Vocab 40

Vocab 40

Vocab 40


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<strong>Vocab</strong>ulary Study <strong>40</strong><br />

Definitions<br />

1. assiduous (uh SIJ you us) Definitions: marked by careful and unremitting attention, constant in application<br />

Synonyms: industrious, sedulous, diligent<br />

Derivatives: assiduously, assiduousness<br />

Through assiduous study, she learned every single symbol in the periodic table of elements.<br />

2. balky (BALL kee) Definitions: refusing to proceed in an expected direction<br />

Synonyms: contrary, perverse, restive, wayward<br />

Derivatives: balkily, balkiness, balkingly<br />

That balky supermarket cart simply refused to roll in a straight line!<br />

3. blighted (BLIE ted) Definitions: destroyed or caused by decline or decay<br />

Synonyms:<br />

Derivatives: blight<br />

In 1845, news of the blighted potato crop raced through the Irish countryside.<br />

4. concert (KON surt) Definitions: agreement in purpose or feeling, consensus<br />

Synonyms:<br />

Derivatives: concerted, concertedly<br />

For once, the argumentative family acted in concert, coming together to save the old farmhouse.<br />

5. confluence (KON floo uns) Definitions: a coming together<br />

Synonyms:<br />

Derivatives: confluent<br />

The concert was an amazing confluence of different musical styles and genres.<br />

6. corpulence (KOR pyuh luns) Definitions: state of being very fat<br />

Synonyms: obesity<br />

Derivatives: corpulent, corpulently<br />

The man suffered notoriously from corpulence and once got stuck in a bathtub.<br />

7. dirge (DURJ) Definitions: funeral hymn, lament<br />

Synonyms:<br />

Derivatives: dirgeful, dirges<br />

Before she is placed in the prison of stone, Antigone sings a dirge mourning her own death.<br />

8. hiatus (high ATE us) Definitions: gap, pause, interruption in time<br />

Synonyms:<br />

Derivatives: hiatuses<br />

During an awkward hiatus, we all looked at the clock and wished the meeting would end.<br />

9. hilarity (heh LAR eh tee) Definitions: boisterous merriment, mirth<br />

Synonyms: glee, jollity<br />

Derivatives: hilarious, hilariously, hilariousness<br />

When the comedian put on his wig and high-heeled shoes, the theater erupted in hilarity.<br />

10. homage (HOM ij) Definitions: a reverential regard; respect shown by external action<br />

Synonyms: honor, reverence, deference, obeisance<br />

Derivatives: homages,homager<br />

In homage to her contributions, a plaque was hung in the front office.<br />

Copyright © 2008 by Sharon Serrago, Inc Page 653

<strong>Vocab</strong>ulary Study <strong>40</strong><br />

Definitions<br />

11. interred (in TURD) Definitions: buried<br />

Synonyms:<br />

Derivatives: inter, interment<br />

According to Mark Antony, the good deeds we do are often interred with our bones when we die.<br />

12. officious (uh FISH us) Definitions: overly dutiful or obliging, insisting on providing a service not requested<br />

Synonyms: impertinent, intrusive, meddlesome, obtrusive<br />

Derivatives: officiously, officiousness<br />

The officious waiter continually interrupted our conversation asking if he could serve us anything more.<br />

13. pedestrian (adj.) (puh DES tree un) Definitions: ordinary, unimaginative<br />

Synonyms:<br />

Derivatives: pedestrianate, pedestrianize, pedestrianism<br />

The plot in the book is pedestrian, unexciting, and boring.<br />

14. plenitude (PLEN eh tood) Definitions: abundance, a lot<br />

Synonyms:<br />

Derivatives: plenitudinous<br />

When we visited the Louvre, we were overwhelmed by the plenitude of art and sculpture.<br />

15. polarization (poe lur eh ZAY shun) Definitions: division into two opposite positions<br />

Synonyms:<br />

Derivatives: polarize, polarizing, polarizer, polarizable, polarizability<br />

The polarization of the races in the South after the Civil War made integration difficult.<br />

16. redundant (reh DUN dunt) Definitions: repetitious, superfluous<br />

Synonyms:<br />

Derivatives: redundancy, redundance, redundantly<br />

Using redundant phrases in your writing lowers its quality; don’t keep repeating yourself.<br />

17. resplendent (reh SPLEN dunt) Definitions: brilliant, shining<br />

Synonyms: sublime, superb<br />

Derivatives: resplendence, resplendency, resplendently<br />

The woman’s dress was resplendent with thousands of sequins and crystals delicately sewed in patterns.<br />

18. stasis (STAY sis) Definitions: motionlessness, stagnation<br />

Synonyms:<br />

Derivatives: stases<br />

Our decision-making process finally reached stasis, and we couldn't progress any further.<br />

19. vicarious (vie KARE ee us) Definitions: experienced through imagined participation in another's activity<br />

Synonyms:<br />

Derivatives: vicariate, vicarism, vicariously, vicariousness<br />

We couldn't go to Spain with him, but we enjoyed the trip vicariously through his letters.<br />

20. workaday (WUR kuh day) Definitions: ordinary, commonplace<br />

Synonyms:<br />

Derivatives:<br />

Workaday concerns like homework may not be exciting, but they are usually necessary.<br />

Copyright © 2008 by Sharon Serrago, Inc Page 654

<strong>Vocab</strong>ulary Study <strong>40</strong><br />

Matching Test<br />

Directions: Match the vocabulary word to its definition.<br />

Practice 1<br />

_____________1. assiduous a. a coming together<br />

_____________2. balky b. funeral hymn, lament<br />

_____________3. blighted c. boisterous merriment, mirth<br />

_____________4. concert d. destroyed or caused by decline or decay<br />

_____________5. confluence e. gap, pause, interruption in time<br />

_____________6. corpulence f. state of being very fat<br />

_____________7. dirge g. refusing to proceed in an expected direction<br />

_____________8. hiatus h. a reverential regard; respect shown by external action<br />

_____________9. hilarity i. agreement in purpose or feeling, consensus<br />

_____________10. homage<br />

j. marked by careful and unremitting attention<br />

Practice 2<br />

_____________11. interred<br />

_____________12. officious<br />

_____________13. pedestrian<br />

_____________14. plenitude<br />

_____________15. polarization<br />

_____________16. redundant<br />

_____________17. resplendent<br />

_____________18. stasis<br />

_____________19. vicarious<br />

_____________20. workaday<br />

k. repetitious, superfluous<br />

l. unimaginative, commonplace<br />

m. brilliant, shining<br />

n. ordinary, prosaic, suited for working days<br />

o. overly dutiful; insistent on providing a service<br />

p. abundance, a lot<br />

q. buried<br />

r. motionlessness, stagnation<br />

s. division into two opposite positions<br />

t. experienced through imagined participation in<br />

another's activity<br />

Copyright © 2008 by Sharon Serrago, Inc Page 655

<strong>Vocab</strong>ulary Study <strong>40</strong><br />

Sentence Completion Test<br />

Directions: Find the correct word from the box below to complete the sentences that follow.<br />

Exercise A<br />

__________________ 1.<br />

__________________ 2.<br />

__________________ 3.<br />

__________________ 4.<br />

__________________ 5.<br />

__________________ 6.<br />

__________________ 7.<br />

__________________ 8.<br />

__________________ 9.<br />

__________________ 10.<br />

assiduous balky blighted concert confluence<br />

corpulence dirge hiatus hilarity homage<br />

The couple were finally in ________, agreeing on every point of concern.<br />

The man's ill health was a direct result of his __________; being so fat was destroying him.<br />

The ________ student was able to gain the respect of her teachers through her careful and<br />

unrelenting attention to her work.<br />

The miner's shack lay at the _______ of the two rivers, the place where the rivers merged.<br />

That part of the symphony was like a ___________, as slow and mournful as a funeral hymn.<br />

The ________mule refused to follow the lead of his rider, refusing even to move.<br />

The pause in the debate was a welcomed __________, giving us the break we needed.<br />

The comedian displayed such ______ that his entire audience was boisterous with mirth and<br />

merriment.<br />

Destroyed by decay, the ____________ crops caused the ruin of the farmer.<br />

In order to show their respect, the pilgrims made the journey to the shrine to pay_______.<br />

Exercise B interred officious pedestrian plenitude polarization<br />

redundant resplendent stasis vicarious workaday<br />

__________________ 11.<br />

__________________ 12.<br />

__________________ 13.<br />

__________________ 14.<br />

__________________ 15.<br />

__________________ 16.<br />

__________________ 17.<br />

__________________ 18.<br />

_________________ 19.<br />

__________________ 20.<br />

The employee was soon bored with the _______ chores of the job; he had hope for something<br />

not so ordinary and commonplace.<br />

Don’t be so repetitious in the essay; rid it of the _________ references to your source.<br />

The king's' expensive jewels were ___________ with his body, buried in the sealed tomb.<br />

The ______ pendant was breathtaking, brilliant as it captured the light of the sun.<br />

His biggest problem will be overcoming the _______ of his crew who already have fallen<br />

into stagnation.<br />

The son's achievements afforded the father many ________ thrills as he imagined his own<br />

participation.<br />

The _____________ hostess made people uncomfortable with her obliging service.<br />

His unimaginative essay was filled with trite, _____________ phrases.<br />

The welcomed rains resulted in a period of ______________ when crops grew abundantly.<br />

The __________ of the two contestants was obvious as they spoke from two opposite<br />

positions on the issues.<br />

Copyright © 2008 by Sharon Serrago, Inc Page 657

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