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134<br />

538. Evodia glauca, Miq., Jap. Kihada; a deciduous<br />

tree of the order Zanthoxylaceae growing<br />

in mountains 80-40<br />

fts. high. It is a diaecious plant. In summer it yields fine<br />

yellow flowers, being succeeded with round black fruits, which are<br />

called Shiko-no-hei and used as medicine. The bark is used as a<br />

yellow dye and also for medicine. The wood is hard and used to<br />

make boxes and many other furnitures.<br />

539. Evonymus europsenus, var. hamilitonianus, Jap.<br />

Yama-nisldkigi ; a deciduous shrub of the order Celastraceae<br />

growing wild to a height of about 10 fts. Its light green flowers<br />

open at the same time with its leaves. When the fruits are ripe,<br />

their outer skins burst and expose red seeds. As the wood is pale<br />

yellow and fine grained it is used for making combs, ax-handles,<br />

other articles. It is also used by turners.<br />

and many<br />

540. Hovenia dulcis, Th. t Jap. Kenpo-nashi ; a<br />

deciduous tree of the order Khamnaceae growing wild to a height<br />

of several fts. In summer it<br />

yields small white flowers, and<br />

produces small fruits. The peduncles are delicious when they<br />

become fleshy and turn purple brown. The wood is hard, and<br />

especially when old it is very pretty. It is used to make tables,<br />

boxes, and other articles of furniture.<br />

541. Sophora japonica, Z,., Jap. Yenju ; a deciduous<br />

tree of the order Leguminocese planted in gardens, growing to a<br />

height of 20-30 fts. In summer it bears pale yellow papilionaceous<br />

flowers, being succeeded with pods containing many seeds.<br />

The wood<br />

The pod<br />

is contricted between the seeds like a rosary.<br />

is fine grained and hard, being used for many purposes. Imiyenju<br />

(Cladrastis amurensis) grows wild, and its wood is<br />

employed<br />

it is also called<br />

by turners. As the wood is black at its centre,<br />

Kuro-yenju (black sophora).<br />

542. Prunus pseud-cerasus, Lindl., Jap. Sakura; a<br />

deciduous tree of the order Rosaceae growing wild in mountains,<br />

being called Yama-zakura (mountain-cherry). The one pi tared<br />

in this book is called Some-yoshino. It attains to a height of

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