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48<br />

a deciduous tree of the order Kosaceae attaining a height of<br />

about 10 fts. In spring<br />

it blooms pretty flowers of varions kinds,<br />

single or double, red or white, etc. Delicious fruits are produced<br />

from those of the single pink flowers. The fruits ripen either in<br />

summer or in autumn. The size is abont 1-2 inches. It is<br />

good<br />

to eat fresh, or preserved in sugar or salt.<br />

184. b. Amygdalus persica, Benth. et Hook., var. ,<br />

Jap.<br />

Kam-momo, Fuyu-monw ; a late ripening variety of peacli (184).<br />

The fruits are preserved till winter and even to spring.<br />

185. Amygdalus, Jap. Amende; a dwarf variety of peach<br />

(184) attaining a height<br />

of 60-70 fts. When it is about a foot<br />

high it forms a pretty looking dwarf plant with many branches<br />

covered with long narrow leaves and flowers in clusters. There<br />

are several kinds of flowers, single or double, pink, white, or variegated,<br />

etc.<br />

Its fruits are ripe<br />

in antumn.<br />

186. Amygdalus, Jap. Dsubai- momo, Tsubaki-momo ; a<br />

variety of peach (184) with red smooth delicious rouud fruits.<br />

There is one which docs not ripen to red ;<br />

it is called Aodsubai<br />

(green variety).<br />

186. b. Myrica rubra, Sieb. et Zucc.,3wp. Yama-momo;<br />

this tree yields great quantities of fruits in warm regions. They<br />

are round about the size of a thumb. When ripe they are of a<br />

dark red colour and rich in a sweet juice.<br />

with white and yellow fruits.<br />

There are the varieties<br />

187. Prunus tomentosa, Thunb., Jap. Yusura-mume ;<br />

a deciduous shrub of the order Kosaceae attaining sometimes a<br />

height of 7 8 fts, but generally smaller and slender than the<br />

preceding. In spring<br />

it<br />

produces five petaled white flowers before<br />

the leaves. In summer it bears round dark red lustrous fruits<br />

which resemble cherries.<br />

They are sweet, juicy, and delicious.<br />

188. Zizyphus VUlgaris, Lam., Jap. Natsume ; a deciduous<br />

tree of the order Ehamnaceae attaining a height of<br />

about 20fts.<br />

In the beginning of summer it blooms small yellowish<br />

green flowers on the branches. In autumn its oval or oblong

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