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167<br />

677. c. Rhododendron indicum, Sweet, var. macrantlium,<br />

Max., Jap. Satsuki-tsutsuji ; it<br />

grows to a height<br />

of 3-4<br />

fts. Its flowers are a little larger than the preceding. The flowers<br />

are generally red or purple,<br />

open in May.<br />

but sometimes white. The flowers<br />

677. d. Rhododendron sablaneeolatum, Miq., Jap.<br />

Riukiu-tsutsuji ; it resembles the preceding in form, but larger.<br />

The flowers are white, and sometimes light purple.<br />

678. Ligustrum ciliatum, Sieb., Jap. Iwaki ; a garden<br />

shrub uf the order Oleacea? attaining to a height of 5-6 fts In<br />

early summer, it bears many small white flowers disposed in<br />

panicles, being succeeded with round dark purple berries.<br />

679. Daphniphyllum macropodum, Miq., Jap. F-<br />

dsuriha ; a mountain tree of the order Euphorbiaceae attaining to<br />

a height of about 10 fts. It is a diaecious plant, and in early<br />

summer small yellowish green flowers appear stalks produced at<br />

the centre of the leaves, being<br />

fruits.<br />

new year's days.<br />

followed with small oval black<br />

The leaves are used for a congraturating decoration on the<br />

680. Picus pyrifolia, Pair., Jap. Inu-biiva, Ko-ichijiku ;<br />

a wild tree of the order UrticaceiB, growing on sea-shores of warm<br />

regions, attaining to a height of about 10 fts. In late summer, it<br />

gives round fruits about the size of a thumb. When fully ripe,<br />

the fruits are dark purple, and edible. The bark is used for paper<br />

manufacture. The variety drawn in this book is the evergreen<br />

kind of Bonin Island.<br />

^<br />

681. Quercus sessilifolia, Bl., Jap. Tsukubane-gashi /<br />

a mountain tree of the order Amentaceae attaining to a height of<br />

about 30 fts. It resembles Quercus acuta (564), but its leaves<br />

shoot forth straightly in clusters.<br />

682. Quercus phyllireoides, A. Gray, var., Jap. Chi.<br />

rimen-gaslii , BiwayQ-gaski ; a variety of Ubame-gashi (566), but<br />

its leaves are wrinkled.

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