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Iwa-watsu<br />

220<br />

(1003), but the leaves are small, wrinkled, and attached more<br />

closely.<br />

1006. Selaginella caulescens, Spring Jap. Kata-hiba,<br />

Hime-hiba ;<br />

a perennial herb of the order Lycopodiaceae growing<br />

on trees and rocks of mountains. Its roots creep and produce<br />

stalks everywhere, dividing many branches in layers. The stalk<br />

stands obliquely to a height of 6-7 inches. This plant is covered<br />

with small leaves closely put together like scales, producing spikes<br />

of spores amidst the leaves.<br />

1007. Selaginella involvens, Spring, Jap. Iwa-kiba,<br />

; an evergreen Selaginella growing on rocks of mounains.<br />

Several plants grow together, and produce many horizontal<br />

branches, which are covered witli numerous scale-like leaves. The<br />

branches lengthen when it rains and shrivel when they face the<br />

sun. In antunin it<br />

produces fine spikes. There are many varieties<br />

planted in pots.<br />

1008. Psilotum triquetrum, Siv., Jap. Matsuba-ran,<br />

Chikii-ran ; an evergreen herb of the order LycopodiaceaB growing<br />

on rocks in shady places of mountains in warm regions. The<br />

roots creep in ground, and shoot stalks everywhere. It has a<br />

height of about 1 ft. ,<br />

and is divided into many brandies. The<br />

leaves are thin and steril. It produces yellow small spores on<br />

the branches.<br />

There are more than 100 varieties.<br />

1OO9. Polyporus niponicus, Jap. AVv///, Saiwai-take,<br />

Mannen-take ; a fungus growing on decayed roots with cloudlike<br />

variegations on the pileus attached to the stipe. In summer<br />

it<br />

grows in the form of a Japanese writing-brush and gradually<br />

expands forming the pileus. The stem and upper part of the<br />

pileus are red, purple, or yellow, with a lacquer-like lustre, and the<br />

under part of the pileus is brown and coarse. It is hard like a<br />

cork and can be preserved for a long time. It is<br />

precious as a<br />

pot- plant. Sometimes it has two lagers of the pileus or it is divided<br />

into several branches. *

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