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132<br />

shady places in the beginning of winter. It resembles very much<br />

Shimeji (142) in shape and colour, but about twice in height.<br />

531. Jap. Hotaru-take ', Tsukiyo-take ; a terrestial fungus<br />

produced under grasses in plains.<br />

It resembles Shimeji (142) in<br />

shape. In night this fungus gives a phosphoric light, whence the<br />

Japanese name is derived. There are several sorts with the same<br />

quality and name.<br />

532. Jap. Momiji-take, Warat- take ; a parasitic fungus<br />

growing on maple trees, resembling Matsu-take (mush-room) in<br />

shape. If a man eats this fungus, he will be poisoned and wil<br />

laugh, whence the name is derived.<br />



This Chapter contains timbers and bamboos, the stems of<br />

which are used for various purposes, as the buildings of palaces,<br />

houses, bridges, ships, railways, telegraplis.etc. Though they are<br />

different in qualities, as hard or soft, and flexible or brittle, yet all<br />

of them have their respective uses.<br />

They<br />

are also used as fuel.<br />

533. Magnolia hypoleuea, S. et Z., Jap. Ho-no-ki; a<br />

deciduous -tree of the order Magnoliacea? growing wild in<br />

mountains, attaining to a height of 40-50 fts. After the leaves<br />

shoot forth, it<br />

opens pale yellow flowers, which odour is too<br />

strong.<br />

The fruits are oval-shaped, and expose many red berries.<br />

The wood is yellowish or greenish, and is<br />

very fine in structure,<br />

being suitable to make tailor's tables, stamp-blocks, and many<br />

other things. The charcoal prepared from this wood is much<br />

prized by lacquer- makers and gold-smiths for polishing.<br />

534. Cercidiphyllum japonicum, S. et Z., Jap.<br />

Katsura ; a deciduous tree of the order Magnoliacead growing in<br />

mountains 40-50 fts. high. The two sexes of flowers grow<br />

separately on different plants. In spring,<br />

it<br />

produces pink

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