive through it,<br />

.rga~ for then llle, would be the mediqlD, betw. 1,<br />

.nd i~ eucnce; but, whatever obeer.~. ~ me.~s·of<br />

orl"DI, 'eall conqnebend nei.a.er itself 'llor ,it. o~.-'<br />

pm" AI the. 6ight. d~s not lee tbe light, ~~d Bofdfth.<br />

"Sor~ye[ Che ,o~11 evel~ diic9ven errats. in'tl\e botIH.;<br />

eeDlel, nnd "~r.l~eI" t,h4;ir t,rurb iroPl their errOl'~<br />

• • Tlu·rr 1.'PeoU. to b, .olJlrll.!'DI dtCc«:tive Ol: ollliU,"<br />

bt re in tht origi"al. I .<br />

~ .<br />

•'.. t, Li,~a:11' 1\,,,,, •<br />

,<br />

, \<br />

, .<br />

I<br />

I<br />

·<br />

•.<br />

· i<br />

..-.....<br />


118 . TIlE BOOK OF<br />

"Hence it is plain that the lou1 doel not acquire thil<br />

knowledge by the medium of these organ!. For bOwe.1<br />

tbat be tal,en from It faculty which doe. .. not betong-to il;<br />

, 1'he 50ul, too, is not percei ved by the bodil,lensa i<br />

for they disco't'er lIolhing but body Bnd "hilt bfloagl<br />

to bo.!y: and the sOlll is neither body nor corporeal.<br />

And the mode in which the lou1 [lets by its inmumenll<br />

is plain, as it perceives by its facu I lies,

•<br />

SHET '''AM, TIt~ -FIRST.<br />

lit<br />

.~, and ~I eIMII~,oftbe So.\fI it'mdrt_ttaW.e tbaa<br />

·.tbe bodily HDIeI: bence it. feelines InU,t.be mOle per­<br />

.. eDt tban tholl co~ .... nioa'ed 'lly tbe,body: becaoal 'I<br />

.bodily facukiea seeand bow ouly what. iI :external and<br />

"'D.ibl~t wherens the inteJlectqll1 powen are uerted inlemally.<br />

ADd their perceptions are· more. perfect too,<br />

'ban tbe percc;ptions of seole; beeau.le intellectual pCDo<br />

_<br />

,caplions bave r~ference '0 indopendent existences,_<br />

.uqiver.-la, intelligence. aDd Yodin; wliile the per­<br />

,ceptionl derived .from tI~e bodily aensn' are Itlch, as .<br />

. coloDn. liahu alld amells j aDd il is plain .that, of the<br />

t"o cllSlt!l, loeb III are i~d~peDdeilt are tbe more eltulted.<br />

It being establiahtd ~ba' tbe thing perceived, the act<br />

of peroeplion and tbe percipient alc aU most exc:ellent .<br />

in intellectual p'erce.pti~~., it (oUo•• that intellectual<br />

pleasure mUlt be more perfed tban bodily pleaaure, and<br />

tbat bodily pleasure is Ilot Co be compared to it. For<br />

."'bat affinity have ideal received through the IeDIII<br />

wilb independent existenoc., and especiaHl witb tbe<br />

S~lr-Exislent ~ 'fho't, clau; therefore, which is mightY'<br />

aMong the migb(y~ and fortunate ,:mong the fortunate,<br />

thote who Juive reached the limits of perfection in.act aDd<br />

'peecb, certainly attain the world of lights; and lower<br />

than them 'is the fortonale band who bavihg"iodeea<br />

. etcaped from the restraint of the elements, yet bave 00'&<br />

attained tlle .open ex pan!t b( space frfe (rom pJace, of the<br />

lDdepmdrnl, but reach, an 'Of tbem, the particular hel{-<br />

. '.<br />

Wft t. which tbey have gained an affinity: and all find<br />

11]ealure in tbe eXCIlleut 'arm. and deligluful..q~alitieJ<br />

ahat.exid in ,b~ soul of the Ipheru. And luch Il. h.yo<br />

DOl escaped from .he thraldom of natural constitutioq,<br />

bulwho I"'the llUIle lime ,havi a .uipasliOS ,eodoea,<br />

CO<br />

•<br />

1<br />

r<br />

;<br />

I<br />

i<br />

• ,I<br />


THB BOOK 0 "<br />

•<br />

,0 from body to body 1:" a sflte of pro,g~iYe im .<br />

provement, fill tltty reach r,he lita te of rr:Iruf'. And<br />

this progresaion they coli frr.fr~ngsa,. Sn~h II hare<br />

been wicbcl enter into t he ~dir of I'peectJiw aoimllt<br />

eccording f~ their various di po Hiogs: and lhi'l IIley<br />

call "."g',dr. And some ~oter info vegetab es, and III~<br />

.. teTlgsdr: and ~omelim es 81lio they arc f~ .closed · illm i~<br />

lI~ral!o, alld this is cullt'd sal- 3r)d stmgsdr. And lila,<br />

.re the several dt'grees of hell . And tbe knowlfdge.a ,~<br />

dorned prophet hath spohn mucb on this (object. On<br />

this head J have IlQt written one of a thousnnd of the<br />

words of that exalted being.<br />

~rhere is a J;lopk of the cho en of the incomr:uablil<br />

].ed, the venerable pro ptu~t and kil]g of kings, Peri·<br />

·dfm, which is calltd the H u.neristan; in 'which he ~nyll<br />

1 crt'pt out of lIle lower body, and I!ce.gded into lhe<br />

Heavens; nnd in descending; made sonte enquiriesof<br />

Tt-r ( Mercury), who g a\'e anS\'l'en my Questionl. 000<br />

f)f ,hem i8 the {ollowing,<br />

20. The heavens bave neither rent nor·<br />

o ~ • • •<br />

seam. .<br />

~O~"E.NT,",RY.<br />

The ve:ry mighty onu., , tbel1!.iife,<br />

different quarters of Lhe Ilcavens,al it is laid lhal m b<br />

"n one mo.ves to Buch! ~n .m:rl: nnd ~hat loward,.<br />

which he moves cannot be l~l~ -soul of a no .IJ.ui'tenc~<br />

~i,tlce non.el~lilY f~nno tb~ .the subject 9f indicatioli.<br />

'fhis being e&tablilSl.1ed, it nlny be ,d ~l ed lh.ilt t.hl, Cbi!l:<br />

called q,;rt. ~allnot. be a pur~ly 'Illellectlial no '~ ; on, iWee.<br />

. . ,<br />

• J haYe .. 1lor,.d rid. Srr> lrh 'l(ford . !11~ 'I.e o~ .h ic~ hu<br />

Iken iUIiCIiOIlt',j ,.y ttlr a ll'tronty of lin rmirlen~ . "ri','" III ,<br />

()rdrr 10 Itvllid Ihr cliruml,.i·lIlillll that WQuid ull1rlW I,t ,,,<br />

lie," S.ary ,.he ~o .. ll'u I~ II.U II 'C lJi\:IQ,; liD. Ii II le ~ ~ffli '<br />

.pulldllJj ~t:t JlI. ,) • ~ I (( "<br />

Ro ! b ill~<br />

-..<br />


S8ET SASAN THE fIRST.' 181<br />

Iiothing 'purely hdeUectoal can be luceptible ot IeDli ..<br />

ble indication j and no motion can be directed to"ard •<br />

• merely intellectual autence. Whatever, thererere ..<br />

it subject to indication, ana lOch that motion may be<br />

"irected toward. it~ mo~t be possessed caf 10Dle qu~ity.<br />

But anytbing from which air' i. indicated, and in the<br />

directio, of which it is Ie'~n, and "hence it is lpecia01.<br />

noted, cannot be lusceptible of separation. For, u the.<br />

lteiugin motion llioves ever tbe nearest parlic,le of llirt<br />

he moat necesaarili do one of '\Yo thing.; he molt<br />

either move 'rmn an flirt or tD an air,: from wbich kl.<br />

lernalive it necaearily. follow8 thateDe particle of Girl<br />

muat be the tolality of airt, which is impoasible. And<br />

I. like manner' were it divisible or B( parable, motion.<br />

might be directed towards "D-airt: that, is towards DO-.<br />

thing, which la impo8lible.<br />

1ft tbe Dut place tbe* Lord ( Kbawend) of lh.<br />

Spberes mOlt necessarily be.a perfect and circular bod Yt<br />

since the fixing the position of every thing depend. 011<br />

kim'c and il is necessary tJlat he Ihol.l.~d. regulate lire<br />

tlntre, not tbat the ce~tre should regul~,e him, OD ac­<br />

~ount of the luccession of eternal revoiutioIll on en~<br />

'. I '. "<br />

POlot.<br />

I ,t ~. ..<br />

\<br />

\ .<br />

It il necesaary tqo .that he be not compoun~d., ef<br />

diWerent bodies, seeiu, diat tben he w,!~ld.~ .~i~~!e;·to.<br />

composition and dissolution. And the Lord of the.<br />

.. ~ ".<br />

Splleres cannot be divisible, siDle were he liable . to di-<br />

~.<br />

'Visioll he .oat inevital?ly be affected by tw~ lIlotioP',<br />

one towardi. beinr, and ene towards n~n.8~tity;. and,<br />

',,"0 i opposite .hnllltaneoUI) motioDs are ilDpossibl~ •.<br />

Know, too, that beat i. a power which .. pires to<br />

ueeDd from ,he centre. that c61d is a pa,we&' . whb:11<br />

• :Khll'Wlft4. 11i. NinLh a'l'l a or fcbcmtcn ......<br />

•<br />

fr"la<br />

•<br />

.. _.<br />

~ . .~ . ."<br />

- .. -.<br />

:' .... .'<br />

~<br />

J ' •• ~."" '\.".(&:II. ... '. • .t<br />

_~ ~AII""._ .......:~ ___ ... .Jj"<br />

_ ~.!

182 'I'HE BOOK OF<br />

from above stri vel to 8 pptoacb the centre: tbal heni.<br />

ness rules over cold, and lightness rule,. over heat: .nd<br />

tbat the Lord does not move from ahove downward,<br />

nor from below upward, whence he is not necessarily<br />

either heavy or light, hot or cold: that the molioD of<br />

the Lord of the Sphere. is round the cenlrt', and 'ii.<br />

. .<br />

aspect is circular: for he is not compounded of differeAt<br />

bodies, '8.1 of parts, that he should J ....'·e an upull<br />

down •.<br />

Know farther that whatever is liable to encreue Decessarily<br />

requires food: Bnll whatever requires food<br />

must be Iiahle to assume and Jose Its form i and haSi<br />

lusceptibJity of divisioll or junction. Hut the Lon! is<br />

Dot liable to encrease, and has no need of food, aod being<br />

free from the neccs!.ity of taking nourisl~menl, hei<br />

not liabJe to the assumptioJ1 or JO'lS oHorm. .<br />

And the Yezdtinis call the Lord of the Spheres<br />

Tebemten-. And the Almighty Just One has DOlcreal.<br />

ed him of tbe elements: lie bas conft'rred being OQ<br />

that blessed essence from anotiler IlUhstance which Ibty<br />

call the fifth elemellt: and n8 change or ir~ur1 can<br />

affecl him to ail eternity: and he i. the obedicntsemn\<br />

of Y rzd4n, never' having in any instance ditobrytd,<br />

from the tilDe without beginning when he was crealal.<br />

The blesSing of God be UIMJIl him!<br />

'l'be l'rophet of the incomparable Ired, 'Feridun, i~<br />

tb<strong>eBook</strong> called Hunefililan+, haa many proofs 00' the<br />

subject which I have touched.<br />

The benevolent prophet Manueheher in tbe Book<br />

. caUed the Danishaar ( or EiSenc'; of knowledge) say.,<br />

Berjtsbt said unto me, .<br />

* Tehemter, The ilDlt'!ense body.<br />

t The Trealury of 'Know It'd gr.<br />

; Tile &uudiau aOld of the planet JlJpiter. .<br />

.• • '. ..':.- . j),<br />


'Z<br />

•<br />

SHE1' SASAN THE FIRST. ,113<br />

. ,<br />

•<br />

2 I. The e1eme.nts, however mingled, arc<br />

either per~anent o~ impermanent.<br />

COJlMBNTAR·Y. It i. to be observed that tbere .ro<br />

f ..\.Ir ~leDtCnt8, the pOlli,ively li,bt. b.el.and dry, ,,1.icb.<br />

ia fire; the c:omptlrafively light, warm apd moist, whicb.<br />

j. air; the comparalively.htnv" coM aad mowt, wbich.<br />

is wafer; nDd the pPlitively hll\VY, cold and dry, which<br />

i, earth. The \Valer iI of the shape of a ban, the balf of<br />

'i hich being broken .il filled w.itb water; 10 that the<br />

water Bnd eartb together .Co~P06e oue ball. And al<br />

the elements penetrate into and affect each otber, a IOrt<br />

of middle nature is produced "hicl~ is called constito.<br />

tion or temperaIDellt. If a. body that il united with a<br />

temperament has tbe probability of lubsi4ting for a<br />

protracted time, and of retaining .ita c:ompound lub ..<br />

Ilance. it is called permanent or perfect; if not, thell<br />

imperfect or impern\a~ent. And' among the imperfe~t'<br />

,.ompoonds are tht midtl1e existences called Nhrer-e ..<br />

Ni,,'4r (meteors of the air): for air mixed wi,b. w.fu<br />

is milt; and· fire miaed wi~ earth, smoke, and .. socb.<br />

like. And there can be nQ .. tempegaruent 'so purel"<br />

f'quaJized that the elements in' it should be exactly equal<br />

in quantity Ind mode. And in proportion 81 temper.<br />

ament more nearty approachet equality, dlC ~oul be­<br />

Itowed on it by the originator' of being i. more perfect.<br />

'J'be objects of all otben the moat remote frOID equality<br />

of temperament are minerals; then Te~tablea j aC.<br />

ter them, moving tliings and mnnkifld~ And, in the<br />

view oCtbe intflligenf, these ,brte children partit.ipale<br />

in the attife 80u1 of the Universe. AI to the fout eft ..<br />

me __", tbe ilhlstrjo~~ l)f0l)~', in the ~cnira~le volume<br />

caUed Oaoilibsar ( or' ,b~ eSl~Dce of kuowJeda;e), .,i\·:CI.<br />

,<br />

lIlaDY<br />

'J<br />

'w t st<br />

'b r -._


many proors and iUustratioos, and offers manYoblmi.<br />

tions on tbeir creation; composition and decompGIitiOll;<br />

;,bieb we abstain from repeating, as oilr intenlioD jj<br />

tlJd every oi'Ie should not be able to perose the tpeCI.<br />

lationl (bisAllr) which I have wtilteri on·the DeMdrJ<br />

and this translation sbol1ld first bf all be lead ij mrt<br />

Yezdani, (hat be may cOmprebend a IiU)e of tie Mod<br />

JQlt and of His Creation.<br />

22. Let us ask help of Mezdam; tbeSelf·<br />

existent original Essence, the Un~ompol1nd~<br />

td" the Cr~ator of qualities!<br />

28. 0 FerdinAs, son of *DelWentis!<br />

24. I have chosen thy service;<br />

~5. And; on thy account" have overlook·<br />

ed the crimes of the Hifasis. .<br />

2 O. Certain] y I will raise up m1 favoQr~<br />

ed one;<br />

Plllt!lIAN NO'I'E~<br />

'lne .Kin! .of King', Amtlltlt,<br />

21. from dut Elf you" that ~e may assume<br />

the government. .. ' ,<br />

28. And be ye rulers ~.,er tbc. iobabi·<br />

tan '8 of t he earth;<br />

. 20. And let the sOTereignty long remain<br />

among you.<br />

30. Now I.have . made, thee a rerl wise<br />

prophet;<br />

31. And thy £on shan lee that exalted<br />

personage:<br />

. .. .<br />

'It AZt'r.u.an, !lOll 01 I bab. P~.<br />


[StlET S1.SAM TltE FIRST.<br />

]BS<br />

3'2. And:, for thy sake, the kingdom shall<br />

enjoy prosperity;<br />

33. And thou art the prophet of the<br />

w·orld;<br />

34. And I have sent thee to all mankind;<br />

85. "And thy race shall publish thy faith<br />

in Hiras. a~d elsewhere;<br />

, .<br />

. :l~. Fot' they are,thy vice-gerents;<br />

-17. And aU of them shall be good and<br />

.<br />

pl0U8. .<br />

38. ltIake thy heart' joyful, {or I have<br />

gran ted thy desi~e.<br />

GOIIIIBIfTA,llY. It il to be remark~d that wben Se-<br />

. kuder conquered bin, 8AII4n the Ion of 17 arab retired<br />

before his fathe,', brother, and went to Hind; where he<br />

Qercised the wonbip of Yezdi. in a cavern. YezdAn<br />

leoked upon that rxalted per.onAge.~th favor, and selected<br />

him for praphecy, and laid:{ F~r thy sake have I<br />

forgiven tbe-lilll of·~ If"Aois, of which Ihe greatest~ was<br />

tile murder of DiA\b. And now I will raille up one of<br />

tby relatives of the Kyni rac~, a man upright in word<br />

~d deed, that be may aaume the 't)v~rnment of th.<br />

kinlcio .., _10 YOII may h. delivered from those kinlp<br />

tbatare on enfY hmd t and may ~cape from subject~nt<br />

and the chief. of the world lubnlit to yoil~ sway,<br />

'I in former lirnes, and the sovereignty remain long<br />

~0Il' you. Thy IOD "ill see that kihgdom.gralping,<br />

lDonuch t and mllke tbe CO'lDtry.of·cilies populous<br />

tbrou,b thy excellence.' 'l'boll ~rt tbCi prophet Gf th.<br />

•<br />

• lr~ll.<br />

Pm.<br />

. earth,<br />

,<br />

-- ".

earth, and ·tbee have I sent fal lhp ddh",...f ettlle<br />

earth. Thy SOilS will spre,d Rbroad, over. leAn Iflel.<br />

other retrions the faith acct:p:ahle. to Y ezdA'l, 'Whi~b i"<br />

t~iflf! : and tht, will he perfect, known of\"t~a~,wor·<br />

kers of miracles, and muter. of r~oDi'tg<br />

altd ar,,~<br />

JIlCJJt~<br />

And "llell .his «"lIalted propbet dit;d in ~lincl, hetlad,<br />

alion n.amt'd .JtwallllAp, who ia known ... tb" ~<br />

AkrsLAa. and r.elel1?h~ hi, re~~ talbt;r ia.know-,<br />

ledge and practice. H!e, by tJ.e direc\ioD~ of t.he i""'-<br />

triou. prophef, t.be mighl, A.enAIAn. .. tnt to kabul.<br />

i~lln.<br />

For Iht V,op"~t. of, ¥ead4P had lIid "Illo 1Iifi.<br />

Find out Ardeshlr, of tbe ~ qf ."""0, aM d,aa,er<br />

unto-bull my 800k. ArdealJlr ru)ed aJHr40 i-. tbe ....<br />

of that per.on~, and" ~ a. ckeam, taw the mighl'<br />

SA,in, wh" infor.ed. "i,a of the .... eaa4 eOlfdilioDot<br />

the 1If:('Q,Ild ~l.' tn. A.niUUlled by the hopea 10 _ ..."<br />

tbe K IIIg of I. ~ ~eat te ¥abuIW~, au, af.Cer a IJIoI.<br />

,aDd Inti f:afiea, baviq Iw:ceaded ilp brilJ~i. that w.­<br />

ed being to tbe pr~troPl reaideoa of; j".kt.ar~ ~ •<br />

. ('cnstru(:tc'd na. immense- mODAl.", "'W- ,.~It. the.<br />

1i,IIres of the Slab, ud ho\,u., ti,e ..... ples 011 diftm\<br />

akles, and BISig-ned th .. ~ ,1or.iOUl pe ............. Iioa,<br />

there'. A ud trom ,lial lime ~).O'll.'" tIIa.l ~ ..<br />

I.<br />

of r,.)igiou20 hOWiea df.ptladf'd 011 .... d~ ••.rIb"<br />

mighty pwphet; .nd by ID~D' fir foil..,." of..,<br />

IiIlCcf'l·or of die reverf'Dd prophet, .1(' t.e kinp e( tile<br />

hahitable world become Iubject (0 Ard .. hlt, t" liar<br />

of kings.<br />

ag. Let us ask aid frolQ Me~.d4""<br />

eli&ting ES6ef1ce, uncompou.aded, the Artiflcer<br />

of qualities!<br />

t.e self ..<br />



(JO ..... TAftT. ftroaglli'" Essenee~ .<br />

40. Stabliab tbe faith of ferzabld<br />

eo, •• )fT •• Y. Tbe 8KP_OA which 1. ell.f·: y wbere<br />

... b, V .... , '. ~lilh the f~itb of the G,r.t A,.<br />

bid", duel pat l1J~an th~t the religioll w~ formed b,<br />

4bld! To 1M it i, clear ih. it may be denominale.<br />

the fail" pll''''1ing·~o. Y ezd_n, Bince the rai th whie4<br />

.,... to Him "'~'J be pleasing If) Y ud'~. Thi. f.Lith<br />

aeceptab'e to Ye.dln WAf r~yea~~ to Ab&,d by the<br />

f'e8~ Teiid, aqd ill thi- f_ith did.U lhe prophet­<br />

~e; I"d the doctri., Qr Abld· are no~ only pleasing<br />

tQ .¥ ezd~, btrt ~10Il1 to Y od,n, And 1" adln nelor<br />

qverfpnD t~il f~itb i fAr I ch..-ge qf ·qrden pro ..<br />

.,ed. rr ... fbe .d~ i1Jring..-"pew,d ~ hil lint Qr'!'<br />

der., "be,... P"'~ kqqw"ctp c:u ,iTe. DO order fJf<br />

"hieh i~ cut '","lit, Apd it cannot J¥' ."adpd *at ..<br />

..rtferen~ ~nQw'~p' i, requilite for diftereQt' ti~eI, seeip,<br />

thaJ ,oqd kQQ1fled.ae aqd .ctiQ1l are CQ~lnendable<br />

at aU U"et; 1pl&1 not",", is delimble ~ut wba~ i, righ$ •<br />

.,q" hQ riP- faitb lb.." II.il ~n be givell, ... ill nideqt<br />

I. 'he rair eftqMirer a"d sedu'loul ipv~fig.tQr i<br />

,ad Y~ ha fife" m.nk~qd a faith to which tllt'1<br />

ml,.,..," at ." MUOnI. Whe" a Ve~dAni ia a,ked.<br />

What iI ttae flilith 1 fa ..... plt Inlwer, The fllil~ ICc,pt~<br />

able ~ V ~n, Ot', I ~~ • Y,ad_n.. Bq', in circum •<br />

... ~ in which lhere " r~'), tb. colu:ealmept an4<br />

lriding of hi. f~itb U Dl"cessary •<br />

.. i. ~nd' now le~ file inforD\ ~ wba,<br />

tbilles Will bef~1l llJiln~ind ; •<br />

.f2, ~n4 do thp&I .nforaa. thy Ghildretl<br />

t Fer :bld, ", __ bU ......... bAd.. "lit, ,1M<br />

Or~4*<br />

tbat<br />

\<br />

"<br />


l88<br />

TilE BOOK OF<br />

that they may warn themselv.es and the<br />

good, of these dreadful calamities;<br />

43. And may shun th~se distresseS';<br />

4-1. l\Iany men will ar.ise and from them<br />

Biras hath nothing to ~read ..<br />

CO~I31E~1T A RY. For some est!lbli~hed a code 0{ Lan<br />

among the ·,sIIOodyirs, and .ought precmiornc:e amoor<br />

thllt dilllB. Thneafter there "lUI a Mall who called<br />

them aU unto him and .aid, I ~m the Ion of Iezdb.<br />

At lengfh tbey slew him, and therufter bis re~igiODlai<br />

puhlished: And, at tbe preaent day, tbe HdoW are<br />

of his faitb.<br />

4fi. And a man will come, who winlead<br />

astray, and-falsely call himself a prophet;<br />

.046. ADd will not save his' life from tby<br />

men.<br />

COM"ENTARY~ He her. mean. Manl the painter,<br />

",110 came into Iran in tlle time of the king of kiogt,<br />

the ~mperor of em perorl, the slayer of tbe TaRs (A.<br />

rabi), Ardeshir of tbe race of Shlpur. He IlaJ I book<br />

in which were innumerable figures, Bach u, a figure<br />

having a man's body and elephan,', bead, ~ 10 follb.<br />

And he said, these are cdeslia~ angels; Iud he gm<br />

permission to slay harmless animals, and deemed·itiadispensable<br />

to abstain from women. The emperor Sba.<br />

pfir was the disciple of the second Shet SWn, and bad<br />

learned his knowledge from that Sage. He enquired<br />

of Mani, Whit realon can you have for killing banD­<br />

Jess animals and for abatill~nce from women? Mllli<br />

* The J,bAdi, or Yck6&ti, or J..n. Whit CoDo," .nuda<br />

to Cbrist.·<br />

,<br />

T,.",<br />

IDIwCftIII,<br />


, ,<br />

'.<br />

IlasftreCJ;:tD oidet1 tiaat .b1'm.Ulfm811ie1im~vediwIlY;'<br />

SHE'f SASfN Tfli!~,jRST.<br />

IIid IIfMh' pure .,tat; iiea~flot. their' i\~pUre' b:idies'<br />

and ntaID apiD '0 their 01l'n proper abode; ancftti.t¥<br />

GU'tIe ~' .'y,&1- "6~ IMIIint: ,man ... Ana abe<br />

~~)~ ... , wr,~"'~ !.~c:d, ,tbJICP,' ",,,",<br />

race may nOl be P~P'~t;~ JI~~l ,outs }n,a~ ~ot~41<br />

from their own residence into thil defiled alJ()ue. KjnC<br />

Hapai rePlied, Ho. can ('il~ .uls of all')riri1ritir. esc111*<br />

by mean's of tllia b:untiag 'arid:slaug~ter,:' .liice· ,"<br />

pA1i6il of 'animal.. 'hitting Jife Ir;/ 'Pf~UCed' .'itho"uC:<br />

.puIsHon,<br />

"th<br />

as mo-quitoes !Tom 'thti'leave. or':ned,'.~,d'·<br />

Hke: aud" ita tlu~'shn\c manD'er'oth'er~ir Iu~h a/'<br />

SiS,"re produced :,u'their season,<br />

fl~W"tlin th,,~ be'<br />

l'HIoYed' aWl) . Iud,' ddtroyed 1 Th'e'rei the air, the'<br />

• r<br />

w", the tarth etnnotl*: ~moved aw~;Ya"d how cali<br />

.cli, lOUie 'as are anirra wid. vegetable. nj}~ .. iner.'s be<br />

..".faced trom them r Y'o~ 4!hjoin loci to' keep far tior,,:<br />

1nMDeD) I W Ii at dOe. if avail tn keeJl aWa)-from women;'<br />

if dIIite 'doe.not for.ake tlMf:hlait 1 ' 'Bul LI,o.e 'iouls of<br />

which 'V0U' buve' 'poten, r:w~'" they tttuth. id(b the<br />

hdi~ of mtn an d att "en, 'are frted and rise ,into hea. t<br />

Won l and it the face fA iman 'cfeeai DOt teD,llllle to exist,'<br />

~ .. bat bettower of ftre40iii'chi. tbe)"1Je .l1lea, A& the'<br />

coo.ersation drew oot fnt6 It\tgrh, Shl~r iaKl; WI.ich'<br />

vf the two is preferable~· deadlation 0";' populousness t·<br />

Nefti an,wered, 'The "So\inlde of bOdies ia tbe popu.'<br />

• I . . .<br />

leN_nett .f.out..•'SfI'Ip"r Rid, Ten me iI.etl ; . Would'<br />

aile ala,., of .e<br />

be-•<br />

.arce or popnlousriea or desO- '<br />

latloll' P He ....".ed, It "'auld b. tlte desobdon of my'<br />

"'1,'8ftd the l)oputonsbesa- of DJ180UI. : ·l'he kin.f of<br />

kiD" '.kI, AC;C:l)rdinr to th1 ,,"ord,' Willi' act hy thc~.<br />

IN ...,. driYCD from thi forwDate aa.t~ly,' and<br />

l I • '6...· j of ~."...1 • -\ • J<br />

t i. e. MeaDi .t I.neil,_<br />

I<br />

&lae<br />

..<br />

~ .. :~; ~~ J¥l~~;.~ : I<br />

t~e .,.a.f), ~.c~ll·1Jl'h. ,t~,. ,~~~, P,i.~<br />

~Qd "tl. aI~ •. hi'Pt . _q4. ~~ ~b~ ~, ~a4 """" ..<br />

lJ~tee,. ; i . .,' ,,;' ! ';<br />

. 4.j. And! ag.aia I aDoth,ar .i .. ...., ,triI<br />

tome and teach,.· that"'W'omea and propertt<br />

~hould b~ e,nJoyed .1A'c~~~Qn. ".. .. :<br />

..: COK.B~'T.Aay., Bith~ be W~ .., .,.... ''I'~''.<br />

'fl't! (n fhe ~imc of,the king of ~i~l't. GhobU, __ 1M,<br />

~lefoUlldrr of.~ ne" ~c~" H~, ~ug~t;, l~. is .....:<br />

just tha~ 01l~ shoJJJdno& .alii,.. lnotbu ofth., ..... (4ith.:<br />

a~)(r it i, i~~o~~ .lflat one believ.... ..~oplcl·~ ,.,....<br />

~f eff~ti, 'wl;il~ hi~ fellow bdi,nr. is lIithou'~I.<br />

It i~<br />

~ec'~I~~t .. t~efore •. tb.t .b~5A. wllo art· ef.,<br />

~me r.ith·lhollirl divide their w~Jth e.qqaJ11 "itIt­<br />

~~bel. N,,?.r. i. it .. seemly t.ha+ on~ I'DIJl abf._1d bave ...<br />

.,ife . wHh ,~, ~ea~ tifol COQQ~¥,~ ~ ~"Ifll. .'1Ift<br />

~"i~ 8JJ.o.~~I;~r:a)s. !1g\r. ~t. i, ~cl~~1 r..... .<br />

ther~tBr~ th~l. ~v~ry ,~C~ ~rfOn Ihou\d oCOIl(JQu...<br />

I, i. handso~~: wife,. for a tim~, to tlte. oUi,r. apel •.<br />

t~at otbe.r', hj\'4;fA~Qu.R4. wife j.n t .. t~ra, ADd.,oeedy<br />

m~D who c,ome frqm .t~e ~i~\~. of .~her "ings, for at ,hea,<br />

tjlll~ tber, WII PO Ifegar ill t~Q COllotl'3 o.f lriD, c:11lll<br />

t~ hi~ doc,~il)e,I: ... iuI. JU~:" 'Wer~) the al"v.oU ...,<br />

~tacbed themseivcslo ~I im. ,N UI~ir"~, "'¥ d;spleattd.<br />

I.', this inno\'atioq, for he. ~~~ .b~ ~be. d~pk of &Ill.<br />

veucrab)e ~"~~Q .. , . And~<br />

Iq~ ... ¥,,~ ep" a~ lM<br />

disciples of t!le respec~ed S"~~,' ~~ a,cpp( ... ~ wi'<br />

)Oh~d:tk, LHl thy con;vicie4 hi~ of ~ ~no"rot<br />

in all' hit .lenets pnd iJlJlovat\o-.. 'lobe (oJr."•. in<br />

.pecimcn '.e( .. lIe

.¥<br />

4k~f.~·V .. a, ~ li.1MW~ _tl, ......... -dD<br />

~qu ~e Rrl/Mr,y. ;D(II,,~ by ... ,.., of ~<br />

.. ~q ... Lo.aflq""~r ,••, 1IB;tb JaaCi p.q Wou.ble abaf.'1it;~<br />

sa_BT"~ 11tth,1art;:<br />

«.; tt.rD; ll~d.6s,.zd~~.i J(.~. c._._lIabo .. ,1I<br />

8~.ol &fO\\nd •. auCl lII_~r. it,.nqd,~'f1_, ... JI'l ....<br />

• r~,\lnd. btloagJp ~~of.tlnb4: p'RO" t&.o b •• ~<br />

IJ'l- lo~l io dmW0 " fh, g.~I~er} ,w~~t,OI~g~~.l~<br />

be tbe retributioll on the alaver" M azdak rf'plied\ Jt<br />

~'d,notbe.w~U"O:ilay hi~'i fbf'tlj~ugh t~lc! ~t~y.~~~~\.<br />

awl, we should not~ NUlllundn nIdi 'If we do not ~lIr '<br />

hila, be., till tm ... ore. is ft nest that ·one ~r t~ri":<br />

abould be .lain? - lJe tben t:aid into ilim, 0' 'wi'ckid<br />

Jll!'al T~":~w"k;b:t'oarbUt ~d,it deitrt.-oth".<br />

of 'be lovereignty and government, •• weJl u of aU lIr~<br />

d~r ~d o~ie~cet liD,~ it, wq~I~~,rlesfrol all ,di~i¥do<br />

... among m~n, wo~~d .;o~er .\\Ilth ~arkn~ all r~la-t<br />

t\on~ of ~~n,t, Dn~ eXlrac~i'Y~'6;~lld lead ~eq, to pre".<br />

, ~~n 'each Q~b~r;tike ~ild be~~ AI l~e kina ~f ki~"'l<br />

Ghobad, bad m~de an acreernent 'fVilh Nush.irwln,Jh"<br />

imperial pri~Ce, to delivet' up ¥a~IJak. to hi'ni, '.j,f ,,~:'<br />

... eru~ him 'in argument; the' king, of kjngl. ~Ow'<br />

accordingly gm bim up to 'the 10GOg iUlperial prifa£e<br />

to bring bilD.ttl;- e~. ' ' .... '. .\j", • : ~ .,<br />

'Y,t8•• ~dlJ&r~,thy ''''''1 will .... n:.1beae<br />

calamities (."awav,· J<br />

-( 40. frhtifth.<br />

oer.s. '. ,<br />

_<br />

:1. ,:' .,: ... ' •. ' i'; I. " . t<br />

'.ese ~l.Iirte'ilsi~.: bec;oJe. ~v,ti;.:'<br />

c1. '• ....... J.:, ••• .. _" I. ..... :'~, t. • '," .'<br />

l.~ .... , • ' .. .: • ~. f r<br />

.. ; ':.'. '". ,<br />

,~~ Ap~.f!e~Ql,t,f~J";"'_J;inp. ';,::, : ~<br />

~* Irlnla. 7",,~. ... .• ' '. '., ....... j.: '. /: '.; I<br />

J. Co ..... r.lBtr.<br />

I<br />

,<br />

"<br />

em<br />

....... ," '0'0

I<br />

J<br />

.. : tHE lOOX; or '.<br />

~Oo •• BTA.T. In thte woi'clt He ims1fleprophet<br />

... Dour-ace. For dJ11ake 'will J ftDOfe the' cabadt,<br />

Gf-lubjection from the Jrfllil, ItDci will give them api<br />

king. Dad exnlt la. roy II 1 religion. . Yet they .ill de.<br />

tert. dIe road. And the w8nderingt of the bing fl'<br />

oideat, for the, often re,olted front their·lings u4<br />

passed the fire.,~ndl oter' the' eye; of Hurmllll,IDd<br />

eommitt~ .imilar acts.' . t., , ' , .<br />

61: . And they wH) embroii t,be father<br />

a~d son. tog~tber.· . ~<br />

~~~'M liNT ~A Y'. ~l'hi~ ~inh to'the ffc;t that Bell, .. ,<br />

Ch~~in. I!t~ulk "I(~ney ill. Ute. name of.J'.~pNo1l Panez,<br />

~It(t thereby uci~ lbe..jealous'J .c, dse JUDI of kiop<br />

( i: e. , HurmaztJ ).<br />

62. And slay the' kiags-" of~iDgs, mI'<br />

Parvez. ".. ' I,<br />

• CO~UiENTART. ·.At/lb~'~nlulppy 'perio~ i~ queitioll~<br />

the hauis' at (he illbligalion ot Ferrukh-zAJ, ,that AbriJDan<br />

in hUnm,,' shape, re~:oile'{~;om the king 'of ki~8", Illd<br />

Jtllving placed on ale Kyanian throne, atio.ul.d the lOD<br />

o'r tlfe kiilg or kings, ~cpar~ted the '"5~ul<br />

of the lord of<br />

the world, the' frieml of r eidAn; fro~ his' bod1·<br />

" 53. :~n~ thei" 'will not heat the wordJ<br />

of thy children who are my tongee.<br />

·.VQir!llnl'Akr" 1':01' irbMeftr tliy ",~, ''&1, ;'1<br />

apeak with my tongue. And duri,'g u, •• k:W( ........<br />

actions of the lrllJil, t~. respccf,d ra\h~r of tile ct·<br />

dile~ ~f"~flls' book, tbe f~uith Azrr 8bl.i, "sent epist\tt-·<br />

to them to the fortnoate abode, but they heeded .heIR<br />

not. And.at ~e,p«ieci o(:(he revolt;' be ~addi_''IIl<br />

'!lillie to Bebrll1l Chobin, cbaIJio, hq n,'" &0 auact<br />


*d<br />

, ,<br />

f.,.r4ee ff !Uio;,.n,rbllt" iii clid:-:aIota'Uedl'"to ....<br />

On h,o o·~~~iO,n1t;,.o~~ ~f~the~.Md~~i6)!,~~ ,~~<br />

Tf' .;nnd 'n~'~ ir~~ ,~~~t<br />

his ~"~,l!!r~. ,:fr!?~ .~}\R\; ~itk:, ~~ •<br />

.. rnIY; dlh he wnte 1l'trcrs to IJeln'm; ,..ho .oul~ not<br />

f)~ey lI~tit; Iln~r :tettir.ied·'i'o't. an5\~r' t'd lhe 'Utter of i!.e"<br />

.<br />

't9istles; h \\·hJI1'IMf'ti'e1lttmot·aldJ"I.f~w.f Iiltjl h\<br />

trul! •. I ~I~",.it~ ,h~JJtJ:e IUII~"I!I~~ho'. of'Teignlng<br />

i,!~'l. me, ~'n w~r~:~" ,\~ h~re .. po~, .'~~c.. ,!~v~re~ ~~'~n,<br />

b,ving bit re-;efttJltenllnnciled, replied; " Thou never<br />

witt be' _4'li.;'fie~l wii Ii' sovcreigniy u'niil t60ii fiei-il fo~ :<br />

wltcli. 'l·{~t.il\~) :Wh.fCh (boil" wilf fie.et: rt:lcli; ILllif'<br />

until thon fil I r_:, qJT~er. a'fmrtqlian dtg'ger: U 'And'<br />

whell they drl!gge,l L?arvcz from 'be throne and {nc<br />

tlie ai~de,rri ro' tShiruJ'eh, ,~i~e$l?ected, ta~r.as ~c:11 .<br />

•• the wr:te'r pf this ,pook sent ,hem epirt~~!.· Tbey<br />

answered'; " tlJese m~!,~ .~~ .l~~(fI'gJJle. pat't DE their rc ..<br />

laiions, rul~ we we'n I,DOw th'at ,no.bod,' ~ishcs harm (0<br />

t . • •<br />

M~ fricnJs .. ' ,8e:siu,r~, the, w,Qrld has brett ha,as8efl ,by<br />

tou. One Behm;u,i dyniuJty c'amc.and ,!ted the throne;<br />

3,id' in the ro:om ollbe PTophtti"catne another, !be<br />

liOl\!~na.n'i of "be 'praplaetl"alld (IitlS dil*L'fed t:be sword \<br />

a:td the governzmnt .lJetWs:eI~ CJtem •." lJ ptm. tlrhr, my.<br />

resllecteJ li,llier Ci\ lied to,ether the grandees of l)ari,.<br />


,<br />

.f . ,<br />

·5". -While: Ilhey at; o. '~nga'g:ed, the~<br />

sbdl ari~e ~ . man 3mong the ,rrewaqis.<br />

~ 55. By whose 'foHow.e~st tijediadel1l. anq<br />

.. , . • .. • I~"" ... .. • ~ Ito -<br />

the ~~rooeJ ' ~ d t~e gC)Vetr.m'enf~ ~nd t e<br />

rel~gion sh'lll aIL qe . ove~thl'o~Il~ '<br />

~6. ~nd th~ m.tgbty 8h~H '-1e - s·~bjected ;<br />

tJ1. And instead'ofaq idol-temRle, o~of<br />

the tire-teIl)pJe of tQ~ ~o~~e 'o(A-bad, shAJ<br />

I 9' ''·<br />

be , se~~ a placet t~ward ~-hi~~ pr~yer i~<br />

direcled, but stript of its image,.<br />

~ .... f . I ! .....<br />

COMM ENT.,.ny. 'The house that ill among tll~<br />

TULs<br />

in the ' ~nd,. de!~rt of the Hafna~"' il" ; bUllL I.Jj Ab d;<br />

h~ wlfich ""~re the im~~s ?.- lile 'i,rs ~ -(hat lJ ~ u e IHI<br />

lIays; 'han become l11eplace towards whicTl prijyen art<br />

• • ~ I .. I<br />

~irectcd, a'nd tbe inl~geS shull ~ removed ~ro~ it.<br />

fj 8. And a t~ und 1.5 ~ra~kis~ water.<br />

50. And afterwards they .will subdue<br />

tlu~ . fire-temples of' :t~ladir, and ,¥batel1er i~<br />

in them, a~d '¥enfud anp Niwak,§ aDd th~<br />

grea,t places. .<br />

~o. And their Lawgiver ~ball be an doq-uent<br />

man ,and h~s words involved;<br />

61. Everyone may turn t~e~ to nny side,<br />

t<br />

4 TIIZ i l , Per,. They are tbe Arab ••<br />

t l'h;. pma;tlt/,,,y of the orij!i," ~I)d progr.n of :\hhnlJl'·<br />

d .111 m, "f tbe k,bl .. h, -ud or Ihe c:b".c", uf tb •. ptOp~ t!.<br />

i . c r,llll nly iufficuwtly dilliuCI_ .<br />

t Madllin,> Pitrl .<br />

§ TUiI ,lind BIIJ ld.l~<br />

, • • J. ••<br />

Oz.<br />

,<br />



' )PS<br />

~2t Anp that ~eljgion js a Ie, tb_~ ~<br />

~empe&t~o~s OJ) e,e~y s~4e,<br />

63:' So as to drown its oWn sbip~<br />

64. ~fterwards they shaH fall out lVi~ .<br />

~~ch otber, ,<br />

65. And the wise, men· of Hirt"s aq,d<br />

others span come ~n upto ~Qe~J<br />

OQ" And th~re s~aJl ,ema~n of that faitb<br />

p~ly.su~h a p~opor~ion as there is of salt in<br />

fiour.<br />

CO'~EN1'Anr. H~ mea~1 that ~b~ I,lni'speiug<br />

lIothing left for it, ,han; u well as 'others, adopt the<br />

re~ igion ~f ~he ~·.\Zilt and shall raise up IeCU, 10 tbut<br />

among tb~ setts, there sball be left of that faitb ' only<br />

I.<br />

'.ccording to ~he vu tg~r ~xpreS5iQn, in the proportion (Jf<br />

lalt to flour, be sufficiently explain ••<br />

~7. In the sects' t~at shall fise pp, tbotJ,<br />

sb~lt fin4 nothin~ of tb~t. ~e!igiQn b~l tile<br />

~a~~<br />

68. After~ar4s, tfle p~~u~s· ~b~11 co~e<br />

~Jld ~rest the ascendency (ro~ th~m ,<br />

Og. And thou shalt see ~hese sects exhibjt<br />

~e fjre.templ~ ~~ t~e Taklisif religio~~<br />

roo An4 the~r moutq. sh~ll ~ t~~, chi~ ..<br />

pey of the;, fire-templ~.<br />

ttTh'le D;mud., Perl. Tt'Dlud'n. are ceruinl1 tbe T~rt!l"<br />

"lto han .trudy bctll frcqlAentt, ref~rrcd to.<br />

t -r •. i, r~r'~ , . .<br />

••<br />

-' ~<br />

- "<br />

.. ..... ~·lf,<br />

., ,. :Jr...-. - "<br />

~, -, )

I<br />

'rut BOOK (7'<br />

71. And it shall co'me "to pass, at that<br />

time, that thf'y shall talk. of Mezdam andt<br />

:Berdam;<br />

72. But they shall worship tarth;t<br />

73. Arid day by day &hall hostility en~<br />

crea$e among them.<br />

74. Thtn shall ye benefit by it;<br />

75. And surely if ther~ remaineth a single<br />

inoment of the Grand Revolution, I will<br />

raise up one ()f thy people;<br />

76. And will restote to thee thy religion<br />

'and honour;<br />

77. And nevermore will I take away<br />

prophecy and pre-eminence from amongtny<br />

children.<br />

78. An'd I will cause the §·He~ul'Dbs to<br />

:flee from dread of you, as the'mouse ao'd<br />

cat d.o into holes and hidiQg plac~ frt)m tlie<br />

paws of the rat and of the lion. "<br />

it). 'An'd afler thee I will sensl the fifth<br />

Sasan to prophecy.<br />

80. I~et us seek help from 'AIez"~am, t~<br />

pure'E$sence, the UncompoWlded, tlie Creator<br />

of all propertiei!<br />

" ' ,<br />

t Y ~z·l~ ,Ind Ahrim,n. Per,.<br />

t The 1IIf'lnlOK I,f lhii khlok-~pr,;'ti h not e'~'r,. "lilt. 'j ..<br />

• lJudt"S 10 Lhc .emu.Ia'7 aud trudel, IDllJclrdoe.'Lflb.It1·..-<br />

'~Im..... .<br />

S 'J't,zi., rtrl, ..<br />

'<br />



• 1.' MezdAm hath chosen 'thee for pro-.<br />

,beey; .<br />

.82. ADd thoG art ODe of tbe great prophets;<br />

83. I have lent thee (who like- all the<br />

fermer prophets art the Lord of a Book) ..<br />

unto aU the inhabitants of the lower world.<br />

I. . .<br />

'. - '4. Invite all to the faith of the great<br />

Abid.<br />

85. Everyone that ,doth not corbe, shall<br />

be an inbabitant of bell.<br />

, .<br />

80. Thou didst pray, 0 L.ord of the<br />

<strong>World</strong>! Confer the royalty ort my seed!<br />

8;. I wi!l raise up Ht!rde\'ir,· and select<br />

hirq fot ~overeignty. ,<br />

·8S •. Let us ask help of Mezd~m, the Pure -<br />

. of essence, the Uncompotln4ed, the Creator ~<br />

of q uali ties!<br />

sg. Everyone whose soul maketh choice :<br />

of equity, when he 'throweth uffthe boclr"l<br />

• . sball arri ve at me. .<br />

COJUIENT,ARY. Be it obIerved t that tl,e 88,1.19111.<br />

ed.intelligent bodied prolmet, Ky f{hOMJ'Ou, tbe .on-.r<br />

Sin "., in the book SeI,.,"i.imllrr (.,,,·I.prat'liai)<br />

.. ,., The re'lJeCt&bJe tN.IIi. lIaW un~"<br />

00. In every thing a medium i. best.<br />

• Ard".tltr, ,..,<br />

t Tile ill ... " V c .....<br />

•<br />

,<br />

•<br />

•<br />

~<br />

-. .. '~~-.~~~~____ . I. zr ~~"""~~~'~,sL-~'~-.C~7 • ' _ _.. .'p<br />

_____ J-~~.nil' .. i ••<br />

_ .... __ ...... _S55P w:..

•<br />

198 l'H S BOOIi 0'<br />

COMMEHAnl'. H.e S8YI,. When the force M'tbe ...<br />

derstanding is excessive, it draws towards arlafice and<br />

is caled cunning; iF deficient or lit lie, it becomc!l r01.<br />

lror tHupidity; wltile the middle it at eo, whiet. is the<br />

,"ommendabl~ one, is good sense or wisdom. 1u hk.<br />

manner the strength of desire ill. it, excet.· draIN (a<br />

passion, anll is called lu~t; in its ddiciency, it is frigidity;<br />

while the medium is abstinence, chrJIllity; modesty.<br />

And if the inftuence of conrnge be exces\ive, men gel<br />

the hnbit of flying out ou all ocU)liol1l, alld' are calf1d.<br />

ql1arel.om~ and frQy·seekers; if it be in defect, *y<br />

are denominated GOward!; while. those in ahe midcJJo<br />

between the two nre brave or fipirired. Ev.er! soul in<br />

which is fOIJQd this glory of lzed, thot ii, j~lstice, acts<br />

nccorrling to whnt is jUl't and rigllt., and \then illfiftl<br />

t\le umly gO~8 to join ~he angels.nd is uo,ited to God.<br />

A nll I he Dnge~.lDindcd prQphet has many .imilar 00·<br />

aervalians.<br />

g 1. Let us seek bel p from Mead~n,<br />

pure of essence, the Uncompounded, the<br />

Creator of qualities.<br />

02. All that I have told thee will. in its<br />

appointed 'time, come to p.ass,. in the {ace<br />

of mankind.<br />

g3. After thee, the fifth SasAn is my prophet.<br />

the<br />

•<br />

•<br />

I<br />

"~__<br />

I __-

•<br />

(I<br />

'.<br />

....<br />

0. THB<br />

titSPE'CTED SJ'SJN THE FIF7!H •. ·<br />

i. LET UI take ;~flJge with l\lezdrim!<br />

from evil thoughts which mislead amt,'3~ict~<br />

2. In tbe name· of Sbamta," the Bene4-.<br />

ceat, the Liberal" the G~lIJiou8'" thcr Just !.<br />

3. In the name of ·)te~dam ! '<br />

I<br />

of. 0 Ardenu· the fifth - • • • • " .•<br />

s. Now ba"fe I ChOSeD thee for pro-'<br />

pbeey;<br />

6. A nd, thou art my (riend; bide not' tho'<br />

:rjght road.<br />

7. And the' right road is the rogd of the­<br />

Great Abad. t<br />

8. Blest is his religion. .<br />

g, There is DO one who .eeketh Me, and<br />

•<br />

indetb Me not i<br />

to. -And there i. no one ,,~ dbth·· net<br />

know· of My'eiistence ;<br />

•<br />

•<br />

COIIIIIKT Aa y. Or who belien. tbat I do not exist.<br />

11. All know ~re according to' tbe ca2a ..<br />

city of their understanding;<br />

"<br />

• p".., sa.1n. Til. lilter plrt elf thi, YUle il u.iaJ,lIi ..<br />

libl ...<br />

t Perl. Buzurglhld j ,I." C'"lI .. d Ferdbid Ind Mt'h,bad~<br />

an ut • bic:b bnc lb •• IIIIC ID all' .. '.<br />

lie<br />

•<br />

•<br />

._,<br />

~~ __ ~'~.·~"n~. ___<br />

•<br />

.__ __ ~ ~.""""""7~'=-"""""F<br />

.. r

,<br />

iOO I<br />

THR BOOK OF Tal<br />

12. Somttbing they .ay, and something<br />

they imagine;<br />

13. And think that .right which th~~.<br />

lie,.e.<br />

1... And this error proceedetb from tW'o<br />

things ~<br />

1 s. The ODe ignorance, tbe other .ambition.<br />

10 .. NoW' .hew unto plankind thy right<br />

road.<br />

COIIIIBRTA&Y. He say., 0 8uab the fittb,thereil<br />

DO one wbo :loves file and seek. me that does-nol Jiod •<br />

1Cf0rding to hi. wisbet. AU leek me, and find me ia<br />

proportion to their capacit, ; an41 ,here il DO IfCt whick<br />

11)'1 tbal I do not es.ist. The, all. deem .hat thJ<br />

prore. to be lOund and trae; but they do not jtd&e.<br />

aright. The reuon of tbis iI twofold. ODe, IDd tile<br />

chief, il ignorance, which, frOID delect of know..,.'<br />

dfems that to be ri,b' which it wrong. 'I'he • i<br />

ambition "bieh incline. them to makemenfollo ....<br />

causin, them to aWed preeminence aud to take ,..; •<br />

aDd u tbey pos_ DO direct mean I to pia s_ ..<br />

ftllden,y, weyare obliged, in the Int place, bl deaeiI,<br />

by aftlieting harmleu animals, and by foolisb t1oc&r_<br />

to corrupt. a· Hct, after which they direc:t it.<br />

11. 10 the name of Mezdam !<br />

1 8. Thou hast beheld the wicked Hiras·<br />

is who have slain. Herjiwar •<br />

tE!!P!CT~b SASAN TBE FIR!T. .,<br />

1 g. Him whom I exalted have they CUt<br />

. I<br />

down.<br />

20. But they shall bot obtaitt tliat (ot<br />

"'hich they have perpetrated this wicked.<br />

deed.<br />

21. And in place of benefit, I will send<br />

them wretchedness.<br />

22. I deemed them .11appy in th~ love of<br />

tbei r pri bees.<br />

23& t· • • , •<br />

24. 1A! they shall JJle~t with tetribulion<br />

froni the ITasis. .<br />

2ts. They shall reap tb~ harvest of their<br />

tnisdeeds from men dressed in §green; and<br />

men dressed in blatk;,<br />

20. And the avtngers are a greedy band I:<br />

27. Who quartel witli each other. a~d<br />

are evil-doers, and do not what thei.r great<br />

one hath spokeh ;<br />

28. And wh'o kill lhtiJ' thief Dien for<br />

.<br />

p1n:<br />

•<br />

t Thi. O'd tent b •• bo Peral.a "an.lalion .ad '0 me i •<br />

• ahiattlligible. . ,<br />

t p.". Tdia.<br />

• Tbe .. en in _tefft .... tb. Sytde or dHundanb of Ma.<br />

lIomftl. The .11I1'ion to m.n in bl.ck. i. atill kept Ul) .mane<br />

Ih. tb •. "or.h.pp,r. of P .. rl1l, wbe called lb. Ml4IU .. tmI,<br />

Sial jawi, clad ia bluk.<br />

, ....

. I<br />

•<br />

..,<br />


20. Their piety is to slay harmless ani.<br />

ma]s; their prayers to copulate.·<br />

. 30. And Nimkar§ too shall beoome o'erpowerlng.<br />

a 1. When their religion shall haye lasted<br />

a thousand years, it shall be such~ in con·<br />

aequence of divisions, that, were th~ir lb<br />

·gislator to see it, he would Dot know it<br />

again.<br />

32. And thou shalt see the Hirtasiuuch<br />

that no one, shall bear a wise speech froIQ<br />

th~m.<br />

s~. If they speak truth they are barato<br />

sed;<br />

34. Instead of sensible words tbey."<br />

answered-with weapon! of \\"ar.<br />

BS. From the wickedness ot mankind did<br />

·it arise that such an angel .. t(:mpcred ~king<br />

was taken from the Hirtasis.<br />

36. 0 Sasan! evils.await thee.<br />

37. Thou art ~Iy prophet.<br />

88. If Illankind follow tbee not, (or them<br />

js it evil, not for thee.<br />

COMMENTARY ••'or the honour of.& prophet dftII<br />

not ari~e fron, all m~1I obt"yilJg him and niiiag him LO<br />

t Ptr,~ ".mll~n, .lr .. ~dl tlllaiold a. "furln .... the<br />

CO"'- rr, ~~nn" th .. Oxu ..<br />

U Kholf~uP~rvt:J.

.. ,<br />


lOS<br />

the lovereignty: and it il not 111 wi.h tliat 10a ahoo1cl<br />

by I)) be deemed worthy of cxalta~iOD, Altd CODlidere4<br />

u annoancing the truth.<br />

30. The good will come into thy path;<br />

",0. A~d the git't of prophec1,~ball al ..<br />

ways ,remain 81llong thy leed. .<br />

4 J. ,Lay not affliction to beart, for MeaclAm<br />

will give it an end,<br />

-I:. And, in the end, the oppressors sh.U<br />

jlce from your Avenger, as the Qlouse trom<br />

hole to hQle. '<br />


At, th~ time when V tZ(lln .. ~"t thill,<br />

t.i. humble adorer, to Merv in the Ii ... of Parv&, nay<br />

re-peeted fatller received this revrhtioll from tht "'orl"<br />

Ilooye, ... d the grandees _nd Ihe king qf kinga aillo<br />

laW it ill a dream, and, coming in a body, attacht>d<br />

tbemselves to my IIttct. Anel the Most JUIi~ elevated<br />

_ me aloll ~ many times, that I cnn~10l reclton them;<br />

and these ~le"atioD' are 11i1l cqntinued. A.ld I beheld<br />

the place·ofoo:bodiea like a drQP in the ocran of soul, ;<br />

~ I'pd I taw the place.of,solJls like a drop in Ihr 1)lac~.<br />

of-intl'lligences t IDd the plan of ,nlel\igeDcel li~ •<br />

4lrop ira the ocean of the Di \'ine Essence.<br />

•<br />

~<br />

. i<br />

•<br />

iT!<br />



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<strong>World</strong> Public <strong>Library</strong> Association

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