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50<br />

"be preserved by drying after cutting into slices. A variety with<br />

very small aciduous fruits is called Ko-ringo,<br />

190. b. Pyrus ringo, var., Jap. Beni-ringo, Rinkin ;<br />

the trees (635) produce plenty of fruits in cold regions. The<br />

fruits are round or oval, with a diameter of about an inch. In<br />

autumn they ripen and are scarlet. Their taste is better than<br />

that of the former. They are eaten fresh and also preserved by<br />

drying.<br />

191. Pyrus chinensis, Pair, Jap. Kwarin, Karanaski;<br />

a deciduous tree of the order Rosaceae, attaining a height<br />

of 20<br />

30fts. Its bark peels down itself every year, and cloudlike<br />

variegated scars are left behind. Late in spring<br />

it<br />

produces<br />

single pink flowers with the leaves. Its fruits ripen late in<br />

autumn. They are yellow and oval with rough surfaces. They<br />

are too sour to be eaten fresh so ; they are baked or steamed.<br />

191. b. Pyrus cydonia, L. y<br />

Jap. Marumero ; a species<br />

-closely allied to the preceding, attaining a -height of 70 SOfts.,<br />

with many branches growing in clusters. The flowers are pink<br />

and about an inch in diameter. The fruits are covered with fine<br />

hair, and their surfaces are very uneven. They are about 2i<br />

inches in length, and are eaten fresh. This species thrives better<br />

in cold climates.<br />

191. C. Pyrus japonica, Th., var. genuina, Jap. Boke,<br />

Karaboke ; it<br />

produces many fruits, which resemble those of<br />

Pyrus chinensis, Pair, but smaller in shape and inferior in taste.<br />

191. d. Pyrus japonica, Th., var. pygmaea, Max., Jap.<br />

Noboke, Kusaboke, Shidomi ; this tree (633) produces many fruits<br />

which resemble those of Pyrus japonica, Th. (632). The fruits<br />

are round with uneven surfaces, and are very<br />

sour in taste.<br />

192. Photinia japonica, 77*., Jap. Biwa; an evergreen<br />

of about 20fts. In<br />

tree of the order Rosaceae, attaining a height<br />

early winter, it blooms single, white, and fragrant flowers disposed

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