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43. Vicia faba, L. y<br />

Jap. Sora-mame ; a biennial leguminous<br />

plant growing to the height of about 2fts. The beans are<br />

eaten boiled or parched or used for making miso and slnyTi (soy).<br />

43. b. Vicia faba, L., var., Jap. Otafuku-soramame ; a<br />

kind of the preceding with flatter and larger beans and of a better<br />

ones which are soft and delicious.<br />

taste, especially of the young<br />

44. Canavalia incurva, D.C., Jap. Tatewaki, Nataviaine<br />

; an annual leguminous climber in two varieties, one with<br />

white and the other, purplish beans. The young pods of the<br />

former are preserved in salt, and the latter is eaten fresh and<br />

boiled.<br />

45. Mucuna capitata, Wigt. et Am., Jap. OsJiaraku-mame><br />

Hassho-mame ; an annual leguminous climber cultivated in common<br />

dry land. The young soft grains are eaten boiled and have a<br />

taste of Vicia faba, Z,., but this bean contains a poisonous ingredient<br />

in a slight quantity ;<br />

so it is advisable to eat moderately.<br />

46. AracMs hypogaea, L., Pea-nut, Jap. Tojinmame,<br />

Nankin-mame ; an annual leguminous plant cultivated in<br />

common dry land. It puts forth numerous stems in all directions<br />

under ground, and they bear nuts. They are eaten parched<br />

or used in confectionary or to extract<br />

A oil.<br />

variety with larger nuts about 3 times bigger was introduced<br />

from America in 1873.<br />

47. Fagopyrum esculentum , Mocnch,<br />

Buck- wheat,<br />

Jap. Soba ; an annual cultivated plant of the order Polygonaceae<br />

found in several varieties. It grows to a height of about<br />

2fts. The flour of book-wheat is used for making Soba-neri<br />

(flour kneaded with hot water to a dough) or Soba-kiri (macaroni<br />

form), or made into Kori-soba-kiri (Soba frozen and dried) and<br />

Hoshi-soba-kiri (dried soba). The grains steamed and dried are<br />

eaten boiled or made into bread or Manju (a small cake). Its<br />

young leaves are eaten as a vegetable, and its stalks are used<br />

to feed cattle.

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