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102<br />

373. Mercurialis leiocarpa, S. et Z., Jap. Yama-ai ;<br />

an evergreen herbaceous plant of the order Euphorbiaceae growing<br />

wild in shady places 1-2 fts. high. In summer it bears yellowish<br />

green flowers of the two sexes on the separate plant or on the<br />

same plant. In former times the juice of this plant was used to<br />

print on clothes in blue colour, but this plant does not contain<br />

enough the colouring matter to make indigo balls.<br />

373. b. Justicia, Jap. Riukiu-ai ; an evergreen herb of<br />

the order Acanthacese produced in Riukiu islands. Several stems<br />

grow in group from one root, attaining to a height of 1 or 2 fts.<br />

The leaves are oblong oval and of a bright dark green colour. It<br />

bears flowers very rarely. In Riukiu it is cut several times in a<br />

year and made into indigo. As this plant contains a great quantity<br />

of good indigo, it is now cultivated also in the southern countries.<br />

374. Myrica rubra, S. et Z., Jap. Yama-momo ; an<br />

evergreen tree of the order Amentaceas growing wild in warm<br />

regions, attaining to a height<br />

of 10-20 fts. It is a diaecious<br />

plant. In spring, the male flowers appear in the form of aments,<br />

and the female in short spikes. The fruits are of a purplish red<br />

colour with an agreeable sweet taste. There is a variety which<br />

produces white fruits. The bark which has the name of Momokawa<br />

or SJiibuki contains much tannin and is used for a<br />

brown dye.<br />

374. b. Machilus thunbergii, S. et Z, Jap. Tamakusu,<br />

Yama-kiisu, Madami ; the bark of this plant (553. b.)<br />

serves as a brown dye in<br />

Hac/iijo-jima.<br />

374. c. Ternstroemia japonica, T/i,, Jap. Mokkoku /<br />

the bark of this plant (661) is used as a brown dye<br />

for clothes in<br />

the Islands of Hachijo, Miyake and Mikura.<br />

374. d. RhapMolepis japonica, S. et Z., Jap. Hamaniokkoku,<br />

Hebaru-no-ki [Satmina), Tekachigi (Loochoo), Saema<br />

(HachiJQ-jima] ; the bark of this plant (671) is used for dying<br />

dark brown. In the islands of Okinawa, Oshima and Hachijo,<br />

it is<br />

used to dye Tsumugi and other clothes.

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