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in the morning and fade in the oven';:-. Tii- 'lower- MI!<br />

young shoots are eaten as vegetables, being<br />

soft and s\\-<br />

955. b. HemerocaUis flava, L..i\. ])leno., Jap. Ytwkwaazv,<br />

Yabn-ki^aurJj, Oni-kisaiizu ; a double-petaled variety<br />

of tlie preceding, growing to a height of about :> fts., with large<br />

long leaves and yellowish brown ilowers. It is u>ed in the same<br />

way as the preceding.<br />

956. HemerocaUis minor, J////.. Jap.<br />

Beni-sugc ; a variety of Wasure-gusa (055), growing<br />

wild on<br />

mountains, and also much planted in gardens. In summer it<br />

grows to a height of about ~\\ Its.,<br />

and produces several yellowish<br />

dark-red ilowers at the top.<br />

957- HemerocaUis dumortieri, Morr., Jap. Ilimekivansc),<br />

Kisugc : a small variety of Wasure-gusa (U55), with<br />

golden yellow ilowers in early summer.<br />

957. b. HemerocaUis, Jap. Zenteikiua, Setteikivj, Xikko-kisuge<br />

; a species of Hernerocallis smaller than 955, but larger<br />

i'ia!! th' pr

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