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shady places as bushes and bamboo woods. It is sown in spring,<br />

growing to a height of about a foot in summer. Its flowers resemble<br />

the preceding, being single and light reddish purple.<br />

778. Impatiens nolitangera, Max., Jap. Kitsurifuneso<br />

; an annual herb of the order Balsaminaceae growing in shady<br />

places of mountains. It grows from the seed sown in spring, and<br />

attains to a height of about 2 fts. in summer. It resembles the<br />

preceding in form, but the flowers are yellow.<br />

779. Oxalis obtriangulata, Max., Jap. Yeizan-katabami,<br />

Miyama-katabami ; a perennial herb of the order Oxalidaceae<br />

growing in shady places of mountains. Its<br />

peduncles shoot<br />

up in late spring, opening white flowers with pink veins and light<br />

red lines.<br />

780. Boenninghausenia albiflora, Reich., Jap. Matsukajesv,<br />

Matsugaye-ruda ; a perennial herb of the order Eutaceae<br />

growing in mountains. In summer it grows to a height<br />

fts., and produces many small yellowish white flowers.<br />

of 1-2<br />

781. Dictamnus albus, L., Jap. Hakusen ; a small shrub<br />

of the order Kutaceae planted in gardens. In summer the stems<br />

grow to a height of 2-3 fts. Its flowers in panicles are white<br />

shaded with purple. The seeds resemble those of Fceniculuui<br />

vulgare.<br />

782. Thermopsis fabacea, DC., Jap. Sendai-hagi; a<br />

perennial herb of the order Leguminoceafi growing principally in<br />

the district of Sendai, whence its Japanese name is derived. It<br />

attains to a height of about 1 ft. It produces yellow papilioflowers<br />

in panicles and flat pods.<br />

783. Crotalaria sessiliflora, L., Jap. Tanuki-mame ;<br />

an annual wild herb of the order Leguminocese. It grows from<br />

the seed in spring, and in summer it attains to a height of about<br />

1 ft. It produces purple papilio-flowers, being succeeded with<br />

hairy pods.

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