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191<br />

growing to a height of 3-4 fts. In late summer it produces<br />

beautitul yellow flowers in an umbel at the top of the stem.<br />

829. Scabiosa japonica, Miq., Jap. Matsumushiso,<br />

Rimbv-gikn ; a wild biennial plant of the order Dipsaceae, growing<br />

to a height of 2-3 fts. In autumn it shoots forth peduncles<br />

with small purple flowers in a composite form. Its young leaves<br />

are edible.<br />

830. Eupatorium Chinense, Miq.> Jap.' Fuji-bakama ;<br />

a wild perennial herb of the order Compositae, growing to a height<br />

of 3-4 fts. Late in autumn, it bears fragrant purple<br />

the top.<br />

flowers at<br />

831. Aster triuervius, Roxb., var. congesta, Fr. et Sav.,<br />

Jap. Kon-giku ; a wild perennial herb of the order Compositae<br />

closely allied to Aster cantoniensis (65). It grows to a height of<br />

about 1 ft., and in late autumn it bears deep purple flowers.<br />

832. Aster spathulifbiius, Max., Jap. Darwna-giku,<br />

SJiinano-giku ; a garden perennial herb of the order Compositae,<br />

growing to a height of about 1 ft. Its leaves are covered with<br />

fine hair. In autumn it<br />

produces several purplish pink flowers<br />

at the top.<br />

833. Aster tataricus, L. ,<br />

Jap. Shion / a garden perennial<br />

herb of the order Compositae, growing straight 5-6 fts. high.<br />

In late autumn it bears purplish flowers. There is a dwarf variety,<br />

being about 1 ft.<br />

high.<br />

834. Aster cantoniensis, DC., var., Jap. No-skungiku,<br />

Skungiku ; a garden perennial herb of the order Compositae, growing<br />

to a height of about 1 From ft. early summer to autumn it<br />

bears reddish purple flowers. There is also a variety with white<br />

flowers.<br />

835. SolidagO Virga-aurea, L., Jap. Akino-kirinso,<br />

Awadachisv ; a perennial wild herb of the order Compositae,<br />

growing to a height of 1-2 fts. In late autumn it bears 5 petaled

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