Chapter 2 Review of Forces and Moments - Brown University

Chapter 2 Review of Forces and Moments - Brown University

Chapter 2 Review of Forces and Moments - Brown University


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(1) All surfaces are rough;<br />

(2) All surfaces are covered with a thin film <strong>of</strong> oxide, an adsorbed layer <strong>of</strong> water, or an<br />

organic film.<br />

Surface roughness can be controlled to some extent – a cast<br />

surface is usually very rough; if the surface is machined the<br />

roughness is somewhat less; roughness can be reduced further<br />

by grinding, lapping or polishing the surfaces. But you can’t get<br />

rid <strong>of</strong> it altogether. Many surfaces can be thought <strong>of</strong> as having a<br />

fractal geometry. This means that the roughness is statistically<br />

self-similar with length scale – as you zoom in on the surface, it<br />

always looks (statistically) the same (more precisely the<br />

surfaces are self-affine. When you zoom in, it looks like the<br />

surface got stretched vertically – surfaces are rougher at short<br />

wavelengths than at long ones).<br />

Of course no surface can be truly fractal: roughness can’t be<br />

smaller than the size <strong>of</strong> an atom <strong>and</strong> can’t be larger than the<br />

component; but most surfaces look fractal over quite a large range <strong>of</strong> lengths. Various statistical<br />

measures are used to quantify surface roughness, but a discussion <strong>of</strong> these parameters is beyond the scope<br />

<strong>of</strong> this course.<br />

Now, visualize what the contact between two rough surfaces looks like. The surfaces will only touch at<br />

high spots (these are known in the trade as `asperities’) on the two surfaces. Experiments suggest that<br />

there are huge numbers <strong>of</strong> these contacts (nobody has really been able to determine with certainty how<br />

many there actually are). The asperity tips are squashed flat where they contact, so that there is a finite<br />

total area <strong>of</strong> contact between the two surfaces. However, the true contact area (at asperity tips) is much<br />

smaller than the nominal contact area.<br />

N<br />

Nominal contact area A nom<br />

True contact<br />

area A true<br />

The true contact area can be estimated by measuring the surface roughness, <strong>and</strong> then calculating how the<br />

surfaces deform when brought into contact. At present there is some uncertainty as to how this should be<br />

done – this is arguably the most important unsolved problem in the field. The best estimates we have<br />

today all agree that:<br />

The true area <strong>of</strong> contact between two rough surfaces is proportional to the normal force pressing them<br />

together.<br />

Atrue<br />

= CN

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