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200<br />

Crowing in sandy places near sea-coasts. In late summer it bears<br />

in form.<br />

red flowers resembling Lliriigcto<br />

i<br />

886. Ipomaea bona-box, .,<br />

Jap. Tlari-asagao, C/iojiasagao<br />

; an annual climbing herb of tlie order Convolvulacete,<br />

brought from foreign lands. The vine in covered with soft pricks.<br />

Jn late summer it<br />

produces purple funnel-shaped ilowers. The<br />

receptacles of the seeds are bi and droop by their own weight.<br />

The young fruits are eaten as a vegetable.<br />

887. Pharbitis triloba, Miq., Jap. Asagao ; an annual<br />

turning herb of the order Convolvulacea3 planted in gardens. In<br />

late summer it blooms at the leaf-axils only hi early morning.<br />

The flowers and leaves are various.<br />

888. Oniphalodes krameri, Fr. et Sav., Jap. RuHso ;<br />

A perennial wild herb of the order Boraginaeea3, growing to a<br />

height of 8-9 inches. In summer it bears several blue flowers at<br />

the top of its stem. A variety with red ilowers is called Sa?igoso.<br />

Hart-so ;<br />

889. Omplialodes krameri, Fr. et Sa-c. t var., Jap.<br />

a variety of the preceding with white flowers.<br />

890. Veronica longifolia, /.., var. japonica, Max., Jap.<br />

Ruri-torano-o ; a perennial wild herb of the order Scrophulariacejo,<br />

growing to a height of 1-2 fts. Tn late summer it produces small<br />

4-petaled purplish blue flowers in panicles.<br />

891. Veronica incana, L., Jap. Tvtei-ran, Hama-torano-o<br />

; a perennial, herb of the order Scrophulariaceje growing to a<br />

height of about 2 fts. The stems and leaves are hairy. In late<br />

summer it bears small pinkisu purple flowers in panicles.<br />

892- Veronica oncei, Fr. et Sav. y Jap. Hlyokuso ; :i<br />

perennial wild herb of the order ScrophulariaceaB, growing to a<br />

height of about 1 ft. It produces 2 branches at each leaf-axil.<br />

In summer it bears purple ilowers in panicles.<br />

893. Veronica sibirica, /. ; Jap. Kukaiso ; n perennial

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