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06<br />

208. b. Debugeasia edulis, Wedd., Jap. Yanagi-ichigo ,<br />

To-ichigo, Ka?asu-yamamomo ; a deciduous shrub of the order<br />

Urticaceae, growing abundantly in warm districts. The fruits are<br />

yellow and resemble those of the straw-berry.<br />

209. Vaccinium vitis-idaea, ., Jap. Oyama-ringo,<br />

Hama-nashi; a tiny evergreen shrub growing in alpine regions,<br />

attaining a height of 6-7 inches. In the beginning of summer it<br />

blooms small white and pink shaded flowers. The berries are<br />

round and of a red colour with an aciduous taste. They are |--<br />

inch in size, and are eaten fresh or preserved in salt or sugar.<br />

210. Vaccinium OXycoccos, ., Jap. Tsuru-kokemono;<br />

a procumbent tiny evergreen plant of<br />

the order Ericaceae, growing<br />

in moist places of mountains. It has many stems which produce<br />

only one flower at each end, being succeeded with small berries<br />

which droop. Their shape and appearance resemble those of the<br />

preceding, but they are larger and more convenient for use.<br />

21O. b. Vaccinium bracteatum, Tti., Jap. SJiashambo,<br />

Wakurawa ; an evergreen shrub of the order of Ericaceae<br />

occuring wild in warm regions. In autumn it<br />

produces many<br />

small dark purple berries in panicles, and they are subaciduous in<br />

taste.<br />

21O. C. EpigSBa asiatica, Max. t<br />

Jap. Rvanashi, Sunaichigo<br />

; a small evergreen shrub of the order Ericaceae, principally<br />

found in the provinces of Yamato, Yamashiro, Settsu, and their<br />

vicinities. In spring<br />

it blooms small pink liowers in clusters and<br />

ripens large bean-sized fruits in summer. The fruits are covered<br />

with sand-like grains, and are soft, brittle, and subacid.<br />

210. d. Empetrum nigrum, Z., Jap. Gankoran ; a<br />

tiny evergreen shrub of the order Empetracese, growing<br />

wild on<br />

alpine regions. It has distinct male and female flowers on separate<br />

plants. Late in spring it blooms flowers, being succeeded with<br />

small purplish black subaciduous berries.<br />

211. Elaeagnus pungens, 77/., Jap Natsu-gumi ; a

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