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with the name Haje-morokoshi to make haje (parched grain<br />

in a bursting state).<br />

20. COJX lachryma, L. Job's tear, Jap. Tomugi,<br />

Hatomugi ; an annual cereal grass cultivated in common dry land.<br />

The stalks grow to a height of 4-5 fts. The grain pounded<br />

in a morter and cleaned is consumed as meal and michi. An<br />

infusion of the parched and ground grains is used instead of<br />

tea, and is called Koscn.<br />

A chinese variety of larger grains grayish brown in colour<br />

with thinner shells is more easily crushed and cleaned.<br />

2O. b CoJX agrestJS,<br />

'four. Ja p. Judsii-dama ; a species<br />

of the preceding. The shells being much harder are used<br />

to make budhist rosaries. It is also consumed in the sam.3<br />

way as the former. There is one another variety with the name of<br />

Ojiuisudama which is and rounder.<br />

the<br />

larger<br />

20. C. Seeds of Bamboo, Jap. Jinengj / the sseds o<br />

Bambusa s^nanensis and Sudsutake and few other kinds are<br />

used as food in the shape of flour. The seed resembles the wheat<br />

in<br />

form.<br />

21. Glysine hispida, Moench, Black soy-bean, Jap.<br />

Kuro-mame ; an annual leguminous plant cultivated in ordinary<br />

dry laud. The stalk grows to a height of about 2 fts. The<br />

beans have black skin. They are eaten either boiled or parched<br />

and also used to make miso (a kind of sauce with solid consistency),<br />

cakes, and natto (a cooked bsans eaten as relish to ric?).<br />

22. Glycine hispida, Moench, White soy bean, Jap.<br />

Shiro-mame ; a variety of the former (2 1 ), bearing a<br />

yellowish<br />

white skin of its bean. Numerous varieties as to<br />

six-:-, form, or duration of growth occur ,<br />

and all are eaten either<br />

boiled or parched. Many important services are due to this bean.<br />

They are used to make malt, miso (a kind of sauca), s/ioyu (bean<br />

sauce'), and yuba (a kind of food). The mamenokj (bean flour)<br />

is made of the beans and is eaten with dangz, etc. It yields ^

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