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199<br />

878. Vinca rosea, L. ,<br />

Jap. XichinichisQ, Nichinichikiva ;<br />

an annual herb of the order Apoc3 r nacea3 brought formerly from<br />

foreign countries, growing to a height of about \ It. In late<br />

summer it blooms every clay. The flowers are pinkish purple<br />

or<br />

white.<br />

879. Gentiana scabra, ]>nngc<br />

t var. Buergeri, Max., Jap.<br />

Rind) Sasa-rindo ; a perennial wild herb of the order Gentianacea:-,<br />

growing to a height of 1-2 fts. In late autumn it bears<br />

blue flowers in clusters. The bitter roots are used for medicine.<br />

880. Gentiana squarrosa, Ledcb., Jap. Koke-rindQ,<br />

1 [aru-rindo ; an annual wild herb of the order Gentianaceae,<br />

growing to a height of 4-5 inches. In spring it produces purplish<br />

ln.wn flowers. A variety called Fude-sQ is large in form.<br />

881. Crawfurdia japonica, 5. et Z., Jap. Tsuru-rindo ;<br />

a perennial herb of the order GentianaceaB growing in shady places<br />

var. integrifolia, Fr. et<br />

Sav.y Jap. QMrugao; a<br />

pretty flowers.<br />

large variety of the preceding, with large<br />

885. Calystegia soldanella, A'. Br., Jap. Ilama-hinigao,<br />

Aoi-kadsura ; a perennial creeper of the order Convolvulacea?<br />


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