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159<br />

Itsuki ; a mountain-tree of the order Cornaceae attaining to a<br />

of about 10 fts. In summer it bears flowers in clusters in<br />

height<br />

the form of a small ball, at which centre are four large white<br />

sepals looking like petals. The ball produces a red pulp which is<br />

edible and delicious.<br />

646. Lonicera xylosteum, L., Jap. Hydtan-no-ki,<br />

Kingin-boku ; a mountain-shrub of the order Loniceracea3 attaining<br />

to a height of 5-6 fts. It blooms in early summer. The<br />

flowers are white at first, but turn yellow afterwards. The fruits<br />

have the form of gourd?.<br />

but not edible.<br />

They are red when ripe,<br />

647. Diervilla grandiflora, S. et Z., Jap. Hakoneiitsugi,<br />

Nana-boke ; a mountain-shrub of the order Gaprifoliacese<br />

found much on the mountains of Hakone, whence the name. In<br />

summer it<br />

produces many flowers in clustered panicles on the<br />

branches. They are white in the beginning, but turn pink and<br />

then red.<br />

648. Ehretia macrophylla, Wall., Jap. Mitsunagashiwa,<br />

Maruba-chisha, Tosa-giri ; a mountain-tree of the<br />

order Boraginacea3 found in warm regions, attaining to a height of<br />

20-30 fts. In summer it<br />

opens small yellowish white flowers in<br />

an umbel, being succeeded with bean-sized round fruits which are<br />

black when ripe. The leaves are thick and rough, being used for<br />

polishing purposes.<br />

649. Styrax Obassia, S. et Z., Jap. Hakuun-bokti, Obajisha<br />

; a mountain-tree of the order Styracaceae attaining to a<br />

height of 20-30 fts. In summer it bears white flowers in panicles,<br />

being succeeded with drooping fruits, which give an oil.<br />

650. Enkyanthus japonicus, Hook, Jap. DMan,<br />

Dvdan-tsutsuji ; a mountain-shrub of the order Ericaceae attaining<br />

to a height of 7-8 fts. In spring it produces white bellshaped<br />

small flowers drooping with long peduncles, and in late<br />

autumn its leaves turn red and arc very beautiful.

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