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178<br />

745. AceranthUS diphyllus, Morr. et Deene., Japi<br />

Baikwa-ikarisf* ; a perennial wild herb of the order Berberidese.<br />

In late spring, it shoots forth its stalks and yields flowers arranged<br />

in panicles. The flowers are pinkish white, and some-what resemble<br />

plum flowers in shape, whence the Japanese name.<br />

746. Epimedium violaceum, Morr. et Dec., Jap.<br />

Tkariso ; a perennial wild herb of the order Berberidea3. In<br />

spring it produces branched stalks bearing white or reddish purple<br />

anchor-shaped flowers.<br />

747. Nandina domestica, Th., Jap. Nanten ; an evergreen<br />

shrub of the order Berberideae growing wild in southern<br />

provinces. Generally the stem grows to a height of 4-5 fts., but<br />

it sometimes attains to 10 fts. It produces small white flowers<br />

disposed in panicles being followed with round red or white<br />

berries.<br />

748. Nandina domestica, Th., var., Jap. Kinshinanten<br />

; a dwarf variety of the preceding, growing to a height of<br />

6-12 inches. The branches and leaves are very fine. There are<br />

many varieties.<br />

749. Nelumbo nucifera, Gartn., Jap. Hasu / a perennial<br />

herb of the order NymphasaceaB. Its roots and seeds are<br />

edible as described in 125 and 228. In summer it<br />

produces long<br />

peduncles above water-surface, bearing flowers on the tops. The<br />

flowers are of several sizes and colours, as white, pink, etc. As<br />

the flowers are very pretty, it is planted in ponds or basins.<br />

750. Nelumbo nucifera, Gcertn., var,, Jap. Ckawanbasu<br />

; a dwarf variety of the preceding, blooming well in small<br />

basins.<br />

751. Nymphsea telragona, BemerL, Jap. Hitsuji-kusa ;<br />

a perennial herb of the order Nymphaeaceas growing in marshes<br />

and ponds. Its leaves float on the surface of water. In middle<br />

summer it<br />

produces double white flowers which open afternoon.

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