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Disclaimer:<br />

These appendices are the integral part of the following publication:<br />

Ehala, Martin and Zabrodskaja, Anastassia. 2014. “Hot and cold ethnicities in the Baltic<br />

states.” Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 35(x), xxx-xxx.<br />

These appendices are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-<br />

ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.<br />

See http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/<br />

<strong>APPENDIX</strong> 1<br />

Abbreviations:<br />

X – Minority language (territory, culture, etc)<br />

Y – Majority language (territory, culture etc)<br />

NB! This version of the questionnaire is for those that self-identify as X.<br />

General background questions<br />

1) Gender: male, female<br />

2) Age:<br />

3) What ethnic group do you consider you belong to? (You can choose many options)<br />

X, Y, other (which? specify)<br />

4) What is your mother tongue? (You can choose many options): X, Y, other (what?<br />

specify)<br />

5) Where have you born? In X, Y, in other country (specify, where)<br />

6) Where was your father born? In X, Y, in other country (specify, where)<br />

7) Where was your mother born? In X, Y, in other country (specify, where)<br />

8) Your marital status: not married, in non-official marriage, divorced,<br />

widow/widower<br />

9) How many people share the same household with you?<br />

10) Your education:<br />

- unfinished basic<br />

- basic or unfinished secondary education<br />

- secondary education<br />

- specialized secondary education or vocational training<br />

- higher education or scientific degree<br />

11) Your employment status:<br />

- businessman or self-employed entrepreneur<br />

- employee in public sector<br />

- employee in private sector<br />

- employee in NGO<br />

- pensioner<br />

- workless<br />

- pupil or student<br />

- housewife<br />

- on maternity/paternity leave<br />

- other (specify please)<br />


12) How would you characterize economic situation in your family?<br />

- Considerably below average<br />

- Slightly below average<br />

- Average<br />

- Slightly above average<br />

- Considerably above average<br />

14) Where do you live now? (If you have many options, then choose please the main<br />

one)<br />

- Town<br />

- Town<br />

- Parish<br />

- Parish<br />

Section R<br />

How do you use languages in everyday life?<br />

Please answer to the following questions using the scale below (you can choose<br />

two options if necessary).<br />

Only<br />

in X<br />

Mainly<br />

in X<br />

More in<br />

X than in<br />

Y<br />

Equally in<br />

X and Y<br />

More in<br />

Y than in<br />

X<br />

Mainly<br />

in Y<br />

Only<br />

in Y<br />

In other<br />

language<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8<br />

R01<br />

R02<br />

R03<br />

R04<br />

R05<br />

R06<br />

R07<br />

R08<br />

R09<br />

R10<br />

In which language are you communicating with your family members?<br />

In which language are you communicating with your friends?<br />

In which language are you communicating with your colleagues (classmates<br />

or co-students)?<br />

In which language are you communicating in your hobby activities (arts<br />

circles, sports, etc)?<br />

In which language are you communicating in shops and services?<br />

In which language are you communicating with strangers in a bus, on a street,<br />

in a shop?<br />

In which language are the TV programs that you watch?<br />

In which language are the radio broadcasts that you listen to?<br />

In which language are the newspapers that you read?<br />

In which language are the cultural events (concerts, theatre, festivals) that you<br />

attend?<br />

How do you assess the cultural differences between X and Y? Please indicate<br />

your opinion on the scale.<br />

1 – very different; 2 – different; 3 – more different than similar; 4 – hard to evaluate; 5 – more<br />

similar than different; 6 – similar; 7 – very similar.<br />

R11 In terms of the visual appearance, how different are the Ys and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

you?<br />

R12 In terms of the lifestyle, how different are the Ys and you? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

R13 In terms of the life values, how different are the Ys and you? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

R14 In terms of religious beliefs, how different are the Ys and you? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

R15 In terms of dress style, how different are the Ys and you? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

R16 In terms of daily food preferences, how different are the Ys and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

you?<br />

R17 In terms of free time activities, how different are the Ys and<br />

you?<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />


1 – very easy; 2 – easy; 3 – rather easy than difficult; 4 – hard to answer; 5 – rather difficult<br />

than easy; 6 – difficult; 7 – very difficult.<br />

R18 How easy is to become a friend of a Y? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

R19 How easy is to communicate with a Y in relation to 1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

studies/work?<br />

R20 How easy is to have an acquaintance with a Y? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

Sections G1 and G2<br />

Please assess the strength of X language and culture in relation to Y language<br />

and culture. Indicate your choice on the scale (1…7).<br />

1 (very much) – ... – 7 (very little)<br />

G20 How much are X culture and tradition appreciated in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

the society?<br />

G10 How much are Y culture and tradition appreciated in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

the society?<br />

G22 How much is X language appreciated in the Y society? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

G12 How much is Y language appreciated in the Y society? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

1 (very many) – ... – 7 (few)<br />

G21 How many eminent talents (writers, actors, artists, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

singers, scientists, journalists) are there among the X?<br />

G11 How many eminent talents (writers, actors, artists, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

singers, scientists, journalists) are there among the Y?<br />

G23 How many wealthy employers and businessmen are 1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

there among the X?<br />

G13 How many wealthy employers and businessmen are 1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

there among the Y?<br />

G24 How much is X language used in media (newspapers, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

radio, TV and internet) in Y country?<br />

G14 How much is Y language used in media (newspapers, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

radio, TV and internet) in Y country?<br />

G25 How much is X language used in education (nurseries, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

schools, universities) in Y country?<br />

G15 How much is Y language used in education (nurseries, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

schools, universities) in Y country?<br />

G2<br />

6<br />

G1<br />

6<br />

1 (quickly increases) – ... – 7 (quickly decreases)<br />

How would you estimate the population of X (in Y 1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

country)?<br />

How would you estimate the population of Y (in Y 1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

country)?<br />

1 (very active) – ... – 7 (inactive at all)<br />

G27 How active and powerful are Xs in the Y society? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

G17 How active and powerful are Ys in the Y society? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

1 (very wealthy) – ... – 7 (not wealthy at all)<br />

G28 How wealthy are Xs in Y society? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

G18 How wealthy are Ys? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />


1 (very strong) – ... – 7 (not strong at all)<br />

G29 How strong will the X language and culture be in Y 1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

country in 20 to 30 years in comparison with the<br />

present?<br />

G19 How strong will the Y language and culture be in Y<br />

country in 20 to 30 years in comparison with the<br />

present?<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

Section U<br />

Below a number of persons are characterized. Please indicate how similar the<br />

person portrayed by the statement is to you.<br />

1 – very similar to me; 2 – similar to me; 3 – somewhat similar to me; 4 – somewhat<br />

different from me; 5 –different from me; 6 – very different from me.<br />

U01 It is important for him to make things on his own. He likes<br />

to be free and not to depend on others. 1 2 3 4 5 6<br />

U02 He does not want to waste time for unimportant people<br />

and things that do not take him forward in life. It is 1 2 3 4 5 6<br />

important for him to concentrate on achieving his goals.<br />

U03 Self-realization is more important for him than relations to<br />

his close ones. He is not afraid of ruining relations if these 1 2 3 4 5 6<br />

start to disrupt the fulfilment of his goals.<br />

U04 Success in career is more important to him as friends and<br />

acquaintances. He would be ready to move his home when 1 2 3 4 5 6<br />

he got a lucrative job offer, even if it would mean to lose<br />

his existing social network.<br />

U05 He is open to all new. He finds that traditional way of<br />

living and old fashioned values have become hindrance to 1 2 3 4 5 6<br />

progress.<br />

U06 He does not feel loyalty to his locale. He is ready to live<br />

and work everywhere if the conditions satisfy him. 1 2 3 4 5 6<br />

U07 Following traditions is important to him. He considers<br />

abandoning family, religious or cultural customs<br />

inappropriate.<br />

4<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6<br />

U08 He values his roots. He values his heritage culture and his<br />

birth community highly. 1 2 3 4 5 6<br />

U09 He considers important to follow the practices of his<br />

culture. It is important to him that his children would<br />

value these customs and traditions, too.<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6<br />

U10 Linguistic and cultural purity is important to him. He tries<br />

to avoid foreign influences in his language and behavior. 1 2 3 4 5 6<br />

Section D<br />

How much do you agree with the following statements?<br />

1 (totally agree); 2 (agree); 3 (rather agree); 4 (rather disagree); 5 (disagree); 6 (totally<br />

disagree).<br />

D01 X should be one of official/regional languages in Y 1 2 3 4 5 6<br />

country.<br />

D02 The duty of Y country is to support the maintenance of X 1 2 3 4 5 6<br />

language and culture.

D03 The situation of the X community in Y society 1 2 3 4 5 6<br />

corresponds to international norms.<br />

D04 Concerning the X community, the Y country follows 1 2 3 4 5 6<br />

European democratic principles.<br />

D05 Ys are helpful as cultural go-betweens. 1 2 3 4 5 6<br />

D06 Ys are reliable. 1 2 3 4 5 6<br />

D07 Xs are regarded well by Ys. 1 2 3 4 5 6<br />

D08 Ys wish to cooperate with Xs. 1 2 3 4 5 6<br />

D09 Ys behave under the influence of their lowest instincts. 1 2 3 4 5 6<br />

D10 Ys are aggressive. 1 2 3 4 5 6<br />

<strong>APPENDIX</strong> 2<br />

The focus group interview protocol. In [cursive] some guidelines for an interviewer<br />

are given. Still, these are general questions which should be accommodated depending<br />

on the nuances of an interethnic situation studied.<br />

0) Biographical background<br />

Please introduce yourself: where were you born, your age, native language(s),<br />

knowledge of other languages, where your family lives, citizenship etc.<br />

1) Questions about self-identification (categorization), i.e. national and ethnical<br />

identity<br />

These questions should give an overview about notable identities for interviewees and<br />

possible identity trajectories. This should give an idea, what external groups are<br />

important for a person, a member of what group he or she would like to become or<br />

membership in what group he or she would like to strengthen.<br />

If to ask you who do you feel yourself, then what would you answer? “Who am I? I<br />

am…”<br />

With who are you identify yourself with? In addition to the above mentioned who are<br />

you? [If the match causes a psychological confrontation, then ask in a different way.]<br />

And if you start now imagine yourself in 10 years, then who you would like to feel<br />

when / who you want to be?<br />

And who you would like to be considered by people? [Converse to categories.]<br />

[Named (were not named) several categories.] Now I would like to talk about the<br />

emerging associations with them. What associations (positive, negative, the<br />

connection with opportunities etc.) / feelings do you have with the word “...” (here<br />

name a category depending on what was named in a group)? Can you say about<br />

yourself that you are (here name a category depending on what was named in a<br />

group)?<br />

What do you think is the role of a language in self-identification (to which group I<br />

belong)? Whether the language determines that who are you comparing with / whom<br />

do you feel yourself?<br />


Could you please repeat what citizenship you have? Are you ready to change it?<br />

Why? What feelings does it cause in you?<br />

Imagine that you are visiting a friend in London. His friends came to him. How will<br />

you introduce yourself? Tell that you are ... [who]. Why? What do you think how you<br />

will be understood?<br />

You home is [name a country where your respondent lives]. With what your country<br />

is primarily associated?<br />

And for your mother/father/grandmother/grandfather your country is ... ? (Think, try<br />

to guess...)<br />

You are ready to move from your country? Why? Where to? If you move somewhere,<br />

then what do you think you would you miss most (in relation to your today’s<br />

country)?<br />

2) Questions about perceived cultural distance between groups (factor R)<br />

You named who you would most like to feel in the future / where (which group) you<br />

would very much like to belong to. [Here it is necessary to take into account the fact<br />

that in a focus group several categories were named... Therefore it would be difficult<br />

to develop a joint conversation because everyone can speak here about the different<br />

groups! There could be two solutions: (1) start with the category which was named<br />

the most frequently and turn to the person who named it first. He speaks and other<br />

can supplement. Then take the next category. And those who did not name this<br />

category can express their opinion on the matter hypothetically that if they wanted too<br />

and if it would be hard. (2) Allow to each interviewee to finish his story to the end,<br />

that is to answer the questions of the part, others may choose to supplement but their<br />

own stories are told separately. – The decision depends on the dynamics of the<br />

group!]<br />

What do you need to do in order to become a member of the named group (groups)?<br />

Do you need any transformations? What kind of? Who needs to be changed? In what<br />

direction? Would it be difficult?<br />

What do you think of people of this group? Do you now feel yourself similar to them<br />

or different from them? What are the main similarities / differences you might name?<br />

Do others see these similarities/differences, that is members of this out-group feel that<br />

you are one of them, similar to / different from them? What about attitudes of thirdparty?<br />

What kind of attitude do you feel from the people who are already members of this<br />

group? [If someone answers that a sense of alienation, an interviewer can ask: what<br />

feelings does such attitude cause?]<br />

If informants want to become members of the out-group: Why? What is to be done for<br />

that? Who needs to do what? Do you believe that? What do you think how much time<br />

it might take?<br />

If informants do not want to become members of the out-group: Why?<br />


Before that we were talking about the role of language. You said that… [In the case if<br />

the interviewees said that the language defines their belonging to the group]. In order<br />

to become a member of the group that you named do you need to change the everyday<br />

language of communication? Are you ready / Do you agree to change your language<br />

behavior? Why? For you it will be hard or easy?<br />

How do you see the language situation in your country in the near future?<br />

3) Questions about appreciation of traditions vs. utilitarianism (factor U)<br />

Earlier we were talking about the differences [if were] – changes –<br />

Do you agree to act in the name of the decreasing of differences – are you ready to<br />

change yourself?<br />

If ready to change: How would react those to whom you now belong to (your<br />

community members)? Other important groups? For example, what your mother<br />

would say? Father? Grandmother? Grandfather? Children? [Only then if informants<br />

say that something negative, you start talking about the origin, the rejection of<br />

traditions.]<br />

How would react the group a member of which you would like to become? Would<br />

they accept you as one of them? Why? (If yes, what should you do in order to get<br />

accepted? And what should they do? [In the case if the interviewees said that they<br />

would like to be accepted by the out-group] And if an out-group does not accept you,<br />

what should you do in this case?)<br />

This has already been discussed but still the same again: should they also do<br />

anything?<br />

How much do you think it is possible that it all works out?<br />

If not ready to change: and what are the reasons that you, on the one hand, want to<br />

become a member of this group, but, on the other hand, do not want to do anything in<br />

the name of this?<br />

In one word, are the barriers more internal (identity and/or in-group, cannot get over<br />

yourself) [do not give any examples but explain in your own words if an interviewee<br />

does not understand the question] or external (procedure for obtaining citizenship) [do<br />

not give any examples but explain in your own words if an interviewee does not<br />

understand the question]?<br />

Do you have any contacts with out-group member? What kind of?<br />

- Colleagues? If yes, what are the relations with them? How do you communicate<br />

[languages]? Do you talk about history? Are your understandings (interpretation) of<br />

history the same or different? Are there topics which you interpret similarly? If no,<br />

can such situation change? Why? How? What it would mean for you?<br />

- What if your brother / sister / best friend would find a partner among out-group<br />

members? What it would mean for you?<br />


- Would it be realistic for you to fall in love with an out-group member? Marry<br />

him/her? What it would mean for your family? Would your beloved / husband / fiancé<br />

be accepted? Under what conditions? Would his / her family accept you? Why do you<br />

think so?<br />

We talked about the friends of your friend who lives in London and the fact what you<br />

would tell them about your national / ethnic [if national / ethnic membership was<br />

named] membership. What your family would think about your responses? What outgroup<br />

members would think about your responses?<br />

4) Questions about perception of ethnocultural symbolic capital (factor PSD)<br />

A man needs a positive self-esteem and tries to achieve it through group membership.<br />

Different groups have different power, status, achievements that all together can be<br />

named group’s cultural mass [symbolic capital]. A group with bigger cultural mass<br />

[symbolic capital] gives their members the opportunity for positive self-esteem but a<br />

group with small cultural mass [symbolic capital] does not. Though, the perception of<br />

cultural mass [symbolic capital] by in-group member depends on which our-group is<br />

taken for comparison. It is especially important to have at least as large cultural mass<br />

[symbolic capital] as compared out-group has.<br />

What feelings are caused by the recognition that you are... [who]?<br />

If interviewees say “pride” etc.: Why? [In the case of positive as well as negative<br />

response] Is this feeling also usual for other members of your group in relation to the<br />

group itself, to its identity? Why?<br />

If a group was given a low status: What do you think why your group has the low<br />

status? Is it possible to raise it? What could you do personally? What is needed for<br />

that?<br />

You said that in the future you would like to be…. How is it? What does it give?<br />

What feelings does this idea cause? How would your life change?<br />

5) Questions about perception of interethnic discordance (factor D)<br />

Interethnic relations are not created only on the basis of a rational evaluation of the<br />

differences, similarities, cultural and historical achievements of groups “us” and<br />

“they”. Very weighty role play also emotions, especially in situations when in the<br />

groups’ shared history happened oppositions in the protection of own interests.<br />

Emotional evaluation of interethnic relations is based on two components: legitimacy<br />

and ethics. In the case of legitimacy the determining question of whether relationships<br />

between group “we” and group “they” are legitimate is if the status and rights of<br />

both groups are in balance in the society. In the case of ethics the determining<br />

assessment is how ethically and worthily “they” behave. If the total score of<br />

interethnic justice and ethics of an out-group is high, then intergroup discordance is<br />

low because the emotional tone of interethnic relations is friendly or neutral. If intergroup<br />

power relations seem unfair and there is a feeling that the members of the outgroup<br />

behave inhumanely, then intergroup discordance can be assessed as high.<br />

If you compare the different groups in relation to language aspect, then what do you<br />

think about their status? Is there a difference in [here name a country where<br />


espondents live] which group to belong to? Who live well in [here name a country<br />

where respondents live]?<br />

And the status of your group in the society (in the world) is fair?<br />

If yes: how did this status appear? Who, what or how has helped?<br />

Do other groups in [here name a country where respondents live] respect your group?<br />

For what reasons? In what ways?<br />

What feelings do you have associated with those groups who respect you in [here<br />

name a country where respondents live]?<br />

If not: why not? How is it expressed? What needs to be differently, what should be<br />

changed? What should have been a fair assessment of your group, fair status, just<br />

position in society?<br />

Can you say that someone so to say “helped” or “helps” the emergence of this unfair<br />

situation, in your opinion? Who? How? Why? (Through ignorance? Intentionally?<br />

What do you think with what purpose?)<br />

What do you feel about those groups who you think about that they are unfair to your<br />

group?<br />


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