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84<br />

of Tsuno-mata in form, though thinner with two divisions. "When?<br />

fresh it is dark purple, but it turns pale yellow when bleached..<br />

It is<br />

used for its mucilaginous paste.<br />



This Chapter comprises the plants yielding oil, wax, lacquer,,<br />

etc. The oil is used for food, lamps, and various industrial purposes.<br />

The wax is used to make candles and other articles. The<br />

lacquer is the necessary ingredient for lacquer work. Insect-wax.<br />

is the production of insects.<br />

308. Brassica chinensis, L,, var., Eape, Jap. Aburetna<br />

; a cultivated biennial plant of the order Cruciferoe. Late in.<br />

autumn the young plants are produced, and late in spring they<br />

shoot up flower-stalks to the height 3-4 fts., sometimes 8-9 fts.<br />

Early in summer the ripen seeds are gathered and are called rapeseeds.<br />

An oil is extracted from the seeds, and it is used for<br />

cookery, lamps, and several other purposes. The flower-buds and*<br />

leaves are eaten by boiling or preserving in salt.<br />

309. Sesamum indicum, Z., Sesamum, Jap. Gama ;<br />

an annual cultivated plant of the order Bignoniaceae. The seeds<br />

are sown late in spring, and the 4-sided stem grows<br />

3-4 fts.<br />

high,<br />

bearing at leaf-axils labiate flowers which are succeeded with long,<br />

capsules, splitting longitudinally when fully ripe. They contain a<br />

great many fine seeds. There are three varieties, black, white,<br />

and brown coloured. The latter variety is the best to take oil.<br />

The oil is principally used for dressing food. The grilled seeds<br />

are used to add to cakes, salads, etc.<br />

310. Perilla ocymoides, L., Jap. Yegoma ; an annual<br />

cultivated plant of the order Labiates. Its seeds arc sown late in<br />

spring, and its stems grow about 2 fts. high. It produces long<br />

panicles from its branches, bearing small white labiate flowers. Ire<br />

autumn the seeds ripen and are gathered to take oil. As this oil!

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